Exemplo n.º 1
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RStandaloneDocument::Read( )
//  Description:		Reads from the specified storage
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		File
// ****************************************************************************
void RStandaloneDocument::Read( RChunkStorage& storage, EReadReason reason )
	// Read version info
	if( !storage.Start( kVersionInfoTag, FALSE ).End( ) )
		YStreamLength yStartPos = storage.GetPosition( );
		m_Version.Read( storage );
		storage.SelectParentChunk( );
		// set the version info of the file being read in 
		// this should be cleared after the file is completely read
		(RApplication::GetApplicationGlobals())->SetCurrentDocumentVersion( m_Version );

		//	Start reading again where we left off before reading the version info
		storage.SeekAbsolute( yStartPos );

	// Reset the warned flag so that we will warn about any missing components.
	m_fWarnedAboutMissingComponent = FALSE;

	// Call the base method
	RDocument::Read( storage, reason );

	// create a blank version info and set it in the global after the file is read
	RVersionInfo info;

Exemplo n.º 2
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RBorderView::Read( )
//  Description:		
//  Returns:			Override of RGraphicView::Read() because we need to update
//							the border's thickness after its bounding rect has been
//							read in from storage.
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RBorderView::Read( RChunkStorage& storage )
	RGraphicView::Read( storage );
	// Look for a wide border flag chunk	
	RChunkStorage::RChunkSearcher rSearcher;
	rSearcher = storage.Start(kWideBorderFlagChunkId, !kRecursive);
	if (!rSearcher.End())
		storage >> m_fWideBorder;