void QGeoMapRectangleGeometry::updatePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
                                            const QGeoCoordinate &topLeft,
                                            const QGeoCoordinate &bottomRight)
    if (!screenDirty_ && !sourceDirty_)

    QDoubleVector2D tl = map.coordinateToItemPosition(topLeft, false);
    QDoubleVector2D br = map.coordinateToItemPosition(bottomRight, false);

    // We can get NaN if the map isn't set up correctly, or the projection
    // is faulty -- probably best thing to do is abort
    if (!qIsFinite(tl.x()) || !qIsFinite(tl.y()))
    if (!qIsFinite(br.x()) || !qIsFinite(br.y()))

    if ( preserveGeometry_ ) {
        double unwrapBelowX = map.coordinateToItemPosition(geoLeftBound_, false).x();
        if (br.x() < unwrapBelowX)
            br.setX(tl.x() + screenBounds_.width());

    QRectF re(tl.toPointF(), br.toPointF());
    re.translate(-1 * tl.toPointF());


    screenVertices_ << re.topLeft();
    screenVertices_ << re.topRight();
    screenVertices_ << re.bottomLeft();

    screenVertices_ << re.topRight();
    screenVertices_ << re.bottomLeft();
    screenVertices_ << re.bottomRight();

    firstPointOffset_ = QPointF(0,0);
    srcOrigin_ = topLeft;
    screenBounds_ = re;

    screenOutline_ = QPainterPath();

    geoLeftBound_ = topLeft;
void QGeoMapPolylineGeometry::updateSourcePoints(const QGeoMap &map,
                                                 const QList<QGeoCoordinate> &path)
    bool foundValid = false;
    double minX = -1.0;
    double minY = -1.0;
    double maxX = -1.0;
    double maxY = -1.0;

    if (!sourceDirty_)

    // clear the old data and reserve enough memory
    srcPoints_.reserve(path.size() * 2);

    QDoubleVector2D origin, lastPoint, lastAddedPoint;

    double unwrapBelowX = 0;
    if (preserveGeometry_)
        unwrapBelowX = map.coordinateToScreenPosition(geoLeftBound_, false).x();

    for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) {
        const QGeoCoordinate &coord = path.at(i);

        if (!coord.isValid())

        QDoubleVector2D point = map.coordinateToScreenPosition(coord, false);

        // We can get NaN if the map isn't set up correctly, or the projection
        // is faulty -- probably best thing to do is abort
        if (!qIsFinite(point.x()) || !qIsFinite(point.y()))

        // unwrap x to preserve geometry if moved to border of map
        if (preserveGeometry_ && point.x() < unwrapBelowX && !qFuzzyCompare(point.x(), unwrapBelowX))
            point.setX(unwrapBelowX + geoDistanceToScreenWidth(map, geoLeftBound_, coord));

        if (!foundValid) {
            foundValid = true;
            srcOrigin_ = coord;
            origin = point;
            point = QDoubleVector2D(0,0);

            minX = point.x();
            maxX = minX;
            minY = point.y();
            maxY = minY;

            srcPoints_ << point.x() << point.y();
            srcPointTypes_ << QPainterPath::MoveToElement;
            lastAddedPoint = point;
        } else {
            point -= origin;

            minX = qMin(point.x(), minX);
            minY = qMin(point.y(), minY);
            maxX = qMax(point.x(), maxX);
            maxY = qMax(point.y(), maxY);

            if ((point - lastAddedPoint).manhattanLength() > 3 ||
                    i == path.size() - 1) {
                srcPoints_ << point.x() << point.y();
                srcPointTypes_ << QPainterPath::LineToElement;
                lastAddedPoint = point;

        lastPoint = point;

    sourceBounds_ = QRectF(QPointF(minX, minY), QPointF(maxX, maxY));
    geoLeftBound_ = map.screenPositionToCoordinate(
                                    QDoubleVector2D(minX + origin.x(), minY + origin.y()), false);