Exemplo n.º 1
 * Gets column width.
 * The meaning of what a column is can be considered a fairly weak
 * notion for some fonts.  This method is used to define the width
 * of a column.  By default this is defined to be the width of the
 * character <em>m</em> for the font used.  This method can be
 * redefined to be some alternative amount.
 * @return the column width >= 1
/*protected*/ int JTextArea::getColumnWidth() {
    if (columnWidth == 0) {
        QFontMetrics metrics = QFontMetrics(font());
        columnWidth = metrics.charWidth(QString("m"),0);
    return columnWidth;
Exemplo n.º 2
int Font::width(QChar *chs, int, int pos, int len, int start, int end, int toAdd) const
    const QConstString cstr(chs + pos, len);
    int w = 0;

    const QString qstr = cstr.string();
        const QString upper = qstr.upper();
        const QChar *uc = qstr.unicode();
        const QFontMetrics sc_fm(*scFont);
        for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
            if((uc + i)->category() == QChar::Letter_Lowercase)
                w += sc_fm.charWidth(upper, i);
                w += fm.charWidth(qstr, i);
        // ### might be a little inaccurate
        w = fm.width(qstr);

        w += len * letterSpacing;

        // add amount
        for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
            if(chs[i + pos].category() == QChar::Separator_Space)
                w += wordSpacing;

        // first gather count of spaces
        int numSpaces = 0;
        for(int i = start; i != end; ++i)
            if(chs[i].category() == QChar::Separator_Space)
        // distribute pixels evenly among spaces, but count only those within
        // [pos, pos+len)
        for(int i = start; numSpaces && i != pos + len; i++)
            if(chs[i].category() == QChar::Separator_Space)
                const int a = toAdd / numSpaces;
                if(i >= pos)
                    w += a;
                toAdd -= a;

    return w;
Exemplo n.º 3
QString KSqueezeLabel::squeezer(const QString &s, const QFontMetrics& fm, uint width)
    if (s.isEmpty() || uint(fm.width(s)) <= width) {
        return s;
    const unsigned int length = s.length();
    if (length == 2) 
        return s;

    const int maxWidth = width - fm.width('.') * 3;

    if (maxWidth <= 0)
        return "...";
    unsigned int leftIdx = 0, rightIdx = length;
    unsigned int leftWidth = fm.charWidth(s, leftIdx++);
    unsigned int rightWidth = fm.charWidth(s, --rightIdx);
    while (leftWidth + rightWidth < uint(maxWidth)) {
        while (leftWidth <= rightWidth && leftWidth + rightWidth < uint( maxWidth)) {
            leftWidth += fm.charWidth(s, leftIdx++);
        while (rightWidth <= leftWidth && leftWidth + rightWidth < uint( maxWidth)) {
               rightWidth += fm.charWidth(s, --rightIdx);
    if (leftWidth > rightWidth) {
    } else {
    rightIdx = length - rightIdx;

    if ((leftIdx == 0 && rightIdx == 1) || (leftIdx == 1 && rightIdx == 0))
        return "...";
    return s.left(leftIdx) + "..." + s.right(rightIdx);