Exemplo n.º 1

    Returns a PEM key formatted as DER.
QByteArray QSslKeyPrivate::derFromPem(const QByteArray &pem, QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> *headers) const
    const QByteArray header = pemHeader();
    const QByteArray footer = pemFooter();

    QByteArray der(pem);

    const int headerIndex = der.indexOf(header);
    const int footerIndex = der.indexOf(footer);
    if (headerIndex == -1 || footerIndex == -1)
        return QByteArray();

    der = der.mid(headerIndex + header.size(), footerIndex - (headerIndex + header.size()));

    if (der.contains("Proc-Type:")) {
        // taken from QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::parseHeader
        const QByteArrayMatcher lf("\n");
        const QByteArrayMatcher colon(":");
        int i = 0;
        while (i < der.count()) {
            int j = colon.indexIn(der, i); // field-name
            if (j == -1)
            const QByteArray field = der.mid(i, j - i).trimmed();
            // any number of LWS is allowed before and after the value
            QByteArray value;
            do {
                i = lf.indexIn(der, j);
                if (i == -1)
                if (!value.isEmpty())
                    value += ' ';
                // check if we have CRLF or only LF
                bool hasCR = (i && der[i-1] == '\r');
                int length = i -(hasCR ? 1: 0) - j;
                value += der.mid(j, length).trimmed();
                j = ++i;
            } while (i < der.count() && (der.at(i) == ' ' || der.at(i) == '\t'));
            if (i == -1)
                break; // something is wrong

            headers->insert(field, value);
        der = der.mid(i);

    return QByteArray::fromBase64(der); // ignores newlines
void tst_QByteArrayMatcher::indexIn()
    const char p_data[] = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x1 };
    QByteArray pattern(p_data, sizeof(p_data));

    QByteArray haystack(8, '\0');
    haystack[7] = 0x1;

    matcher = QByteArrayMatcher(pattern);
    QCOMPARE(matcher.indexIn(haystack, 0), 5);
    QCOMPARE(matcher.indexIn(haystack, 1), 5);
    QCOMPARE(matcher.indexIn(haystack, 2), 5);

    QCOMPARE(matcher.indexIn(haystack, 0), 5);
    QCOMPARE(matcher.indexIn(haystack, 1), 5);
    QCOMPARE(matcher.indexIn(haystack, 2), 5);
QByteArrayMatcher FgXmlProtocol::setSep (const QString& what) {
  QByteArrayMatcher matcher;
  if (what==ProtXmlDef::SepNewlineRep) 
  else if (what==ProtXmlDef::SepTabRep) 
  else if (what==ProtXmlDef::SepSpaceRep)
    matcher.setPattern(QString(' ').toAscii());
  else if (what==ProtXmlDef::SepFormfeedRep)
  else if (what==ProtXmlDef::SepCarriagereturnRep)
  else if (what==ProtXmlDef::SepVerticaltabRep)
  else matcher.setPattern(what.toAscii());
  return matcher;
void tst_QByteArrayMatcher::interface()
    const char needle[] = "abc123";
    QByteArray haystack(500, 'a');
    haystack.insert(6, "123");
    haystack.insert(31, "abc");
    haystack.insert(42, "abc123");
    haystack.insert(84, "abc123");

    matcher1 = QByteArrayMatcher(QByteArray(needle));
    QByteArrayMatcher matcher2;

    QByteArrayMatcher matcher3 = QByteArrayMatcher(QByteArray(needle));
    QByteArrayMatcher matcher4(needle, sizeof(needle) - 1);
    QByteArrayMatcher matcher5(matcher2);
    QByteArrayMatcher matcher6;
    matcher6 = matcher3;

    QCOMPARE(matcher1.indexIn(haystack), 42);
    QCOMPARE(matcher2.indexIn(haystack), 42);
    QCOMPARE(matcher3.indexIn(haystack), 42);
    QCOMPARE(matcher4.indexIn(haystack), 42);
    QCOMPARE(matcher5.indexIn(haystack), 42);
    QCOMPARE(matcher6.indexIn(haystack), 42);

    QCOMPARE(matcher1.indexIn(haystack.constData(), haystack.length()), 42);

    QCOMPARE(matcher1.indexIn(haystack, 43), 84);
    QCOMPARE(matcher1.indexIn(haystack.constData(), haystack.length(), 43), 84);
    QCOMPARE(matcher1.indexIn(haystack, 85), -1);
    QCOMPARE(matcher1.indexIn(haystack.constData(), haystack.length(), 85), -1);

    QByteArrayMatcher matcher7(QByteArray("123"));
    QCOMPARE(matcher7.indexIn(haystack), 6);

    matcher7 = QByteArrayMatcher(QByteArray("abc"));
    QCOMPARE(matcher7.indexIn(haystack), 31);

    QCOMPARE(matcher7.indexIn(haystack), 42);