Exemplo n.º 1
void QD3D11MultiViewportViewer::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
	Vector2i curPos( event->x(), event->y() );
	Vector2f delta = curPos - m_prevPos;

#if 1

	float pitchSpeed = m_flipMouseUpDown ? m_mousePitchSpeed : -m_mousePitchSpeed;
	const float yawSpeed = 0.005f;
	const float panSpeed = 0.005f;
	const float walkSpeed = -0.005f;

	Matrix3f worldToCamera = m_perspectiveCamera.viewMatrix().getSubmatrix3x3( 0, 0 );
	Matrix3f cameraToWorld = m_perspectiveCamera.inverseViewMatrix().getSubmatrix3x3( 0, 0 );
	Vector3f eye = m_perspectiveCamera.eye();
	Vector3f x = m_perspectiveCamera.right();
	Vector3f y = m_perspectiveCamera.up();
	Vector3f z = m_perspectiveCamera.forward();

	// rotate
	if( event->buttons() == Qt::LeftButton )
		// pitch around the local x axis		
		float pitch = pitchSpeed * delta.y;

		Matrix3f pitchMatrix = Matrix3f::rotateX( pitch );		

		y = cameraToWorld * pitchMatrix * worldToCamera * y;
		z = cameraToWorld * pitchMatrix * worldToCamera * z;

		// yaw around the world up vector
		float yaw = yawSpeed * delta.x;

		Matrix3f yawMatrix = m_groundPlaneToWorld * Matrix3f::rotateY( yaw ) * m_worldToGroundPlane;

		x = yawMatrix * x;
		y = yawMatrix * y;
		z = yawMatrix * z;		

		m_perspectiveCamera.setLookAt( eye, eye + z, y );
	// walk
	else if( event->buttons() == Qt::RightButton )
		float dx = panSpeed * delta.x;
		float dz = walkSpeed * delta.y;

		translate( dx, 0, dz );
	// move up/down
	else if( event->buttons() == Qt::MiddleButton )
		float dy = -panSpeed * delta.y;
		translate( 0, dy, 0 );


	if(event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) //rotate
		float rotSpeed = 0.005f; //radians per pixel
		Quat4f rotation;
		rotation.setAxisAngle(rotSpeed * delta.abs(), Vector3f(-delta[1], -delta[0], 0));
		Matrix3f rotMatrix = Matrix3f::rotation(rotation);
		Matrix3f viewMatrix = m_camera.getViewMatrix().getSubmatrix3x3(0, 0);
		rotMatrix = viewMatrix.transposed() * rotMatrix * viewMatrix;

		Vector3f eye, center, up;
		m_camera.getLookAt(&eye, &center, &up);
		m_camera.setLookAt(center + rotMatrix * (eye - center), center, rotMatrix * up);
	else if(event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) //translate
		float speed = 10.f;
		Vector3f screenDelta(delta[0], delta[1], 0);
		screenDelta[0] /= -double(width());
		screenDelta[1] /= double(height());
		Matrix4f iViewProjMatrix = m_camera.getInverseViewProjectionMatrix();
		Vector3f worldDelta = iViewProjMatrix.getSubmatrix3x3(0, 0) * (speed * screenDelta);

		Vector3f eye, center, up;
		m_camera.getLookAt(&eye, &center, &up);
		m_camera.setLookAt(eye + worldDelta, center + worldDelta, up);

	m_prevPos = curPos;