Exemplo n.º 1
void visibleTextQuads(const Range& range, Vector<FloatQuad>& quads, bool useSelectionHeight)
    // Range::textQuads includes hidden text, which we don't want.
    // To work around this, this is a copy of it which skips hidden elements.
    Node* startContainer = range.startContainer();
    Node* endContainer = range.endContainer();

    if (!startContainer || !endContainer)

    Node* stopNode = range.pastLastNode();
    for (Node* node = range.firstNode(); node != stopNode; node = node->traverseNextNode()) {
        RenderObject* r = node->renderer();
        if (!r || !r->isText())

        if (r->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)

        RenderText* renderText = toRenderText(r);
        int startOffset = node == startContainer ? range.startOffset() : 0;
        int endOffset = node == endContainer ? range.endOffset() : std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        renderText->absoluteQuadsForRange(quads, startOffset, endOffset, useSelectionHeight);
Exemplo n.º 2
static bool shouldPreserveNewline(const Range& range)
    if (Node* node = range.firstNode()) {
        if (RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer())
            return renderer->style()->preserveNewline();

    if (Node* node = range.startPosition().anchorNode()) {
        if (RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer())
            return renderer->style()->preserveNewline();

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
static bool hasNonInlineOrReplacedElements(const Range& range)
    Node* stopNode = range.pastLastNode();
    for (Node* node = range.firstNode(); node != stopNode; node = NodeTraversal::next(*node)) {
        if (!node)
        RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
        if (!renderer)
        if ((!renderer->isInline() || renderer->isReplaced()) && range.intersectsNode(node, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION))
            return true;

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> createFragmentFromText(Range& context, const String& text)
    Document& document = context.ownerDocument();
    RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
    if (text.isEmpty())
        return fragment.release();

    String string = text;
    string.replace("\r\n", "\n");
    string.replace('\r', '\n');

    if (contextPreservesNewline(context)) {
        fragment->appendChild(document.createTextNode(string), ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
        if (string.endsWith('\n')) {
            RefPtr<Element> element = createBreakElement(document);
            element->setAttribute(classAttr, AppleInterchangeNewline);            
            fragment->appendChild(element.release(), ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
        return fragment.release();

    // A string with no newlines gets added inline, rather than being put into a paragraph.
    if (string.find('\n') == notFound) {
        fillContainerFromString(fragment.get(), string);
        return fragment.release();

    // Break string into paragraphs. Extra line breaks turn into empty paragraphs.
    Node* blockNode = enclosingBlock(context.firstNode());
    Element* block = toElement(blockNode);
    bool useClonesOfEnclosingBlock = blockNode
        && blockNode->isElementNode()
        && !block->hasTagName(bodyTag)
        && !block->hasTagName(htmlTag)
        && block != editableRootForPosition(context.startPosition());
    bool useLineBreak = enclosingTextFormControl(context.startPosition());

    Vector<String> list;
    string.split('\n', true, list); // true gets us empty strings in the list
    size_t numLines = list.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numLines; ++i) {
        const String& s = list[i];

        RefPtr<Element> element;
        if (s.isEmpty() && i + 1 == numLines) {
            // For last line, use the "magic BR" rather than a P.
            element = createBreakElement(document);
            element->setAttribute(classAttr, AppleInterchangeNewline);
        } else if (useLineBreak) {
            element = createBreakElement(document);
            fillContainerFromString(fragment.get(), s);
        } else {
            if (useClonesOfEnclosingBlock)
                element = block->cloneElementWithoutChildren();
                element = createDefaultParagraphElement(document);
            fillContainerFromString(element.get(), s);
        fragment->appendChild(element.release(), ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
    return fragment.release();
Exemplo n.º 5
// FIXME: Shouldn't we omit style info when annotate == DoNotAnnotateForInterchange? 
// FIXME: At least, annotation and style info should probably not be included in range.markupString()
static String createMarkupInternal(Document& document, const Range& range, const Range& updatedRange, Vector<Node*>* nodes,
    EAnnotateForInterchange shouldAnnotate, bool convertBlocksToInlines, EAbsoluteURLs shouldResolveURLs)
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, interchangeNewlineString, (ASCIILiteral("<br class=\"" AppleInterchangeNewline "\">")));

    bool collapsed = updatedRange.collapsed(ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
    if (collapsed)
        return emptyString();
    Node* commonAncestor = updatedRange.commonAncestorContainer(ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
    if (!commonAncestor)
        return emptyString();


    Node* body = enclosingNodeWithTag(firstPositionInNode(commonAncestor), bodyTag);
    Node* fullySelectedRoot = 0;
    // FIXME: Do this for all fully selected blocks, not just the body.
    if (body && areRangesEqual(VisibleSelection::selectionFromContentsOfNode(body).toNormalizedRange().get(), &range))
        fullySelectedRoot = body;
    Node* specialCommonAncestor = highestAncestorToWrapMarkup(&updatedRange, shouldAnnotate);

    StyledMarkupAccumulator accumulator(nodes, shouldResolveURLs, shouldAnnotate, &updatedRange, specialCommonAncestor);
    Node* pastEnd = updatedRange.pastLastNode();

    Node* startNode = updatedRange.firstNode();
    VisiblePosition visibleStart(updatedRange.startPosition(), VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);
    VisiblePosition visibleEnd(updatedRange.endPosition(), VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);
    if (shouldAnnotate == AnnotateForInterchange && needInterchangeNewlineAfter(visibleStart)) {
        if (visibleStart == visibleEnd.previous())
            return interchangeNewlineString;

        startNode = visibleStart.next().deepEquivalent().deprecatedNode();

        if (pastEnd && Range::compareBoundaryPoints(startNode, 0, pastEnd, 0, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION) >= 0)
            return interchangeNewlineString;

    Node* lastClosed = accumulator.serializeNodes(startNode, pastEnd);

    if (specialCommonAncestor && lastClosed) {
        // Also include all of the ancestors of lastClosed up to this special ancestor.
        for (ContainerNode* ancestor = lastClosed->parentNode(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parentNode()) {
            if (ancestor == fullySelectedRoot && !convertBlocksToInlines) {
                RefPtr<EditingStyle> fullySelectedRootStyle = styleFromMatchedRulesAndInlineDecl(fullySelectedRoot);

                // Bring the background attribute over, but not as an attribute because a background attribute on a div
                // appears to have no effect.
                if ((!fullySelectedRootStyle || !fullySelectedRootStyle->style() || !fullySelectedRootStyle->style()->getPropertyCSSValue(CSSPropertyBackgroundImage))
                    && toElement(fullySelectedRoot)->hasAttribute(backgroundAttr))
                    fullySelectedRootStyle->style()->setProperty(CSSPropertyBackgroundImage, "url('" + toElement(fullySelectedRoot)->getAttribute(backgroundAttr) + "')");

                if (fullySelectedRootStyle->style()) {
                    // Reset the CSS properties to avoid an assertion error in addStyleMarkup().
                    // This assertion is caused at least when we select all text of a <body> element whose
                    // 'text-decoration' property is "inherit", and copy it.
                    if (!propertyMissingOrEqualToNone(fullySelectedRootStyle->style(), CSSPropertyTextDecoration))
                        fullySelectedRootStyle->style()->setProperty(CSSPropertyTextDecoration, CSSValueNone);
                    if (!propertyMissingOrEqualToNone(fullySelectedRootStyle->style(), CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationsInEffect))
                        fullySelectedRootStyle->style()->setProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationsInEffect, CSSValueNone);
                    accumulator.wrapWithStyleNode(fullySelectedRootStyle->style(), document, true);
            } else {
                // Since this node and all the other ancestors are not in the selection we want to set RangeFullySelectsNode to DoesNotFullySelectNode
                // so that styles that affect the exterior of the node are not included.
                accumulator.wrapWithNode(*ancestor, convertBlocksToInlines, StyledMarkupAccumulator::DoesNotFullySelectNode);
            if (nodes)
            lastClosed = ancestor;
            if (ancestor == specialCommonAncestor)

    // FIXME: The interchange newline should be placed in the block that it's in, not after all of the content, unconditionally.
    if (shouldAnnotate == AnnotateForInterchange && needInterchangeNewlineAfter(visibleEnd.previous()))

    return accumulator.takeResults();