Exemplo n.º 1
void ScriptTableView::startDrag(Qt::DropActions supportedActions)
	QModelIndexList indexes = selectedIndexes();
	for(int i = indexes.count() - 1 ; i >= 0; --i)
		const QModelIndex &index = indexes.at(i);
		if(!(index.flags() & Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled))

	if(indexes.count() == 0)

	QMimeData *data = model()->mimeData(indexes);

	QRect rect;
	QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this);

	Qt::DropAction finalDefaultDropAction = Qt::IgnoreAction;
	if(defaultDropAction() != Qt::IgnoreAction && (supportedActions & defaultDropAction()))
		finalDefaultDropAction = defaultDropAction();
	else if(supportedActions & Qt::CopyAction && dragDropMode() != QAbstractItemView::InternalMove)
		finalDefaultDropAction = Qt::CopyAction;

	drag->exec(supportedActions, finalDefaultDropAction);
Exemplo n.º 2
QModelIndexList NBFolderView::getSelection() {

	QModelIndexList selectedList;
	selectedList << IconView->selection();
	foreach( QModelIndex idx, selectedList )
		if ( idx.column() )
			selectedList.removeAt( selectedList.indexOf( idx ) );

	return selectedList;
Exemplo n.º 3
void TagModel::deleteTags(QModelIndexList tags) {
    //make sure that if we delete a parent, we don't delete its child after cuz that won't exist
    for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); /* happens internally */) {
        //when we remove at the top level, we don't need to increment because i
        //will now refer to the next value

        //only delete 0 indices
        if (tags[i].column() != 0) {
        Tag * parent = static_cast<Tag *>(tags[i].internalPointer());
        if (parent->id() == 0) {
        } else {
            //figure out which tags we should ditch
            QList<int> toRemove;
            for (int j = 0; j < tags.size(); j++) {
                Tag * child = static_cast<Tag *>(tags[j].internalPointer());
                if (parent->id() == child->id())
                if (parent->hasChild(child, true))
            //ditch them
            for (int j = toRemove.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {

    for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
        beginRemoveRows(tags[i].parent(), tags[i].row(), tags[i].row());
        Tag * tag = static_cast<Tag *>(tags[i].internalPointer());

Exemplo n.º 4
void Desktopwidget::stackPages (void)
   QModelIndexList list = _view->getSelectedListSource ();
   QModelIndex dest;

   // pick the first item as the destination
   if (list.size () >= 2)
      dest = list [0];
      list.removeAt (0);
      err_complain (_contents->stackItems (dest, list, 0));
Exemplo n.º 5
void OrderModel::addOrder()
    if (OrderItem::groupsCount(groupsSelection->selectedIndexes()) && messagesSelection->selectedIndexes().count()) {
        beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0);
        QModelIndexList communities = groupsSelection->selectedIndexes();
        for (int row = 0; row < communities.size(); ++row) {
            if (qvariant_cast<GroupItem*>(communities[row].data(GroupModel::GROUPITEM))->type() == GroupItem::GROUP) {
                qDebug() << qvariant_cast<GroupItem*>(communities[row].data(GroupModel::GROUPITEM))->getName();
        orders.append(new OrderItem(messagesSelection->selectedIndexes(),communities));

Exemplo n.º 6
void TreeViewWidget::startDrag(Qt::DropActions pSupportedActions)
    // This a reimplementation of QAbstractItemView::startDrag, so that we can
    // provide OpenCOR with a better pixmap for the drag object
    // Note: indeed, on Windows, the pixmap only shows the dragged item that are
    //       visible in the QTreeView. Also, if there an item covers several
    //       columns, then the pixmap will show several 'cells' some of them
    //       empty if a column is empty, so... instead we want to provide a
    //       generic pixmap which looks 'good' on all platforms...

    // Retrieve the selected draggable items, if any
    // Note: the following code is based on
    //       QAbstractItemViewPrivate::selectedDraggableIndexes...

    QModelIndexList selectedDraggableIndexes = selectedIndexes();

    for (int i = selectedDraggableIndexes.count()-1; i >= 0; --i)
        if (   !(model()->flags(selectedDraggableIndexes[i]) & Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled)
            || selectedDraggableIndexes[i].column())
            // The current selected item is not draggable or is not in the first
            // column
            // Note: regarding the test on the column number, it is because we
            //       may have a model data that requires several columns (e.g.
            //       QFileSystemModel) in which case selectedIndexes would
            //       return a number of indexes equal to the number of rows
            //       times the number of columns while we only want a number of
            //       indexes to be equal to the number of rows (since we have a
            //       selection mode of QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection)


    // Start the dragging action is there is at least one selected draggable
    // item

    if (selectedDraggableIndexes.count()) {
        // There is at least one selected draggable item, so create a QMimeData
        // object for it

        QMimeData *mimeData = model()->mimeData(selectedDraggableIndexes);

        if (!mimeData)

        // Create the pixmap that will be associated with the dragging action

        QPixmap pixmap((selectedDraggableIndexes.count() == 1)?

        // Create the drag object

        QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this);

        drag->setHotSpot(QPoint(0.5*pixmap.width(), 0.5*pixmap.height()));

        // Do the dragging itself

        Qt::DropAction realDefaultDropAction = Qt::IgnoreAction;

        if (   (defaultDropAction() != Qt::IgnoreAction)
            && (pSupportedActions & defaultDropAction()))
            realDefaultDropAction = defaultDropAction();
        else if (   (pSupportedActions & Qt::CopyAction)
                 && (dragDropMode() != QAbstractItemView::InternalMove))
            realDefaultDropAction = Qt::CopyAction;

        if (drag->exec(pSupportedActions, realDefaultDropAction) == Qt::MoveAction) {
            // We want to move the items
            // Note: the following code is based on
            //       QAbstractItemViewPrivate::clearOrRemove...

            const QItemSelection selection = selectionModel()->selection();

            if (!dragDropOverwriteMode()) {
                foreach (const QItemSelectionRange &itemSelectionRange, selection) {
                    QModelIndex parent = itemSelectionRange.parent();

                    if (itemSelectionRange.left())

                    if (itemSelectionRange.right() != (model()->columnCount(parent)-1))

            } else {
Exemplo n.º 7
QModelIndexList FileOrganiserWidget::cleanIndexList(const QModelIndexList &pIndexes) const
    // A list of indexes may contain indexes that are not relevant or
    // effectively the duplicate of another existing index, so...

    QModelIndexList res;

    // If both the index of a folder and some (if not all) of its (in)direct
    // contents is in the original list, then we only keep track of the index of
    // the folder

    for (int i = 0, iMax = pIndexes.count(); i < iMax; ++i) {
        // Check whether one of the current index's parents is already in the
        // list. If so, then skip the current index

        QModelIndex crtIndex = pIndexes[i];

        if (!parentIndexExists(crtIndex, pIndexes)) {
            // None of the index's parents is in the list, so we can safely add
            // the index to the list

            res << crtIndex;

            // If the index refers to a folder, then we must double check that
            // the list of cleaned indexes doesn't contain any of the index's
            // children. If it does, then we must remove all of them

            QStandardItem *crtItem = mModel->itemFromIndex(crtIndex);

            if (crtItem && crtItem->data(Item::Folder).toBool())
                for (int j = res.count()-1; j >= 0; --j)
                    if (parentIndexExists(res[j], res))

    // At this stage, we have indexes for folders that are unique, but we may
    // still have indexes for files that are effectively the duplicate of
    // another file, so these are to be removed from the cleaned list and from
    // the model

    for (int i = res.count()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
        QStandardItem *crtItem = mModel->itemFromIndex(res[i]);

        if (crtItem && !crtItem->data(Item::Folder).toBool())
            // The index corresponds to a valid file item, so check whether in
            // the cleaned list there is another file item referencing the same
            // physical file and, if so, remove it from the cleaned list and the
            // model

            for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
                QStandardItem *testItem = mModel->itemFromIndex(res[j]);

                if (   testItem
                    && !testItem->data(Item::Folder).toBool()
                    && !crtItem->data(Item::Path).toString().compare(testItem->data(Item::Path).toString())) {
                    // The test item is a valid file item and references the
                    // same physical file as our current item, so remove the
                    // current item from the cleaned list


                    // Also remove the current item from the model


                    // Go to our next current item


    // We are all done, so...

    return res;
Exemplo n.º 8
 void MacroTreeView::startDrag(Qt::DropActions supportedActions)
   QModelIndexList indexes = selectionModel()->selectedRows();
   for(int i = indexes.count() - 1 ; i >= 0; --i)
     if (!(indexes.at(i).isValid()) || !(model()->flags(indexes.at(i)) & Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled))
   if (indexes.count() > 0)
     QMimeData *data = model()->mimeData(indexes);
     if (!data)
     QPixmap dragPixmap(":/icons/resources/macro.png");
     QModelIndex srcIndex = dynamic_cast<QSortFilterProxyModel*>(model())->mapToSource(indexes[0]);
     const ModelItemMacro* item = static_cast<const ModelItemMacro*>(srcIndex.internalPointer());
     graph::Vertex::Ptr dummyVertex = app::MacroManager::instance().createVertexInstance(item->macro().signature());
     if (!dummyVertex.isNull())
       graph::VertexItem::Ptr vertexItem = dummyVertex->sceneItem().staticCast<graph::VertexItem>();
       if (!vertexItem.isNull())
         dragPixmap = vertexItem->paintToPixmap();
     QDrag* dragObjectPtr = new QDrag(this);
     Qt::DropAction defDropAction = Qt::IgnoreAction;
     if (defaultDropAction() != Qt::IgnoreAction && (supportedActions & defaultDropAction()))
       defDropAction = defaultDropAction();
     else if (supportedActions & Qt::CopyAction && dragDropMode() != QAbstractItemView::InternalMove)
       defDropAction = Qt::CopyAction;
     if (dragObjectPtr->exec(supportedActions, defDropAction) == Qt::MoveAction)
       // clear or remove dragged items
       const QItemSelection selection = selectionModel()->selection();
       QList<QItemSelectionRange>::const_iterator it = selection.constBegin();
       if (!dragDropOverwriteMode())
         for (; it != selection.constEnd(); ++it)
           QModelIndex parent = (*it).parent();
           if ((*it).left() != 0)
           if ((*it).right() != (model()->columnCount(parent) - 1))
           int count = (*it).bottom() - (*it).top() + 1;
           model()->removeRows((*it).top(), count, parent);
         QModelIndexList list = selection.indexes();
         for (int i=0; i < list.size(); ++i)
           QModelIndex index = list.at(i);
           QMap<int, QVariant> roles = model()->itemData(index);
           for (QMap<int, QVariant>::Iterator it = roles.begin(); it != roles.end(); ++it)
             it.value() = QVariant();
           model()->setItemData(index, roles);