Exemplo n.º 1
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RWindowView::RWindowView( )
//  Description:		Render this views background
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RWindowView::RenderBackground( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface, const R2dTransform&, const RIntRect& rcRender ) const
	// Fill in the background
	if( !drawingSurface.IsPrinting( ) )
		RColor	backgroundColor	= GetBackgroundColor( );
		if ( backgroundColor.GetFillMethod() == RColor::kSolid )
			RSolidColor	solid	= backgroundColor.GetSolidColor( );
			//	Check for something close to TRUE GRAY and alter it slightly
#ifdef _WINDOWS
			const YColorComponent	kHitBits			= 0xC0;
			const YColorComponent	kNewColor		= 0x77;
			const YColorComponent	kGrayColor		= 0x80;
#elif	defined( MAC )
			const YColorComponent	kHitBits			= 0xF000;
			const YColorComponent	kNewColor		= 0x7777;
			const YColorComponent	kGrayColor		= 0x8000;
#endif	//	_WINDOWS or MAC
			YColorComponent	redColor		= (solid.GetRed( ) & kHitBits);
			YColorComponent	greenColor	= (solid.GetGreen( ) & kHitBits);
			YColorComponent	blueColor	= (solid.GetBlue( ) & kHitBits);
			if ( (kGrayColor == redColor) && (redColor == greenColor) && (greenColor == blueColor) )
				backgroundColor = RSolidColor( kNewColor, kNewColor, kNewColor );
		drawingSurface.SetForegroundMode( kNormal );
		drawingSurface.SetFillColor( backgroundColor );
		drawingSurface.FillRectangle( rcRender );
Exemplo n.º 2
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RSingleSelection::DrawResizeTrackingRect( )
//  Description:		Draws the selection tracking rect for resizing.
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		Memory
// ****************************************************************************
void RSingleSelection::DrawResizeTrackingFeedback( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface,
																	const R2dTransform& transform,
																	const RRealPoint& scalingCenter,
																	const RRealSize& scaleFactor,
																	BOOLEAN fMaintainAspectRatio ) const
	if( m_pSelectedObject->GetComponentAttributes( ).IsResizable( ) )
		// Setup the drawing surface
		drawingSurface.SetPenWidth( kSelectionOutlineWidth );
		drawingSurface.SetPenStyle( kSolidPen );

		// Get the components bounding rect
		YComponentBoundingRect boundingRect = m_pSelectedObject->GetBoundingRect( );

		// Constrain the scale factor
		RRealSize constrainedScaleFactor = m_pSelectedObject->ApplyResizeConstraint( scaleFactor );

		// Dont force to maintain aspect ratio if it really doesnt want to
		fMaintainAspectRatio = fMaintainAspectRatio && ::AreFloatsEqual( constrainedScaleFactor.m_dx, constrainedScaleFactor.m_dy );

		// Add the scale operation
		boundingRect.UnrotateAndScaleAboutPoint( scalingCenter, constrainedScaleFactor, m_pSelectedObject->GetMinimumSize( ), m_pSelectedObject->GetMaximumSize( ), fMaintainAspectRatio );

		// Tell the object to draw tracking feedback
		m_pSelectedObject->RenderTrackingFeedback( drawingSurface, boundingRect.GetTransform( ) * transform, *GetView( ) );
Exemplo n.º 3
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RCompositeSelection::Render( )
//  Description:		Draws the selection rect and handles
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		Memory
// ****************************************************************************
void RCompositeSelection::Render( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface, const R2dTransform& transform, const RIntRect& rcRender, BOOLEAN fRenderIfLocked ) const
    // Only do if the selection is visible or we have a deferred render pending
    if( !m_fSelectionHidden && m_fSelectionVisible )
        // Dont bother rendering if there are no selected objects
        if( m_SelectionCollection.Count( ) != 0 )
            drawingSurface.RestoreDefaults( );

            // Setup the drawing surface for rendering feedback
            RSolidColor color;
            YDrawMode drawMode;
            m_pView->GetFeedbackSettings( color, drawMode );
            drawingSurface.SetForegroundMode( drawMode );
            drawingSurface.SetPenColor( color );
            drawingSurface.SetFillColor( color );

            // Go through our selection collection and render each selection
            YSelectionCollectionIterator iterator = m_SelectionCollection.Start( );
            for( ; iterator != m_SelectionCollection.End( ); ++iterator )
                ( *iterator )->Render( drawingSurface, transform, rcRender, fRenderIfLocked );
Exemplo n.º 4
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RSingleSelection::DrawRotateHandle( )
//  Description:		Draws the rotation line and handle
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		Memory
// ****************************************************************************
void RSingleSelection::DrawRotateHandle( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface, const R2dTransform& transform, const RIntRect& ) const
	// Get the bounding rect
	YSelectionBoundingRect boundingRect;
	GetSelectionBoundingRect( boundingRect );

	// Get the center point; this will be one end point of the rotate handle line
	RRealPoint centerPoint = boundingRect.GetCenterPoint( );

	// Get the other end point
	RRealPoint lineEndPoint = GetRotateHandleCenterPoint( );

	// Draw the line
	drawingSurface.MoveTo( centerPoint, transform );
	drawingSurface.LineTo( lineEndPoint, transform );

	// Now draw the rotate handle
	// Convert to device units
	::LogicalUnitsToDeviceUnits( lineEndPoint, *m_pView );

	// Now build the rotate handle, using this point as the middle of the left side
	RRealRect	rotateHandleRect;
	rotateHandleRect.m_Left		= lineEndPoint.m_x - ( kRotateHandleRenderSize / 2 );
	rotateHandleRect.m_Top		= lineEndPoint.m_y - ( kRotateHandleRenderSize / 2 );
	rotateHandleRect.m_Right	= lineEndPoint.m_x + ( kRotateHandleRenderSize / 2 ) + 1;
	rotateHandleRect.m_Bottom	= lineEndPoint.m_y + ( kRotateHandleRenderSize / 2 ) + 1;
	::DeviceUnitsToLogicalUnits( rotateHandleRect, *m_pView );

	// Now draw the rotate handle
	rotateHandleRect *= transform;
	drawingSurface.FillRectangle( rotateHandleRect );
Exemplo n.º 5
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RRotateSelectionTracker::Render( )
//  Description:		Called to render the tracker feedback
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RRotateSelectionTracker::Render( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface, const R2dTransform& transform, const RRealPoint& point ) const
	// Calculate the angle
	YAngle angle = CalcAngle( point );

	// Draw the feedback line
	drawingSurface.MoveTo( m_TrackingRotationCenter, transform );
	drawingSurface.LineTo( point, transform );

	// Render the tracking rectangle
	m_pSelection->DrawRotateTrackingFeedback( drawingSurface, transform, m_TrackingRotationCenter, angle );
Exemplo n.º 6
void	RRotateDialog::RotateDisplay( int iPos )
	if ( iPos == m_iPrevPos )

	// We need to use the RBitmap::Rotate() function, so to do that, convert to
	// Renaissance types.
	CClientDC			clientDC( &m_staticDisplay );
	HDC					hClientDC = clientDC.GetSafeHdc();

	RDcDrawingSurface	drawSurface;
	drawSurface.Initialize( hClientDC, hClientDC );

	R2dTransform transform;

	// Prepare the image on an offscreen DC
	RAutoDrawingSurface	drawSurfaceOffscreen;
	RRealRect				rRealStaticRect(m_rectStaticDisplay);
	BOOLEAN					fPrepared = drawSurfaceOffscreen.Prepare( &drawSurface, transform, rRealStaticRect );
	RDrawingSurface*		pSurface	= ( (fPrepared)? &drawSurfaceOffscreen : &drawSurface );

	// Paint the offscreen DC white
	RColor rColor = RSolidColor( kWhite );
	pSurface->SetFillColor( rColor );
	pSurface->SetPenColor( rColor );
	pSurface->FillRectangle( m_rectStaticDisplay );

	YAngle	flRadiansRotation = ::DegreesToRadians( YFloatType( iPos ) );

	// The rotation leaves a black background, so blit with a mask.  The mask
	// has to be created the same size as the original (not rotated) bitmap
	// size, so create it and then rotate it.
	RBitmapImage		bmpRotated;
	RBitmapImage		bmpMaskRotated;
	RImageLibrary rLibrary;
	rLibrary.Rotate( m_rBitmapImage, bmpRotated, bmpMaskRotated, flRadiansRotation );

	RIntSize				sizeBmpRotated;
	sizeBmpRotated.m_dx = bmpRotated.GetWidthInPixels();
	sizeBmpRotated.m_dy = bmpRotated.GetHeightInPixels();

	RIntRect				rectSource;
	RIntRect				rectDest;
	DeriveSourceAndDestinationRects( sizeBmpRotated, rectSource, rectDest );

	bmpRotated.RenderWithMask( *pSurface, bmpMaskRotated, rectSource, rectDest );

	if ( fPrepared )

	m_iPrevPos = iPos;
Exemplo n.º 7
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RCompositeSelection::SetupRender( )
//  Description:		Prepares the given drawing surface and transform for
//							rendering.
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		Memory
// ****************************************************************************
void RCompositeSelection::SetupRender( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface, R2dTransform& transform ) const
    drawingSurface.RestoreDefaults( );

    // Setup the drawing surface for rendering feedback
    RSolidColor color;
    YDrawMode drawMode;
    m_pView->GetFeedbackSettings( color, drawMode );
    drawingSurface.SetForegroundMode( drawMode );
    drawingSurface.SetPenColor( color );
    drawingSurface.SetFillColor( color );

    m_pView->GetViewTransform( transform, drawingSurface, TRUE );
    //	We can't set the clipping here for the components could
    //	lie outside of the view bounds
    //m_pView->SetClipRegion( drawingSurface, transform );
Exemplo n.º 8
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RView::SetClipRegion( )
//  Description:		Creates a new clip region that is the intersection of the
//							current clip region and a region that will clip all output
//							to the bounds of this view
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RPathView::SetClipRegion( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface, const R2dTransform& transform ) const
	// Intersect our useable area
	RRealSize oneUnit( 1, 1 );
	::DeviceUnitsToLogicalUnits( oneUnit, drawingSurface );

	RRealRect rect( GetUseableArea( !kInsetFrame ) );
	rect.m_Right += oneUnit.m_dx; rect.m_Bottom += oneUnit.m_dy;

	drawingSurface.IntersectClipRect( rect, transform );
Exemplo n.º 9
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RSingleSelection::DrawDragTrackingRect( )
//  Description:		Draws the selection tracking rect for dragging
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RSingleSelection::DrawDragTrackingFeedback( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface,
																 const R2dTransform& transform,
																 const RRealSize& offset ) const
	if( m_pSelectedObject->GetComponentAttributes( ).IsMovable( ) )
		// Setup the drawing surface
		drawingSurface.SetPenWidth( kSelectionOutlineWidth );
		drawingSurface.SetPenStyle( kSolidPen );

		// Get the components bounding rect
		YComponentBoundingRect boundingRect = m_pSelectedObject->GetBoundingRect( );

		// Add the translate operation
		boundingRect.Offset( offset );

		// Tell the object to draw tracking feedback
		m_pSelectedObject->RenderTrackingFeedback( drawingSurface, boundingRect.GetTransform( ) * transform, *GetView( ) );
Exemplo n.º 10
void RSingleSelection::DrawRotateTrackingFeedback( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface,
																	const R2dTransform& transform,
																	const RRealPoint& rotationCenter,
																	YAngle rotationAngle ) const
	if( m_pSelectedObject->GetComponentAttributes( ).IsRotatable( ) )
		// Setup the drawing surface
		drawingSurface.SetPenWidth( kSelectionOutlineWidth );
		drawingSurface.SetPenStyle( kSolidPen );

		// Get the components bounding rect
		YComponentBoundingRect boundingRect = m_pSelectedObject->GetBoundingRect( );

		// Add the rotate operation
		boundingRect.RotateAboutPoint( rotationCenter, rotationAngle );

		// Tell the object to draw tracking feedback
		m_pSelectedObject->RenderTrackingFeedback( drawingSurface, boundingRect.GetTransform( ) * transform, *GetView( ) );
Exemplo n.º 11
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RGpDrawingSurface::BlitDrawingSurface( )
//  Description:		Copy from one the given drawing surface to this one
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RGpDrawingSurface::BlitDrawingSurface( const RDrawingSurface& rSrcDS, RIntRect rSrcRect, RIntRect rDestRect, EBlitMode eBlitMode )
    short			mode;
    Rect			srcRect, destRect;
    GrafPtr		pSrcGrafPort, pDestGrafPort;
    GrafPtr		savePort;
    RGBColor		whiteColor, blackColor, foreColor, backColor;

    TpsAssertValid( this );
    TpsAssertIsObject( RGpDrawingSurface, this );
    TpsAssertIsObject(RGpDrawingSurface, &rSrcDS);

    pSrcGrafPort = (GrafPtr)rSrcDS.GetSurface();
    pDestGrafPort = (GrafPtr)GetSurface();
    TpsAssert( ( pSrcGrafPort != NULL ), "Source device is nil.");
    TpsAssert( ( pDestGrafPort != NULL ), "Destination device is nil.");

    // Set the port to the dest port

    switch ( eBlitMode )
    case kBlitSourceCopy :
        mode = srcCopy;
    case kBlitSourceAnd :
        mode = srcBic;
    case kBlitSourcePaint :
        mode = srcOr;
    case kBlitNotSourceAnd :
        mode = notSrcBic;
    case kBlitMergePaint :
        mode = notSrcOr;
    case kBlitSourceErase :
        TpsAssertAlways( "Invalid blit mode" );
    ::SetRect( &srcRect, rSrcRect.m_Left, rSrcRect.m_Top, rSrcRect.m_Right, rSrcRect.m_Bottom );
    ::SetRect( &destRect, rDestRect.m_Left, rDestRect.m_Top, rDestRect.m_Right, rDestRect.m_Bottom );

    ::GetBackColor( &backColor );
    ::GetForeColor( &foreColor );
    whiteColor.red = 0xFFFF;
    whiteColor.green = 0xFFFF;
    whiteColor.blue = 0xFFFF;
    blackColor.red = 0x0000;
    blackColor.green = 0x0000;
    blackColor.blue = 0x0000;
    ::RGBForeColor( &blackColor );
    ::RGBBackColor( &whiteColor );

    ::CopyBits( &(pSrcGrafPort->portBits), &(pDestGrafPort->portBits), &srcRect, &destRect, mode, nil );

    ::RGBForeColor( &foreColor );
    ::RGBBackColor( &backColor );

    // Restore the saved port
Exemplo n.º 12
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RSingleSelection::Render( )
//  Description:		Draws the selection rect and handles
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		Memory
// ****************************************************************************
void RSingleSelection::Render( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface, const R2dTransform& transform, const RIntRect& rcRender, BOOLEAN fRenderIfLocked ) const
	// Get the component attributes
	const		RComponentAttributes& componentAttributes = m_pSelectedObject->GetComponentAttributes( );
	BOOLEAN	fIsLocked = componentAttributes.IsLocked( );

	if( fRenderIfLocked || !fIsLocked )
		// Set surface attributes
		drawingSurface.SetPenWidth( kSelectionOutlineWidth );
		drawingSurface.SetPenStyle( kSolidPen );
		RRealRect			resizeHandleRect;

		// Draw the resize handles
		if( componentAttributes.IsResizable( FALSE ) )
			RArray<RRealRect>					rectList;
			RRealSize	scaleFactor( kDummyScale, kDummyScale );
			scaleFactor = m_pSelectedObject->ApplyResizeConstraint( scaleFactor );

			GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kTopLeftResizeHandle, TRUE );
			rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

			GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kTopRightResizeHandle, TRUE );
			rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

			GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kBottomRightResizeHandle, TRUE );
			rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

			GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kBottomLeftResizeHandle, TRUE );
			rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

			if ( !AreFloatsEqual( scaleFactor.m_dy, kConstrainedScale ) )
				GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kBottomResizeHandle, TRUE );
				rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

				GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kTopResizeHandle, TRUE );
				rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

			if ( !AreFloatsEqual( scaleFactor.m_dx, kConstrainedScale ) )
				GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kRightResizeHandle, TRUE );
				rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

				GetResizeSelectionHandle( resizeHandleRect, transform, kLeftResizeHandle, TRUE );
				rectList.InsertAtEnd( resizeHandleRect );

			RArray<RRealRect>::YIterator	iterator		= rectList.Start( );
			RArray<RRealRect>::YIterator	iteratorEnd = rectList.End( );
			if( fIsLocked )
				while ( iterator != iteratorEnd )
					drawingSurface.FrameRectangle( *iterator++ );
				while ( iterator != iteratorEnd )
					drawingSurface.FillRectangle( *iterator++ );

		// Draw the rotate line and handle
		if( componentAttributes.IsRotatable( ) )
			DrawRotateHandle( drawingSurface, transform, rcRender );

		// Draw the selection frame
		m_pSelectedObject->DrawSelectionFrame( drawingSurface, transform );