Exemplo n.º 1
static QScriptValue qtscript_construct_QAbstractSpinBox_CorrectionMode(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)
    int arg = context->argument(0).toInt32();
    const QMetaObject *meta = qtscript_QAbstractSpinBox_metaObject();
    int idx = meta->indexOfEnumerator("CorrectionMode");
    Q_ASSERT(idx != -1);
    QMetaEnum menum = meta->enumerator(idx);
    if (menum.valueToKey(arg) != 0)
        return qScriptValueFromValue(engine,  static_cast<QAbstractSpinBox::CorrectionMode>(arg));
    return context->throwError(QString::fromLatin1("CorrectionMode(): invalid enum value (%0)").arg(arg));
Exemplo n.º 2
static QScriptValue qtscript_construct_QFontDialog_FontDialogOption(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)
    int arg = context->argument(0).toInt32();
    const QMetaObject *meta = qtscript_QFontDialog_metaObject();
    int idx = meta->indexOfEnumerator("FontDialogOption");
    Q_ASSERT(idx != -1);
    QMetaEnum menum = meta->enumerator(idx);
    if (menum.valueToKey(arg) != 0)
        return qScriptValueFromValue(engine,  static_cast<QFontDialog::FontDialogOption>(arg));
    return context->throwError(QString::fromLatin1("FontDialogOption(): invalid enum value (%0)").arg(arg));
Exemplo n.º 3
bool FormDialog::setFaceType(const QString& facetype)
    int i = KPageView::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("FaceType");
    Q_ASSERT( i >= 0 );
    QMetaEnum e = KPageView::staticMetaObject.enumerator(i);
    int v = e.keysToValue( facetype.toUtf8() );
    if( v < 0 )
        return false;
    KPageDialog::setFaceType( (KPageDialog::FaceType) v );
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
int ObjectEnumModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
  if (!parent.isValid()) {
    return SuperClass::rowCount(parent);
  if (parent.parent().isValid()) {
    return 0;
  const QMetaEnum e = m_object.data()->metaObject()->enumerator(parent.row());
  return e.keyCount();
Exemplo n.º 5
bool FormDialog::setButtonText(const QString& button, const QString& text)
    int i = metaObject()->indexOfEnumerator("ButtonCode");
    Q_ASSERT( i >= 0 );
    QMetaEnum e = metaObject()->enumerator(i);
    int v = e.keysToValue( button.toUtf8() );
    if( v < 0 )
        return false;
    KDialog::setButtonText( (KDialog::ButtonCode) v, text);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
int BookStyleItem::indexForFormat(Format::Type type)
    static const int foregroundsIndex = staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("ForegroundColorType");
    static const QMetaEnum foregrounds = staticMetaObject.enumerator(foregroundsIndex);

    static const int typesIndex = Format::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("Type");
    static const QMetaEnum types = Format::staticMetaObject.enumerator(typesIndex);

    const char *key = types.valueToKey(type);
    return foregrounds.keyToValue(key);
Exemplo n.º 7
static QScriptValue qtscript_construct_QComboBox_SizeAdjustPolicy(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)
    int arg = context->argument(0).toInt32();
    const QMetaObject *meta = qtscript_QComboBox_metaObject();
    int idx = meta->indexOfEnumerator("SizeAdjustPolicy");
    Q_ASSERT(idx != -1);
    QMetaEnum menum = meta->enumerator(idx);
    if (menum.valueToKey(arg) != 0)
        return qScriptValueFromValue(engine,  static_cast<QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy>(arg));
    return context->throwError(QString::fromLatin1("SizeAdjustPolicy(): invalid enum value (%0)").arg(arg));
Exemplo n.º 8
QStringList Country::getCountryNames() {
    if (sCountryNames.isEmpty()) {
        Country cc;
        QMetaProperty mp(cc.metaProperty("val"));
        QMetaEnum qmen = mp.enumerator();
        for (int i=0; i<qmen.keyCount(); ++i) {
            sCountryNames += qmen.valueToKey(i);
    return sCountryNames;
Exemplo n.º 9
static core::WorldRules::Type rulesTypeFromString(const char* str)
    const QMetaEnum metaEnum{QMetaEnum::fromType<core::WorldRules::Type>()};
    bool ok{true};
    auto e = metaEnum.keyToValue(str, &ok);

    if (!ok)
        throw utils::ValueError("Failed to unserialize RulesType");

    return static_cast<core::WorldRules::Type>(e);
Exemplo n.º 10
PaletteModel::PaletteModel(QObject *parent)  : 
    const QMetaObject *meta = metaObject();
    const int index = meta->indexOfProperty("colorRole");
    const QMetaProperty p = meta->property(index);
    const QMetaEnum e = p.enumerator();
    for (int r = QPalette::WindowText; r < QPalette::NColorRoles; r++) {
        m_roleNames[static_cast<QPalette::ColorRole>(r)] = QLatin1String(e.key(r));
Exemplo n.º 11
QDeclarativeTypeNameScriptClass::queryProperty(Object *obj, const Identifier &name, 
                                      QScriptClass::QueryFlags flags)

    TypeNameData *data = (TypeNameData *)obj;

    object = 0;
    type = 0;
    QDeclarativeEnginePrivate *ep = QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::get(engine);

    if (data->typeNamespace) {

        QDeclarativeTypeNameCache::Data *d = data->typeNamespace->data(name);
        if (d && d->type) {
            type = d->type;
            return QScriptClass::HandlesReadAccess;
        } else {
            return 0;

    } else {

        QString strName = toString(name);

        if (strName.at(0).isUpper()) {
            // Must be an enum
            if (data->mode == IncludeEnums) {
                // ### Optimize
                QByteArray enumName = strName.toUtf8();
                const QMetaObject *metaObject = data->type->baseMetaObject();
                for (int ii = metaObject->enumeratorCount() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii) {
                    QMetaEnum e = metaObject->enumerator(ii);
                    int value = e.keyToValue(enumName.constData());
                    if (value != -1) {
                        enumValue = value;
                        return QScriptClass::HandlesReadAccess;
            return 0;
        } else if (data->object) {
            // Must be an attached property
            object = qmlAttachedPropertiesObjectById(data->type->index(), data->object);
            if (!object) return 0;
            return ep->objectClass->queryProperty(object, name, flags, 0);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
void Terrain3D::loadUserSettings()
    const QMetaObject &mo = Settings::staticMetaObject;
    const QMetaEnum me = mo.enumerator(mo.indexOfEnumerator("Key"));

    //loop through every Settings::Key and tell ourself that a value has
    //changed to effectively load the value
    for (int i=0; i<me.keyCount(); i++)
        Settings::Key key = static_cast<Settings::Key>(me.value(i));
        settingsValueChanged(key, mMainSettings->value(key));
Exemplo n.º 13
QVariant ObjectEnumModel::metaData(const QModelIndex &index,
                               const QMetaEnum &enumerator, int role) const
  if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
    if (index.column() == 0) {
      return QString::fromLatin1(enumerator.name());
    if (index.column() == 1) {
      return tr("%n element(s)", "", enumerator.keyCount());
  return QVariant();
Exemplo n.º 14
void Window::createCurveIcons()
    QPixmap pix(m_iconSize);
    QPainter painter(&pix);
    QLinearGradient gradient(0,0, 0, m_iconSize.height());
    gradient.setColorAt(0.0, QColor(240, 240, 240));
    gradient.setColorAt(1.0, QColor(224, 224, 224));
    QBrush brush(gradient);
    const QMetaObject &mo = QEasingCurve::staticMetaObject;
    QMetaEnum metaEnum = mo.enumerator(mo.indexOfEnumerator("Type"));
    // Skip QEasingCurve::Custom
    for (int i = 0; i < QEasingCurve::NCurveTypes - 1; ++i) {
        painter.fillRect(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), m_iconSize), brush);
        QEasingCurve curve((QEasingCurve::Type)i);
        painter.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 255, 64));
        qreal xAxis = m_iconSize.height()/1.5;
        qreal yAxis = m_iconSize.width()/3;
        painter.drawLine(0, xAxis, m_iconSize.width(),  xAxis);
        painter.drawLine(yAxis, 0, yAxis, m_iconSize.height());

        qreal curveScale = m_iconSize.height()/2;


        // start point
        QPoint start(yAxis, xAxis - curveScale * curve.valueForProgress(0));
        painter.drawRect(start.x() - 1, start.y() - 1, 3, 3);

        // end point
        QPoint end(yAxis + curveScale, xAxis - curveScale * curve.valueForProgress(1));
        painter.drawRect(end.x() - 1, end.y() - 1, 3, 3);

        QPainterPath curvePath;
        for (qreal t = 0; t <= 1.0; t+=1.0/curveScale) {
            QPoint to;
            to.setX(yAxis + curveScale * t);
            to.setY(xAxis - curveScale * curve.valueForProgress(t));
        painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
        painter.strokePath(curvePath, QColor(32, 32, 32));
        painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
        QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem;
Exemplo n.º 15
void GCF::Components::EnumEditorCreator::initialize(QWidget* editor, QMetaEnum enumStruct)
    QComboBox* combo = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>(editor);

    for(int i=enumStruct.keyCount()-1; i>=0; i--)
        QString key = QString("%1").arg(enumStruct.key(i));
        int value = enumStruct.value(i);
        combo->insertItem(0, key);
        combo->setItemData(0, value);
Exemplo n.º 16
int ObjectControllerPrivate::enumToInt(const QMetaEnum &metaEnum, int enumValue) const
    QMap<int, int> valueMap; // dont show multiple enum values which have the same values
    int pos = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) {
        int value = metaEnum.value(i);
        if (!valueMap.contains(value)) {
            if (value == enumValue)
                return pos;
            valueMap[value] = pos++;
    return -1;
void SimpleLoggerRoutingInfo::setRouting(MessageRoutings messageRoutings, bool state)
  const QMetaObject* metaObj = metaObject();
  QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaObj->enumerator(metaObj->indexOfEnumerator("MessageRouting"));

  for (int i=0; i<metaEnum.keyCount(); ++i)
    MessageRouting messageRouting = static_cast<MessageRouting>(metaEnum.value(i));
    if ((messageRoutings & messageRouting) == messageRouting)
      m_routing->insert(messageRouting, state);
Exemplo n.º 18
QQnxButtonEventNotifier::QQnxButtonEventNotifier(QObject *parent)
    : QObject(parent),
    // Set initial state of buttons to ButtonUp and
    // fetch the new button ids
    int enumeratorIndex = QQnxButtonEventNotifier::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator(QByteArrayLiteral("ButtonId"));
    QMetaEnum enumerator = QQnxButtonEventNotifier::staticMetaObject.enumerator(enumeratorIndex);
    for (int buttonId = bid_minus; buttonId < ButtonCount; ++buttonId) {
        m_state[buttonId] = ButtonUp;
Exemplo n.º 19
QString enumToString(const QMetaEnum &aMetaEnum, const int &aValue)
    QString res=qApp->translate("Property", "[No enumeration value]");

    for (int i=0; i<aMetaEnum.keyCount(); ++i)
        if (aMetaEnum.value(i)==aValue)

    return res;
Exemplo n.º 20
void UpdateInfoPlugin::saveSettings()
    QSettings *settings = ICore::settings();
    settings->setValue(QLatin1String(LastCheckDateKey), d->m_lastCheckDate);
    settings->setValue(QLatin1String(AutomaticCheckKey), d->m_automaticCheck);
    // Note: don't save MaintenanceToolKey on purpose! This setting may be set only by installer.
    // If creator is run not from installed SDK, the setting can be manually created here:
    // [CREATOR_INSTALLATION_LOCATION]/share/qtcreator/QtProject/QtCreator.ini or
    // [CREATOR_INSTALLATION_LOCATION]/Qt Creator.app/Contents/Resources/QtProject/QtCreator.ini on OS X
    const QMetaObject *mo = metaObject();
    const QMetaEnum me = mo->enumerator(mo->indexOfEnumerator(CheckIntervalKey));
    settings->setValue(QLatin1String(CheckIntervalKey), QLatin1String(me.valueToKey(d->m_checkInterval)));
Exemplo n.º 21
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, CoapReply *reply)
    const QMetaObject &metaObject = CoapPdu::staticMetaObject;
    QMetaEnum messageTypeEnum = metaObject.enumerator(metaObject.indexOfEnumerator("MessageType"));
    QMetaEnum contentTypeEnum = metaObject.enumerator(metaObject.indexOfEnumerator("ContentType"));
    debug.nospace() << "CoapReply(" << messageTypeEnum.valueToKey(reply->messageType()) << ")" << endl;
    debug.nospace() << "  Status code: " << CoapPdu::getStatusCodeString(reply->statusCode()) << endl;
    debug.nospace() << "  Content type: " << contentTypeEnum.valueToKey(reply->contentType()) << endl;
    debug.nospace() << "  Payload size: " << reply->payload().size() << endl;

    if (!reply->payload().isEmpty())
        debug.nospace() << endl << reply->payload() << endl;

    return debug.space();
Exemplo n.º 22
int ObjectControllerPrivate::intToEnum(const QMetaEnum &metaEnum, int intValue) const
    QMap<int, bool> valueMap; // dont show multiple enum values which have the same values
    QList<int> values;
    for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) {
        int value = metaEnum.value(i);
        if (!valueMap.contains(value)) {
            valueMap[value] = true;
    if (intValue >= values.count())
        return -1;
    return values.at(intValue);
Exemplo n.º 23
QString RemoteArchiveModel::networkErrorToString(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error)
    QString errorValue;
    QMetaObject meta = QNetworkReply::staticMetaObject;
    for (int i = 0; i < meta.enumeratorCount(); ++i) {
        QMetaEnum m = meta.enumerator(i);
        if (m.name() == QLatin1String("NetworkError"))
            errorValue = QLatin1String(m.valueToKey(error));
    return errorValue;
Exemplo n.º 24
void SaxsviewProperty::setValue(QObject *obj) {
  if (!mProperty) {
    // Find the meta-property information; the passed object must
    // provide the Q_PROPERTY name passed to the constructor.
    int indexOfProperty = obj->metaObject()->indexOfProperty(qPrintable(mPropertyName));
    QMetaProperty metaProperty = obj->metaObject()->property(indexOfProperty);

    if (metaProperty.isValid()) {
      // Create an editor factory if and only if the property is writeable.
      if (metaProperty.isWritable()) {
        mBrowser->setFactoryForManager(mManager, new QtVariantEditorFactory(this));
        connect(mManager, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QtProperty*, const QVariant&)),
                this, SLOT(valueChanged(QtProperty*, const QVariant&)));

      if (!mManager->isPropertyTypeSupported(metaProperty.type()))
        qFatal("internal error: property '%s', property type not supported: '%s'",
               metaProperty.name(), metaProperty.typeName());

      // Check if this is an enum and handle it specially if yes.
      if (metaProperty.isEnumType()) {
        QStringList enumNames;
        QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaProperty.enumerator();

        // WARNING: This only builds a  list of names in the order
        //          as defined. The combobox to display these names
        //          provides the selected index, not the actual enum
        //          value.
        for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); ++i)
          enumNames << metaEnum.key(i);


      if (mAttributes.contains("enumNames"))
        mProperty = mManager->addProperty(mManager->enumTypeId(), mPropertyLabel);
        mProperty = mManager->addProperty(metaProperty.type(), mPropertyLabel);

    } else if (obj->dynamicPropertyNames().contains(qPrintable(mPropertyName))) {
    void QtScriptEngine::copyEnumsToScriptObject(
        QScriptEngine *engine, const QMetaObject *metaObject, QScriptValue *object)
        for (int enumIndex = 0; enumIndex < metaObject->enumeratorCount(); enumIndex++)
            QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaObject->enumerator(enumIndex);
            QScriptValue enumClass = engine->newObject();

            for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < metaEnum.keyCount(); keyIndex++)
                enumClass.setProperty(metaEnum.key(keyIndex), metaEnum.value(keyIndex));

            object->setProperty(metaEnum.name(), enumClass);
Exemplo n.º 26
QList<QString> enumToKeys(const QMetaObject o, const QString& name, const QString& strip)
    QList<QString> list;

    int enumIndex = o.indexOfEnumerator(name.toLatin1().data());
    QMetaEnum enumerator = o.enumerator(enumIndex);

    if (enumerator.isValid()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < enumerator.keyCount(); i++) {
            QString key(enumerator.valueToKey(i));

    return list;
Exemplo n.º 27
	qDebug() << "SignalData ctor" << this;
	connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(dataArrived()), SLOT(fetchSamples()));
	connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(started()), this, SIGNAL(started()));
	connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SIGNAL(finished()));
	connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(terminated()), this, SIGNAL(finished()));
	connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(error(QString)), this, SIGNAL(error(QString)));

	const QMetaObject metaObject = Sample::staticMetaObject;
	const QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaObject.enumerator(metaObject.indexOfEnumerator("Marker"));
	for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) {
		mSamples.insert((Sample::Marker)metaEnum.value(i), QVector<Sample>());
		mBoundingRects.insert((Sample::Marker)metaEnum.value(i), QRectF());
Exemplo n.º 28
void UpdateInfoPlugin::loadSettings() const
    QSettings *settings = ICore::settings();
    const QString updaterKey = QLatin1String(UpdaterGroup) + QLatin1Char('/');
    d->m_maintenanceTool = settings->value(updaterKey + QLatin1String(MaintenanceToolKey)).toString();
    d->m_lastCheckDate = settings->value(updaterKey + QLatin1String(LastCheckDateKey), QDate()).toDate();
    d->m_automaticCheck = settings->value(updaterKey + QLatin1String(AutomaticCheckKey), true).toBool();
    const QString checkInterval = settings->value(updaterKey + QLatin1String(CheckIntervalKey)).toString();
    const QMetaObject *mo = metaObject();
    const QMetaEnum me = mo->enumerator(mo->indexOfEnumerator(CheckIntervalKey));
    if (me.isValid()) {
        bool ok = false;
        const int newValue = me.keyToValue(checkInterval.toUtf8(), &ok);
        if (ok)
            d->m_checkInterval = static_cast<CheckUpdateInterval>(newValue);
Exemplo n.º 29
int ObjectControllerPrivate::flagToInt(const QMetaEnum &metaEnum, int flagValue) const
    if (!flagValue)
        return 0;
    int intValue = 0;
    QMap<int, int> valueMap; // dont show multiple enum values which have the same values
    int pos = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) {
        int value = metaEnum.value(i);
        if (!valueMap.contains(value) && isPowerOf2(value)) {
            if (isSubValue(flagValue, value))
                intValue |= (1 << pos);
            valueMap[value] = pos++;
    return intValue;
Exemplo n.º 30
bool QFeedbackSimulator::play(QFeedbackEffect::ThemeEffect theme)
    if (mDefaultActuator == -1)
        return false;

    const QMetaEnum themeEnum = QFeedbackEffect::staticMetaObject.enumerator(
    QString themeString = themeEnum.valueToKey(theme);

    int effectId = mConnection->startEffect(mDefaultActuator,
                                            themeString, 2000);
    if (effectId != -1) {
        mActuatorData[mDefaultActuator].state = QFeedbackActuator::Busy;
        return true;
    return false;