Exemplo n.º 1
 * Comprime il file fileName nel file fileCompressed.
 * Se la funzione fallisce restituisce false e cancella il file che si e tentato
 * di creare.
 * La funzione fallisce se:
 * * non si riesce ad aprire l'oggetto zip;
 * * la compressione del file fallisce;
 * * non si riesce a chiudere l'oggetto zip;
bool JlCompress::compressFile(QString fileCompressed, QString file) {
    // Creo lo zip
    QuaZip* zip  = new QuaZip(QFileInfo(fileCompressed).absoluteFilePath());
    if(!zip->open(QuaZip::mdCreate)) {
        delete zip;
        return false;

    // Aggiungo il file
    if (!compressFile(zip,file,QFileInfo(file).fileName())) {
        delete zip;
        return false;

    // Chiudo il file zip
    if(zip->getZipError()!=0) {
        delete zip;
        return false;
    delete zip;

    return true;
void DomainContentBackupManager::setup() {
    for (auto& rule : _backupRules) {

    auto backups = getAllBackups();
    for (auto& backup : backups) {
        QFile backupFile { backup.absolutePath };
        if (!backupFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
            qCritical() << "Could not open file:" << backup.absolutePath;
            qCritical() << "    ERROR:" << backupFile.errorString();

        QuaZip zip { &backupFile };
        if (!zip.open(QuaZip::mdUnzip)) {
            qCritical() << "Could not open backup archive:" << backup.absolutePath;
            qCritical() << "    ERROR:" << zip.getZipError();

        for (auto& handler : _backupHandlers) {
            handler->loadBackup(backup.id, zip);


    for (auto& handler : _backupHandlers) {
Exemplo n.º 3
bool CZipper::zip_directory (const QString &archpath, const QString &dir2pack)
  QString archname = qstring_get_last_after (dir2pack, "/");
  QString zipname (archpath); //zip name has a full path ending with .zip
  zipname.append ("/").append (archname).append (".zip");
  QuaZip zip (zipname, settings->value ("zip_charset_out", "UTF-8").toString().trimmed());

  if (! zip.open (QuaZip::mdCreate))
     return false;

  QDir dir (dir2pack);

  QFileInfoList files = dir.entryInfoList();
  QFile inFile;
  QuaZipFile outFile(&zip);

  foreach (QFileInfo file, files)
           if (! file.isFile())

           inFile.setFileName (file.absoluteFilePath());

           if (! inFile.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly))
              return false;

           QString outfname (archname);
           outfname.append ("/").append (file.fileName());

           if (! outFile.open (QIODevice::WriteOnly, QuaZipNewInfo (outfname, inFile.fileName())))
               return false;

           QByteArray ba = inFile.readAll();
           outFile.write (ba);

           if (outFile.getZipError() != UNZ_OK)
              return false;

           emit new_iteration (file);

  if (zip.getZipError() != 0) 
     return false;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
static QString CreateTempFile(QuaZip& zip, QString zipFilename)
	if (!zip.setCurrentFile(zipFilename))
		ccLog::Warning(QString("[Photoscan] Failed to locate '%1' in the Photoscan archive").arg(zipFilename));
		return QString();

	//decompress the file
	QuaZipFile zipFile(&zip);
	if (!zipFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly))
		ccLog::Warning(QString("[Photoscan] Failed to extract '%1' from Photoscan archive").arg(zipFilename));
		return QString();

	QDir tempDir = QDir::temp();
	QString tempFilename = tempDir.absoluteFilePath(zipFilename);
	QFile tempFile(tempFilename);
	if (!tempFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly))
		ccLog::Warning(QString("[Photoscan] Failed to create temp file '%1'").arg(tempFilename));
		return QString();

	return tempFilename;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool CZipper::pack_prepared()
  if (archive_fullpath.isEmpty())
     return false;
  QString zipname (archive_fullpath);
  QuaZip zip (zipname, settings->value ("zip_charset_out", "UTF-8").toString().trimmed());

  if (! zip.open (QuaZip::mdCreate))
      return false;

  QFile inFile;
  QuaZipFile outFile (&zip);

  foreach (QString fi, files_list)
           QFileInfo file (fi);
           if (! file.isFile())

           inFile.setFileName (file.absoluteFilePath());

           if (! inFile.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly))
               return false;

           QString outfname (archive_name);
           outfname.append ("/").append (file.fileName());

           if (! outFile.open (QIODevice::WriteOnly, QuaZipNewInfo (outfname, inFile.fileName())))
               return false;

           QByteArray ba = inFile.readAll();
           outFile.write (ba);

           if (outFile.getZipError() != UNZ_OK)
               return false;


           emit new_iteration (file);
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Comprime i file specificati in files nel file fileCompressed.
 * Se la funzione fallisce restituisce false e cancella il file che si e tentato
 * di creare.
 * La funzione fallisce se:
 * * non si riesce ad aprire l'oggetto zip;
 * * la compressione di un file fallisce;
 * * non si riesce a chiudere l'oggetto zip;
bool JlCompress::compressFiles(QString fileCompressed, QStringList files) {
    // Creo lo zip
    QuaZip* zip  = new QuaZip(QFileInfo(fileCompressed).absoluteFilePath());
    if(!zip->open(QuaZip::mdCreate)) {
        delete zip;
        return false;

    // Comprimo i file
    QFileInfo info;
    Q_FOREACH (QString file, files) {
        if (!info.exists() || !compressFile(zip,file,info.fileName())) {
            delete zip;
            return false;
bool UBExportDocumentSetAdaptor::addDocumentToZip(const QModelIndex &pIndex, UBDocumentTreeModel *model, QuaZip &zip)
    static int i = 0;

    QModelIndex parentIndex = pIndex;
    if (!parentIndex.isValid()) {
        return false;

    UBDocumentProxy *pDocumentProxy = model->proxyForIndex(parentIndex);
    if (pDocumentProxy) {

//        Q_ASSERT(QFileInfo(pDocumentProxy->persistencePath()).exists());
//        UBForeighnObjectsHandler cleaner;
//        cleaner.cure(pDocumentProxy->persistencePath());

        UniboardSankoreTransition document;
        QString documentPath(pDocumentProxy->persistencePath());

        QDir documentDir = QDir(pDocumentProxy->persistencePath());
        QuaZipFile zipFile(&zip);
        UBFileSystemUtils::compressDirInZip(documentDir, QFileInfo(documentPath).fileName() + "/", &zipFile, false);

        if(zip.getZipError() != 0)
            qWarning("Export failed. Cause: zip.close(): %d", zip.getZipError());

    for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(parentIndex); ++i) {
        QModelIndex curIndex = model->index(i, 0, parentIndex);
        if (!addDocumentToZip(curIndex, model, zip)) {
            return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
bool CZipper::read_as_utf8 (const QString &archname, const QString &fname)
  QuaZip zip (archname, settings->value ("zip_charset_in", "UTF-8").toString().trimmed());
  if (! zip.open (QuaZip::mdUnzip))
      return false;

  zip.setCurrentFile (fname);
  if (! zip.hasCurrentFile())
      return false;
  QuaZipFileInfo info;
  if (! zip.getCurrentFileInfo (&info))
     return false;

  QuaZipFile file (&zip);

  if (! file.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) 
      return false;

  QByteArray ba = file.readAll();

  string_data = QString::fromUtf8 (ba.data());


  return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
bool FindSubtitlesWindow::extractFile(QuaZip &zip, const QString &filename, const QString &output_name)
    qDebug("FindSubtitlesWindow::extractFile: '%s', save as '%s'", filename.toUtf8().constData(), output_name.toUtf8().constData());

    if (QFile::exists(output_name)) {
        if (QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Overwrite?"),
                                  tr("The file %1 already exits, overwrite?").arg(output_name), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No) {
            return false;

    if (!zip.setCurrentFile(filename)) {
        qDebug("FindSubtitlesWindow::extractFile: can't select file %s", filename.toUtf8().constData());
        return false;

    // Saving
    char c;
    QuaZipFile file(&zip);
    QFile out(output_name);

    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        qWarning("FindSubtitlesWindow::extractFile: can't open file for reading: %d", file.getZipError());
        return false;

    if (out.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
        // Slow like hell (on GNU/Linux at least), but it is not my fault.
        // Not ZIP/UNZIP package's fault either.
        // The slowest thing here is out.putChar(c).
        while (file.getChar(&c)) out.putChar(c);


    } else {
        qWarning("FindSubtitlesWindow::extractFile: can't open %s for writing", output_name.toUtf8().constData());
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
	BookParser_f MakeBookParser (const QString& filename)
		if (filename.endsWith (".fb2"))
			return FB2::Parse;
		else if (filename.endsWith (".epub"))
			return EPUB::Parse;
		else if (filename.endsWith (".mobi") ||
				filename.endsWith (".prc"))
			return Mobi::Parse;
		else if (filename.endsWith (".zip"))
			QuaZip *zip = new QuaZip (filename);
			std::shared_ptr<void> scopeGuard (nullptr,
					[zip] (void*) { zip->close (); delete zip; });

			if (!zip->open (QuaZip::mdUnzip))
				qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO
						<< "unable to open file "
						<< filename
						<< "as zip archive";
				return BookParser_f ();

			for (const auto& info : zip->getFileInfoList ())
				if (info.name.endsWith (".fb2"))
					QString fileNameInArch = info.name;
					zip->setCurrentFile (fileNameInArch);
					QuaZipFile file (zip);
					if (!file.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly))

					const quint32 size = info.uncompressedSize;
					auto ba = file.readAll ();

					return [ba, size, filename, fileNameInArch] (const QString&) -> Book
							auto book = FB2::ParseFB2Content (ba);
							book.AddedData_ = QDateTime::currentDateTime ();
							book.Rate_ = NoStar;
							book.OriginalPath_ = filename;
							book.Size_ = size;
							book.Content_ = ba;

							if (book.TitleInfo_.Title_.isEmpty())
								book.TitleInfo_.Title_ = QObject::tr ("Unknown");
							Author author;
							author.Name_ = QObject::tr ("Unknown");
							if (book.TitleInfo_.Authors_.isEmpty ())
								book.TitleInfo_.Authors_ << author;
							if (book.TitleInfo_.Authors_.at (0).Name_.isEmpty ())
								book.TitleInfo_.Authors_ [0] = author;

							return book;

		return BookParser_f ();
Exemplo n.º 11
	Book Parse (const QString& filename)
		QuaZip *zip = new QuaZip (filename);
		std::shared_ptr<void> scopeGuard (nullptr,
				[zip] (void*) { zip->close (); delete zip; });

		Book book;
		book.OriginalPath_ = filename;
		if (!zip->open (QuaZip::mdUnzip))
			qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO
					<< "unable to open file "
					<< filename
					<< "as zip archive";
			return book;

		for (const auto& opfPath : GetOPFPaths (zip))
			zip->setCurrentFile (opfPath);
			QuaZipFile opfFile (zip);
			if (!opfFile.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly))
				qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO
						<< "unable to open opf file";
				return book;

			QDomDocument document;
			QString errorMsg;
			int errorLine = -1, errorColumn = -1;
			if (!document.setContent (opfFile.readAll (),
				&errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn))
				qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO
						<< errorMsg
						<< "in line:"
						<< errorLine
						<< "column:"
						<< errorColumn;
				return book;

			FillEPubBookInfo (document, book, zip);
			book.AddedData_ = QDateTime::currentDateTime ();
			book.Rate_ = NoStar;
			book.Size_ = QFileInfo (filename).size ();
			book.IsValid_ = true;

			if (book.TitleInfo_.Title_.isEmpty())
				book.TitleInfo_.Title_ = QObject::tr ("Unknown");
			Author author;
			author.Name_ = QObject::tr ("Unknown");
			if (book.TitleInfo_.Authors_.isEmpty ())
				book.TitleInfo_.Authors_ << author;
			if (book.TitleInfo_.Authors_.at (0).Name_.isEmpty ())
				book.TitleInfo_.Authors_ [0] = author;

		return book;