Exemplo n.º 1
static QColor StatusToColor(TorrentStatus s,const QColorGroup & cg)
	QColor green(40,205,40);
	QColor yellow(255,174,0);
	switch (s)
		case kt::SEEDING :
		case kt::DOWNLOADING:
			return green;
		case kt::STALLED:
		case kt::CHECKING_DATA:
			return yellow;
		case kt::ERROR :
			return Qt::red;
		case kt::NOT_STARTED :
		case kt::STOPPED:
		case kt::QUEUED:
			return cg.text();
	return cg.text();
Exemplo n.º 2
void UserViewItemBase::paintCell(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int, int width, int)
    UserListBase *view = static_cast<UserListBase*>(listView());
    width = view->width() - 4;
    QScrollBar *vBar = view->verticalScrollBar();
    if (vBar->isVisible())
        width -= vBar->width();
    if (width < 1)
        width = 1;
    QPixmap bg(width, height());
    QPainter pp(&bg);
    int margin = 0;
    if (isSelected() && view->hasFocus() && CorePlugin::m_plugin->getUseDblClick()){
        pp.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, width, height()), cg.highlight());
        pp.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, width, height()), cg.base());
        PaintView pv;
        pv.p        = &pp;
        pv.pos      = view->viewport()->mapToParent(view->itemRect(this).topLeft());
        pv.size		= QSize(width, height());
        pv.win      = view;
        pv.isStatic = false;
        pv.height   = height();
        pv.margin   = 0;
        if (CorePlugin::m_plugin->getUseSysColors()){
        Event e(EventPaintView, &pv);
        margin = pv.margin;
    view->drawItem(this, &pp, cg, width, margin);
    if (view->m_pressedItem == this){
        p->drawPixmap(QPoint(1, 1), bg);
        if (CorePlugin::m_plugin->getUseSysColors()){
        p->moveTo(0, 0);
        p->lineTo(width - 1, 0);
        p->lineTo(width - 1, height() - 1);
        p->lineTo(0, height() - 1);
        p->lineTo(0, 0);
        p->moveTo(width - 2, 1);
        p->lineTo(1, 1);
        p->lineTo(1, height() - 2);
        p->drawPixmap(QPoint(0, 0), bg);
Exemplo n.º 3
        map["black"] = "#000000";
        map["green"] = "#008000";
        map["silver"] = "#c0c0c0";
        map["lime"] = "#00ff00";
        map["gray"] = "#808080";
        map["olive"] = "#808000";
        map["white"] = "#ffffff";
        map["yellow"] = "#ffff00";
        map["maroon"] = "#800000";
        map["navy"] = "#000080";
        map["red"] = "#ff0000";
        map["blue"] = "#0000ff";
        map["purple"] = "#800080";
        map["teal"] = "#008080";
        map["fuchsia"] = "#ff00ff";
        map["aqua"] = "#00ffff";
	map["crimson"] = "#dc143c";
	map["indigo"] = "#4b0082";
#ifdef __BEOS__
	printf( "Warning: HTMLColors::HTMLColors() not initiating all colors\n" );
        // ### react to style changes
        // see http://www.richinstyle.com for details
        QColorGroup cg = kapp->palette().active();
        map["activeborder"] = cg.light(); // bordercolor of an active window
        map["activecaption"] = cg.text(); // caption color of an active window
        map["appworkspace"] = cg.background(); // background color of an MDI interface
        map["highlight"] = cg.highlight();
        map["highlighttext"] = cg.highlightedText();
        cg = kapp->palette().inactive();
        map["background"] = cg.background(); // desktop background color
        map["buttonface"] = cg.button(); // Button background color
        map["buttonhighlight"] =  cg.light();
        map["buttonshadow"] = cg.shadow();
        map["buttontext"] = cg.buttonText();
        map["captiontext"] = cg.text();
        map["infobackground"] = QToolTip::palette().inactive().background();
        map["menu"] = cg.background();
        map["menutext"] = cg.foreground();
        map["scrollbar"] = cg.background();
        map["threeddarkshadow"] = cg.dark();
        map["threedface"] = cg.button();
        map["threedhighlight"] = cg.light();
        map["threedlightshadow"] = cg.midlight();
        map["window"] = cg.background();
        map["windowframe"] = cg.background();
        map["text"] = cg.text();
        cg = kapp->palette().disabled();
        map["inactiveborder"] = cg.background();
        map["inactivecaption"] = cg.background();
        map["inactivecaptiontext"] = cg.text();
        map["graytext"] = cg.text();
Exemplo n.º 4
void TaskMenuItem::paint(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg,
                         bool highlighted, bool /*enabled*/,
                         int x, int y, int w, int h )
    if (m_isActive)
        QFont font = p->font();

    if (highlighted)
    else if (m_isMinimized)
        p->setPen(QPen(KickerLib::blendColors(cg.background(), cg.text())));
    else if (m_demandsAttention && !m_attentionState)

    p->drawText(x, y, w, h, AlignAuto|AlignVCenter|DontClip|ShowPrefix, m_text);
void TeQtBigTable::paintCell(QPainter *painter, int row, int col,
                          const QRect &cr, bool selected, const QColorGroup &cg)
	QRect rect(0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height());
	if (selected)
		painter->fillRect(rect, cg.highlight());
		painter->fillRect(rect, cg.base());

	QTable::paintCell(painter, row, col, cr, selected, cg);

	QVariant v(dataSource_->cell(row, col));
	if (v.type() == QVariant::Pixmap)
		QPixmap p = v.toPixmap();
		painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, p);
	else if (v.type() == QVariant::String || v.type() == QVariant::CString)
		QString qs = v.toString();
		bool ok;
		if (ok)
			painter->drawText(0, 0, cr.width()-10, cr.height(), Qt::AlignRight | Qt::SingleLine, v.toString());
			painter->drawText(0, 0, cr.width()-10, cr.height(), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::SingleLine, v.toString());

	void KviVariantTableItem::paint(QPainter *p,const QColorGroup &cg,const QRect &cr,bool)

		if(m_property.type() == QVariant::Color)
			p->fillRect(3,3,cr.width() - 6,cr.height() - 6,m_property.asColor());
		} else {
			QString sz;
				case QVariant::String:
					sz = m_property.toString();
				case QVariant::Bool:
					sz = m_property.toBool() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
				case QVariant::Font:
					sz.prepend(", ");
				case QVariant::Int:
				case QVariant::UInt:
			p->drawText(0,0,cr.width(),cr.height(),Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop,sz);
Exemplo n.º 7
void FancyItem::paintCell(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int c, int w, int)
	int h = height();
	QFontMetrics fm(p->font());
		p->fillRect(0, 0, w, h-1, cg.highlight());
		p->fillRect(0, 0, w, h, cg.base());

	int x = 0;
	const QPixmap *pix = pixmap(c);
	if(pix) {
		p->drawPixmap(4, (h - pix->height()) / 2, *pix);
		x += pix->width();
		x += 16;
	x += 8;
	int y = ((h - fm.height()) / 2) + fm.ascent();
	p->setPen(isSelected() ? cg.highlightedText() : cg.text());
	p->drawText(x, y, text(c));

	p->setPen(QPen(QColor(0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE0), 0, Qt::DotLine));
	p->drawLine(0, h-1, w-1, h-1);
Exemplo n.º 8
  virtual void paintCell( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg,
			  int column, int width, int alignment )
    bool updates_enabled = listView()->isUpdatesEnabled();

    QColor c = cg.text();
    bool text_changed = false;
    QString oldText;

    if (_new) {
      c = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Text );

      if (!clickToAdd) clickToAdd = new QString(i18n("<Click to add>"));
      oldText = text(column);
      text_changed = true;
      if (column == 0) setText(0, *clickToAdd); else setText(1, QString());

    QColorGroup _cg( cg );
    _cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, c );
    super::paintCell( p, _cg, column, width, alignment );

    if (text_changed) setText(column, oldText);
Exemplo n.º 9
void KstMatrixTable::paintCell( QPainter* painter, int row, int col, const QRect& cr, bool selected, const QColorGroup& cg ) {
  KstMatrixList matrices = KST::matrixList;
  KstMatrixPtr matrix = *matrices.findTag(_strMatrix);
  QString str;
  double value;
  painter->eraseRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height() );
  if (selected) {
    painter->fillRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height(), cg.highlight() );
  } else {
    painter->fillRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height(), cg.base() );

  if (matrix) {
    bool ok;
    value = matrix->valueRaw(col, row, &ok);
    if (ok) {
      str.setNum(value, 'g', 16);

  painter->drawText(0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height(), AlignLeft, str);
Exemplo n.º 10
 * @internal
 * This paints the item
void OCheckItem::paint( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, const QRect &cr,
		       bool )
    p->fillRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height(), cg.brush( QColorGroup::Base ) );

    int marg = ( cr.width() - BoxSize ) / 2;
    int x = 0;
    int y = ( cr.height() - BoxSize ) / 2;
    p->setPen( QPen( cg.text() ) );
    p->drawRect( x + marg, y, BoxSize, BoxSize );
    p->drawRect( x + marg+1, y+1, BoxSize-2, BoxSize-2 );
    p->setPen( darkGreen );
    x += 1;
    y += 1;
    if ( m_checked ) {
	QPointArray a( 7*2 );
	int i, xx, yy;
	xx = x+1+marg;
	yy = y+2;
	for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
	    a.setPoint( 2*i,   xx, yy );
	    a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 );
	    xx++; yy++;
	yy -= 2;
	for ( i=3; i<7; i++ ) {
	    a.setPoint( 2*i,   xx, yy );
	    a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 );
	    xx++; yy--;
	p->drawLineSegments( a );
Exemplo n.º 11
void FreshStyle::drawExclusiveIndicator ( QPainter * p, int x, int y, int w,
	int h, const QColorGroup &cg, bool on, bool down, bool enabled )
    static const QCOORD pts1[] = {              // dark lines
	1,9, 1,8, 0,7, 0,4, 1,3, 1,2, 2,1, 3,1, 4,0, 7,0, 8,1, 9,1 };
    static const QCOORD pts4[] = {              // white lines
	2,10, 3,10, 4,11, 7,11, 8,10, 9,10, 10,9, 10,8, 11,7,
	11,4, 10,3, 10,2 };
    static const QCOORD pts5[] = {              // inner fill
	4,2, 7,2, 9,4, 9,7, 7,9, 4,9, 2,7, 2,4 };

    p->eraseRect( x, y, w, h );
    QPointArray a( QCOORDARRLEN(pts1), pts4 );
    a.translate( x, y );
    p->setPen( cg.dark() );
    p->drawPolyline( a );
    a.setPoints( QCOORDARRLEN(pts4), pts1 );
    a.translate( x, y );
    p->setPen( cg.light() );
    p->drawPolyline( a );
    a.setPoints( QCOORDARRLEN(pts5), pts5 );
    a.translate( x, y );
    QColor fillColor = ( down || !enabled ) ? cg.button() : cg.base();
    p->setPen( fillColor );
    p->setBrush( fillColor  ) ;
    p->drawPolygon( a );
    if ( on ) {
	p->setPen( NoPen );
	p->setBrush( cg.text() );
	p->drawRect( x+5, y+4, 2, 4 );
	p->drawRect( x+4, y+5, 4, 2 );
Exemplo n.º 12
void ListListViewItem::paintCell(QPainter *p,const QColorGroup &cg,int column,
				 int width,int align)
  if(column!=list_track_column) {
  QColor fg=cg.text();
  QColor bg=cg.base();
  if(isSelected()) {
  QString str=QString().sprintf("%u / %u",list_tracks,list_total_tracks);
  QPixmap *icon=list_whiteball_map;
  if(list_total_tracks>0) {
    if(list_tracks==list_total_tracks) {
    else {
  QFontMetrics *m=new QFontMetrics(p->font());
  delete m;
Exemplo n.º 13
void DriverItem::paintCell(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int, int width, int)
    // background
    p->fillRect(0, 0, width, height(), cg.base());

    // highlight rectangle
        p->fillRect(0, 0, /*2+p->fontMetrics().width(text(0))+(pixmap(0) ? pixmap(0)->width()+2 : 0)*/ width, height(),
                    (m_conflict ? red : cg.highlight()));

    // draw pixmap
    int w(0);
    if(pixmap(0) && !pixmap(0)->isNull())
        int h((height() - pixmap(0)->height()) / 2);
        p->drawPixmap(w, h, *pixmap(0));
        w += (pixmap(0)->width() + 2);

    // draw Text
    if(!m_item || !m_item->isOption() || isSelected())
        p->setPen((isSelected() ? cg.highlightedText() : (m_conflict ? red : cg.text())));
        p->drawText(w, 0, width - w, height(), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, text(0));
        int w1(0);
        QString s(m_item->get("text") + ": <");
        w1 = p->fontMetrics().width(s);
        p->drawText(w, 0, w1, height(), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, s);
        w += w1;
        p->setPen((m_conflict ? red : darkGreen));
        s = m_item->prettyText();
        w1 = p->fontMetrics().width(s);
        p->drawText(w, 0, w1, height(), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, s);
        w += w1;
        s = QString::fromLatin1(">");
        w1 = p->fontMetrics().width(s);
        p->drawText(w, 0, w1, height(), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, s);
Exemplo n.º 14
// A ctor.
QsciStyle::QsciStyle(int style)

    QColorGroup cg = QApplication::palette().active();

Exemplo n.º 15
/** Paint on @p painter
  *       in (@p x, @p y, @p width, @p height)
  *       using @p colorGroup for the button drawing (if @p isHovered)
  *       and the LinkLook color() for the text,
  *       unless [the LinkLook !color.isValid() and it does not useLinkColor()] or [@p isDefaultColor is false]: in this case it will use @p colorGroup.text().
  *       It will draw the button if @p isIconButtonHovered.
void LinkDisplay::paint(QPainter *painter, int x, int y, int width, int height, const QColorGroup &colorGroup,
                        bool isDefaultColor, bool isSelected, bool isHovered, bool isIconButtonHovered) const
	int BUTTON_MARGIN = kapp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonMargin);

	QPixmap pixmap;
	// Load the preview...:
	if (!isHovered && m_look->previewEnabled() && !m_preview.isNull())
		pixmap  = m_preview;
	// ... Or the icon (if no preview or if the "Open" icon should be shown):
	else {
		int           iconSize   = m_look->iconSize();
		QString       iconName   = (isHovered ? Global::openNoteIcon() : m_icon);
		KIconLoader::States iconState  = (isIconButtonHovered ? KIconLoader::ActiveState : KIconLoader::DefaultState);
		pixmap = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(
            iconName, KIconLoader::Desktop, iconSize, iconState, QStringList(),
            0L, /*canReturnNull=*/false
	int iconPreviewWidth  = qMax(m_look->iconSize(), (m_look->previewEnabled() ? m_preview.width()  : 0));
	int pixmapX = (iconPreviewWidth - pixmap.width()) / 2;
	int pixmapY = (height - pixmap.height()) / 2;
	// Draw the button (if any) and the icon:
	if (isHovered) {
        QStyleOption opt;
        opt.rect = QRect(-1, -1, iconPreviewWidth + 2*BUTTON_MARGIN, height + 2);        
        opt.state = isIconButtonHovered ? (QStyle::State_MouseOver | QStyle::State_Enabled)  : QStyle::State_Enabled;
		kapp->style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelButtonCommand, &opt, painter);
	painter->drawPixmap(x + BUTTON_MARGIN - 1 + pixmapX, y + pixmapY, pixmap);

	// Figure out the text color:
	if (isSelected) {
	} else if (isIconButtonHovered)
	else if (!isDefaultColor || (!m_look->color().isValid() && !m_look->useLinkColor())) // If the color is FORCED or if the link color default to the text color:
	// Draw the text:
	painter->setFont(labelFont(m_font, isIconButtonHovered));
	painter->drawText(x + BUTTON_MARGIN - 1 + iconPreviewWidth + LINK_MARGIN, y, width - BUTTON_MARGIN + 1 - iconPreviewWidth - LINK_MARGIN, height,
	                  Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::TextWordWrap, m_title);
Exemplo n.º 16
void Kleo::SignatureKeyListViewItem::paintCell( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int alignment ) {
  const KeyListView::DisplayStrategy * ds = listView() ? listView()->displayStrategy() : 0 ;
  if ( !ds ) {
    QListViewItem::paintCell( p, cg, column, width, alignment );
  const QColor fg = ds->signatureForeground( signature(), cg.text() );
  const QColor bg = ds->signatureBackground( signature(), cg.base() );
  const QFont f = ds->signatureFont( signature(), p->font() );

  QColorGroup _cg = cg;
  p->setFont( f );
  _cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, fg );
  _cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Base, bg );

  QListViewItem::paintCell( p, _cg, column, width, alignment );
Exemplo n.º 17
void KPopupMenu::paintCell(QPainter *p, int row, int col)
    if (row != 0)
        QPopupMenu::paintCell(p, row, col);
    else if ( ( (row == 0) && (col == 1) && (isCheckable()) ) || 
		( (row == 0) && (col == 0) && (!isCheckable()) ) ) {
        int cellh = cellHeight(0);
        int cellw = cellWidth(0);
        QColorGroup cg = this->colorGroup();
		p->drawText(6, 3, cellw, cellh-4, 
			DontClip|AlignVCenter|ShowPrefix|SingleLine, text(0));
		p->drawText(5, 2, cellw, cellh-4, 
			DontClip|AlignVCenter|ShowPrefix|SingleLine, text(0));
Exemplo n.º 18
void QWindowsStyle::drawIndicator( QPainter* p,
				   int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup &g,
				   int s, bool down, bool enabled )
#ifndef QT_NO_BUTTON
    QBrush fill;
    if ( s == QButton::NoChange ) {
	QBrush b = p->brush();
	QColor c = p->backgroundColor();
	p->setBackgroundMode( TransparentMode );
	p->setBackgroundColor( green );
	fill = QBrush(g.base(), Dense4Pattern);
	p->setBackgroundColor( c );
	p->setBrush( b );
    } else if ( down )
	fill = g.brush( QColorGroup::Button );
	fill = g.brush( enabled ? QColorGroup::Base : QColorGroup::Background );
    qDrawWinPanel( p, x, y, w, h, g, TRUE, &fill );
    if ( s != QButton::Off ) {
	QPointArray a( 7*2 );
	int i, xx, yy;
	xx = x+3;
	yy = y+5;
	for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
	    a.setPoint( 2*i,   xx, yy );
	    a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 );
	    xx++; yy++;
	yy -= 2;
	for ( i=3; i<7; i++ ) {
	    a.setPoint( 2*i,   xx, yy );
	    a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 );
	    xx++; yy--;
	if ( s == QButton::NoChange ) {
	    p->setPen( g.dark() );
	} else {
	    p->setPen( g.text() );
	p->drawLineSegments( a );
Exemplo n.º 19
void KstVectorTable::paintCell( QPainter* painter, int row, int col, const QRect& cr, bool selected, const QColorGroup& cg ) {
  KstVectorPtr vector = *KST::vectorList.findTag(_strVector);
  QString str;

  painter->eraseRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height() );
  if (selected) {
    painter->fillRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height(), cg.highlight() );
  } else {
    painter->fillRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height(), cg.base() );

  if( col == 0 && vector) {
    str.setNum(vector->value(row), 'g', 16);

  painter->drawText(0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height(), AlignLeft, str);
Exemplo n.º 20
void Cell::paint( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg, const QRect & cr, bool selected )
	p->fillRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height(),
		     selected ? cg.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight )
	: cg.brush( QColorGroup::Base ) );
	int w = cr.width();
	int h = cr.height();
	int x = 0;
	if ( !pixmap.isNull() ) {
 		p->drawPixmap( 0, ( cr.height() - pixmap.height() ) / 2, pixmap );
 		x = pixmap.width() + 2;
	if ( selected )
		p->setPen( cg.highlightedText() );
		p->setPen( cg.text() );
	p->drawText( x + 2, 0, w - x - 4, h, Qt::AlignRight, text() );
Exemplo n.º 21
QPixmap MarkList::flagPixmap() {
	QColorGroup cg = QApplication::palette()->normal();
	QPixmap pm;
	pm.fill( cg.background() );
	int xOffset = 4;
	int yOffset = 3;

	QPainter p;
	p.begin( &pm);
	p.setPen( cg.text() );
	p.drawLine( xOffset+4, yOffset, xOffset+4, yOffset+9 );
	p.setPen( red );
	p.drawLine( xOffset+3, yOffset+1, xOffset, yOffset+4 );
	p.drawLine( xOffset+3, yOffset+1, xOffset+3, yOffset+4 );
	p.drawLine( xOffset, yOffset+4, xOffset+3, yOffset+4 );
	return pm;
Exemplo n.º 22
/*! \reimp
void QWindowsStyle::drawCheckMark( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h,
				   const QColorGroup &g,
				   bool act, bool dis )
    const int markW = w > 7 ? 7 : w;
    const int markH = markW;
    int posX = x + ( w - markW )/2 - 1;
    int posY = y + ( h - markH )/2;

    // Could do with some optimizing/caching...
    QPointArray a( markH*2 );
    int i, xx, yy;
    xx = posX;
    yy = 3 + posY;
    for ( i=0; i<markW/2; i++ ) {
	a.setPoint( 2*i,   xx, yy );
	a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 );
	xx++; yy++;
    yy -= 2;
    for ( ; i<markH; i++ ) {
	a.setPoint( 2*i,   xx, yy );
	a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 );
	xx++; yy--;
    if ( dis && !act ) {
	int pnt;
	p->setPen( g.highlightedText() );
	QPoint offset(1,1);
	for ( pnt = 0; pnt < (int)a.size(); pnt++ )
	    a[pnt] += offset;
	p->drawLineSegments( a );
	for ( pnt = 0; pnt < (int)a.size(); pnt++ )
	    a[pnt] -= offset;
    p->setPen( g.text() );
    p->drawLineSegments( a );
Exemplo n.º 23
void KstScalarTable::paintCell( QPainter* painter, int row, int col, const QRect& cr, bool selected, const QColorGroup& cg ) {
  KstScalarList::iterator it = KST::scalarList.begin();
  QString str;
  if (selected) {
    painter->eraseRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height() );
    painter->fillRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height(), cg.highlight() );
  } else {
    painter->eraseRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height() );
    painter->fillRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height(), cg.base() );
  it += row;
  if( col == 0 ) {
    str = (*it)->tagName();
  } else if( col == 1 ) {
    str = (*it)->label();
  painter->drawText(0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height(), AlignLeft, str);
Exemplo n.º 24
*  Paint one value in one of the columns in the list view.
void AlarmListViewItem::paintCell(QPainter *painter, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int /*align*/)
    const AlarmListView *listView = alarmListView();
    int    margin = listView->itemMargin();
    QRect  box(margin, margin, width - margin * 2, height() - margin * 2); // area within which to draw
    bool   selected = isSelected();
    QColor bgColour = selected ? cg.highlight() : cg.base();
    QColor fgColour = selected ? cg.highlightedText()
                      : !event().enabled() ? Preferences::disabledColour()
                      : event().expired() ? Preferences::expiredColour() : cg.text();
    painter->fillRect(0, 0, width, height(), bgColour);

    if(column == listView->column(AlarmListView::TIME_COLUMN))
        int i = -1;
        QString str = text(column);
        if(mTimeHourPos >= 0)
            // Need to pad out spacing to align times without leading zeroes
            i = str.find(" ~");
            if(i >= 0)
                if(mDigitWidth < 0)
                    mDigitWidth = painter->fontMetrics().width("0");
                QString date = str.left(i + 1);
                int w = painter->fontMetrics().width(date) + mDigitWidth;
                painter->drawText(box, AlignVCenter, date);
                box.setLeft(box.left() + w);
                painter->drawText(box, AlignVCenter, str.mid(i + 2));
        if(i < 0)
            painter->drawText(box, AlignVCenter, str);
    else if(column == listView->column(AlarmListView::TIME_TO_COLUMN))
        painter->drawText(box, AlignVCenter | AlignRight, text(column));
    else if(column == listView->column(AlarmListView::REPEAT_COLUMN))
        painter->drawText(box, AlignVCenter | AlignHCenter, text(column));
    else if(column == listView->column(AlarmListView::COLOUR_COLUMN))
        // Paint the cell the colour of the alarm message
        if(event().action() == KAEvent::MESSAGE || event().action() == KAEvent::FILE)
            painter->fillRect(box, event().bgColour());
    else if(column == listView->column(AlarmListView::TYPE_COLUMN))
        // Display the alarm type icon, horizontally and vertically centred in the cell
        QPixmap *pixmap = eventIcon();
        QRect pixmapRect = pixmap->rect();
        int diff = box.height() - pixmap->height();
        if(diff < 0)
            pixmapRect.setTop(-diff / 2);
        QPoint iconTopLeft(box.left() + (box.width() - pixmapRect.width()) / 2,
                           box.top() + (diff > 0 ? diff / 2 : 0));
        painter->drawPixmap(iconTopLeft, *pixmap, pixmapRect);
    else if(column == listView->column(AlarmListView::MESSAGE_COLUMN))
        if(!selected  &&  listView->drawMessageInColour())
            painter->fillRect(box, event().bgColour());
            //			painter->setPen(event().fgColour());
        QString txt = text(column);
        painter->drawText(box, AlignVCenter, txt);
        mMessageColWidth = listView->fontMetrics().boundingRect(txt).width();
Exemplo n.º 25
/*! \reimp */
void QCompactStyle::drawControl( ControlElement element, QPainter *p, const QWidget *widget, const QRect &r,
		  const QColorGroup &g, SFlags flags, const QStyleOption& opt )
    switch ( element ) {
    case CE_PopupMenuItem:
	    if (! widget || opt.isDefault())

	    const QPopupMenu *popupmenu = (const QPopupMenu *) widget;
	    QMenuItem *mi = opt.menuItem();
	    if ( !mi )

	    int tab = opt.tabWidth();
	    int maxpmw = opt.maxIconWidth();
	    bool dis = !(flags & Style_Enabled);
	    bool checkable = popupmenu->isCheckable();
	    bool act = flags & Style_Active;
	    int x, y, w, h;
	    r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h );

	    QColorGroup itemg = g;

	    if ( checkable )
		maxpmw = QMAX( maxpmw, 8 ); // space for the checkmarks

	    int checkcol	  =     maxpmw;

	    if ( mi && mi->isSeparator() ) {			// draw separator
		p->setPen( g.dark() );
		p->drawLine( x, y, x+w, y );
		p->setPen( g.light() );
		p->drawLine( x, y+1, x+w, y+1 );

	    QBrush fill = act? g.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) :
				    g.brush( QColorGroup::Button );
	    p->fillRect( x, y, w, h, fill);

	    if ( !mi )

	    if ( mi->isChecked() ) {
		if ( act && !dis ) {
		    qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h,
				     g, TRUE, 1, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) );
		} else {
		    qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h,
				     g, TRUE, 1, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Midlight ) );
	    } else if ( !act ) {
		p->fillRect(x, y, checkcol , h,
			    g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ));

	    if ( mi->iconSet() ) {		// draw iconset
		QIconSet::Mode mode = dis ? QIconSet::Disabled : QIconSet::Normal;
		if (act && !dis )
		    mode = QIconSet::Active;
		QPixmap pixmap;
		if ( checkable && mi->isChecked() )
		    pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small, mode, QIconSet::On );
		    pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small, mode );
		int pixw = pixmap.width();
		int pixh = pixmap.height();
		if ( act && !dis ) {
		    if ( !mi->isChecked() )
			qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h, g, FALSE,  1, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) );
		QRect cr( x, y, checkcol, h );
		QRect pmr( 0, 0, pixw, pixh );
		pmr.moveCenter( cr.center() );
		p->setPen( itemg.text() );
		p->drawPixmap( pmr.topLeft(), pixmap );

		QBrush fill = act? g.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) :
				      g.brush( QColorGroup::Button );
		p->fillRect( x+checkcol + 1, y, w - checkcol - 1, h, fill);
	    } else  if ( checkable ) {	// just "checking"...
		int mw = checkcol + motifItemFrame;
		int mh = h - 2*motifItemFrame;
		if ( mi->isChecked() ) {

		    SFlags cflags = Style_Default;
		    if (! dis)
			cflags |= Style_Enabled;
		    if (act)
			cflags |= Style_On;

		    drawPrimitive( PE_CheckMark, p, QRect(x + motifItemFrame + 2, y + motifItemFrame,
				    mw, mh), itemg, cflags, opt );

	    p->setPen( act ? g.highlightedText() : g.buttonText() );

	    QColor discol;
	    if ( dis ) {
		discol = itemg.text();
		p->setPen( discol );

	    int xm = motifItemFrame + checkcol + motifItemHMargin;

	    if ( mi->custom() ) {
		int m = motifItemVMargin;
		if ( dis && !act ) {
		    p->setPen( g.light() );
		    mi->custom()->paint( p, itemg, act, !dis,
					 x+xm+1, y+m+1, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m );
		    p->setPen( discol );
		mi->custom()->paint( p, itemg, act, !dis,
				     x+xm, y+m, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m );
	    QString s = mi->text();
	    if ( !s.isNull() ) {			// draw text
		int t = s.find( '\t' );
		int m = motifItemVMargin;
		const int text_flags = AlignVCenter|ShowPrefix | DontClip | SingleLine;
		if ( t >= 0 ) {				// draw tab text
		    if ( dis && !act ) {
			p->setPen( g.light() );
			p->drawText( x+w-tab-windowsRightBorder-motifItemHMargin-motifItemFrame+1,
				     y+m+1, tab, h-2*m, text_flags, s.mid( t+1 ));
			p->setPen( discol );
		    p->drawText( x+w-tab-windowsRightBorder-motifItemHMargin-motifItemFrame,
				 y+m, tab, h-2*m, text_flags, s.mid( t+1 ) );
		    s = s.left( t );
		if ( dis && !act ) {
		    p->setPen( g.light() );
		    p->drawText( x+xm+1, y+m+1, w-xm+1, h-2*m, text_flags, s, t );
		    p->setPen( discol );
		p->drawText( x+xm, y+m, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m, text_flags, s, t );
	    } else if ( mi->pixmap() ) {			// draw pixmap
		QPixmap *pixmap = mi->pixmap();
		if ( pixmap->depth() == 1 )
		    p->setBackgroundMode( OpaqueMode );
		p->drawPixmap( x+xm, y+motifItemFrame, *pixmap );
		if ( pixmap->depth() == 1 )
		    p->setBackgroundMode( TransparentMode );
	    if ( mi->popup() ) {			// draw sub menu arrow
		int dim = (h-2*motifItemFrame) / 2;
		if ( act ) {
		    if ( !dis )
			discol = white;
		    QColorGroup g2( discol, g.highlight(),
				    white, white,
				    dis ? discol : white,
				    discol, white );
		    drawPrimitive(PE_ArrowRight, p, QRect(x+w - motifArrowHMargin - motifItemFrame - dim, y + h / 2 - dim / 2, dim, dim),
				  g2, Style_Enabled);
		} else {
		    drawPrimitive(PE_ArrowRight, p, QRect(x+w - motifArrowHMargin - motifItemFrame - dim, y + h / 2 - dim / 2, dim, dim),
				  g, !dis ? Style_Enabled : Style_Default);

	QWindowsStyle::drawControl( element, p, widget, r, g, flags, opt );
Exemplo n.º 26
void qDrawItem( QPainter *p, Qt::GUIStyle gs,
		int x, int y, int w, int h,
		int flags,
		const QColorGroup &g, bool enabled,
		const QPixmap *pixmap,
		const QString& text, int len , const QColor* penColor )
    p->setPen( penColor?*penColor:g.foreground() );
    if ( pixmap ) {
	QPixmap  pm( *pixmap );
	bool clip = (flags & Qt::DontClip) == 0;
	if ( clip ) {
	    if ( pm.width() < w && pm.height() < h )
		clip = FALSE;
		p->setClipRect( x, y, w, h );
	if ( (flags & Qt::AlignVCenter) == Qt::AlignVCenter )
	    y += h/2 - pm.height()/2;
	else if ( (flags & Qt::AlignBottom) == Qt::AlignBottom)
	    y += h - pm.height();
	if ( (flags & Qt::AlignRight) == Qt::AlignRight )
	    x += w - pm.width();
	else if ( (flags & Qt::AlignHCenter) == Qt::AlignHCenter )
	    x += w/2 - pm.width()/2;
	else if ( ((flags & Qt::AlignLeft) != Qt::AlignLeft) && QApplication::reverseLayout() ) // AlignAuto && rightToLeft
	    x += w - pm.width();

	if ( !enabled ) {
	    if ( pm.mask() ) {			// pixmap with a mask
		if ( !pm.selfMask() ) {		// mask is not pixmap itself
		    QPixmap pmm( *pm.mask() );
		    pmm.setMask( *((QBitmap *)&pmm) );
		    pm = pmm;
	    } else if ( pm.depth() == 1 ) {	// monochrome pixmap, no mask
		pm.setMask( *((QBitmap *)&pm) );
	    } else {				// color pixmap, no mask
		QString k;
		k.sprintf( "$qt-drawitem-%x", pm.serialNumber() );
		QPixmap *mask = QPixmapCache::find(k);
		bool del=FALSE;
		if ( !mask ) {
		    mask = new QPixmap( pm.createHeuristicMask() );
		    mask->setMask( *((QBitmap*)mask) );
		    del = !QPixmapCache::insert( k, mask );
		pm = *mask;
		if (del) delete mask;
	    if ( gs == Qt::WindowsStyle ) {
		p->setPen( g.light() );
		p->drawPixmap( x+1, y+1, pm );
		p->setPen( g.text() );
	p->drawPixmap( x, y, pm );
	if ( clip )
	    p->setClipping( FALSE );
    } else if ( !text.isNull() ) {
	if ( gs == Qt::WindowsStyle && !enabled ) {
	    p->setPen( g.light() );
	    p->drawText( x+1, y+1, w, h, flags, text, len );
	    p->setPen( g.text() );
	p->drawText( x, y, w, h, flags, text, len );
Exemplo n.º 27
void QLineEdit::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *e )
    if ( !d->pm || d->pmDirty ) {
	if ( !d->pm )
	    d->pm = new QPixmap( size() );
	QPainter p( d->pm, this );

	QColorGroup g = colorGroup();
	QColor bg = isEnabled() ? g.base() : g.background();
	QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
	int markBegin = minMark();
	int markEnd = maxMark();
	int margin = frame() ? 2 : 0;

	if ( frame() ) {
	    QBrush fill( bg );
	    qDrawWinPanel( &p, 0, 0, width(), height(), g, TRUE, &fill );
	} else {
	    p.fillRect( 0, 0, width(), height(), bg );

	QString displayText;

	switch( echoMode() ) {
	case Normal:
	    displayText = tbuf.mid( offset, tbuf.length() );
	case NoEcho:
	    displayText = "";
	case Password:
	    displayText.fill( '*', tbuf.length() - offset );

	int ypos = height() - margin - fm.descent() - 1 -
		   (height() - 2*margin - fm.height())/2;

	if ( !displayText.isEmpty() ) {
	    int charsVisible = lastCharVisible() - offset;
	    if ( displayText[ charsVisible ] != '\0' )

	    int mark1,mark2;

	    if ( markBegin > offset ) {
		if ( markBegin <  offset + charsVisible )
		    mark1 = markBegin - offset;
		    mark1 = charsVisible;
	    } else {
		mark1 = 0;

	    if ( markEnd > offset ) {
		if ( markEnd <	offset + charsVisible )
		    mark2 = markEnd - offset;
		    mark2 = charsVisible;
	    } else {
		mark2 = 0;

	    // display code comes here - a bit yucky but it works
	    if ( mark1 != mark2 ) {
		QString marked( displayText.mid( mark1, mark2 - mark1 ) );
		int xpos1 =  margin + 2 + fm.width( displayText, mark1 );
		int xpos2 =  xpos1 + fm.width( marked ) - 1;
		p.fillRect( xpos1, ypos - fm.ascent(),
			    xpos2 - xpos1, fm.height(),
			    style() == WindowsStyle
			    ? QApplication::winStyleHighlightColor()
			    : g.text() );
		p.setPen(  style() == WindowsStyle ? white : g.base() );
		p.drawText( xpos1, ypos, marked );
	    p.setPen( g.text() );
	    if ( mark1 != 0 )
		p.drawText( margin + 2, ypos, displayText, mark1 );
	    if ( mark2 != charsVisible ) {
		QString rest( displayText.mid( mark2, charsVisible - mark2 ) );
		p.drawText( margin + 2 + fm.width( displayText.left( mark2) ),
			    ypos, rest );

	p.setPen( g.foreground() );

	int curXPos = margin + 2;
	if ( echoMode() != NoEcho )
	    curXPos += offset > cursorPos ? -1 : // ?: for scrolling case
			    fm.width( displayText, cursorPos - offset ) - 1;
	int curYPos   = ypos - fm.ascent();
	d->cursorRepaintRect.setRect( curXPos-2, curYPos, 5, fm.height() );
	d->pmDirty = FALSE;
    bitBlt( this, e->rect().topLeft(), d->pm, e->rect() );
    if ( hasFocus() ) {
	if ( cursorOn && d->cursorRepaintRect.intersects( e->rect() ) ) {
	    QPainter p( this );
	    int curYTop = d->cursorRepaintRect.y();
	    int curYBot = d->cursorRepaintRect.bottom();
	    int curXPos = d->cursorRepaintRect.x() + 2;
	    p.drawLine( curXPos, curYTop, curXPos, curYBot );
	    if ( style() != WindowsStyle ) {
		p.drawLine( curXPos - 2, curYTop, curXPos + 2, curYTop );
		p.drawLine( curXPos - 2, curYBot, curXPos + 2, curYBot );
    } else {
	delete d->pm;
	d->pm = 0;

Exemplo n.º 28
void QMultiCheckListItem::paintCell(QPainter *p,const QColorGroup & cg, int col, int width, int align)

  if ( !p )

  QListView *lv = listView();
  if ( !lv )

  QListViewItem::paintCell(p,cg,col,width,align );
  int marg = lv->itemMargin();
//  int width = BoxSize + marg*2;
  // use a provate color group and set the text/highlighted text colors
  QColorGroup mcg = cg;

  if (checkBoxColumns.testBit(col)) {
    // Bold/Italic/use default checkboxes
    // code allmost identical to QCheckListItem
    Q_ASSERT( lv ); //###
    // I use the text color of defaultStyles[0], normalcol in parent listview
//    mcg.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, ((StyleListView*)lv)->normalcol );
    int x = 0;
    if ( align == AlignCenter ) {
      QFontMetrics fm( lv->font() );
      x = (width - BoxSize - fm.width(text(0)))/2;
    int y = (height() - BoxSize) / 2;

    if ( !isEnabled() || disableStates.testBit(col))
      p->setPen( QPen( lv->palette().color( QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Text ), 2 ) );
      p->setPen( QPen( mcg.text(), 2 ) );
    if ( isSelected() && lv->header()->mapToSection( 0 ) != 0 ) {
      p->fillRect( 0, 0, x + marg + BoxSize + 4, height(),
             mcg.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) );
      if ( isEnabled() )
        p->setPen( QPen( mcg.highlightedText(), 2 ) ); // FIXME! - use defaultstyles[0].selecol. luckily not used :)
    p->drawRect( x+marg, y+2, BoxSize-4, BoxSize-4 );
    if ( checkStates.testBit(col) ) {
      QPointArray a( 7*2 );
      int i, xx, yy;
      xx = x+1+marg;
      yy = y+5;
      for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
        a.setPoint( 2*i,   xx, yy );
        a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 );
        xx++; yy++;
      yy -= 2;
      for ( i=3; i<7; i++ ) {
        a.setPoint( 2*i,   xx, yy );
        a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 );
        xx++; yy--;
      p->drawLineSegments( a );

Exemplo n.º 29
void MarkListTable::paintCell( QPainter *p, int row, int col)
	QColorGroup cg = QApplication::palette()->normal();
	if ( col == 0  )
		if ( items.at( row )->select() )
				//p->setBrush( selectColor );
				//p->setPen( selectColor );
		else {
		if( items.at( row )->mark() ) {
		int xOffset=6; int yOffset=3;
		if ( items.at( row )->select() )
			p->setPen( cg.text() ); //p->setPen( selectTextColor );
			p->setPen( cg.text() );
		p->drawLine( xOffset+4, yOffset, xOffset+4, yOffset+9 );
		p->setPen( red );
		p->drawLine( xOffset+3, yOffset+1, xOffset, yOffset+4 );
		p->drawLine( xOffset+3, yOffset+1, xOffset+3, yOffset+4 );
		p->drawLine( xOffset, yOffset+4, xOffset+3, yOffset+4 );
		} else {
			int xOffset=4; int yOffset=5;
			p->setPen( cg.dark() );
			p->setBrush( cg.dark() );
			p->drawEllipse( xOffset+4, yOffset, 4, 4 );
			//p->setPen( cg.mid() );
			//p->setBrush( cg.mid() );
			//p->drawEllipse( xOffset+5, yOffset+1, 2, 2 );
			p->setPen( white );
			p->drawPoint( xOffset+5, yOffset+1);

	/*if ( col == 1 )
		if ( items.at( row )->select() )
			//qDrawShadePanel( p, 3, 2, cellHeight( 1 ) - 6, cellHeight(1)-4,
			//	cg, FALSE, 1, &QBrush(colorGroup().light()));
			p->drawRect(3,2,cellHeight( 1 ) - 7, cellHeight(1)-5);
		} else {
			//qDrawShadePanel( p, 3, 2, cellHeight( 1 ) - 6, cellHeight(1)-4,
			//	cg, FALSE,1 );
			p->drawRect(3,2,cellHeight( 1 ) - 7, cellHeight(1)-5);

		//QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics();
		//int yPos;   // vertical text position
		//if ( 10 < fm.height() )
		//	yPos = fm.ascent() + fm.leading()/2;
		//	yPos = 5 - fm.height()/2 + fm.ascent();
		//p->drawText( 4, yPos, items.at( row )->text() );
	if ( col == 1 )
		if ( items.at( row )->select() )
		else {
		/*  if ( items.at( row )->select() )
			QColorGroup cg = QApplication::palette()->normal();
			qDrawShadePanel( p, 0, 0, cellWidth( 1 ) - 1, cellHeight(),
				cg, FALSE, 1, &QBrush(colorGroup().light()));
		if ( items.at( row )->select() )
		QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics();
		int yPos;   // vertical text position
		/*if ( 10 < fm.height() )
			yPos = fm.ascent() + fm.leading()/2;
			yPos = cellHeight()-fm.leading()/2;
			yPos = fm.ascent() + fm.leading()/2+1;
		p->drawText( 4, yPos, items.at( row )->text() );
Exemplo n.º 30
void FreshStyle::drawPopupMenuItem( QPainter* p, bool checkable, int maxpmw, int tab, QMenuItem* mi,
				       const QPalette& pal,
				       bool act, bool enabled, int x, int y, int w, int h)
    const QColorGroup & g = pal.active();
    bool dis	  = !enabled;
    QColorGroup itemg = dis ? pal.disabled() : pal.active();

    if ( checkable )
	maxpmw = QMAX( maxpmw, 8 ); // space for the checkmarks

    int checkcol	  =     maxpmw;

    if ( mi && mi->isSeparator() ) {			// draw separator
	p->setPen( g.dark() );
	p->drawLine( x, y, x+w, y );
	p->setPen( g.light() );
	p->drawLine( x, y+1, x+w, y+1 );

    QBrush fill = act? g.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) :
			    g.brush( QColorGroup::Button );
    p->fillRect( x, y, w, h, fill);

    if ( !mi )

    if ( mi->isChecked() ) {
	if ( act && !dis ) {
	    qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h,
			     g, TRUE, 1, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) );
	} else {
	    qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h,
			     g, TRUE, 1, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Midlight ) );
    } else if ( !act ) {
	p->fillRect(x, y, checkcol , h,
		    g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ));

    if ( mi->iconSet() ) {		// draw iconset
	QIconSet::Mode mode = dis ? QIconSet::Disabled : QIconSet::Normal;
	if (act && !dis )
	    mode = QIconSet::Active;
    QPixmap pixmap;
    if ( mode == QIconSet::Disabled )
        pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Automatic, mode );
        pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap();
	int pixw = pixmap.width();
	int pixh = pixmap.height();
	if ( act && !dis ) {
	    if ( !mi->isChecked() )
		qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h, g, FALSE,  1, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) );
	QRect cr( x, y, checkcol, h );
	QRect pmr( 0, 0, pixw, pixh );
	pmr.moveCenter( cr.center() );
	p->setPen( itemg.text() );
	p->drawPixmap( pmr.topLeft(), pixmap );

	QBrush fill = act? g.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) :
			      g.brush( QColorGroup::Button );
	p->fillRect( x+checkcol + 1, y, w - checkcol - 1, h, fill);
    } else  if ( checkable ) {	// just "checking"...
	int mw = checkcol + motifItemFrame;
	int mh = h - 2*motifItemFrame;
	if ( mi->isChecked() ) {
	    drawCheckMark( p, x + motifItemFrame + 2,
			   y+motifItemFrame, mw, mh, itemg, act, dis );

    p->setPen( act ? g.highlightedText() : g.buttonText() );

    QColor discol;
    if ( dis ) {
	discol = itemg.text();
	p->setPen( discol );

    int xm = motifItemFrame + checkcol + motifItemHMargin;

    if ( mi->custom() ) {
	int m = motifItemVMargin;
	if ( dis && !act ) {
	    p->setPen( g.light() );
	    mi->custom()->paint( p, itemg, act, enabled,
				 x+xm+1, y+m+1, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m );
	    p->setPen( discol );
	mi->custom()->paint( p, itemg, act, enabled,
			     x+xm, y+m, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m );
    QString s = mi->text();
    if ( !s.isNull() ) {			// draw text
	int t = s.find( '\t' );
	int m = motifItemVMargin;
	const int text_flags = AlignVCenter|ShowPrefix | DontClip | SingleLine;
	if ( t >= 0 ) {				// draw tab text
	    if ( dis && !act ) {
		p->setPen( g.light() );
		p->drawText( x+w-tab-windowsRightBorder-motifItemHMargin-motifItemFrame+1,
			     y+m+1, tab, h-2*m, text_flags, s.mid( t+1 ));
		p->setPen( discol );
	    p->drawText( x+w-tab-windowsRightBorder-motifItemHMargin-motifItemFrame,
			 y+m, tab, h-2*m, text_flags, s.mid( t+1 ) );
	if ( dis && !act ) {
	    p->setPen( g.light() );
	    p->drawText( x+xm+1, y+m+1, w-xm+1, h-2*m, text_flags, s, t );
	    p->setPen( discol );
	p->drawText( x+xm, y+m, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m, text_flags, s, t );
    } else if ( mi->pixmap() ) {			// draw pixmap
	QPixmap *pixmap = mi->pixmap();
	if ( pixmap->depth() == 1 )
	    p->setBackgroundMode( OpaqueMode );
	p->drawPixmap( x+xm, y+motifItemFrame, *pixmap );
	if ( pixmap->depth() == 1 )
	    p->setBackgroundMode( TransparentMode );
    if ( mi->popup() ) {			// draw sub menu arrow
	int dim = (h-2*motifItemFrame) / 2;
	if ( act ) {
	    if ( !dis )
		discol = white;
	    QColorGroup g2( discol, g.highlight(),
			    white, white,
			    dis ? discol : white,
			    discol, white );
	    drawArrow( p, RightArrow, FALSE,
			       x+w - motifArrowHMargin - motifItemFrame - dim,  y+h/2-dim/2,
			       dim, dim, g2, TRUE );
	} else {
	    drawArrow( p, RightArrow,
			       x+w - motifArrowHMargin - motifItemFrame - dim,  y+h/2-dim/2,
			       dim, dim, g, mi->isEnabled() );