Exemplo n.º 1
QgsMapLayer* QgsServerProjectParser::createLayerFromElement( const QDomElement& elem, bool useCache ) const
  if ( elem.isNull() || !mXMLDoc )
    return nullptr;

  addJoinLayersForElement( elem );
  addGetFeatureLayers( elem );

  QDomElement dataSourceElem = elem.firstChildElement( "datasource" );
  QString uri = dataSourceElem.text();
  QString absoluteUri;
  // If QgsProject instance fileName is set,
  // Is converting relative pathes to absolute still relevant ?
  if ( !dataSourceElem.isNull() )
    //convert relative pathes to absolute ones if necessary
    if ( uri.startsWith( "dbname" ) ) //database
      QgsDataSourceUri dsUri( uri );
      if ( dsUri.host().isEmpty() ) //only convert path for file based databases
        QString dbnameUri = dsUri.database();
        QString dbNameUriAbsolute = convertToAbsolutePath( dbnameUri );
        if ( dbnameUri != dbNameUriAbsolute )
          dsUri.setDatabase( dbNameUriAbsolute );
          absoluteUri = dsUri.uri();
          QDomText absoluteTextNode = mXMLDoc->createTextNode( absoluteUri );
          dataSourceElem.replaceChild( absoluteTextNode, dataSourceElem.firstChild() );
    else if ( uri.startsWith( "file:" ) ) //a file based datasource in url notation (e.g. delimited text layer)
      QString filePath = uri.mid( 5, uri.indexOf( "?" ) - 5 );
      QString absoluteFilePath = convertToAbsolutePath( filePath );
      if ( filePath != absoluteFilePath )
        QUrl destUrl = QUrl::fromEncoded( uri.toAscii() );
        destUrl.setScheme( "file" );
        destUrl.setPath( absoluteFilePath );
        absoluteUri = destUrl.toEncoded();
        QDomText absoluteTextNode = mXMLDoc->createTextNode( absoluteUri );
        dataSourceElem.replaceChild( absoluteTextNode, dataSourceElem.firstChild() );
        absoluteUri = uri;
    else //file based data source
      absoluteUri = convertToAbsolutePath( uri );
      if ( uri != absoluteUri )
        QDomText absoluteTextNode = mXMLDoc->createTextNode( absoluteUri );
        dataSourceElem.replaceChild( absoluteTextNode, dataSourceElem.firstChild() );

  QString id = layerId( elem );
  QgsMapLayer* layer = nullptr;
  if ( useCache )
    layer = QgsMSLayerCache::instance()->searchLayer( absoluteUri, id, mProjectPath );

  if ( layer )
    if ( !QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( id ) )
      QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->addMapLayer( layer, false, false );
    if ( layer->type() == QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer )
      addValueRelationLayersForLayer( dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer ) );

    return layer;

  QString type = elem.attribute( "type" );
  if ( type == "vector" )
    layer = new QgsVectorLayer();
  else if ( type == "raster" )
    layer = new QgsRasterLayer();
  else if ( elem.attribute( "embedded" ) == "1" ) //layer is embedded from another project file
    QString project = convertToAbsolutePath( elem.attribute( "project" ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Project path: %1" ).arg( project ) );

    QgsServerProjectParser* otherConfig = QgsConfigCache::instance()->serverConfiguration( project );
    if ( !otherConfig )
      return nullptr;
    return otherConfig->mapLayerFromLayerId( elem.attribute( "id" ), useCache );

  if ( layer )
    if ( layer->type() == QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer )
      // see QgsEditorWidgetRegistry::mapLayerAdded()
      QObject::connect( layer, SIGNAL( readCustomSymbology( const QDomElement&, QString& ) ), QgsEditorWidgetRegistry::instance(), SLOT( readSymbology( const QDomElement&, QString& ) ) );

    layer->readLayerXml( const_cast<QDomElement&>( elem ) ); //should be changed to const in QgsMapLayer
    //layer->setLayerName( layerName( elem ) );

    // Insert layer in registry and cache before addValueRelationLayersForLayer
    if ( !QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( id ) )
      QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->addMapLayer( layer, false, false );
    if ( useCache )
      QgsMSLayerCache::instance()->insertLayer( absoluteUri, id, layer, mProjectPath );
      //todo: fixme
      //mLayersToRemove.push_back( layer );

    if ( layer->type() == QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer )
      addValueRelationLayersForLayer( dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer ) );
  return layer;
Exemplo n.º 2
QgsMapLayer* QgsServerProjectParser::createLayerFromElement( const QDomElement& elem, bool useCache ) const
    if ( elem.isNull() || !mXMLDoc )
        return 0;

    addJoinLayersForElement( elem, useCache );
    addValueRelationLayersForElement( elem, useCache );

    QDomElement dataSourceElem = elem.firstChildElement( "datasource" );
    QString uri = dataSourceElem.text();
    QString absoluteUri;
    if ( !dataSourceElem.isNull() )
        //convert relative pathes to absolute ones if necessary
        if ( uri.startsWith( "dbname" ) ) //database
            QgsDataSourceURI dsUri( uri );
            if ( dsUri.host().isEmpty() ) //only convert path for file based databases
                QString dbnameUri = dsUri.database();
                QString dbNameUriAbsolute = convertToAbsolutePath( dbnameUri );
                if ( dbnameUri != dbNameUriAbsolute )
                    dsUri.setDatabase( dbNameUriAbsolute );
                    absoluteUri = dsUri.uri();
                    QDomText absoluteTextNode = mXMLDoc->createTextNode( absoluteUri );
                    dataSourceElem.replaceChild( absoluteTextNode, dataSourceElem.firstChild() );
        else if ( uri.startsWith( "file:" ) ) //a file based datasource in url notation (e.g. delimited text layer)
            QString filePath = uri.mid( 5, uri.indexOf( "?" ) - 5 );
            QString absoluteFilePath = convertToAbsolutePath( filePath );
            if ( filePath != absoluteFilePath )
                QUrl destUrl = QUrl::fromEncoded( uri.toAscii() );
                destUrl.setScheme( "file" );
                destUrl.setPath( absoluteFilePath );
                absoluteUri = destUrl.toEncoded();
                QDomText absoluteTextNode = mXMLDoc->createTextNode( absoluteUri );
                dataSourceElem.replaceChild( absoluteTextNode, dataSourceElem.firstChild() );
                absoluteUri = uri;
        else //file based data source
            absoluteUri = convertToAbsolutePath( uri );
            if ( uri != absoluteUri )
                QDomText absoluteTextNode = mXMLDoc->createTextNode( absoluteUri );
                dataSourceElem.replaceChild( absoluteTextNode, dataSourceElem.firstChild() );

    QString id = layerId( elem );
    QgsMapLayer* layer = 0;
    if ( useCache )
        layer = QgsMSLayerCache::instance()->searchLayer( absoluteUri, id );

    if ( layer )
        return layer;

    QString type = elem.attribute( "type" );
    if ( type == "vector" )
        layer = new QgsVectorLayer();
    else if ( type == "raster" )
        layer = new QgsRasterLayer();
    else if ( elem.attribute( "embedded" ) == "1" ) //layer is embedded from another project file
        QString project = convertToAbsolutePath( elem.attribute( "project" ) );
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Project path: %1" ).arg( project ) );

        QgsServerProjectParser* otherConfig = QgsConfigCache::instance()->serverConfiguration( project );
        if ( !otherConfig )
            return 0;
        return otherConfig->mapLayerFromLayerId( elem.attribute( "id" ), useCache );

    if ( layer )
        layer->readLayerXML( const_cast<QDomElement&>( elem ) ); //should be changed to const in QgsMapLayer
        layer->setLayerName( layerName( elem ) );
        if ( useCache )
            QgsMSLayerCache::instance()->insertLayer( absoluteUri, id, layer, mProjectPath );
            //todo: fixme
            //mLayersToRemove.push_back( layer );
    return layer;