Exemplo n.º 1
bool cUObject::onCollide( cUObject* Obstacle )
	// If we got ANY events process them in order
	for( UI08 i = 0; i < scriptChain.size(); i++ )
		// Items cannot collide with items
		if( !isChar() ) // Item, so obstacle has to be character
			scriptChain[ i ]->onCollideItem( (P_CHAR)Obstacle, (P_ITEM)this );
			if( Obstacle->isItem() )
				if( scriptChain[ i ]->onCollideItem( (P_CHAR)this, (P_ITEM)Obstacle ) )
					return true;

			else // Character, Character
				if( scriptChain[ i ]->onCollideChar( (P_CHAR)this, (P_CHAR)Obstacle ) )
					return true;

	// Try to process the hooks then
	QValueVector< WPDefaultScript* > hooks;
	QValueVector< WPDefaultScript* >::const_iterator it;

	hooks = ScriptManager->getGlobalHooks( OBJECT_OBJECT, EVENT_COLLIDE );
	for( it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); ++it )
		// Items cannot collide with items
		if( !isChar() ) // Item, so obstacle has to be character
			(*it)->onCollideItem( (P_CHAR)Obstacle, (P_ITEM)this );
			if( Obstacle->isItem() )
				(*it)->onCollideItem( (P_CHAR)this, (P_ITEM)Obstacle );
				(*it)->onCollideChar( (P_CHAR)this, (P_CHAR)Obstacle );

	if( isChar() )
		hooks = ScriptManager->getGlobalHooks( OBJECT_CHAR, EVENT_COLLIDE );
		for( it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); ++it )
			if( Obstacle->isItem() )
				(*it)->onCollideItem( (P_CHAR)this, (P_ITEM)Obstacle );
				(*it)->onCollideChar( (P_CHAR)this, (P_CHAR)Obstacle );
	if( isItem() )
		hooks = ScriptManager->getGlobalHooks( OBJECT_ITEM, EVENT_COLLIDE );
		for( it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); ++it )
			(*it)->onCollideItem( (P_CHAR)Obstacle, (P_ITEM)this );

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
void RenderInline::paintOutlines(QPainter *p, int _tx, int _ty)
    if(style()->outlineWidth() == 0 || style()->outlineStyle() <= BHIDDEN)
    int offset = style()->outlineOffset();

    // We may have to draw more than one outline path as they may be
    // disjoint.
    for(InlineRunBox *curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
        QValueVector< QPoint > path;

        // collect topmost outline
        collectHorizontalBoxCoordinates(curr, path, false, offset);
        // collect right outline
        collectVerticalBoxCoordinates(curr, path, false, offset, &curr);
        // collect bottommost outline
        collectHorizontalBoxCoordinates(curr, path, true, offset);
        // collect left outline
        collectVerticalBoxCoordinates(curr, path, true, offset);

        if(path.size() < 3)

        const QPoint *begin = linkEndToBegin(path);

        // paint the outline
        paintOutlinePath(p, _tx, _ty, begin, path.end(), BSLeft, -1, BSTop);
Exemplo n.º 3
bool cMulti::inMulti( const Coord_cl& pos )
	// Seek tiles with same x,y as pos
	// Seek for tile which z value <= pos.z + 5 && z value >= pos.z - 5
	MultiDefinition* multi = MultiCache::instance()->getMulti( id_ - 0x4000 );

	if ( !multi )
		return false;

	QValueVector<multiItem_st> items = multi->getEntries();
	QValueVector<multiItem_st>::iterator it;
	for ( it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it )
		if ( !it->visible )

		if ( pos_.x + it->x != pos.x || pos_.y + it->y != pos.y )

		if ( pos_.z + it->z >= pos.z - 5 && pos_.z + it->z <= pos.z + 5 )
			return true;

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Does spike-reduction on the given point-array's stack-top.
 * Spikes are path segments of which one goes forward, and the sucessor
 * goes backward on the predecessor's segment:
 * 2      0      1
 * x------x<-----x
 * (0 is stack-top in point-array)
 * This will be reduced to
 * 1      0
 * x------x
 * Preconditions:
 * - No other spikes exist in the whole point-array except at most
 *   one at the end
 * - No two succeeding points are ever equal
 * - For each two succeeding points either p1.x == p2.x or p1.y == p2.y holds
 *   true
 * - No such spike exists where 2 is situated between 0 and 1.
 * Postcondition:
 * - No spikes exist in the whole point-array
 * If no spike is found, the point-array is left unchanged.
 * @return \c true if an actual reduction was done
inline static bool reduceSpike(QValueVector< QPoint > &pointArray)
    if(pointArray.size() < 3)
        return false;
    QValueVector< QPoint >::Iterator it = pointArray.end();
    QPoint p0 = *--it;
    QPoint p1 = *--it;
    QPoint p2 = *--it;

    bool elide = false;

    if((p0.x() == p1.x() && p1.x() == p2.x() && ((p1.y() < p0.y() && p0.y() < p2.y()) || (p2.y() < p0.y() && p0.y() < p1.y())
                                                || (p1.y() < p2.y() && p2.y() < p0.y()) || (p0.y() < p2.y() && p2.y() < p1.y())
                                                || (elide = p2.y() == p0.y() && p0.y() < p1.y()) || (elide = p1.y() < p0.y() && p0.y() == p2.y())))
       || (p0.y() == p1.y() && p1.y() == p2.y() && ((p1.x() < p0.x() && p0.x() < p2.x()) || (p2.x() < p0.x() && p0.x() < p1.x())
                                                   || (p1.x() < p2.x() && p2.x() < p0.x()) || (p0.x() < p2.x() && p2.x() < p1.x())
                                                   || (elide = p2.x() == p0.x() && p0.x() < p1.x()) || (elide = p1.x() < p0.x() && p0.x() == p2.x()))))
        //     kdDebug(6040) << "spikered p2" << (elide ? " (elide)" : "") << ": " << p2 << " p1: " << p1 << " p0: " << p0 << endl;
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool cUObject::onUse( cUObject *Target )
	// If we got ANY events process them in order
	for( UI08 i = 0; i < scriptChain.size(); i++ )
		// If we're the Character pass us as the second param
		// if not as the first
		bool Handeled = false;

		if( !this->isChar() )
			Handeled = scriptChain[ i ]->onUse( (P_PLAYER)Target, (P_ITEM)this );
			Handeled = scriptChain[ i ]->onUse( (P_PLAYER)this, (P_ITEM)Target );

		if( Handeled )
			return true;

	// Try to process the hooks then
	QValueVector< WPDefaultScript* > hooks;
	QValueVector< WPDefaultScript* >::const_iterator it;

	hooks = ScriptManager->getGlobalHooks( OBJECT_OBJECT, EVENT_USE );
	for( it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); ++it )
		if( !this->isChar() )
			(*it)->onUse( (P_PLAYER)Target, (P_ITEM)this );
			(*it)->onUse( (P_PLAYER)this, (P_ITEM)Target );

	if( isChar() )
		hooks = ScriptManager->getGlobalHooks( OBJECT_CHAR, EVENT_USE );
		for( it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); ++it )
				(*it)->onUse( (P_PLAYER)this, (P_ITEM)Target );
	if( isItem() )
		hooks = ScriptManager->getGlobalHooks( OBJECT_ITEM, EVENT_USE );
		for( it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); ++it )
			(*it)->onUse( (P_PLAYER)Target, (P_ITEM)this );

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
	void call()
		QValueVector<fnCleanupHandler>::iterator it;
		for ( it = cleanupHandler.begin(); it != cleanupHandler.end(); ++it )
			( *it ) ();
Exemplo n.º 7
static QString
serialise( const QValueVector<Kleo::DN::Attribute> & dn ) {
  QStringList result;
  for ( QValueVector<Kleo::DN::Attribute>::const_iterator it = dn.begin() ; it != dn.end() ; ++it )
    if ( !(*it).name().isEmpty() && !(*it).value().isEmpty() )
      result.push_back( (*it).name().stripWhiteSpace() + '=' + (*it).value().stripWhiteSpace() );
  return result.join( "," );
Exemplo n.º 8
KInetSocketAddress *KInetInterface::getPublicInetAddress() {
	QValueVector<KInetInterface> v = getAllInterfaces(true);		

	// TODO: first step: take the default route interface

	// try to find point-2-point interface, because it may be
	// a dial-up connection. Take it.
	QValueVector<KInetInterface>::const_iterator it = v.begin();
	while (it != v.end()) {
		if (((*it).flags() & (PointToPoint | Up | Running)) &&
		    (!((*it).flags() & Loopback)) &&
		    (*it).address() &&
            ((*it).address()->family() == AF_INET))
			return new KInetSocketAddress(*(*it).address());

	// otherwise, just take the first non-loopback interface
	it = v.begin();
	while (it != v.end()) {
		if (((*it).flags() & (Up | Running)) &&
		    (!((*it).flags() & Loopback)) &&
		    (*it).address() &&
            ((*it).address()->family() == AF_INET))
			return new KInetSocketAddress(*(*it).address());

	// ok, giving up, try to take loopback
	it = v.begin();
	while (it != v.end()) {
		if (((*it).flags() & (Up | Running)) &&
			return new KInetSocketAddress(*(*it).address());

        // not even loopback..
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
bool cUObject::onCreate( const QString &definition )
	// If we got ANY events process them in order
	for( UI08 i = 0; i < scriptChain.size(); i++ )
		// If we're the Character pass us as the second param
		// if not as the first
		bool Handeled = false;

		Handeled = scriptChain[ i ]->onCreate( this, definition );

		if( Handeled )
			return true;

	// Try to process the hooks then
	QValueVector< WPDefaultScript* > hooks;
	QValueVector< WPDefaultScript* >::const_iterator it;

	hooks = ScriptManager->getGlobalHooks( OBJECT_OBJECT, EVENT_CREATE );
	for( it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); ++it )
		(*it)->onCreate( this, definition );

	if( isChar() )
		hooks = ScriptManager->getGlobalHooks( OBJECT_CHAR, EVENT_CREATE );
		for( it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); ++it )
			(*it)->onCreate( this, definition );
	if( isItem() )
		hooks = ScriptManager->getGlobalHooks( OBJECT_ITEM, EVENT_CREATE );
		for( it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); ++it )
			(*it)->onCreate( this, definition );

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 10
void KOEditorDetails::writeEvent(Incidence *event)
  QValueVector<QListViewItem*> toBeDeleted;
  QListViewItem *item;
  AttendeeListItem *a;
  for (item = mListView->firstChild(); item;
       item = item->nextSibling()) {
    a = (AttendeeListItem *)item;
    Attendee *attendee = a->data();
    Q_ASSERT( attendee );
    /* Check if the attendee is a distribution list and expand it */
    if ( attendee->email().isEmpty() ) {
      KPIM::DistributionList list =
        KPIM::DistributionList::findByName( KABC::StdAddressBook::self(), attendee->name() );
      if ( !list.isEmpty() ) {
        toBeDeleted.push_back( item ); // remove it once we are done expanding
        KPIM::DistributionList::Entry::List entries = list.entries( KABC::StdAddressBook::self() );
        KPIM::DistributionList::Entry::List::Iterator it( entries.begin() );
        while ( it != entries.end() ) {
          KPIM::DistributionList::Entry &e = ( *it );
          // this calls insertAttendee, which appends
          insertAttendeeFromAddressee( e.addressee, attendee );
          // TODO: duplicate check, in case it was already added manually
    } else {
      bool skip = false;
      if ( attendee->email().endsWith( "example.net" ) ) {
        if ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, i18n("%1 does not look like a valid email address. "
                "Are you sure you want to invite this participant?").arg( attendee->email() ),
              i18n("Invalid email address") ) != KMessageBox::Yes ) {
          skip = true;
      if ( !skip ) {
        event->addAttendee( new Attendee( *attendee ) );

  KOAttendeeEditor::writeEvent( event );

  // cleanup
  QValueVector<QListViewItem*>::iterator it;
  for( it = toBeDeleted.begin(); it != toBeDeleted.end(); ++it ) {
    delete *it;
Exemplo n.º 11
QStringList PortListener::processServiceTemplate(const QString &a) {
	QStringList l;
	QValueVector<KInetInterface> v = KInetInterface::getAllInterfaces(false);
	QValueVector<KInetInterface>::Iterator it = v.begin();
	while (it != v.end()) {
		KInetSocketAddress *address = (*(it++)).address();
		if (!address)
		QString hostName = address->nodeName();
		KUser u;
		QString x = a; // replace does not work in const QString. Why??
		l.append(x.replace(QRegExp("%h"), KServiceRegistry::encodeAttributeValue(hostName))
			 .replace(QRegExp("%p"), QString::number(m_port))
			 .replace(QRegExp("%u"), KServiceRegistry::encodeAttributeValue(u.loginName()))
			 .replace(QRegExp("%i"), KServiceRegistry::encodeAttributeValue(m_uuid))
			 .replace(QRegExp("%f"), KServiceRegistry::encodeAttributeValue(u.fullName())));
	return l;
Exemplo n.º 12
 * Reduces segment separators.
 * A segment separator separates a segment into two segments, thus causing
 * two adjacent segment with the same orientation.
 * 2       1     0
 * x-------x---->x
 * (0 means stack-top)
 * Here, 1 is a segment separator. As segment separators not only make
 * the line drawing algorithm inefficient, but also make the spike-reduction
 * fail, they must be eliminated:
 * 1             0
 * x------------>x
 * Preconditions:
 * - No other segment separators exist in the whole point-array except
 *   at most one at the end
 * - No two succeeding points are ever equal
 * - For each two succeeding points either p1.x == p2.x or p1.y == p2.y holds
 *   true
 * - No such spike exists where 2 is situated between 0 and 1.
 * Postcondition:
 * - No segment separators exist in the whole point-array
 * If no segment separator is found at the end of the point-array, it is
 * left unchanged.
 * @return \c true if a segment separator was actually reduced.
inline static bool reduceSegmentSeparator(QValueVector< QPoint > &pointArray)
    if(pointArray.size() < 3)
        return false;
    QValueVector< QPoint >::Iterator it = pointArray.end();
    QPoint p0 = *--it;
    QPoint p1 = *--it;
    QPoint p2 = *--it;
    //     kdDebug(6040) << "checking p2: " << p2 << " p1: " << p1 << " p0: " << p0 << endl;

    if((p0.x() == p1.x() && p1.x() == p2.x() && ((p2.y() < p1.y() && p1.y() < p0.y()) || (p0.y() < p1.y() && p1.y() < p2.y())))
       || (p0.y() == p1.y() && p1.y() == p2.y() && ((p2.x() < p1.x() && p1.x() < p0.x()) || (p0.x() < p1.x() && p1.x() < p2.x()))))
        //     kdDebug(6040) << "segred p2: " << p2 << " p1: " << p1 << " p0: " << p0 << endl;
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
// Construct a list of keys to be connected, sorted highest priority first.
void KAccelBase::createKeyList(QValueVector< struct X > &rgKeys)
    // kdDebug(125) << "KAccelBase::createKeyList()" << endl;

    // create the list
    // For each action
    for(uint iAction = 0; iAction < m_rgActions.count(); iAction++)
        KAccelAction *pAction = m_rgActions.actionPtr(iAction);
        if(pAction && pAction->m_pObjSlot && pAction->m_psMethodSlot && pAction != mtemp_pActionRemoving)
            // For each key sequence associated with action
            for(uint iSeq = 0; iSeq < pAction->shortcut().count(); iSeq++)
                const KKeySequence &seq = pAction->shortcut().seq(iSeq);
                if(seq.count() > 0)
                    KKeyServer::Variations vars;
                    vars.init(seq.key(0), !m_bNativeKeys);
                    for(uint iVari = 0; iVari < vars.count(); iVari++)
                        if(vars.key(iVari).code() && vars.key(iVari).sym())
                            rgKeys.push_back(X(iAction, iSeq, iVari, vars.key(iVari)));
                        // kdDebug(125) << "\t" << pAction->name() << ": " << vars.key(iVari).toStringInternal() << endl;
                // else
                //	kdDebug(125) << "\t*" << pAction->name() << ":" << endl;

    // sort by priority: iVariation[of first key], iSequence, iAction
    qHeapSort(rgKeys.begin(), rgKeys.end());
Exemplo n.º 14
Kleo::DN::const_iterator Kleo::DN::end() const {
  return d ? d->attributes.end() : empty.end() ;
Exemplo n.º 15
void Speech::talking( P_PLAYER pChar, const QString& lang, const QString& speech, QValueVector<Q_UINT16>& keywords, Q_UINT16 color, Q_UINT16 font, Q_UINT8 type ) // PC speech
	// handle things like renaming or describing an item
	if ( !pChar->socket() )

	cUOSocket* socket = pChar->socket();

	if ( InputSpeech( socket, pChar, speech ) )


	// Check for Bogus Color
	if ( !isNormalColor( color ) )
		color = 0x2;

	if ( type == 0 )
		pChar->setSaycolor( color );
	else if ( type == 2 )
		pChar->setEmoteColor( color );

	if ( pChar->onTalk( type, color, font, speech, lang ) )

	if ( ( type == 0x09 ) && ( pChar->mayBroadcast() ) )
		pChar->talk( speech, color, type );

	pChar->talk( speech, color, type );

	QString speechUpr = speech.upper();
	if ( response( socket, pChar, speech, keywords ) )
		return;  // Vendor responded already

	// this makes it so npcs do not respond to isDead people - HEALERS ??
	if ( pChar->isDead() )

	// 0x0007 -> Speech-id for "Guards"
	for ( QValueVector<Q_UINT16>::const_iterator iter = keywords.begin(); iter != keywords.end(); ++iter )
		Q_UINT16 keyword = *iter;

		if ( keyword == 0x07 )

	/*	P_CHAR pc = NULL; ???
		P_CHAR pNpc = NULL;
		RegionIterator4Chars ri( pChar->pos() );
		for( ri.Begin(); !ri.atEnd(); ri++ )
			pc = ri.GetData();
			if (!pc->isSameAs( pChar )
				&& pc->isNpc()
				&& pc->dist( pChar ) <= 2)
				pNpc = pc;
Exemplo n.º 16
// Check if a service is running on a host with IP address 'ip'
// by checking all the ports in '_ports', using a non-blocking connect.
// Right now -- assume if *any* of these ports are active,
// the service is active.
int LANProtocol::checkPort( QValueVector<int>& _ports, in_addr ip )
   int _port=0;
   struct sockaddr_in to_scan;

   to_scan.sin_family = AF_INET;
   to_scan.sin_addr = ip;

   for (QValueVector<int>::iterator i= _ports.begin(); i != _ports.end(); i++)
      kdDebug(7101)<<"LANProtocol::checkPort: "<<_port<<endl;
      to_scan.sin_port = htons(_port);
      // open a TCP socket
      int mysocket = ::socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
      if (mysocket< 0 )
         std::cerr << "LanProt::checkPort: Error while opening Socket" << std::endl;
         ::close( mysocket );
         return 0;
      //make the socket non blocking
      long int options = O_NONBLOCK | ::fcntl(mysocket, F_GETFL);
      if (::fcntl( mysocket, F_SETFL, options )!=0)
         std::cerr << "LanProt::checkPort: Error making it nonblocking"<< std::endl;
         ::close( mysocket );
         return 0;
      int result=connect( mysocket, (struct sockaddr *) &to_scan, sizeof( to_scan ));
      //it succeeded immediately
      if (result==0)
         std::cerr<<"LANProtocol::checkPort("<<_port<<") connect succeeded immediately"<<std::endl;
         ::shutdown( mysocket, SHUT_RDWR );
         return 1;
      //it failed
      if ((result<0) && (errno!=EINPROGRESS))
         // errno was not EINPROGRESS, so there is some serious problem
         ::shutdown( mysocket, SHUT_RDWR );
         // maybe some other port will work
      // last errno was EINPROGRESS, so we should select() on socket
      // and wait for the final verdict
      timeval tv;
      fd_set rSet, wSet;
      //timeout or error
      ::shutdown( mysocket, SHUT_RDWR );
      if (result==1)
         return 1;
   // gosh, no port worked
   return 0;

Exemplo n.º 17
void cSpeech::talking( P_PLAYER pChar, const QString &lang, const QString &speech, QValueVector< UINT16 > &keywords, UINT16 color, UINT16 font, UINT8 type ) // PC speech
	// handle things like renaming or describing an item
	if( !pChar->socket() )

	cUOSocket *socket = pChar->socket();

	if( InputSpeech( socket, pChar, speech ) )	

	// not allowed to talk
	if( pChar->isMuted() )
		socket->sysMessage( tr( "You re squelched and cannot talk" ) );

	// Check for Bogus Color
	if( !isNormalColor( color ) )
		color = 0x2;

	if( type == 0 || type == 2)
		pChar->setSaycolor( color );

	if( SrvParams->speechLog() )
		QFile lFile( "speech.log" );
		if( lFile.open( IO_Append ) )
			QString logMessage( "[%1] %2: %3 [%4, 0x%5]" );
			logMessage = logMessage.arg( QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() ).arg( pChar->name() ).arg( speech ).arg( pChar->account()->login() ).arg( pChar->serial(), 8, 16 );
			lFile.writeBlock( logMessage.latin1(), logMessage.length() );

	if( pChar->onTalk( type, color, font, speech, lang ) )

	if( ( type == 0x09 ) && ( pChar->mayBroadcast() ) )
		pChar->talk( speech, color, type );

	pChar->talk( speech, color, type );
	QString speechUpr = speech.upper();
	if( response( socket, pChar, speech, keywords ) )
		return;  // Vendor responded already
	// 0x0007 -> Speech-id for "Guards"
	for( QValueVector< UINT16 >::const_iterator iter = keywords.begin(); iter != keywords.end(); ++iter )
		UINT16 keyword = *iter;

		if( keyword == 0x07 )
	// well,i had a strange problem with duplicate speech input
	// its quite easy to understand....
	// the former loop searched for the tiller man and when it
	// was found, the speechInput method of that boat was called.
	// in this method the tiller had been removed from the mapregion
	// and appended to the end of the cell vector... hence, the
	// tiller was found twice...
	// therefore we produce a QPtrList of cBoat* pointers and 
	// then go through it for applying speech --- sereg
	RegionIterator4Items rj( pChar->pos() );
	QPtrList< cBoat >	pboats;
	for( rj.Begin(); !rj.atEnd(); rj++ )
		P_ITEM pi = rj.GetData();

		if( !pi )

		if( pi->type() == 117 && pi->tags().get( "tiller" ).toInt() == 1 )
			cBoat* pBoat = dynamic_cast< cBoat* >(FindItemBySerial( pi->tags().get("boatserial").toInt() ));
			if( pBoat )
				pboats.append( pBoat );
	QPtrListIterator< cBoat >	pit( pboats );
	while( pit.current() )
		pit.current()->speechInput( socket, speechUpr );

	// this makes it so npcs do not respond to isDead people - HEALERS ??
	if( pChar->isDead() )
/*	P_CHAR pc = NULL; ???
	P_CHAR pNpc = NULL;
	RegionIterator4Chars ri( pChar->pos() );
	for( ri.Begin(); !ri.atEnd(); ri++ )
		pc = ri.GetData();
		if (!pc->isSameAs( pChar ) 
			&& pc->isNpc()
			&& pc->dist( pChar ) <= 2)
			pNpc = pc;
Exemplo n.º 18
//BEGIN DocumentObserver inherited methods 
void ThumbnailList::notifySetup( const QValueVector< KPDFPage * > & pages, bool documentChanged )
	// if there was a widget selected, save its pagenumber to restore
	// its selection (if available in the new set of pages)
	int prevPage = -1;
	if ( !documentChanged && m_selected )
		prevPage = m_selected->page()->number();

	// delete all the Thumbnails
	QValueVector<ThumbnailWidget *>::iterator tIt = m_thumbnails.begin(), tEnd = m_thumbnails.end();
	for ( ; tIt != tEnd; ++tIt )
		delete *tIt;
	m_selected = 0;

	if ( pages.count() < 1 )
		resizeContents( 0, 0 );

    // show pages containing hilighted text or bookmarked ones
    //RESTORE THIS int flags = Settings::filterBookmarks() ? KPDFPage::Bookmark : KPDFPage::Highlight;

    // if no page matches filter rule, then display all pages
    QValueVector< KPDFPage * >::const_iterator pIt = pages.begin(), pEnd = pages.end();
    bool skipCheck = true;
    for ( ; pIt != pEnd ; ++pIt )
        //if ( (*pIt)->attributes() & flags )
        if ( (*pIt)->hasHighlights( SW_SEARCH_ID ) )
            skipCheck = false;

    // generate Thumbnails for the given set of pages
    int width = clipper()->width(),
        totalHeight = 0;
    for ( pIt = pages.begin(); pIt != pEnd ; ++pIt )
        //if ( skipCheck || (*pIt)->attributes() & flags )
        if ( skipCheck || (*pIt)->hasHighlights( SW_SEARCH_ID ) )
            ThumbnailWidget * t = new ThumbnailWidget( viewport(), *pIt, this );
            t->setFocusProxy( this );
            // add to the scrollview
            addChild( t, 0, totalHeight );
            // add to the internal queue
            m_thumbnails.push_back( t );
            // update total height (asking widget its own height)
            t->resizeFitWidth( width );
            totalHeight += t->heightHint() + 4;
            if ( (*pIt)->number() == prevPage )
                m_selected = t;
                m_selected->setSelected( true );

    // update scrollview's contents size (sets scrollbars limits)
    resizeContents( width, totalHeight );

    // request for thumbnail generation
    delayedRequestVisiblePixmaps( 200 );
Exemplo n.º 19
// public
void kpMainWindow::pasteText (const QString &text,
                              bool forceNewTextSelection,
                              const QPoint &newTextSelectionTopLeft)
    kdDebug () << "kpMainWindow::pasteText(" << text
               << ",forceNewTextSelection=" << forceNewTextSelection
               << ",newTextSelectionTopLeft=" << newTextSelectionTopLeft
               << ")" << endl;

    if (text.isEmpty ())

    // sync: restoreOverrideCursor() in all exit paths
    QApplication::setOverrideCursor (Qt::waitCursor);

    if (toolHasBegunShape ())
        tool ()->endShapeInternal ();

    QValueVector <QString> textLines (1, QString::null);

    for (int i = 0; i < (int) text.length (); i++)
        if (text [i] == '\n')
            textLines.push_back (QString::null);
            textLines [textLines.size () - 1].append (text [i]);

    if (!forceNewTextSelection &&
        m_document && m_document->selection () &&
        m_document->selection ()->isText () &&
        m_commandHistory && m_viewManager)
        kdDebug () << "\treusing existing Text Selection" << endl;

        kpMacroCommand *macroCmd = new kpMacroCommand (i18n ("Text: Paste"),

        for (int i = 0; i < (int) textLines.size (); i++)
            if (i > 0)
                macroCmd->addCommand (
                    new kpToolTextEnterCommand (
                        QString::null/*uninteresting child of macroCmd*/,
                        m_viewManager->textCursorRow (),
                        m_viewManager->textCursorCol (),

            macroCmd->addCommand (
                new kpToolTextInsertCommand (
                    QString::null/*uninteresting child of macroCmd*/,
                    m_viewManager->textCursorRow (),
                    m_viewManager->textCursorCol (),
                    textLines [i],

        m_commandHistory->addCommand (macroCmd, false/*no exec*/);
        kdDebug () << "\tcreating Text Selection" << endl;

        const kpTextStyle ts = textStyle ();
        const QFontMetrics fontMetrics = ts.fontMetrics ();

        int height = textLines.size () * fontMetrics.height ();
        if (textLines.size () >= 1)
            height += (textLines.size () - 1) * fontMetrics.leading ();

        int width = 0;
        for (QValueVector <QString>::const_iterator it = textLines.begin ();
             it != textLines.end ();
            const int w = fontMetrics.width (*it);
            if (w > width)
                width = w;

        const int selWidth = QMAX (kpSelection::minimumWidthForTextStyle (ts),
                                   width + kpSelection::textBorderSize () * 2);
        const int selHeight = QMAX (kpSelection::minimumHeightForTextStyle (ts),
                                    height + kpSelection::textBorderSize () * 2);
        kpSelection sel (QRect (0, 0, selWidth, selHeight),

        if (newTextSelectionTopLeft != KP_INVALID_POINT)
            sel.moveTo (newTextSelectionTopLeft);
            paste (sel, true/*force topLeft*/);
            paste (sel);

    QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor ();