//##################################################################### // Function Intersection //##################################################################### template<class TV> bool DYADIC_IMPLICIT_OBJECT<TV>:: Intersection(RAY<TV>& ray,const T thickness,const ARRAY<T>& phi_nodes,const bool verbose) const { bool save_semi_infinite=ray.semi_infinite;T save_t_max=ray.t_max;int save_aggregate=ray.aggregate_id; T t_start,t_end; bool exit_intersection=false;int exit_aggregate=0;T exit_t_max=0; int intersect_box=INTERSECTION::Intersects(ray,box,thickness); int outside_box=box.Outside(ray.endpoint,thickness); if(outside_box && !intersect_box) return false; // missed the box else if(outside_box){ // intersected the box from the outside TV point=ray.Point(ray.t_max); // intersection point with the box if((*this)(point) <= 0) return true; // test the levelset right at the box point=box.Thickened(-4*thickness).Clamp(point); // moves the point inside the box if((*this)(point) <= 0) return true; // level set is on the edge of the box else{ // level set is not on the edge of the box t_start=ray.t_max; // intersection with the box ray.semi_infinite=save_semi_infinite;ray.t_max=save_t_max;ray.aggregate_id=save_aggregate; // box intersection doesn't count RAY<TV> new_ray(point,ray.direction);INTERSECTION::Intersects(new_ray,box,thickness); if(ray.semi_infinite) t_end=t_start+new_ray.t_max; else t_end=min(t_start+new_ray.t_max,ray.t_max);}} else if(!intersect_box){t_start=0;t_end=ray.t_max;} // intersected some object inside the box else{ // intersects the box from inside t_start=0;t_end=ray.t_max; exit_intersection=true;exit_t_max=ray.t_max;exit_aggregate=ray.aggregate_id; // save for exiting rays ray.semi_infinite=save_semi_infinite;ray.t_max=save_t_max;ray.aggregate_id=save_aggregate;} // box intersection doesn't count // set up marching DYADIC_IMPLICIT_OBJECT_ON_A_RAY<T_GRID> implicit_surface_on_a_ray(*this,ray); ITERATIVE_SOLVER<T> iterative_solver;iterative_solver.tolerance=Iterative_Solver_Tolerance<T>()*thickness; // start marching T t1=t_start+thickness; TV p1(ray.Point(t1));T_CELL* current_cell=levelset.grid.Leaf_Cell(p1); T phi1=levelset.Phi_From_Close_Cell(current_cell,p1,&phi_nodes),t2=t1+Integration_Step(phi1); // march through the line segment while(t2 <= t_end){ TV p2(ray.Point(t2)); if(!levelset.grid.Inside_Cell(current_cell,p2)){ if(phi1<current_cell->DX().x*20) // 20 is a hack to avoid looking for neighbors current_cell=levelset.grid.Leaf_Cell_By_Neighbor_Path(current_cell,p2); else current_cell=levelset.grid.Leaf_Cell(p2);} else if(current_cell->Has_Children()) current_cell=levelset.grid.Leaf_Cell(p2); T phi2=levelset.Phi_From_Close_Cell(current_cell,p2,&phi_nodes); if(LEVELSET_UTILITIES<T>::Interface(phi1,phi2)){ T_CELL* base_cell=levelset.grid.Base_Cell_By_Neighbor_Path(current_cell,p1);assert(base_cell); implicit_surface_on_a_ray.phi_nodes=&phi_nodes; implicit_surface_on_a_ray.last_block=new BLOCK_DYADIC<T_GRID>(levelset.grid,base_cell); // optimization ray.semi_infinite=false;ray.t_max=iterative_solver.Bisection_Secant_Root(implicit_surface_on_a_ray,t1,t2);ray.aggregate_id=-1; if(implicit_surface_on_a_ray.last_block){delete implicit_surface_on_a_ray.last_block;implicit_surface_on_a_ray.last_block=0;} return true;} else{t1=t2;phi1=phi2;t2=t1+Integration_Step(phi1);}} // check the last piece of the line segment t2=t_end;T phi2=(*this)(ray.Point(t_end)); if(LEVELSET_UTILITIES<T>::Interface(phi1,phi2)){ray.semi_infinite=false;ray.t_max=iterative_solver.Bisection_Secant_Root(implicit_surface_on_a_ray,t1,t2);ray.aggregate_id=-1;return true;} else if(exit_intersection && phi2 <= 0){ray.semi_infinite=false;ray.t_max=exit_t_max; ray.aggregate_id=exit_aggregate; return true;} // exiting ray else return false; }
//##################################################################### // Function Closest_Non_Intersecting_Point //##################################################################### template<class T> bool Closest_Non_Intersecting_Point(RAY<VECTOR<T,3> >& ray,const TRIANGULATED_SURFACE<T>& surface, const T thickness_over_two) { assert(surface.hierarchy);assert(surface.bounding_box);assert(surface.triangle_list); bool hit=false;T start_t,end_t;if(!INTERSECTION::Get_Intersection_Range(ray,*surface.bounding_box,start_t,end_t))return false; RANGE<VECTOR<T,3> > ray_box(ray.Point(start_t));ray_box.Enlarge_To_Include_Point(ray.Point(end_t)); ARRAY<int> triangles_to_check;surface.hierarchy->Intersection_List(ray_box,triangles_to_check,4*thickness_over_two); for(int i=1;i<=triangles_to_check.m;i++){int k=triangles_to_check(i);if(INTERSECTION::Closest_Non_Intersecting_Point(ray,(*surface.triangle_list)(k),thickness_over_two)){ray.aggregate_id=k;hit=true;}} return hit; }
//##################################################################### // Function Intersects //##################################################################### template<class T> bool Rectangle_Intersects(RAY<VECTOR<T,3> >& ray,const PLANE<T>& plane,const PLANE<T>& bounding_plane1,const PLANE<T>& bounding_plane2,const PLANE<T>& bounding_plane3,const PLANE<T>& bounding_plane4,const T thickness_over_two) { RAY<VECTOR<T,3> > ray_temp;ray.Save_Intersection_Information(ray_temp); if(INTERSECTION::Intersects(ray,plane,thickness_over_two)){ VECTOR<T,3> point=ray.Point(ray.t_max); if(!bounding_plane1.Outside(point,thickness_over_two) && !bounding_plane2.Outside(point,thickness_over_two) && !bounding_plane3.Outside(point,thickness_over_two) && !bounding_plane4.Outside(point,thickness_over_two)) return true; else ray.Restore_Intersection_Information(ray_temp);} return false; }
void wiSPTree::getVisible(Node* node, RAY& frustum, CulledList& objects, int type){ if(!node) return; int contain_type = frustum.intersects(node->box); if(!contain_type) return; else { for(Cullable* object : node->objects) if(frustum.intersects(object->bounds)){ //object->lastSquaredDistMulThousand=(long)(wiMath::DistanceEstimated(object->bounds.getCenter(),frustum.center)*1000); objects.insert(object); } if(node->count){ for (unsigned int i = 0; i<node->children.size(); ++i) getVisible(node->children[i],frustum,objects,type); } } }
void MOUSE::CalculateMappos(TERRAIN &terrain) { //Get Mouse Ray D3DXMATRIX world; D3DXMatrixIdentity(&world); m_pDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &world); RAY mRay = GetRay(); float minDistance = 10000.0f; for(int i=0;i<(int)terrain.m_patches.size();i++) { if(mRay.Intersect(terrain.m_patches[i]->m_BBox) > 0.0f) { // Collect only the closest intersection BOOL hit; DWORD dwFace; float hitU, hitV, dist; D3DXIntersect(terrain.m_patches[i]->m_pMesh, &mRay.org, &mRay.dir, &hit, &dwFace, &hitU, &hitV, &dist, NULL, NULL); if(hit && dist < minDistance) { minDistance = dist; int tiles = dwFace / 2; //Two faces to each map tile int tilesPerRow = terrain.m_patches[i]->m_mapRect.right - terrain.m_patches[i]->m_mapRect.left; int y = tiles / tilesPerRow, x = tiles - y * tilesPerRow; if(dwFace % 2 == 0) //Hit upper left face { if(hitU > 0.5f)x++; else if(hitV > 0.5f)y++; } else //Hit lower right face { if(hitU + hitV < 0.5f)y++; else if(hitU > 0.5f)x++; else {x++;y++;} } m_mappos.Set(terrain.m_patches[i]->m_mapRect.left + x, terrain.m_patches[i]->m_mapRect.top + y); m_ballPos = terrain.GetWorldPos(m_mappos); } } } }
bool CTRIANGLE::Intersect( const RAY &aRay, HITINFO &aHitInfo ) const { //!TODO: precalc this, improove it #define ku s_modulo[m_k + 1] #define kv s_modulo[m_k + 2] const SFVEC3F &O = aRay.m_Origin; const SFVEC3F &D = aRay.m_Dir; const SFVEC3F &A = m_vertex[0]; const float lnd = 1.0f / (D[m_k] + m_nu * D[ku] + m_nv * D[kv]); const float t = (m_nd - O[m_k] - m_nu * O[ku] - m_nv * O[kv]) * lnd; if( !( (aHitInfo.m_tHit > t) && (t > 0.0f) ) ) return false; const float hu = O[ku] + t * D[ku] - A[ku]; const float hv = O[kv] + t * D[kv] - A[kv]; const float beta = hv * m_bnu + hu * m_bnv; if( beta < 0.0f ) return false; const float gamma = hu * m_cnu + hv * m_cnv; if( gamma < 0 ) return false; const float v = gamma; const float u = beta; if( (u + v) > 1.0f ) return false; if( glm::dot( D, m_n ) > 0.0f ) return false; aHitInfo.m_tHit = t; aHitInfo.m_HitPoint = aRay.at( t ); // interpolate vertex normals with UVW using Gouraud's shading aHitInfo.m_HitNormal = glm::normalize( (1.0f - u - v) * m_normal[0] + u * m_normal[1] + v * m_normal[2] ); m_material->PerturbeNormal( aHitInfo.m_HitNormal, aRay, aHitInfo ); aHitInfo.pHitObject = this; return true; #undef ku #undef kv }
void wiSPTree::getVisible(Node* node, RAY& frustum, CulledList& objects, SortType sort, CullStrictness type){ if(!node) return; int contain_type = frustum.intersects(node->box); if(!contain_type) return; else { for(Cullable* object : node->objects) if(frustum.intersects(object->bounds)){ #ifdef SORT_SPTREE_CULL object->lastSquaredDistMulThousand=(long)(wiMath::Distance(object->bounds.getCenter(),frustum.origin)*1000); if (sort == SP_TREE_SORT_PAINTER) object->lastSquaredDistMulThousand *= -1; #endif objects.insert(object); } if(node->count){ for (unsigned int i = 0; i<node->children.size(); ++i) getVisible(node->children[i],frustum,objects, sort,type); } } }
bool CVCYLINDER::Intersect( const RAY &aRay, HITINFO &aHitInfo ) const { // Based on: // http://www.cs.utah.edu/~lha/Code%206620%20/Ray4/Cylinder.cpp // Ray-sphere intersection: geometric // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const double OCx_Start = aRay.m_Origin.x - m_center.x; const double OCy_Start = aRay.m_Origin.y - m_center.y; const double p_dot_p = OCx_Start * OCx_Start + OCy_Start * OCy_Start; const double a = (double)aRay.m_Dir.x * (double)aRay.m_Dir.x + (double)aRay.m_Dir.y * (double)aRay.m_Dir.y; const double b = (double)aRay.m_Dir.x * (double)OCx_Start + (double)aRay.m_Dir.y * (double)OCy_Start; const double c = p_dot_p - m_radius_squared; const float delta = (float)(b * b - a * c); bool hitResult = false; if( delta > FLT_EPSILON ) { const float inv_a = 1.0 / a; const float sdelta = sqrtf( delta ); const float t = (-b - sdelta) * inv_a; const float z = aRay.m_Origin.z + t * aRay.m_Dir.z; if( (z >= m_bbox.Min().z) && (z <= m_bbox.Max().z) ) { if( t < aHitInfo.m_tHit ) { hitResult = true; aHitInfo.m_tHit = t; } } if( !hitResult ) { const float t1 = (-b + sdelta) * inv_a; const float z1 = aRay.m_Origin.z + t1 * aRay.m_Dir.z; if( (z1 > m_bbox.Min().z ) && (z1 < m_bbox.Max().z ) ) { if( t1 < aHitInfo.m_tHit ) { hitResult = true; aHitInfo.m_tHit = t1; } } } } if( hitResult ) { aHitInfo.m_HitPoint = aRay.at( aHitInfo.m_tHit ); const SFVEC2F hitPoint2D = SFVEC2F( aHitInfo.m_HitPoint.x, aHitInfo.m_HitPoint.y ); aHitInfo.m_HitNormal = SFVEC3F( -(hitPoint2D.x - m_center.x) * m_inv_radius, -(hitPoint2D.y - m_center.y) * m_inv_radius, 0.0f ); m_material->PerturbeNormal( aHitInfo.m_HitNormal, aRay, aHitInfo ); aHitInfo.pHitObject = this; } return hitResult; }
HRESULT APPLICATION::Render() { // Clear the viewport m_pDevice->Clear(0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET | D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, 0x00000000, 1.0f, 0L ); // Begin the scene if(SUCCEEDED(m_pDevice->BeginScene())) { for(int i=0;i<(int)m_objects.size();i++) m_objects[i].Render(); //Find intersecting object closest to the camera D3DXMATRIX identity; D3DXMatrixIdentity(&identity); int object = -1; float bestDist = 100000.0f; for(int i=0;i<(int)m_objects.size() - 1;i++) { float dist = -1.0f; //Do intersection tests if(m_intersectType == 0) { m_pDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &m_objects[i].m_meshInstance.GetWorldMatrix()); RAY ray = m_mouse.GetRay(); dist = ray.Intersect(m_objects[i].m_meshInstance); } else if(m_intersectType == 1) { m_pDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &identity); RAY ray = m_mouse.GetRay(); dist = ray.Intersect(m_objects[i].m_BBox); } else if(m_intersectType == 2) { m_pDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &identity); RAY ray = m_mouse.GetRay(); dist = ray.Intersect(m_objects[i].m_BSphere); } m_objects[i].RenderBoundingVolume(m_intersectType); if(dist >= 0.0f && dist < bestDist) { object = i; bestDist = dist; } } //Write m_mouse text if(object != -1) { RECT mr[] = {{m_mouse.x + 2, m_mouse.y + 24, 0, 0}, {m_mouse.x, m_mouse.y + 22, 0, 0}}; m_pFontMouse->DrawText(NULL, m_objects[object].m_name.c_str(), -1, &mr[0], DT_LEFT| DT_TOP | DT_NOCLIP, 0xff000000); m_pFontMouse->DrawText(NULL, m_objects[object].m_name.c_str(), -1, &mr[1], DT_LEFT| DT_TOP | DT_NOCLIP, 0xffff0000); } RECT r[] = {{10, 10, 0, 0}, {10, 30, 0, 0}, {10, 50, 0, 0}}; m_pFont->DrawText(NULL, "Mouse Wheel: Change Camera Radius", -1, &r[0], DT_LEFT| DT_TOP | DT_NOCLIP, 0xffffffff); m_pFont->DrawText(NULL, "Arrows: Change Camera Angle", -1, &r[1], DT_LEFT| DT_TOP | DT_NOCLIP, 0xffffffff); m_pFont->DrawText(NULL, "Space: Change Bounding Volume", -1, &r[2], DT_LEFT| DT_TOP | DT_NOCLIP, 0xffffffff); RECT rc = {500, 10, 0, 0}; if(m_intersectType == 0) m_pFont->DrawText(NULL, "Mesh Intersection Test", -1, &rc, DT_LEFT| DT_TOP | DT_NOCLIP, 0xffffffff); else if(m_intersectType == 1) m_pFont->DrawText(NULL, "Box Intersection Test", -1, &rc, DT_LEFT| DT_TOP | DT_NOCLIP, 0xffffffff); else if(m_intersectType == 2) m_pFont->DrawText(NULL, "Sphere Intersection Test", -1, &rc, DT_LEFT| DT_TOP | DT_NOCLIP, 0xffffffff); //Draw m_mouse m_mouse.Paint(); // End the scene. m_pDevice->EndScene(); m_pDevice->Present(0, 0, 0, 0); } return S_OK; }
//##################################################################### // Function Intersection //##################################################################### template<class TV> bool IMPLICIT_OBJECT<TV>:: Intersection(RAY<TV>& ray,const T thickness) const { bool save_semi_infinite=ray.semi_infinite;T save_t_max=ray.t_max;int save_aggregate=ray.aggregate_id; T t_start,t_end; bool exit_intersection=false;int exit_aggregate=0;T exit_t_max=0; int intersect_box=INTERSECTION::Intersects(ray,box,thickness); int outside_box=box.Outside(ray.endpoint,thickness); if(outside_box && !intersect_box) return false; // missed the box else if(outside_box){ // intersected the box from the outside TV point=ray.Point(ray.t_max); // intersection point with the box point=box.Thickened(-4*thickness).Clamp(point); // moves the point inside the box if((*this)(point) <= 0) return true; // level set is on the edge of the box else{ // level set is not on the edge of the box t_start=ray.t_max; // intersection with the box ray.semi_infinite=save_semi_infinite;ray.t_max=save_t_max;ray.aggregate_id=save_aggregate; // box intersection doesn't count RAY<TV> new_ray(point,ray.direction);INTERSECTION::Intersects(new_ray,box,thickness); if(ray.semi_infinite) t_end=t_start+new_ray.t_max; else t_end=min(t_start+new_ray.t_max,ray.t_max);}} else if(!intersect_box){t_start=0;t_end=ray.t_max;} // intersected some object inside the box else{ // intersects the box from inside t_start=0;t_end=ray.t_max; exit_intersection=true;exit_t_max=ray.t_max;exit_aggregate=ray.aggregate_id; // save for exiting rays ray.semi_infinite=save_semi_infinite;ray.t_max=save_t_max;ray.aggregate_id=save_aggregate;} // box intersection doesn't count if(!use_secondary_interpolation){ // set up marching IMPLICIT_OBJECT_ON_A_RAY<IMPLICIT_OBJECT> implicit_surface_on_a_ray(*this,ray); ITERATIVE_SOLVER<T> iterative_solver;iterative_solver.tolerance=Iterative_Solver_Tolerance<T>()*thickness; // start marching T t1=t_start+thickness,phi1=(*this)(ray.Point(t1)),t2=t1+Integration_Step(phi1); // march through the line segment while(t2 <= t_end){ T phi2=(*this)(ray.Point(t2)); if(LEVELSET_UTILITIES<T>::Interface(phi1,phi2)){ray.semi_infinite=false;ray.t_max=iterative_solver.Bisection_Secant_Root(implicit_surface_on_a_ray,t1,t2);ray.aggregate_id=-1;return true;} else{t1=t2;phi1=phi2;t2=t1+Integration_Step(phi1);}} // check the last piece of the line segment t2=t_end;T phi2=(*this)(ray.Point(t_end)); if(LEVELSET_UTILITIES<T>::Interface(phi1,phi2)){ray.semi_infinite=false;ray.t_max=iterative_solver.Bisection_Secant_Root(implicit_surface_on_a_ray,t1,t2);ray.aggregate_id=-1;return true;} else if(exit_intersection && phi2 <= 0){ray.semi_infinite=false;ray.t_max=exit_t_max;ray.aggregate_id=exit_aggregate;return true;} // exiting ray else return false;} else{ // use_secondary_interpolation // set up marching //IMPLICIT_OBJECT_ON_A_RAY_SECONDARY_INTERPOLATION<T> implicit_surface_on_a_ray(*this,ray); // TODO: we should probably be using this instead IMPLICIT_OBJECT_ON_A_RAY<IMPLICIT_OBJECT> implicit_surface_on_a_ray(*this,ray); ITERATIVE_SOLVER<T> iterative_solver;iterative_solver.tolerance=Iterative_Solver_Tolerance<T>()*thickness; // start marching T t1=t_start+thickness,phi1=(*this)(ray.Point(t1)),t2=t1+Integration_Step(phi1); // march through the line segment while(t2 <= t_end){ T phi2=(*this)(ray.Point(t2)); if(LEVELSET_UTILITIES<T>::Interface(phi1,phi2)){ phi1=this->Phi_Secondary(ray.Point(t1)); phi2=this->Phi_Secondary(ray.Point(t2)); if(LEVELSET_UTILITIES<T>::Interface(phi1,phi2)){ ray.semi_infinite=false; ray.t_max=iterative_solver.Bisection_Secant_Root(implicit_surface_on_a_ray,t1,t2); ray.aggregate_id=-1;return true;} else{t1=t2;phi1=phi2;t2=t1+Integration_Step(phi1);}} else{t1=t2;phi1=phi2;t2=t1+Integration_Step(phi1);}} // check the last piece of the line segment t2=t_end;T phi2=(*this)(ray.Point(t2)); if(LEVELSET_UTILITIES<T>::Interface(phi1,phi2)){ phi1=this->Phi_Secondary(ray.Point(t1)); phi2=this->Phi_Secondary(ray.Point(t2)); if(LEVELSET_UTILITIES<T>::Interface(phi1,phi2)){ ray.semi_infinite=false; ray.t_max=iterative_solver.Bisection_Secant_Root(implicit_surface_on_a_ray,t1,t2); ray.aggregate_id=-1;return true;}} if(exit_intersection && phi2 <= 0){ray.semi_infinite=false;ray.t_max=exit_t_max;ray.aggregate_id=exit_aggregate;return true;} // exiting ray else return false;} }
bool CROUNDSEG::Intersect( const RAY &aRay, HITINFO &aHitInfo ) const { // Top / Botton plane // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float zPlanePos = aRay.m_dirIsNeg[2]? m_bbox.Max().z : m_bbox.Min().z; float tPlane = ( zPlanePos - aRay.m_Origin.z) * aRay.m_InvDir.z; if( ( tPlane >= aHitInfo.m_tHit ) || ( tPlane < FLT_EPSILON ) ) return false; // Early exit SFVEC2F planeHitPoint2d( aRay.m_Origin.x + aRay.m_Dir.x * tPlane, aRay.m_Origin.y + aRay.m_Dir.y * tPlane ); float dSquared = m_segment.DistanceToPointSquared( planeHitPoint2d ); if( dSquared <= m_radius_squared ) { if( tPlane < aHitInfo.m_tHit ) { aHitInfo.m_tHit = tPlane; //aHitInfo.m_HitPoint = SFVEC3F( planeHitPoint2d.x, // planeHitPoint2d.y, // aRay.m_Origin.z + aRay.m_Dir.z * tPlane ); aHitInfo.m_HitNormal = SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, aRay.m_dirIsNeg[2]? 1.0f: -1.0f ); aHitInfo.pHitObject = this; return true; } return false; } // Test LEFT / RIGHT plane // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float normal_dot_ray = glm::dot( m_plane_dir_right, aRay.m_Dir ); if( normal_dot_ray < 0.0f ) // If the dot is neg, the it hits the plane { const float n_dot_ray_origin = glm::dot( m_plane_dir_right, m_center_right - aRay.m_Origin ); const float t = n_dot_ray_origin / normal_dot_ray; if( t > 0.0f ) { const SFVEC3F hitP = aRay.at( t ); const SFVEC3F v = hitP - m_center_right; const float len = glm::dot( v, v ); if( (len <= m_seglen_over_two_squared) && (hitP.z >= m_bbox.Min().z) && (hitP.z <= m_bbox.Max().z) ) { if( t < aHitInfo.m_tHit ) { aHitInfo.m_tHit = t; //aHitInfo.m_HitPoint = hitP; aHitInfo.m_HitNormal = SFVEC3F( m_plane_dir_right.x, m_plane_dir_right.y, 0.0f ); aHitInfo.pHitObject = this; return true; } return false; } } } else { normal_dot_ray = glm::dot( m_plane_dir_left, aRay.m_Dir ); if( normal_dot_ray < 0.0f ) // If the dot is neg, the it hits the plane { const float n_dot_ray_origin = glm::dot( m_plane_dir_left, m_center_left - aRay.m_Origin ); const float t = n_dot_ray_origin / normal_dot_ray; if( t > 0.0f ) { const SFVEC3F hitP = aRay.at( t ); const SFVEC3F v = hitP - m_center_left; const float len = glm::dot( v, v ); if( (len <= m_seglen_over_two_squared) && (hitP.z >= m_bbox.Min().z) && (hitP.z <= m_bbox.Max().z) ) { if( t < aHitInfo.m_tHit ) { aHitInfo.m_tHit = t; //aHitInfo.m_HitPoint = hitP; aHitInfo.m_HitNormal = SFVEC3F( m_plane_dir_left.x, m_plane_dir_left.y, 0.0f ); aHitInfo.pHitObject = this; return true; } return false; } } } } // Based on: // http://www.cs.utah.edu/~lha/Code%206620%20/Ray4/Cylinder.cpp // Ray-sphere intersection: geometric // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const double OCx_Start = aRay.m_Origin.x - m_segment.m_Start.x; const double OCy_Start = aRay.m_Origin.y - m_segment.m_Start.y; const double p_dot_p_Start = OCx_Start * OCx_Start + OCy_Start * OCy_Start; const double a = (double)aRay.m_Dir.x * (double)aRay.m_Dir.x + (double)aRay.m_Dir.y * (double)aRay.m_Dir.y; const double b_Start = (double)aRay.m_Dir.x * (double)OCx_Start + (double)aRay.m_Dir.y * (double)OCy_Start; const double c_Start = p_dot_p_Start - m_radius_squared; const float delta_Start = (float)(b_Start * b_Start - a * c_Start); if( delta_Start > FLT_EPSILON ) { const float sdelta = sqrtf( delta_Start ); const float t = (-b_Start - sdelta) / a; const float z = aRay.m_Origin.z + t * aRay.m_Dir.z; if( (z >= m_bbox.Min().z) && (z <= m_bbox.Max().z) ) { if( t < aHitInfo.m_tHit ) { aHitInfo.m_tHit = t; SFVEC2F hitPoint2D = aRay.at2D( t ); //aHitInfo.m_HitPoint = aRay.at( t ); aHitInfo.m_HitNormal = SFVEC3F( (hitPoint2D.x - m_segment.m_Start.x) * m_inv_radius, (hitPoint2D.y - m_segment.m_Start.y) * m_inv_radius, 0.0f ); aHitInfo.pHitObject = this; return true; } return false; } } const double OCx_End = aRay.m_Origin.x - m_segment.m_End.x; const double OCy_End = aRay.m_Origin.y - m_segment.m_End.y; const double p_dot_p_End = OCx_End * OCx_End + OCy_End * OCy_End; const double b_End = (double)aRay.m_Dir.x * (double)OCx_End + (double)aRay.m_Dir.y * (double)OCy_End; const double c_End = p_dot_p_End - m_radius_squared; const float delta_End = (float)(b_End * b_End - a * c_End); if( delta_End > FLT_EPSILON ) { const float sdelta = sqrtf( delta_End ); const float t = (-b_End - sdelta) / a; const float z = aRay.m_Origin.z + t * aRay.m_Dir.z; if( (z >= m_bbox.Min().z) && (z <= m_bbox.Max().z) ) { if( t < aHitInfo.m_tHit ) { aHitInfo.m_tHit = t; //aHitInfo.m_HitPoint = aRay.at( t ); const SFVEC2F hitPoint2D = aRay.at2D( t ); aHitInfo.m_HitNormal = SFVEC3F( (hitPoint2D.x - m_segment.m_End.x) * m_inv_radius, (hitPoint2D.y - m_segment.m_End.y) * m_inv_radius, 0.0f ); aHitInfo.pHitObject = this; return true; } return false; } } return false; }
bool CROUNDSEG::IntersectP( const RAY &aRay, float aMaxDistance ) const { // Top / Botton plane // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const float zPlanePos = aRay.m_dirIsNeg[2]? m_bbox.Max().z : m_bbox.Min().z; const float tPlane = ( zPlanePos - aRay.m_Origin.z) * aRay.m_InvDir.z; if( ( tPlane >= aMaxDistance) || ( tPlane < FLT_EPSILON ) ) return false; // Early exit const SFVEC2F planeHitPoint2d( aRay.m_Origin.x + aRay.m_Dir.x * tPlane, aRay.m_Origin.y + aRay.m_Dir.y * tPlane ); const float dSquared = m_segment.DistanceToPointSquared( planeHitPoint2d ); if( dSquared <= m_radius_squared ) { if( tPlane < aMaxDistance ) return true; return false; } // Since the IntersectP is used for shadows, we are simplifying the test // intersection and only consider the top/bottom plane of the segment return false; #if 0 // Test LEFT / RIGHT plane // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float normal_dot_ray = glm::dot( m_plane_dir_right, aRay.m_Dir ); if( normal_dot_ray < 0.0f ) // If the dot is neg, the it hits the plane { float n_dot_ray_origin = glm::dot( m_plane_dir_right, m_center_right - aRay.m_Origin ); float t = n_dot_ray_origin / normal_dot_ray; if( t > 0.0f ) { SFVEC3F hitP = aRay.at( t ); SFVEC3F v = hitP - m_center_right; float len = glm::dot( v, v ); if( (len <= m_seglen_over_two_squared) && (hitP.z >= m_bbox.Min().z) && (hitP.z <= m_bbox.Max().z) ) { if( t < aMaxDistance ) return true; return false; } } } else { normal_dot_ray = glm::dot( m_plane_dir_left, aRay.m_Dir ); if( normal_dot_ray < 0.0f ) // If the dot is neg, the it hits the plane { const float n_dot_ray_origin = glm::dot( m_plane_dir_left, m_center_left - aRay.m_Origin ); const float t = n_dot_ray_origin / normal_dot_ray; if( t > 0.0f ) { SFVEC3F hitP = aRay.at( t ); SFVEC3F v = hitP - m_center_left; float len = glm::dot( v, v ); if( (len <= m_seglen_over_two_squared) && (hitP.z >= m_bbox.Min().z) && (hitP.z <= m_bbox.Max().z) ) { if( t < aMaxDistance ) return true; return false; } } } } // Based on: // http://www.cs.utah.edu/~lha/Code%206620%20/Ray4/Cylinder.cpp // Ray-sphere intersection: geometric // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double OCx_Start = aRay.m_Origin.x - m_segment.m_Start.x; double OCy_Start = aRay.m_Origin.y - m_segment.m_Start.y; double p_dot_p_Start = OCx_Start * OCx_Start + OCy_Start * OCy_Start; double a = (double)aRay.m_Dir.x * (double)aRay.m_Dir.x + (double)aRay.m_Dir.y * (double)aRay.m_Dir.y; double b_Start = (double)aRay.m_Dir.x * (double)OCx_Start + (double)aRay.m_Dir.y * (double)OCy_Start; double c_Start = p_dot_p_Start - m_radius_squared; float delta_Start = (float)(b_Start * b_Start - a * c_Start); if( delta_Start > FLT_EPSILON ) { float sdelta = sqrtf( delta_Start ); float t = (-b_Start - sdelta) / a; float z = aRay.m_Origin.z + t * aRay.m_Dir.z; if( (z >= m_bbox.Min().z) && (z <= m_bbox.Max().z) ) { if( t < aMaxDistance ) return true; return false; } } double OCx_End = aRay.m_Origin.x - m_segment.m_End.x; double OCy_End = aRay.m_Origin.y - m_segment.m_End.y; double p_dot_p_End = OCx_End * OCx_End + OCy_End * OCy_End; double b_End = (double)aRay.m_Dir.x * (double)OCx_End + (double)aRay.m_Dir.y * (double)OCy_End; double c_End = p_dot_p_End - m_radius_squared; float delta_End = (float)(b_End * b_End - a * c_End); if( delta_End > FLT_EPSILON ) { float sdelta = sqrtf( delta_End ); float t = (-b_End - sdelta) / a; float z = aRay.m_Origin.z + t * aRay.m_Dir.z; if( (z >= m_bbox.Min().z) && (z <= m_bbox.Max().z) ) { if( t < aMaxDistance ) return true; return false; } } return false; #endif }