Exemplo n.º 1
  Print the legend item into a given rectangle.

  \param painter Painter
  \param widget Widget representing a legend item
  \param rect Bounding rectangle

  \note When widget is not derived from QwtLegendItem renderLegendItem
        does nothing and needs to be overloaded
void QwtPolarRenderer::renderLegendItem( QPainter *painter,
    const QWidget *widget, const QRectF &rect ) const
    const QwtLegendItem *item = qobject_cast<const QwtLegendItem *>( widget );
    if ( item )
        const QSize sz = item->identifierSize();

        const QRectF identifierRect( rect.x() + item->margin(),
            rect.center().y() - 0.5 * sz.height(), sz.width(), sz.height() );

        QwtLegendItemManager *itemManger = d_data->plot->legend()->find( item );
        if ( itemManger )
            painter->setClipRect( identifierRect, Qt::IntersectClip );
            itemManger->drawLegendIdentifier( painter, identifierRect );

        // Label

        QRectF titleRect = rect;
        titleRect.setX( identifierRect.right() + 2 * item->spacing() );

        painter->setFont( item->font() );
        item->text().draw( painter, titleRect );
Exemplo n.º 2
  Print the legend item into a given rectangle.

  \param plot Plot widget
  \param painter Painter
  \param widget Widget representing a legend item
  \param rect Bounding rectangle

  \note When widget is not derived from QwtLegendItem renderLegendItem
        does nothing and needs to be overloaded
void QwtPlotRenderer::renderLegendItem( const QwtPlot *plot,
    QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget, const QRectF &rect ) const
    const QwtLegendItem *item = qobject_cast<const QwtLegendItem *>( widget );
    if ( item )
        const QRect identifierRect(
            rect.x() + item->margin(), rect.y(),
            item->identifierSize().width(), rect.height() );

        QwtLegendItemManager *itemManger = plot->legend()->find( item );
        if ( itemManger )
            itemManger->drawLegendIdentifier( painter, identifierRect );

        // Label

        QRectF titleRect = rect;
        titleRect.setX( identifierRect.right() + 2 * item->spacing() );

        painter->setFont( item->font() );
        item->text().draw( painter, titleRect );
Exemplo n.º 3
  Set the legend display policy to:

  \param policy Legend display policy
  \param mode Identifier mode (or'd ShowLine, ShowSymbol, ShowText)

  \sa displayPolicy, LegendDisplayPolicy
void QwtLegend::setDisplayPolicy(LegendDisplayPolicy policy, int mode)
    d_data->displayPolicy = policy;
    if (-1 != mode)
        d_data->identifierMode = mode;

    QMap<QWidget *, const QwtLegendItemManager *> &map =

    QMap<QWidget *, const QwtLegendItemManager *>::iterator it;
    for ( it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it )
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
        QwtLegendItemManager *item = (QwtLegendItemManager *)it.data();
        QwtLegendItemManager *item = (QwtLegendItemManager *)it.value();
        if ( item )
  Render the legend item into a given rectangle.

  \param plot Plot widget
  \param painter Painter
  \param widget Widget representing a legend item
  \param rect Bounding rectangle

  \note When widget is not derived from QwtLegendItem renderLegendItem
        does nothing and needs to be overloaded
void QwtPlotRenderer::renderLegendItem( const QwtPlot *plot,
    QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget, const QRectF &rect ) const
    if ( !( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardBackground ) )
        if ( widget->autoFillBackground() ||
            widget->testAttribute( Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) )
            qwtRenderBackground( painter, rect, widget );

    const QwtLegendItem *item = qobject_cast<const QwtLegendItem *>( widget );
    if ( item )
        const QSize sz = item->identifierSize();

        const QRectF identifierRect( rect.x() + item->margin(), 
            rect.center().y() - 0.5 * sz.height(), sz.width(), sz.height() );

        QwtLegendItemManager *itemManger = plot->legend()->find( item );
        if ( itemManger )
            painter->setClipRect( identifierRect, Qt::IntersectClip );
            itemManger->drawLegendIdentifier( painter, identifierRect );

        // Label

        QRectF titleRect = rect;
        titleRect.setX( identifierRect.right() + 2 * item->spacing() );

        painter->setFont( item->font() );
        item->text().draw( painter, titleRect );