Exemplo n.º 1
QgsRectangle QgsMapSettings::computeExtentForScale( const QgsPointXY &point, double scale, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &sourceCrs ) const
  QgsPointXY center = QgsCoordinateTransform( sourceCrs, destinationCrs(), mTransformContext ).transform( point );

  // Output width in inches
  double outWIn = outputSize().width() / double( outputDpi() );

  // Desired visible width (honouring scale)
  double scaledWIn = outWIn * scale;

  if ( mapUnits() == QgsUnitTypes::DistanceDegrees )
    // Start with an 1x1 extent around the center
    QgsRectangle ext( center.x() - 0.5, center.y() - 0.5, center.x() + 0.5, center.y() + 0.5 );
    // Get scale at extent, and then scale extent to the desired scale
    double testScale = mScaleCalculator.calculate( ext, outputSize().width() );
    ext.scale( scale / testScale );
    return ext;
  // Conversion from inches to mapUnits
  double conversionFactor = 12 * QgsUnitTypes::fromUnitToUnitFactor( QgsUnitTypes::DistanceFeet, mapUnits() );

  double delta = 0.5 * scaledWIn * conversionFactor;
  return QgsRectangle( center.x() - delta, center.y() - delta, center.x() + delta, center.y() + delta );
Exemplo n.º 2
bool QgsClockwiseAngleComparer::operator()( const QgsPointXY &a, const QgsPointXY &b ) const
  const bool aIsLeft = a.x() < mVertex.x();
  const bool bIsLeft = b.x() < mVertex.x();
  if ( aIsLeft != bIsLeft )
    return bIsLeft;

  if ( qgsDoubleNear( a.x(), mVertex.x() ) && qgsDoubleNear( b.x(), mVertex.x() ) )
    if ( a.y() >= mVertex.y() || b.y() >= mVertex.y() )
      return b.y() < a.y();
      return a.y() < b.y();
    const QgsVector oa = a - mVertex;
    const QgsVector ob = b - mVertex;
    const double det = oa.crossProduct( ob );
    if ( qgsDoubleNear( det, 0.0 ) )
      return oa.lengthSquared() < ob.lengthSquared();
      return det < 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool QgsExifTools::geoTagImage( const QString &imagePath, const QgsPointXY &location, const GeoTagDetails &details )
    std::unique_ptr< Exiv2::Image > image( Exiv2::ImageFactory::open( imagePath.toStdString() ) );
    if ( !image )
      return false;

    Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = image->exifData();

    exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSVersionID"] = "2 0 0 0";
    exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSMapDatum"] = "WGS-84";
    exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude"] = doubleToExifCoordinate( location.y() ).toStdString();
    exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude"] = doubleToExifCoordinate( location.x() ).toStdString();
    if ( !std::isnan( details.elevation ) )
      const QString elevationString = QStringLiteral( "%1/1000" ).arg( static_cast< int>( std::floor( std::abs( details.elevation ) * 1000 ) ) );
      exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitude"] = elevationString.toStdString();
      exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitudeRef"] = details.elevation < 0.0 ? "1" : "0";
    exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef"] = location.y() > 0 ? "N" : "S";
    exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef"] = location.x() > 0 ? "E" : "W";
    exifData["Exif.Image.GPSTag"] = 4908;
  catch ( ... )
    return false;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
// distance of point q from line through p in direction v
// return >0  => q lies left of the line
//        <0  => q lies right of the line
double QgsGeometryValidator::distLine2Point( const QgsPointXY &p, QgsVector v, const QgsPointXY &q )
  if ( qgsDoubleNear( v.length(), 0 ) )
    throw QgsException( QObject::tr( "invalid line" ) );

  return ( v.x() * ( q.y() - p.y() ) - v.y() * ( q.x() - p.x() ) ) / v.length();
Exemplo n.º 5
void CoordinateCapture::update( const QgsPointXY &point )
  //this is the coordinate resolved back to lat / lon
  QgsPointXY myUserCrsPoint = mTransform.transform( point );
  mpUserCrsEdit->setText( QString::number( myUserCrsPoint.x(), 'f', mUserCrsDisplayPrecision ) + ',' +
                          QString::number( myUserCrsPoint.y(), 'f', mUserCrsDisplayPrecision ) );
  // This is the coordinate space of the map canvas
  mpCanvasEdit->setText( QString::number( point.x(), 'f', mCanvasDisplayPrecision ) + ',' +
                         QString::number( point.y(), 'f', mCanvasDisplayPrecision ) );
void QgsMapToolRotateFeature::applyRotation( double rotation )
  mRotation = rotation;
  mRotationActive = false;

  QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = currentVectorLayer();
  if ( !vlayer )

  //calculations for affine transformation
  double angle = -1 * mRotation * ( M_PI / 180 );
  QgsPointXY anchorPoint = toLayerCoordinates( vlayer, mStartPointMapCoords );
  double a = std::cos( angle );
  double b = -1 * std::sin( angle );
  double c = anchorPoint.x() - std::cos( angle ) * anchorPoint.x() + std::sin( angle ) * anchorPoint.y();
  double d = std::sin( angle );
  double ee = std::cos( angle );
  double f = anchorPoint.y() - std::sin( angle ) * anchorPoint.x() - std::cos( angle ) * anchorPoint.y();

  vlayer->beginEditCommand( tr( "Features Rotated" ) );

  int start;
  if ( vlayer->geometryType() == 2 )
    start = 1;
    start = 0;

  int i = 0;
  Q_FOREACH ( QgsFeatureId id, mRotatedFeatures )
    QgsFeature feat;
    vlayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( id ) ).nextFeature( feat );
    QgsGeometry geom = feat.geometry();
    i = start;

    QgsPointXY vertex = geom.vertexAt( i );
    while ( vertex != QgsPointXY( 0, 0 ) )
      double newX = a * vertex.x() + b * vertex.y() + c;
      double newY = d * vertex.x() + ee * vertex.y() + f;

      vlayer->moveVertex( newX, newY, id, i );
      i = i + 1;
      vertex = geom.vertexAt( i );

Exemplo n.º 7
QgsPointXY QgsMapToolRotateLabel::rotatePointClockwise( const QgsPointXY &input, const QgsPointXY &centerPoint, double degrees ) const
  double rad = -degrees / 180 * M_PI;
  double v1x = input.x() - centerPoint.x();
  double v1y = input.y() - centerPoint.y();

  double v2x = std::cos( rad ) * v1x - std::sin( rad ) * v1y;
  double v2y = std::sin( rad ) * v1x + std::cos( rad ) * v1y;

  return QgsPointXY( centerPoint.x() + v2x, centerPoint.y() + v2y );
Exemplo n.º 8
bool QgsMapToolPinLabels::pinUnpinCurrentDiagram( bool pin )

  // skip diagrams
  if ( ! mCurrentLabel.pos.isDiagram )
    return false;

  // verify attribute table has x, y fields mapped
  int xCol, yCol;
  double xPosOrig, yPosOrig;
  bool xSuccess, ySuccess;

  if ( !currentLabelDataDefinedPosition( xPosOrig, xSuccess, yPosOrig, ySuccess, xCol, yCol ) )
    return false;

  // edit attribute table
  QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = mCurrentLabel.layer;
  int fid = mCurrentLabel.pos.featureId;

  bool writeFailed = false;
  QString labelText = currentLabelText( 24 );

  if ( pin )
    QgsPointXY referencePoint = mCurrentLabel.pos.labelRect.center();
    double labelX = referencePoint.x();
    double labelY = referencePoint.y();

    // transform back to layer crs
    QgsPointXY transformedPoint = mCanvas->mapSettings().mapToLayerCoordinates( vlayer, referencePoint );
    labelX = transformedPoint.x();
    labelY = transformedPoint.y();

    vlayer->beginEditCommand( tr( "Pinned diagram" ) + QStringLiteral( " '%1'" ).arg( labelText ) );
    writeFailed = !vlayer->changeAttributeValue( fid, xCol, labelX );
    if ( !vlayer->changeAttributeValue( fid, yCol, labelY ) )
      writeFailed = true;
    vlayer->beginEditCommand( tr( "Unpinned diagram" ) + QStringLiteral( " '%1'" ).arg( labelText ) );
    writeFailed = !vlayer->changeAttributeValue( fid, xCol, QVariant( QString() ) );
    if ( !vlayer->changeAttributeValue( fid, yCol, QVariant( QString() ) ) )
      writeFailed = true;

  return !writeFailed;
Exemplo n.º 9
bool QgsGeometryValidator::intersectLines( const QgsPointXY &p, QgsVector v, const QgsPointXY &q, QgsVector w, QgsPointXY &s )
  double d = v.y() * w.x() - v.x() * w.y();

  if ( qgsDoubleNear( d, 0 ) )
    return false;

  double dx = q.x() - p.x();
  double dy = q.y() - p.y();
  double k = ( dy * w.x() - dx * w.y() ) / d;

  s = p + v * k;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
QgsPointXY QgsMapToPixel::transform( const QgsPointXY &p ) const
  qreal x = p.x(), y = p.y();
  transformInPlace( x, y );
// QgsDebugMsg(QString("Point to pixel...X : %1-->%2, Y: %3 -->%4").arg(p.x()).arg(dx).arg(p.y()).arg(dy));
  return QgsPointXY( x, y );
Exemplo n.º 11
void Qgs3DUtils::clampAltitudes( QgsLineString *lineString, Qgs3DTypes::AltitudeClamping altClamp, Qgs3DTypes::AltitudeBinding altBind, const QgsPoint &centroid, float height, const Qgs3DMapSettings &map )
  for ( int i = 0; i < lineString->nCoordinates(); ++i )
    float terrainZ = 0;
    if ( altClamp == Qgs3DTypes::AltClampRelative || altClamp == Qgs3DTypes::AltClampTerrain )
      QgsPointXY pt;
      if ( altBind == Qgs3DTypes::AltBindVertex )
        pt.setX( lineString->xAt( i ) );
        pt.setY( lineString->yAt( i ) );
        pt.set( centroid.x(), centroid.y() );
      terrainZ = map.terrainGenerator()->heightAt( pt.x(), pt.y(), map );

    float geomZ = 0;
    if ( altClamp == Qgs3DTypes::AltClampAbsolute || altClamp == Qgs3DTypes::AltClampRelative )
      geomZ = lineString->zAt( i );

    float z = ( terrainZ + geomZ ) * map.terrainVerticalScale() + height;
    lineString->setZAt( i, z );
Exemplo n.º 12
QgsFeatureList QgsAddXYFieldsAlgorithm::processFeature( const QgsFeature &feature, QgsProcessingContext &context, QgsProcessingFeedback *feedback )
  if ( mTransformNeedsInitialization )
    mTransform = QgsCoordinateTransform( mSourceCrs, mCrs, context.transformContext() );
    mTransformNeedsInitialization = false;

  QVariant x;
  QVariant y;
  if ( feature.hasGeometry() )
    if ( feature.geometry().isMultipart() )
      throw QgsProcessingException( QObject::tr( "Multipoint features are not supported - please convert to single point features first." ) );

    const QgsPointXY point = feature.geometry().asPoint();
      const QgsPointXY transformed = mTransform.transform( point );
      x = transformed.x();
      y = transformed.y();
    catch ( QgsCsException & )
      feedback->reportError( QObject::tr( "Could not transform point to destination CRS" ) );
  QgsFeature f =  feature;
  QgsAttributes attributes = f.attributes();
  attributes << x << y;
  f.setAttributes( attributes );
  return QgsFeatureList() << f;
void QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem::setFeatureForMapPosition()
  if ( !mAnnotation || !mAnnotation->hasFixedMapPosition() )

  QgsVectorLayer *vectorLayer = qobject_cast< QgsVectorLayer * >( mAnnotation->mapLayer() );
  if ( !vectorLayer )

  double halfIdentifyWidth = QgsMapTool::searchRadiusMU( mMapCanvas );
  QgsPointXY mapPosition = mAnnotation->mapPosition();

    QgsCoordinateTransform ct( mAnnotation->mapPositionCrs(), mMapCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs(), QgsProject::instance() );
    if ( ct.isValid() )
      mapPosition = ct.transform( mapPosition );
  catch ( QgsCsException & )

  QgsRectangle searchRect( mapPosition.x() - halfIdentifyWidth, mapPosition.y() - halfIdentifyWidth,
                           mapPosition.x() + halfIdentifyWidth, mapPosition.y() + halfIdentifyWidth );

  searchRect = mMapCanvas->mapSettings().mapToLayerCoordinates( vectorLayer, searchRect );

  QgsFeatureIterator fit = vectorLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( searchRect ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ).setLimit( 1 ) );

  QgsFeature currentFeature;
  ( void )fit.nextFeature( currentFeature );
  mAnnotation->setAssociatedFeature( currentFeature );
Exemplo n.º 14
QgsPoint QgsMapToolCapture::mapPoint( const QgsPointXY &point ) const
  QgsPoint newPoint( QgsWkbTypes::Point, point.x(), point.y() );

  // get current layer
  QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mCanvas->currentLayer() );
  if ( !vlayer )
    return newPoint;

  // convert to the corresponding type for a full ZM support
  const QgsWkbTypes::Type type = vlayer->wkbType();
  if ( QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( type ) && !QgsWkbTypes::hasM( type ) )
    newPoint.convertTo( QgsWkbTypes::PointZ );
  else if ( !QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( type ) && QgsWkbTypes::hasM( type ) )
    newPoint.convertTo( QgsWkbTypes::PointM );
  else if ( QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( type ) && QgsWkbTypes::hasM( type ) )
    newPoint.convertTo( QgsWkbTypes::PointZM );

  // set z value if necessary
  if ( QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( newPoint.wkbType() ) )
    newPoint.setZ( defaultZValue() );

  return newPoint;
void QgsTessellatedPolygonGeometry::setPolygons( const QList<QgsPolygon *> &polygons, const QList<QgsFeatureId> &featureIds, const QgsPointXY &origin, float extrusionHeight, const QList<float> &extrusionHeightPerPolygon )
  Q_ASSERT( polygons.count() == featureIds.count() );
  mTriangleIndexStartingIndices.reserve( polygons.count() );
  mTriangleIndexFids.reserve( polygons.count() );

  QgsTessellator tessellator( origin.x(), origin.y(), mWithNormals, mInvertNormals, mAddBackFaces );
  for ( int i = 0; i < polygons.count(); ++i )
    Q_ASSERT( tessellator.dataVerticesCount() % 3 == 0 );
    uint startingTriangleIndex = static_cast<uint>( tessellator.dataVerticesCount() / 3 );
    mTriangleIndexStartingIndices.append( startingTriangleIndex );
    mTriangleIndexFids.append( featureIds[i] );

    QgsPolygon *polygon = polygons.at( i );
    float extr = extrusionHeightPerPolygon.isEmpty() ? extrusionHeight : extrusionHeightPerPolygon.at( i );
    tessellator.addPolygon( *polygon, extr );

  qDeleteAll( polygons );

  QByteArray data( ( const char * )tessellator.data().constData(), tessellator.data().count() * sizeof( float ) );
  int nVerts = data.count() / tessellator.stride();

  mVertexBuffer->setData( data );
  mPositionAttribute->setCount( nVerts );
  if ( mNormalAttribute )
    mNormalAttribute->setCount( nVerts );
Exemplo n.º 16
void Qgs3DMapConfigWidget::apply()
  QgsRasterLayer *demLayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( cboTerrainLayer->currentLayer() );

  bool needsUpdateOrigin = false;

  if ( demLayer )
    bool tGenNeedsUpdate = true;
    if ( mMap->terrainGenerator()->type() == QgsTerrainGenerator::Dem )
      // if we already have a DEM terrain generator, check whether there was actually any change
      QgsDemTerrainGenerator *oldDemTerrainGen = static_cast<QgsDemTerrainGenerator *>( mMap->terrainGenerator() );
      if ( oldDemTerrainGen->layer() == demLayer &&
           oldDemTerrainGen->resolution() == spinTerrainResolution->value() &&
           oldDemTerrainGen->skirtHeight() == spinTerrainSkirtHeight->value() )
        tGenNeedsUpdate = false;

    if ( tGenNeedsUpdate )
      QgsDemTerrainGenerator *demTerrainGen = new QgsDemTerrainGenerator;
      demTerrainGen->setCrs( mMap->crs(), QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
      demTerrainGen->setLayer( demLayer );
      demTerrainGen->setResolution( spinTerrainResolution->value() );
      demTerrainGen->setSkirtHeight( spinTerrainSkirtHeight->value() );
      mMap->setTerrainGenerator( demTerrainGen );
      needsUpdateOrigin = true;
  else if ( !demLayer && mMap->terrainGenerator()->type() != QgsTerrainGenerator::Flat )
    QgsFlatTerrainGenerator *flatTerrainGen = new QgsFlatTerrainGenerator;
    flatTerrainGen->setCrs( mMap->crs() );
    flatTerrainGen->setExtent( mMainCanvas->fullExtent() );
    mMap->setTerrainGenerator( flatTerrainGen );
    needsUpdateOrigin = true;

  if ( needsUpdateOrigin )
    // reproject terrain's extent to map CRS
    QgsRectangle te = mMap->terrainGenerator()->extent();
    QgsCoordinateTransform terrainToMapTransform( mMap->terrainGenerator()->crs(), mMap->crs(), QgsProject::instance() );
    te = terrainToMapTransform.transformBoundingBox( te );

    QgsPointXY center = te.center();
    mMap->setOrigin( QgsVector3D( center.x(), center.y(), 0 ) );

  mMap->setTerrainVerticalScale( spinTerrainScale->value() );
  mMap->setMapTileResolution( spinMapResolution->value() );
  mMap->setMaxTerrainScreenError( spinScreenError->value() );
  mMap->setMaxTerrainGroundError( spinGroundError->value() );
  mMap->setShowLabels( chkShowLabels->isChecked() );
  mMap->setShowTerrainTilesInfo( chkShowTileInfo->isChecked() );
  mMap->setShowTerrainBoundingBoxes( chkShowBoundingBoxes->isChecked() );
  mMap->setShowCameraViewCenter( chkShowCameraViewCenter->isChecked() );
Exemplo n.º 17
void QgsAnnotation::updateBalloon()
  //first test if the point is in the frame. In that case we don't need a balloon.
  if ( !mHasFixedMapPosition ||
       ( mOffsetFromReferencePoint.x() < 0 && ( mOffsetFromReferencePoint.x() + mFrameSize.width() ) > 0
         && mOffsetFromReferencePoint.y() < 0 && ( mOffsetFromReferencePoint.y() + mFrameSize.height() ) > 0 ) )
    mBalloonSegment = -1;

  //edge list
  QList<QLineF> segmentList;
  segmentList << segment( 0 );
  segmentList << segment( 1 );
  segmentList << segment( 2 );
  segmentList << segment( 3 );

  //find  closest edge / closest edge point
  double minEdgeDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  int minEdgeIndex = -1;
  QLineF minEdge;
  QgsPointXY minEdgePoint;
  QgsPointXY origin( 0, 0 );

  for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
    QLineF currentSegment = segmentList.at( i );
    QgsPointXY currentMinDistPoint;
    double currentMinDist = origin.sqrDistToSegment( currentSegment.x1(), currentSegment.y1(), currentSegment.x2(), currentSegment.y2(), currentMinDistPoint );
    if ( currentMinDist < minEdgeDist )
      minEdgeIndex = i;
      minEdgePoint = currentMinDistPoint;
      minEdgeDist = currentMinDist;
      minEdge = currentSegment;

  if ( minEdgeIndex < 0 )

  //make that configurable for the item
  double segmentPointWidth = 10;

  mBalloonSegment = minEdgeIndex;
  QPointF minEdgeEnd = minEdge.p2();
  mBalloonSegmentPoint1 = QPointF( minEdgePoint.x(), minEdgePoint.y() );
  if ( std::sqrt( minEdgePoint.sqrDist( minEdgeEnd.x(), minEdgeEnd.y() ) ) < segmentPointWidth )
    mBalloonSegmentPoint1 = pointOnLineWithDistance( minEdge.p2(), minEdge.p1(), segmentPointWidth );

  mBalloonSegmentPoint2 = pointOnLineWithDistance( mBalloonSegmentPoint1, minEdge.p2(), 10 );
Exemplo n.º 18
QgsTriangle::QgsTriangle( const QgsPointXY &p1, const QgsPointXY &p2, const QgsPointXY &p3 )
  mWkbType = QgsWkbTypes::Triangle;
  QgsPoint pt1( p1 );
  QgsPoint pt2( p2 );
  QgsPoint pt3( p3 );

  if ( !validateGeom( pt1, pt2, pt3 ) )
  QVector< double > x;
  x << p1.x() << p2.x() << p3.x();
  QVector< double > y;
  y << p1.y() << p2.y() << p3.y();
  QgsLineString *ext = new QgsLineString( x, y );
  setExteriorRing( ext );
Exemplo n.º 19
void QgsMapToolIdentify::closestPointAttributes( const QgsAbstractGeometry &geometry, QgsMapLayer *layer, const QgsPointXY &layerPoint, QMap< QString, QString > &derivedAttributes )
  Q_UNUSED( layer );
  // measure
  if ( QgsWkbTypes::hasM( geometry.wkbType() ) )
    QgsPoint closestPoint = QgsGeometryUtils::closestPoint( geometry, QgsPoint( layerPoint.x(), layerPoint.y() ) );
    QString str = QLocale::system().toString( closestPoint.m(), 'g', 10 );
    derivedAttributes.insert( QStringLiteral( "Closest point M" ), str );
Exemplo n.º 20
// return ratio [mu/lu] between map units and layer units
// this is of course only an approximation
double _ratioMU2LU( const QgsMapSettings &mapSettings, QgsMapLayer *layer )
  double distMU = mapSettings.mapUnitsPerPixel();
  QgsPointXY ptMapCenterMU = mapSettings.visibleExtent().center();
  QgsPointXY ptMapCenterRightMU( ptMapCenterMU.x() + distMU, ptMapCenterMU.y() );
  QgsPointXY ptMapCenterLU = mapSettings.mapToLayerCoordinates( layer, ptMapCenterMU );
  QgsPointXY ptMapCenterRightLU = mapSettings.mapToLayerCoordinates( layer, ptMapCenterRightMU );
  double distLU = std::sqrt( ptMapCenterLU.sqrDist( ptMapCenterRightLU ) );
  double ratio = distMU / distLU;
  return ratio;
bool QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget::alignToSegment( QgsMapMouseEvent *e, CadConstraint::LockMode lockMode )
  if ( mAdditionalConstraint == NoConstraint )
    return false;

  bool previousPointExist, penulPointExist, snappedSegmentExist;
  QgsPointXY previousPt = previousPoint( &previousPointExist );
  QgsPointXY penultimatePt = penultimatePoint( &penulPointExist );
  mSnappedSegment = snapSegmentToAllLayers( e->originalMapPoint(), &snappedSegmentExist );

  if ( !previousPointExist || !snappedSegmentExist )
    return false;

  double angle = std::atan2( mSnappedSegment[0].y() - mSnappedSegment[1].y(), mSnappedSegment[0].x() - mSnappedSegment[1].x() );

  if ( mAngleConstraint->relative() && penulPointExist )
    angle -= std::atan2( previousPt.y() - penultimatePt.y(), previousPt.x() - penultimatePt.x() );

  if ( mAdditionalConstraint == Perpendicular )
    angle += M_PI_2;

  angle *= 180 / M_PI;

  mAngleConstraint->setValue( angle );
  mAngleConstraint->setLockMode( lockMode );
  if ( lockMode == CadConstraint::HardLock )
    mAdditionalConstraint = NoConstraint;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 22
QList<QgsFeatureId> QgsSpatialIndex::nearestNeighbor( const QgsPointXY &point, int neighbors ) const
  QList<QgsFeatureId> list;
  QgisVisitor visitor( list );

  double pt[2] = { point.x(), point.y() };
  Point p( pt, 2 );

  QMutexLocker locker( &d->mMutex );
  d->mRTree->nearestNeighborQuery( neighbors, p, visitor );

  return list;
void QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget::updateUnlockedConstraintValues( const QgsPointXY &point )
  bool previousPointExist, penulPointExist;
  QgsPointXY previousPt = previousPoint( &previousPointExist );
  QgsPointXY penultimatePt = penultimatePoint( &penulPointExist );

  // --- angle
  if ( !mAngleConstraint->isLocked() && previousPointExist )
    double angle = 0.0;
    if ( penulPointExist && mAngleConstraint->relative() )
      // previous angle
      angle = std::atan2( previousPt.y() - penultimatePt.y(),
                          previousPt.x() - penultimatePt.x() );
    angle = ( std::atan2( point.y() - previousPt.y(),
                          point.x() - previousPt.x()
                        ) - angle ) * 180 / M_PI;
    // modulus
    angle = std::fmod( angle, 360.0 );
    mAngleConstraint->setValue( angle );
  // --- distance
  if ( !mDistanceConstraint->isLocked() && previousPointExist )
    mDistanceConstraint->setValue( std::sqrt( previousPt.sqrDist( point ) ) );
  // --- X
  if ( !mXConstraint->isLocked() )
    if ( previousPointExist && mXConstraint->relative() )
      mXConstraint->setValue( point.x() - previousPt.x() );
      mXConstraint->setValue( point.x() );
  // --- Y
  if ( !mYConstraint->isLocked() )
    if ( previousPointExist && mYConstraint->relative() )
      mYConstraint->setValue( point.y() - previousPt.y() );
      mYConstraint->setValue( point.y() );
Exemplo n.º 24
float Qgs3DUtils::clampAltitude( const QgsPoint &p, Qgs3DTypes::AltitudeClamping altClamp, Qgs3DTypes::AltitudeBinding altBind, float height, const QgsPoint &centroid, const Qgs3DMapSettings &map )
  float terrainZ = 0;
  if ( altClamp == Qgs3DTypes::AltClampRelative || altClamp == Qgs3DTypes::AltClampTerrain )
    QgsPointXY pt = altBind == Qgs3DTypes::AltBindVertex ? p : centroid;
    terrainZ = map.terrainGenerator()->heightAt( pt.x(), pt.y(), map );

  float geomZ = altClamp == Qgs3DTypes::AltClampAbsolute || altClamp == Qgs3DTypes::AltClampRelative ? p.z() : 0;

  float z = ( terrainZ + geomZ ) * map.terrainVerticalScale() + height;
  return z;
Exemplo n.º 25
void QgsLabelSearchTree::label( const QgsPointXY &p, QList<QgsLabelPosition *> &posList ) const
  double c_min[2];
  c_min[0] = p.x() - 0.1;
  c_min[1] = p.y() - 0.1;
  double c_max[2];
  c_max[0] = p.x() + 0.1;
  c_max[1] = p.y() + 0.1;

  QList<QgsLabelPosition *> searchResults;
  mSpatialIndex.Search( c_min, c_max, searchCallback, &searchResults );

  //tolerance +-0.1 could be high in case of degree crs, so check if p is really contained in the results
  QList<QgsLabelPosition *>::const_iterator resultIt = searchResults.constBegin();
  for ( ; resultIt != searchResults.constEnd(); ++resultIt )
    if ( ( *resultIt )->labelRect.contains( p ) )
      posList.push_back( *resultIt );
Exemplo n.º 26
QgsRasterIdentifyResult QgsGrassRasterProvider::identify( const QgsPointXY &point, QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat format, const QgsRectangle &boundingBox, int width, int height, int /*dpi*/ )
  Q_UNUSED( boundingBox );
  Q_UNUSED( width );
  Q_UNUSED( height );
  QMap<int, QVariant> results;
  QMap<int, QVariant> noDataResults;
  noDataResults.insert( 1, QVariant() );
  QgsRasterIdentifyResult noDataResult( QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue, results );

  if ( format != QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue )
    return QgsRasterIdentifyResult( QGS_ERROR( tr( "Format not supported" ) ) );

  if ( !extent().contains( point ) )
    return noDataResult;

  // TODO: use doubles instead of strings

  // attention, value tool does his own tricks with grass identify() so it stops to refresh values outside extent or null values e.g.

  bool ok;
  double value = mRasterValue.value( point.x(), point.y(), &ok );

  if ( !ok )
    return QgsRasterIdentifyResult( QGS_ERROR( tr( "Cannot read data" ) ) );

  // no data?
  if ( std::isnan( value ) || qgsDoubleNear( value, mNoDataValue ) )
    return noDataResult;

  // Apply user no data
  QgsRasterRangeList myNoDataRangeList = userNoDataValues( 1 );
  if ( QgsRasterRange::contains( value, myNoDataRangeList ) )
    return noDataResult;

  results.insert( 1, value );

  return QgsRasterIdentifyResult( QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue, results );
Exemplo n.º 27
QgsPointXY QgsGeometryAnalyzer::createPointOffset( double x, double y, double dist, const QgsGeometry &lineGeom ) const
  QgsPointXY p( x, y );
  QgsPointXY minDistPoint;
  int afterVertexNr;
  lineGeom.closestSegmentWithContext( p, minDistPoint, afterVertexNr );

  int beforeVertexNr = afterVertexNr - 1;
  QgsPointXY beforeVertex = lineGeom.vertexAt( beforeVertexNr );
  QgsPointXY afterVertex = lineGeom.vertexAt( afterVertexNr );

  //get normal vector
  double dx = afterVertex.x() - beforeVertex.x();
  double dy = afterVertex.y() - beforeVertex.y();
  double normalX = -dy;
  double normalY = dx;  //#spellok
  double normalLength = sqrt( normalX * normalX + normalY * normalY );  //#spellok
  normalX *= ( dist / normalLength );
  normalY *= ( dist / normalLength );  //#spellok

  double debugLength = sqrt( normalX * normalX + normalY * normalY ); //control  //#spellok
  Q_UNUSED( debugLength );
  return QgsPointXY( x - normalX, y - normalY ); //negative values -> left side, positive values -> right side  //#spellok
Exemplo n.º 28
void QgsMapToolMoveLabel::canvasMoveEvent( QgsMapMouseEvent *e )
  if ( mLabelRubberBand )
    QgsPointXY pointCanvasCoords = toMapCoordinates( e->pos() );
    double offsetX = pointCanvasCoords.x() - mStartPointMapCoords.x();
    double offsetY = pointCanvasCoords.y() - mStartPointMapCoords.y();
    mLabelRubberBand->setTranslationOffset( offsetX, offsetY );
    mFixPointRubberBand->setTranslationOffset( offsetX, offsetY );
Exemplo n.º 29
void QgsMeshVectorRenderer::drawVectorArrow( const QgsPointXY &lineStart, double xVal, double yVal, double magnitude )
  QgsPointXY lineEnd;
  double vectorLength;
  double cosAlpha, sinAlpha;
  if ( calcVectorLineEnd( lineEnd, vectorLength, cosAlpha, sinAlpha,
                          lineStart, xVal, yVal, magnitude ) )

  // Make a set of vector head coordinates that we will place at the end of each vector,
  // scale, translate and rotate.
  QgsPointXY vectorHeadPoints[3];
  QVector<QPointF> finalVectorHeadPoints( 3 );

  double vectorHeadWidthRatio  = mCfg.arrowHeadWidthRatio();
  double vectorHeadLengthRatio = mCfg.arrowHeadLengthRatio();

  // First head point:  top of ->
  vectorHeadPoints[0].setX( -1.0 * vectorHeadLengthRatio );
  vectorHeadPoints[0].setY( vectorHeadWidthRatio * 0.5 );

  // Second head point:  right of ->
  vectorHeadPoints[1].setX( 0.0 );
  vectorHeadPoints[1].setY( 0.0 );

  // Third head point:  bottom of ->
  vectorHeadPoints[2].setX( -1.0 * vectorHeadLengthRatio );
  vectorHeadPoints[2].setY( -1.0 * vectorHeadWidthRatio * 0.5 );

  // Determine the arrow head coords
  for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
    finalVectorHeadPoints[j].setX( lineEnd.x()
                                   + ( vectorHeadPoints[j].x() * cosAlpha * vectorLength )
                                   - ( vectorHeadPoints[j].y() * sinAlpha * vectorLength )

    finalVectorHeadPoints[j].setY( lineEnd.y()
                                   - ( vectorHeadPoints[j].x() * sinAlpha * vectorLength )
                                   - ( vectorHeadPoints[j].y() * cosAlpha * vectorLength )

  // Now actually draw the vector
  mContext.painter()->drawLine( lineStart.toQPointF(), lineEnd.toQPointF() );
  mContext.painter()->drawPolygon( finalVectorHeadPoints );
Exemplo n.º 30
void QgsMapToolMoveFeature::cadCanvasMoveEvent( QgsMapMouseEvent *e )
  if ( mRubberBand )
    QgsPointXY pointCanvasCoords = e->mapPoint();
    double offsetX = pointCanvasCoords.x() - mStartPointMapCoords.x();
    double offsetY = pointCanvasCoords.y() - mStartPointMapCoords.y();
    mRubberBand->setTranslationOffset( offsetX, offsetY );
    mSnapIndicator->setMatch( e->mapPointMatch() );
    mSnapIndicator->setMatch( e->mapPointMatch() );