void CharacterDataImpl::deleteData(unsigned int offset, unsigned int count)
    if (isReadOnly())
        throw DOM_DOMException(

    // Note: the C++ DOMString operation throws the correct DOMExceptions
    //       when parameter values are bad.
    data.deleteData(offset, count);

    if (this->getOwnerDocument() != null) {
        typedef RefVectorOf<RangeImpl> RangeImpls;
        RangeImpls* ranges = this->getOwnerDocument()->getRanges();
        if (ranges != null) {
            unsigned int sz = ranges->size();
            if (sz != 0) {
                for (unsigned int i =0; i<sz; i++) {
                    DOM_Node dn = DOM_Node(this);
                    ranges->elementAt(i)->updateRangeForDeletedText( dn, offset, count);
void CharacterDataImpl::setNodeValue(const DOMString &value)
    if (isReadOnly())
        throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR,
    data = value.clone();

    if (this->getOwnerDocument() != null) {
        typedef RefVectorOf<RangeImpl> RangeImpls;
        RangeImpls* ranges = this->getOwnerDocument()->getRanges();
        if (ranges != null) {
            unsigned int sz = ranges->size();
            if (sz != 0) {
                for (unsigned int i =0; i<sz; i++) {
                    ranges->elementAt(i)->receiveReplacedText( this);
TextImpl *TextImpl::splitText(unsigned int offset)
    if (isReadOnly())
        throw DOM_DOMException(
            DOM_DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, null);
	unsigned int len = data.length();
    if (offset > len)
        throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::INDEX_SIZE_ERR, null);

    TextImpl *newText =
                (TextImpl *) getOwnerDocument()->createTextNode(
                        data.substringData(offset, data.length() - offset));

    NodeImpl *parent = getParentNode();
    if (parent != null)
        parent->insertBefore(newText, getNextSibling());

    data = data.substringData(0, offset);

    if (this->getOwnerDocument() != null) {
        typedef RefVectorOf<RangeImpl> RangeImpls;
        RangeImpls* ranges = this->getOwnerDocument()->getRanges();
        if (ranges != null) {
            unsigned int sz = ranges->size();
            if (sz != 0) {
                for (unsigned int i =0; i<sz; i++) {
                    ranges->elementAt(i)->updateSplitInfo( this, newText, offset);

    return newText;
Exemplo n.º 4
NodeImpl *ParentNode::removeChild(NodeImpl *oldChild)
    if (ownerDocument->getErrorChecking()) {
        if (isReadOnly()) {
            throw DOM_DOMException(
        if (oldChild == null || oldChild->getParentNode() != this) {
            throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR, null);
    //fix other ranges for change before deleting the node
    if (getOwnerDocument() !=  null) {
        typedef RefVectorOf<RangeImpl> RangeImpls;
        RangeImpls* ranges = this->getOwnerDocument()->getRanges();
        if (ranges != null) {
            unsigned int sz = ranges->size();
            if (sz != 0) {
                for (unsigned int i =0; i<sz; i++) {
                    if (ranges->elementAt(i) != null)

    ChildNode * oldInternal = (ChildNode *) oldChild;

    // update cached length if we have any
    if (fCachedLength != -1) {
    if (fCachedChildIndex != -1) {
        // if the removed node is the cached node
        // move the cache to its (soon former) previous sibling
        if (fCachedChild == oldInternal) {
            fCachedChild = (ChildNode *)oldInternal->getPreviousSibling();
        } else {
            // otherwise just invalidate the cache
            fCachedChildIndex = -1;

    // Patch linked list around oldChild
    // Note: lastChild == firstChild->previousSibling
    if (oldInternal == firstChild) {
        // removing first child
        firstChild = oldInternal->nextSibling;
        if (firstChild != null) {
            firstChild->previousSibling = oldInternal->previousSibling;
    } else {
        ChildNode *prev = oldInternal->previousSibling;
        ChildNode *next = oldInternal->nextSibling;
        prev->nextSibling = next;
        if (next == null) {
            // removing last child
            firstChild->previousSibling = prev;
        } else {
            // removing some other child in the middle
            next->previousSibling = prev;

    // Remove oldInternal's references to tree
    oldInternal->ownerNode = ownerDocument;
    oldInternal->nextSibling = null;
    oldInternal->previousSibling = null;


    return oldInternal;
Exemplo n.º 5
NodeImpl *ParentNode::insertBefore(NodeImpl *newChild, NodeImpl *refChild) {

    bool errorChecking = ownerDocument->getErrorChecking();

    if (newChild->isDocumentFragmentImpl()) {
        // SLOW BUT SAFE: We could insert the whole subtree without
        // juggling so many next/previous pointers. (Wipe out the
        // parent's child-list, patch the parent pointers, set the
        // ends of the list.) But we know some subclasses have special-
        // case behavior they add to insertBefore(), so we don't risk it.
        // This approch also takes fewer bytecodes.

        // NOTE: If one of the children is not a legal child of this
        // node, throw HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR before _any_ of the children
        // have been transferred. (Alternative behaviors would be to
        // reparent up to the first failure point or reparent all those
        // which are acceptable to the target node, neither of which is
        // as robust. PR-DOM-0818 isn't entirely clear on which it
        // recommends?????

        // No need to check kids for right-document; if they weren't,
        // they wouldn't be kids of that DocFrag.
        if (errorChecking) {
            for (NodeImpl *kid = newChild->getFirstChild(); // Prescan
                 kid != null; kid = kid->getNextSibling()) {

                if (!DocumentImpl::isKidOK(this, kid)) {
                    throw DOM_DOMException(

        while (newChild->hasChildNodes()) {    // Move
        return newChild;

    // it's a no-op if refChild is the same as newChild
    if (refChild == newChild) {
        return newChild;

    if (errorChecking) {
        if (isReadOnly()) {
            throw DOM_DOMException(
        if (newChild->getOwnerDocument() != ownerDocument) {
            throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, null);
        if (!DocumentImpl::isKidOK(this, newChild)) {
            throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,
        // refChild must be a child of this node (or null)
        if (refChild != null && refChild->getParentNode() != this) {
            throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR, null);

        // Prevent cycles in the tree
        // newChild cannot be ancestor of this Node,
        // and actually cannot be this
        bool treeSafe = true;
        for (NodeImpl *a = this; treeSafe && a != null; a = a->getParentNode())
            treeSafe = (newChild != a);
        if (!treeSafe) {
            throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,

    // Convert to internal type, to avoid repeated casting
    ChildNode * newInternal = (ChildNode *)newChild;

    NodeImpl *oldparent = newInternal->getParentNode();
    if (oldparent != null) {

    // Convert to internal type, to avoid repeated casting
    ChildNode *refInternal = (ChildNode *)refChild;

    // Attach up
    newInternal->ownerNode = this;

    // Attach before and after
    // Note: firstChild.previousSibling == lastChild!!
    if (firstChild == null) {
        // this our first and only child
        firstChild = newInternal;
        newInternal->previousSibling = newInternal;
    else {
        if (refInternal == null) {
            // this is an append
            ChildNode *lastChild = firstChild->previousSibling;
            lastChild->nextSibling = newInternal;
            newInternal->previousSibling = lastChild;
            firstChild->previousSibling = newInternal;
        else {
            // this is an insert
            if (refChild == firstChild) {
                // at the head of the list
                newInternal->nextSibling = firstChild;
                newInternal->previousSibling = firstChild->previousSibling;
                firstChild->previousSibling = newInternal;
                firstChild = newInternal;
            else {
                // somewhere in the middle
                ChildNode *prev = refInternal->previousSibling;
                newInternal->nextSibling = refInternal;
                prev->nextSibling = newInternal;
                refInternal->previousSibling = newInternal;
                newInternal->previousSibling = prev;


    // update cached length if we have any
    if (fCachedLength != -1) {
    if (fCachedChildIndex != -1) {
        // if we happen to insert just before the cached node, update
        // the cache to the new node to match the cached index
        if (fCachedChild == refInternal) {
            fCachedChild = newInternal;
        else {
            // otherwise just invalidate the cache
            fCachedChildIndex = -1;

    if (this->getOwnerDocument() != null) {
        typedef RefVectorOf<RangeImpl> RangeImpls;
        RangeImpls* ranges = this->getOwnerDocument()->getRanges();
        if ( ranges != null) {
            unsigned int sz = ranges->size();
            for (unsigned int i =0; i<sz; i++) {

    return newInternal;
Exemplo n.º 6
NodeImpl *AttrImpl::removeChild(NodeImpl *oldChild) {

    DocumentImpl *ownerDocument = getOwnerDocument();
    if (ownerDocument->getErrorChecking()) {
        if (isReadOnly()) {
            throw DOM_DOMException(
        if (oldChild == null || oldChild->getParentNode() != this) {
            throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::NOT_FOUND_ERR, null);
    // fix other ranges for change before deleting the node
    if (getOwnerDocument() !=  null) {
        typedef RefVectorOf<RangeImpl> RangeImpls;
        RangeImpls* ranges = this->getOwnerDocument()->getRanges();
        if (ranges != null) {
            unsigned int sz = ranges->size();
            if (sz != 0) {
                for (unsigned int i =0; i<sz; i++) {
                    if (ranges->elementAt(i) != null)

    ChildNode * oldInternal = (ChildNode *) oldChild;

    // Patch linked list around oldChild
    // Note: lastChild == firstChild->previousSibling
    if (oldInternal == value.child) {
        // removing first child
        value.child = oldInternal->nextSibling; // firstChild = oldInternal->nextSibling
        ChildNode *firstChild = value.child;
        if (firstChild != null) {
            firstChild->previousSibling = oldInternal->previousSibling;
    } else {
        ChildNode *prev = oldInternal->previousSibling;
        ChildNode *next = oldInternal->nextSibling;
        prev->nextSibling = next;
        if (next == null) {
            // removing last child
            ChildNode *firstChild = value.child;
            firstChild->previousSibling = prev;
        } else {
            // removing some other child in the middle
            next->previousSibling = prev;

    // Remove oldInternal's references to tree
    oldInternal->ownerNode = getOwnerDocument();
    oldInternal->nextSibling = null;
    oldInternal->previousSibling = null;


    return oldInternal;