Exemplo n.º 1
void GameForm::BuildCharacterTabs(){
    tabsWidget = new CharacterTabs();
    QMdiSubWindow* tabsWindow = ui->gameArea->addSubWindow(tabsWidget);
    tabsWindow->setWindowFlags(Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint);
    tabsWindow->setFixedSize(tabsWidget->width()+15, tabsWidget->height()+35);

Exemplo n.º 2
void GameForm::BuildTownWindow(){
    townWidget = new TownWidget();
    QMdiSubWindow* townWindow = ui->gameArea->addSubWindow(townWidget);
    townWindow->setWindowTitle("The City");
    townWindow->setWindowFlags(Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint);
    townWindow->setFixedSize(townWidget->width()+15, townWidget->height()+35);

Exemplo n.º 3
void MainWindow::new_combo_trade()
    ComboTradeDialog *comboTradeDialog = new ComboTradeDialog;
    QMdiSubWindow *qMdiSubWindow = ui_->mdiArea_combo->addSubWindow(comboTradeDialog);
    qMdiSubWindow->setFixedSize(320, 240);
    qMdiSubWindow->setWindowFlags(qMdiSubWindow->windowFlags()& ~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint& ~Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint);
Exemplo n.º 4
void MainWindow::new_swing_trade()
    QString contractName = tr("Exchange-Contract-").append(QString("%1").arg(swing_counter_));
    SwingTradeDialog *swingTradeDialog = new SwingTradeDialog(contractName, swing_counter_, disp_, this);

    connect(swingTradeDialog, SIGNAL(update_contract(QString)), this, SLOT(update_swing_contract(QString)));

    QMdiSubWindow *qMdiSubWindow = ui_->mdiArea_swing->addSubWindow(swingTradeDialog);
    qMdiSubWindow->setFixedSize(265, 440);
    qMdiSubWindow->setWindowFlags(qMdiSubWindow->windowFlags()& ~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint& ~Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint);

Exemplo n.º 5
ControllerRackView::ControllerRackView( ) :
	setMinimumWidth( 250 );
	setMaximumWidth( 250 );
	resize( 250, 160 );

	setWindowIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "controller" ) );
	setWindowTitle( tr( "Controller Rack" ) );

	m_scrollArea = new QScrollArea( this );
	m_scrollArea->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn );
	m_scrollArea->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	m_scrollArea->setPalette( QApplication::palette( m_scrollArea ) );
	m_scrollArea->setMinimumHeight( 64 );

	m_addButton = new QPushButton( this );
	m_addButton->setText( tr( "Add" ) );

	QWidget * w = new QWidget();
	m_scrollArea->setWidget( w );

	connect( m_addButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
			this, SLOT( addController() ) );

	connect( engine::getSong(), SIGNAL( dataChanged() ),
			this, SLOT( update() ) );

	QVBoxLayout * layout = new QVBoxLayout();
	layout->addWidget( m_scrollArea );
	layout->addWidget( m_addButton );
	this->setLayout( layout );

	QMdiSubWindow * subWin =
			engine::mainWindow()->workspace()->addSubWindow( this );

	// No maximize button
	Qt::WindowFlags flags = subWin->windowFlags();
	flags &= ~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint;
	subWin->setWindowFlags( flags );
	parentWidget()->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, false );
	parentWidget()->move( 880, 310 );
Exemplo n.º 6
// #### ITW:
InstrumentTrackWindow::InstrumentTrackWindow( InstrumentTrackView * _itv ) :
	ModelView( NULL, this ),
	m_track( _itv->model() ),
	m_itv( _itv ),
	m_instrumentView( NULL )
	setAcceptDrops( true );

	// init own layout + widgets
	setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
	QVBoxLayout * vlayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
	vlayout->setMargin( 0 );
	vlayout->setSpacing( 0 );

	m_generalSettingsWidget = new tabWidget( tr( "GENERAL SETTINGS" ),
									this );
	m_generalSettingsWidget->setFixedHeight( 90 );

	// setup line-edit for changing channel-name
	m_nameLineEdit = new QLineEdit( m_generalSettingsWidget );
	m_nameLineEdit->setFont( pointSize<8>(
						m_nameLineEdit->font() ) );
	m_nameLineEdit->setGeometry( 10, 16, 196, 20 );
	connect( m_nameLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ),
				this, SLOT( textChanged( const QString & ) ) );

	m_saveSettingsBtn = new QPushButton( embed::getIconPixmap(
							"project_save" ), "",
						m_generalSettingsWidget );
	m_saveSettingsBtn->setGeometry( 216, 14, 24, 24 );
	connect( m_saveSettingsBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
					SLOT( saveSettingsBtnClicked() ) );
	toolTip::add( m_saveSettingsBtn,
		tr( "Save instrument track settings in a preset file" ) );
		tr( "Click here, if you want to save current channel settings "
			"in a preset-file. Later you can load this preset by "
			"double-clicking it in the preset-browser." ) );

	// setup volume-knob
	m_volumeKnob = new knob( knobBright_26, m_generalSettingsWidget,
						tr( "Instrument volume" ) );
	m_volumeKnob->setVolumeKnob( true );
	m_volumeKnob->move( 8, 46 );
	m_volumeKnob->setHintText( tr( "Volume:" ) + " ", "%" );
	m_volumeKnob->setLabel( tr( "VOL" ) );

	m_volumeKnob->setWhatsThis( tr( volume_help ) );

	// setup panning-knob
	m_panningKnob = new knob( knobBright_26, m_generalSettingsWidget,
							tr( "Panning" ) );
	m_panningKnob->move( m_volumeKnob->x() +
					m_volumeKnob->width() + 12, 46 );
	m_panningKnob->setHintText( tr( "Panning:" ) + " ", "" );
	m_panningKnob->setLabel( tr( "PAN" ) );

	m_pitchKnob = new knob( knobBright_26, m_generalSettingsWidget,
							tr( "Pitch" ) );
	m_pitchKnob->move( m_panningKnob->x() +
					m_panningKnob->width() + 24, 46 );
	m_pitchKnob->setHintText( tr( "Pitch:" ) + " ", " " + tr( "cents" ) );
	m_pitchKnob->setLabel( tr( "PITCH" ) );

	m_pitchRange = new lcdSpinBox( 2, m_generalSettingsWidget,
						tr( "Pitch range (semitones)" ) );
	m_pitchRange->setLabel( tr( "RANGE" ) );
	m_pitchRange->move( m_pitchKnob->x() +
					m_pitchKnob->width() + 8, 46 );

	// setup spinbox for selecting FX-channel
	m_effectChannelNumber = new fxLineLcdSpinBox( 2, m_generalSettingsWidget,
						tr( "FX channel" ) );
	m_effectChannelNumber->setLabel( tr( "FX CHNL" ) );
	m_effectChannelNumber->move( m_pitchRange->x() +
					m_pitchRange->width() + 24, 46 );

	m_tabWidget = new tabWidget( "", this );
	m_tabWidget->setFixedHeight( INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT + 10 );

	// create tab-widgets
	m_ssView = new InstrumentSoundShapingView( m_tabWidget );
	QWidget * instrument_functions = new QWidget( m_tabWidget );
	m_chordView = new ChordCreatorView( &m_track->m_chordCreator,
							instrument_functions );
	m_arpView= new ArpeggiatorView( &m_track->m_arpeggiator,
							instrument_functions );
	m_midiView = new InstrumentMidiIOView( m_tabWidget );
	m_effectView = new EffectRackView( m_track->m_audioPort.effects(),
								m_tabWidget );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_ssView, tr( "ENV/LFO" ), 1 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( instrument_functions, tr( "FUNC" ), 2 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_effectView, tr( "FX" ), 3 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_midiView, tr( "MIDI" ), 4 );

	// setup piano-widget
	m_pianoView = new PianoView( this );

	vlayout->addWidget( m_generalSettingsWidget );
	vlayout->addWidget( m_tabWidget );
	vlayout->addWidget( m_pianoView );

	setModel( _itv->model() );


	setFixedWidth( INSTRUMENT_WIDTH );
	resize( sizeHint() );

	QMdiSubWindow * subWin = 
			engine::mainWindow()->workspace()->addSubWindow( this );
	Qt::WindowFlags flags = subWin->windowFlags();
	flags |= Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint;
	flags &= ~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint;
	subWin->setWindowFlags( flags );
	subWin->setWindowIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "instrument_track" ) );
	subWin->setFixedSize( subWin->size() );
// #### ITW:
InstrumentTrackWindow::InstrumentTrackWindow( InstrumentTrackView * _itv ) :
	ModelView( NULL, this ),
	m_track( _itv->model() ),
	m_itv( _itv ),
	m_instrumentView( NULL )
	setAcceptDrops( true );

	// init own layout + widgets
	setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
	QVBoxLayout * vlayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
	vlayout->setMargin( 0 );
	vlayout->setSpacing( 0 );

	TabWidget* generalSettingsWidget = new TabWidget( tr( "GENERAL SETTINGS" ), this );

	QVBoxLayout* generalSettingsLayout = new QVBoxLayout( generalSettingsWidget );

	generalSettingsLayout->setContentsMargins( 8, 18, 8, 8 );
	generalSettingsLayout->setSpacing( 6 );

	QWidget* nameAndChangeTrackWidget = new QWidget( generalSettingsWidget );
	QHBoxLayout* nameAndChangeTrackLayout = new QHBoxLayout( nameAndChangeTrackWidget );
	nameAndChangeTrackLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
	nameAndChangeTrackLayout->setSpacing( 2 );

	// setup line edit for changing instrument track name
	m_nameLineEdit = new QLineEdit;
	m_nameLineEdit->setFont( pointSize<9>( m_nameLineEdit->font() ) );
	connect( m_nameLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ),
				this, SLOT( textChanged( const QString & ) ) );

	m_nameLineEdit->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred));

	// set up left/right arrows for changing instrument
	m_leftRightNav = new LeftRightNav(this);
	connect( m_leftRightNav, SIGNAL( onNavLeft() ), this,
						SLOT( viewPrevInstrument() ) );
	connect( m_leftRightNav, SIGNAL( onNavRight() ), this,
						SLOT( viewNextInstrument() ) );
		tr( "Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor." ) );
	// m_leftRightNav->setShortcuts();

	generalSettingsLayout->addWidget( nameAndChangeTrackWidget );

	QGridLayout* basicControlsLayout = new QGridLayout;
	basicControlsLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);

	QString labelStyleSheet = "font-size: 6pt;";
	Qt::Alignment labelAlignment = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop;
	Qt::Alignment widgetAlignment = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignCenter;

	// set up volume knob
	m_volumeKnob = new Knob( knobBright_26, NULL, tr( "Instrument volume" ) );
	m_volumeKnob->setVolumeKnob( true );
	m_volumeKnob->setHintText( tr( "Volume:" ), "%" );
	m_volumeKnob->setWhatsThis( tr( volume_help ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_volumeKnob, 0, 0 );
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_volumeKnob, widgetAlignment );

	QLabel *label = new QLabel( tr( "VOL" ), this );
	label->setStyleSheet( labelStyleSheet );
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( label, 1, 0);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( label, labelAlignment );

	// set up panning knob
	m_panningKnob = new Knob( knobBright_26, NULL, tr( "Panning" ) );
	m_panningKnob->setHintText( tr( "Panning:" ), "" );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_panningKnob, 0, 1 );
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_panningKnob, widgetAlignment );

	label = new QLabel( tr( "PAN" ), this );
	label->setStyleSheet( labelStyleSheet );
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( label, 1, 1);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( label, labelAlignment );

	basicControlsLayout->setColumnStretch(2, 1);

	// set up pitch knob
	m_pitchKnob = new Knob( knobBright_26, NULL, tr( "Pitch" ) );
	m_pitchKnob->setHintText( tr( "Pitch:" ), " " + tr( "cents" ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_pitchKnob, 0, 3 );
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_pitchKnob, widgetAlignment );

	m_pitchLabel = new QLabel( tr( "PITCH" ), this );
	m_pitchLabel->setStyleSheet( labelStyleSheet );
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_pitchLabel, 1, 3);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_pitchLabel, labelAlignment );

	// set up pitch range knob
	m_pitchRangeSpinBox= new LcdSpinBox( 2, NULL, tr( "Pitch range (semitones)" ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_pitchRangeSpinBox, 0, 4 );
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_pitchRangeSpinBox, widgetAlignment );

	m_pitchRangeLabel = new QLabel( tr( "RANGE" ), this );
	m_pitchRangeLabel->setStyleSheet( labelStyleSheet );
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_pitchRangeLabel, 1, 4);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_pitchRangeLabel, labelAlignment );

	basicControlsLayout->setColumnStretch(5, 1);

	// setup spinbox for selecting FX-channel
	m_effectChannelNumber = new fxLineLcdSpinBox( 2, NULL, tr( "FX channel" ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_effectChannelNumber, 0, 6 );
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( m_effectChannelNumber, widgetAlignment );

	label = new QLabel( tr( "FX" ), this );
	label->setStyleSheet( labelStyleSheet );
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( label, 1, 6);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( label, labelAlignment );

	QPushButton* saveSettingsBtn = new QPushButton( embed::getIconPixmap( "project_save" ), QString() );
	saveSettingsBtn->setMinimumSize( 32, 32 );

	connect( saveSettingsBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( saveSettingsBtnClicked() ) );

	ToolTip::add( saveSettingsBtn, tr( "Save current instrument track settings in a preset file" ) );
		tr( "Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. "
			"Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser." ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( saveSettingsBtn, 0, 7 );

	label = new QLabel( tr( "SAVE" ), this );
	label->setStyleSheet( labelStyleSheet );
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( label, 1, 7);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment( label, labelAlignment );

	generalSettingsLayout->addLayout( basicControlsLayout );

	m_tabWidget = new TabWidget( "", this );
	m_tabWidget->setFixedHeight( INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT + 10 );

	// create tab-widgets
	m_ssView = new InstrumentSoundShapingView( m_tabWidget );

	// FUNC tab
	QWidget* instrumentFunctions = new QWidget( m_tabWidget );
	QVBoxLayout* instrumentFunctionsLayout = new QVBoxLayout( instrumentFunctions );
	instrumentFunctionsLayout->setMargin( 5 );
	m_noteStackingView = new InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView( &m_track->m_noteStacking );
	m_arpeggioView = new InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView( &m_track->m_arpeggio );

	instrumentFunctionsLayout->addWidget( m_noteStackingView );
	instrumentFunctionsLayout->addWidget( m_arpeggioView );

	// MIDI tab
	m_midiView = new InstrumentMidiIOView( m_tabWidget );

	// FX tab
	m_effectView = new EffectRackView( m_track->m_audioPort.effects(), m_tabWidget );

	// MISC tab
	m_miscView = new InstrumentMiscView( m_track, m_tabWidget );

	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_ssView, tr( "ENV/LFO" ), 1 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( instrumentFunctions, tr( "FUNC" ), 2 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_effectView, tr( "FX" ), 3 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_midiView, tr( "MIDI" ), 4 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_miscView, tr( "MISC" ), 5 );

	// setup piano-widget
	m_pianoView = new PianoView( this );
	m_pianoView->setFixedSize( INSTRUMENT_WIDTH, PIANO_HEIGHT );

	vlayout->addWidget( generalSettingsWidget );
	vlayout->addWidget( m_tabWidget );
	vlayout->addWidget( m_pianoView );

	setModel( _itv->model() );


	setFixedWidth( INSTRUMENT_WIDTH );
	resize( sizeHint() );

	QMdiSubWindow * subWin = gui->mainWindow()->addWindowedWidget( this );
	Qt::WindowFlags flags = subWin->windowFlags();
	flags |= Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint;
	flags &= ~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint;
	subWin->setWindowFlags( flags );

	// Hide the Size and Maximize options from the system menu
	// since the dialog size is fixed.
	QMenu * systemMenu = subWin->systemMenu();
	systemMenu->actions().at( 2 )->setVisible( false ); // Size
	systemMenu->actions().at( 4 )->setVisible( false ); // Maximize

	subWin->setWindowIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "instrument_track" ) );
	subWin->setFixedSize( subWin->size() );
Exemplo n.º 8
/* Build Module GUI */
void IScale_DynClamp::Module::createGUI( void ) {

	QMdiSubWindow *subWindow  = new QMdiSubWindow;
	subWindow->setWindowFlags(Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | 
	                          Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint );

	mainWindow = new IScale_DynClampUI(subWindow);
	// Construct Main Layout - vertical layout
	QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);

	// Model Combo Box
	mainWindow->modelComboBox->addItem("LivRudy 2009");
	mainWindow->modelComboBox->addItem("FaberRudy 2000");

	// Set GUI refresh rate
	QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this);

	// Set validators
	mainWindow->APDRepolEdit->setValidator( new QIntValidator(mainWindow->APDRepolEdit) );
	mainWindow->minAPDEdit->setValidator( new QIntValidator(mainWindow->minAPDEdit) );
	mainWindow->stimWindowEdit->setValidator( new QIntValidator(mainWindow->stimWindowEdit) );
	mainWindow->numTrialEdit->setValidator( new QIntValidator(mainWindow->numTrialEdit) );
	mainWindow->intervalTimeEdit->setValidator( new QIntValidator(mainWindow->intervalTimeEdit) );
	mainWindow->BCLEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator(mainWindow->BCLEdit) );
	mainWindow->stimMagEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator(mainWindow->stimMagEdit) );
	mainWindow->stimLengthEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator(mainWindow->stimLengthEdit) );
	mainWindow->CmEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator(mainWindow->CmEdit) );
	mainWindow->LJPEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator(mainWindow->CmEdit) );

	// Connect MainWindow elements to slot functions
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->addStepButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( addStep(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->deleteStepButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( deleteStep(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->saveProtocolButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( saveProtocol(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->loadProtocolButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( loadProtocol(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->clearProtocolButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( clearProtocol(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->recordDataCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( modify(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->startProtocolButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), 
	                  this, SLOT( toggleProtocol(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->thresholdButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( toggleThreshold(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->staticPacingButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( togglePace(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->resetButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( reset(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->modelComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), 
	                  this, SLOT( changeModel(int)) );    
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->APDRepolEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( modify(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->minAPDEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( modify(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->stimWindowEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( modify(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->numTrialEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( modify(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->intervalTimeEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( modify(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->BCLEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( modify(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->stimMagEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( modify(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->stimLengthEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( modify(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->CmEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( modify(void)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->LJPEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT( modify(void)) );
	QObject::connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout(void)), 
	                  this, SLOT(refreshDisplay(void)));

	// Connections to allow only one button being toggled at a time
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->thresholdButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), 
	                  mainWindow->staticPacingButton, SLOT( setDisabled(bool)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->thresholdButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
	                  mainWindow->startProtocolButton, SLOT( setDisabled(bool)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->startProtocolButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), 
	                  mainWindow->staticPacingButton, SLOT( setDisabled(bool)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->startProtocolButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), 
	                  mainWindow->thresholdButton, SLOT( setDisabled(bool)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->staticPacingButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), 
	                  mainWindow->thresholdButton, SLOT( setDisabled(bool)) );
	QObject::connect( mainWindow->staticPacingButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), 
	                  mainWindow->startProtocolButton, SLOT( setDisabled(bool)) );

	// Connect states to workspace
	setData( Workspace::STATE, 0, &time );
	setData( Workspace::STATE, 1, &voltage );
	setData( Workspace::STATE, 2, &beatNum );
	setData( Workspace::STATE, 3, &APD );
	setData( Workspace::STATE, 4, &targetCurrent );
	setData( Workspace::STATE, 5, &scaledCurrent );

} // End createGUI()
Exemplo n.º 9
FxMixerView::FxMixerView() :
	ModelView( NULL, this ),
	FxMixer * m = Engine::fxMixer();
	m->setHook( this );

	//QPalette pal = palette();
	//pal.setColor( QPalette::Background, QColor( 72, 76, 88 ) );
	//setPalette( pal );

	setAutoFillBackground( true );
	setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed );

	setWindowTitle( tr( "FX-Mixer" ) );
	setWindowIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "fx_mixer" ) );

	// main-layout
	QHBoxLayout * ml = new QHBoxLayout;

	// Set margins
	ml->setContentsMargins( 0, 4, 0, 0 );
	// Channel area
	m_channelAreaWidget = new QWidget;
	chLayout = new QHBoxLayout( m_channelAreaWidget );
	chLayout->setSizeConstraint( QLayout::SetMinimumSize );
	chLayout->setSpacing( 0 );
	chLayout->setMargin( 0 );

	// create rack layout before creating the first channel
	m_racksWidget = new QWidget;
	m_racksLayout = new QStackedLayout( m_racksWidget );
	m_racksLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
	m_racksWidget->setLayout( m_racksLayout );

	// add master channel
	m_fxChannelViews.resize( m->numChannels() );
	m_fxChannelViews[0] = new FxChannelView( this, this, 0 );

	m_racksLayout->addWidget( m_fxChannelViews[0]->m_rackView );

	FxChannelView * masterView = m_fxChannelViews[0];
	ml->addWidget( masterView->m_fxLine, 0, Qt::AlignTop );

	QSize fxLineSize = masterView->m_fxLine->size();

	// add mixer channels
	for( int i = 1; i < m_fxChannelViews.size(); ++i )
		m_fxChannelViews[i] = new FxChannelView(m_channelAreaWidget, this, i);
		chLayout->addWidget( m_fxChannelViews[i]->m_fxLine );

	// add the scrolling section to the main layout
	// class solely for scroll area to pass key presses down
	class ChannelArea : public QScrollArea
			ChannelArea( QWidget * parent, FxMixerView * mv ) :
				QScrollArea( parent ), m_mv( mv ) {}
			~ChannelArea() {}
			virtual void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * e )
				m_mv->keyPressEvent( e );
			FxMixerView * m_mv;
	channelArea = new ChannelArea( this, this );
	channelArea->setWidget( m_channelAreaWidget );
	channelArea->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
	channelArea->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
	channelArea->setMinimumWidth( fxLineSize.width() * 6 );
	channelArea->setFixedHeight( fxLineSize.height() +
			style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent ) );
	ml->addWidget( channelArea, 1, Qt::AlignTop );

	// show the add new effect channel button
	QPushButton * newChannelBtn = new QPushButton( embed::getIconPixmap( "new_channel" ), QString::null, this );
	newChannelBtn->setObjectName( "newChannelBtn" );
	newChannelBtn->setFixedSize( fxLineSize );
	connect( newChannelBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addNewChannel() ) );
	ml->addWidget( newChannelBtn, 0, Qt::AlignTop );

	// add the stacked layout for the effect racks of fx channels 
	ml->addWidget( m_racksWidget, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight );
	setCurrentFxLine( m_fxChannelViews[0]->m_fxLine );

	setLayout( ml );

	// timer for updating faders
	connect( gui->mainWindow(), SIGNAL( periodicUpdate() ),
					this, SLOT( updateFaders() ) );

	// add ourself to workspace
	QMdiSubWindow * subWin = gui->mainWindow()->addWindowedWidget( this );
	Qt::WindowFlags flags = subWin->windowFlags();
	flags &= ~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint;
	subWin->setWindowFlags( flags );
	layout()->setSizeConstraint( QLayout::SetMinimumSize );
	subWin->layout()->setSizeConstraint( QLayout::SetMinAndMaxSize );

	parentWidget()->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, false );
	parentWidget()->move( 5, 310 );

	// we want to receive dataChanged-signals in order to update
	setModel( m );
Exemplo n.º 10
// #### ITW:
InstrumentTrackWindow::InstrumentTrackWindow( InstrumentTrackView * _itv ) :
	ModelView( NULL, this ),
	m_track( _itv->model() ),
	m_itv( _itv ),
	m_instrumentView( NULL )
	setAcceptDrops( true );

	// init own layout + widgets
	setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
	QVBoxLayout * vlayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
	vlayout->setMargin( 0 );
	vlayout->setSpacing( 0 );

	tabWidget* generalSettingsWidget = new tabWidget( tr( "GENERAL SETTINGS" ), this );

	QVBoxLayout* generalSettingsLayout = new QVBoxLayout( generalSettingsWidget );

	generalSettingsLayout->setContentsMargins( 8, 18, 8, 8 );
	generalSettingsLayout->setSpacing( 6 );

	// setup line edit for changing instrument track name
	m_nameLineEdit = new QLineEdit;
	m_nameLineEdit->setFont( pointSize<9>( m_nameLineEdit->font() ) );
	connect( m_nameLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ),
				this, SLOT( textChanged( const QString & ) ) );

	generalSettingsLayout->addWidget( m_nameLineEdit );

	QHBoxLayout* basicControlsLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
	basicControlsLayout->setSpacing( 3 );

	// set up volume knob
	m_volumeKnob = new knob( knobBright_26, NULL, tr( "Instrument volume" ) );
	m_volumeKnob->setVolumeKnob( true );
	m_volumeKnob->setHintText( tr( "Volume:" ) + " ", "%" );
	m_volumeKnob->setLabel( tr( "VOL" ) );

	m_volumeKnob->setWhatsThis( tr( volume_help ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_volumeKnob );

	// set up panning knob
	m_panningKnob = new knob( knobBright_26, NULL, tr( "Panning" ) );
	m_panningKnob->setHintText( tr( "Panning:" ) + " ", "" );
	m_panningKnob->setLabel( tr( "PAN" ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_panningKnob );

	// set up pitch knob
	m_pitchKnob = new knob( knobBright_26, NULL, tr( "Pitch" ) );
	m_pitchKnob->setHintText( tr( "Pitch:" ) + " ", " " + tr( "cents" ) );
	m_pitchKnob->setLabel( tr( "PITCH" ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_pitchKnob );

	// set up pitch range knob
	m_pitchRangeSpinBox= new LcdSpinBox( 2, NULL, tr( "Pitch range (semitones)" ) );
	m_pitchRangeSpinBox->setLabel( tr( "RANGE" ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_pitchRangeSpinBox );

	// setup spinbox for selecting FX-channel
	m_effectChannelNumber = new fxLineLcdSpinBox( 2, NULL, tr( "FX channel" ) );
	m_effectChannelNumber->setLabel( tr( "FX" ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( m_effectChannelNumber );


	QPushButton* saveSettingsBtn = new QPushButton( embed::getIconPixmap( "project_save" ), QString() );
	saveSettingsBtn->setMinimumSize( 32, 32 );

	connect( saveSettingsBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( saveSettingsBtnClicked() ) );

	toolTip::add( saveSettingsBtn, tr( "Save current channel settings in a preset-file" ) );
		tr( "Click here, if you want to save current channel settings "
			"in a preset-file. Later you can load this preset by "
			"double-clicking it in the preset-browser." ) );

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget( saveSettingsBtn );

	generalSettingsLayout->addLayout( basicControlsLayout );

	m_tabWidget = new tabWidget( "", this );
	m_tabWidget->setFixedHeight( INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT + 10 );

	// create tab-widgets
	m_ssView = new InstrumentSoundShapingView( m_tabWidget );

	// FUNC tab
	QWidget* instrumentFunctions = new QWidget( m_tabWidget );
	QVBoxLayout* instrumentFunctionsLayout = new QVBoxLayout( instrumentFunctions );
	instrumentFunctionsLayout->setMargin( 5 );
	m_noteStackingView = new InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView( &m_track->m_noteStacking );
	m_arpeggioView = new InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView( &m_track->m_arpeggio );

	instrumentFunctionsLayout->addWidget( m_noteStackingView );
	instrumentFunctionsLayout->addWidget( m_arpeggioView );

	// MIDI tab
	m_midiView = new InstrumentMidiIOView( m_tabWidget );

	// FX tab
	m_effectView = new EffectRackView( m_track->m_audioPort.effects(), m_tabWidget );

	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_ssView, tr( "ENV/LFO" ), 1 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( instrumentFunctions, tr( "FUNC" ), 2 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_effectView, tr( "FX" ), 3 );
	m_tabWidget->addTab( m_midiView, tr( "MIDI" ), 4 );

	// setup piano-widget
	m_pianoView = new PianoView( this );
	m_pianoView->setFixedSize( INSTRUMENT_WIDTH, PIANO_HEIGHT );

	vlayout->addWidget( generalSettingsWidget );
	vlayout->addWidget( m_tabWidget );
	vlayout->addWidget( m_pianoView );

	setModel( _itv->model() );


	setFixedWidth( INSTRUMENT_WIDTH );
	resize( sizeHint() );

	QMdiSubWindow * subWin = engine::mainWindow()->workspace()->addSubWindow( this );
	Qt::WindowFlags flags = subWin->windowFlags();
	flags |= Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint;
	flags &= ~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint;
	subWin->setWindowFlags( flags );
	subWin->setWindowIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "instrument_track" ) );
	subWin->setFixedSize( subWin->size() );
Exemplo n.º 11
SampleTrackWindow::SampleTrackWindow(SampleTrackView * tv) :
	ModelView(NULL, this),
	// init own layout + widgets
	QVBoxLayout * vlayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);

	TabWidget* generalSettingsWidget = new TabWidget(tr("GENERAL SETTINGS"), this);

	QVBoxLayout* generalSettingsLayout = new QVBoxLayout(generalSettingsWidget);

	generalSettingsLayout->setContentsMargins(8, 18, 8, 8);

	QWidget* nameWidget = new QWidget(generalSettingsWidget);
	QHBoxLayout* nameLayout = new QHBoxLayout(nameWidget);
	nameLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);

	// setup line edit for changing sample track name
	m_nameLineEdit = new QLineEdit;
	connect(m_nameLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
				this, SLOT(textChanged(const QString &)));

	m_nameLineEdit->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred));


	QGridLayout* basicControlsLayout = new QGridLayout;
	basicControlsLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);

	QString labelStyleSheet = "font-size: 6pt;";
	Qt::Alignment labelAlignment = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop;
	Qt::Alignment widgetAlignment = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignCenter;

	// set up volume knob
	m_volumeKnob = new Knob(knobBright_26, NULL, tr("Sample volume"));
	m_volumeKnob->setHintText(tr("Volume:"), "%");

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget(m_volumeKnob, 0, 0);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment(m_volumeKnob, widgetAlignment);

	QLabel *label = new QLabel(tr("VOL"), this);
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget(label, 1, 0);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment(label, labelAlignment);

	// set up panning knob
	m_panningKnob = new Knob(knobBright_26, NULL, tr("Panning"));
	m_panningKnob->setHintText(tr("Panning:"), "");

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget(m_panningKnob, 0, 1);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment(m_panningKnob, widgetAlignment);

	label = new QLabel(tr("PAN"),this);
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget(label, 1, 1);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment(label, labelAlignment);

	basicControlsLayout->setColumnStretch(2, 1);

	// setup spinbox for selecting FX-channel
	m_effectChannelNumber = new FxLineLcdSpinBox(2, NULL, tr("FX channel"), m_stv);

	basicControlsLayout->addWidget(m_effectChannelNumber, 0, 3);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment(m_effectChannelNumber, widgetAlignment);

	label = new QLabel(tr("FX"), this);
	basicControlsLayout->addWidget(label, 1, 3);
	basicControlsLayout->setAlignment(label, labelAlignment);


	m_effectRack = new EffectRackView(tv->model()->audioPort()->effects());
	m_effectRack->setFixedSize(240, 242);



	QMdiSubWindow * subWin = gui->mainWindow()->addWindowedWidget(this);
	Qt::WindowFlags flags = subWin->windowFlags();
	flags |= Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint;
	flags &= ~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint;

	// Hide the Size and Maximize options from the system menu
	// since the dialog size is fixed.
	QMenu * systemMenu = subWin->systemMenu();
	systemMenu->actions().at(2)->setVisible(false); // Size
	systemMenu->actions().at(4)->setVisible(false); // Maximize
