void Indexdb::deepVerify ( char *coll ) {
	log ( LOG_INFO, "db: Deep Verifying Indexdb for coll %s...", coll );

	Msg5 msg5;
	Msg5 msg5b;
	RdbList list;
	key_t startKey;
	key_t endKey;
	//long minRecSizes = 64000;
	collnum_t collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum(coll);
	RdbBase *rdbBase = g_indexdb.m_rdb.getBase(collnum);
	long numFiles = rdbBase->getNumFiles();
	long currentFile = 0;
	// done after scanning all files
	if ( currentFile >= numFiles ) {
		log ( LOG_INFO, "db: Finished deep verify for %li files.",
				numFiles );
	// scan this file
	if ( ! msg5.getList ( RDB_INDEXDB   ,
			      coll          ,
			      &list         ,
			      startKey      ,
			      endKey        ,
			      64000         , // minRecSizes   ,
			      true          , // includeTree   ,
			      false         , // add to cache?
			      0             , // max cache age
			      currentFile   , // startFileNum  ,
			      1             , // numFiles      ,
			      NULL          , // state
			      NULL          , // callback
			      0             , // niceness
			      false         , // err correction?
			      NULL          ,
			      0             ,
			      -1            ,
			      true          ,
			      -1LL          ,
			      &msg5b        ,
			      false         )) {
		log("db: HEY! it did not block");

	long count = 0;
	long got   = 0;
	for ( list.resetListPtr() ; ! list.isExhausted() ;
	      list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
		key_t k = list.getCurrentKey();
		//unsigned long groupId = k.n1 & g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
		unsigned long groupId = getGroupId ( RDB_INDEXDB , &k );
		if ( groupId == g_hostdb.m_groupId ) got++;
	if ( got != count ) {
		BigFile *f = rdbBase->getFile(currentFile);
		log ("db: File %s: Out of first %li records in indexdb, "
		     "only %li belong to our group.",
		     f->getFilename(),count,got );
	//	log ( LOG_INFO, "db: File %li: Indexdb passed verification "
	//	      "successfully for %li recs.",currentFile,count );
	// next file
	goto deepLoop;
Exemplo n.º 2
// . return false if blocked, true otherwise
// . set g_errno on error
// . read list of keys in [startKey,endKey] range
// . read at least "minRecSizes" bytes of keys in that range
// . the "m_endKey" of resulting, merged list may have a smaller endKey
//   than the argument, "endKey" due to limitation by "minRecSizes"
// . resulting list will contain ALL keys between ITS [m_startKey,m_endKey]
// . final merged list "should" try to have a size of at least "minRecSizes"
//   but due to negative/postive rec elimination may be less
// . the endKey of the lists we read may be <= "endKey" provided
// . we try to shrink the endKey if minRecSizes is >= 0 in order to
//   avoid excessive reading
// . by shrinking the endKey we cannot take into account the size of deleted
//   records, so therefore we may fall short of "minRecSizes" in actuality,
//   in fact, the returned list may even be empty with a shrunken endKey
// . we merge all lists read from disk into the provided "list"
// . caller should call Msg3.getList(int32_t i) and Msg3:getNumLists() to retrieve
// . this makes the query engine faster since we don't need to merge the docIds
//   and can just send them across the network separately and they will be
//   hashed into IndexTable's table w/o having to do time-wasting merging.
// . caller can specify array of filenums to read from so incremental syncing
//   in Sync class can just read from titledb*.dat files that were formed
//   since the last sync point.
bool Msg3::readList  ( char           rdbId         ,
		       collnum_t collnum ,
		       const char       *startKeyArg   ,
		       const char       *endKeyArg     ,
		       int32_t           minRecSizes   , // max size of scan
		       int32_t           startFileNum  , // first file to scan
		       int32_t           numFiles      , // rel. to startFileNum
		       void          *state         , // for callback
		       void        (* callback ) ( void *state ) ,
		       int32_t           niceness      ,
		       int32_t           retryNum      ,
		       int32_t           maxRetries    ,
		       bool           compensateForMerge ,
		       bool           justGetEndKey ,
		       bool           allowPageCache ,
		       bool           hitDisk        ) {

	// set this to true to validate
	m_validateCache = false;//true;

	// clear, this MUST be done so if we return true g_errno is correct
	g_errno = 0;
	// assume lists are not checked for corruption
	m_listsChecked = false;
	// warn
	if ( minRecSizes < -1 ) {
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: Msg3 got minRecSizes of %" PRId32", changing "
		    "to -1.",minRecSizes);
		minRecSizes = -1;
	// reset m_alloc and data in all lists in case we are a re-call
	// warning
	if ( collnum < 0 ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: NULL collection. msg3.");
	// remember the callback
	m_rdbId              = rdbId;
	m_collnum = collnum;
	m_callback           = callback;
	m_state              = state;
	m_niceness           = niceness;
	m_numScansCompleted  = 0;
	m_retryNum           = retryNum;
	m_maxRetries         = maxRetries;
	m_compensateForMerge = compensateForMerge;
	m_allowPageCache     = allowPageCache;
	m_hitDisk            = hitDisk;
	m_hadCorruption      = false;
	// get keySize of rdb
	m_ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( m_rdbId );
	// reset the group error
	m_errno    = 0;
	// . reset all our lists 
	// . these are reset in call the RdbScan::setRead() below
	//for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_RDB_FILES ; i++ ) m_lists[i].reset();
	// . ensure startKey last bit clear, endKey last bit set
	// . no! this warning is now only in Msg5
	// . if RdbMerge is merging some files, not involving the root 
	//   file, then we can expect to get a lot of unmatched negative recs.
	// . as a consequence, our endKeys may often be negative. This means
	//   it may not annihilate with the positive key, but we should only
	//   miss like this at the boundaries of the lists we fetch.
	// . so in that case RdbList::merge will stop merging once the
	//   minRecSizes limit is reached even if it means ending on a negative
	//   rec key
	//if ( (startKey.n0 & 0x01) == 0x01 ) 
	if ( !KEYNEG(startKeyArg) )
		log(LOG_REMIND,"net: msg3: StartKey lastbit set."); 
	if (  KEYNEG(endKeyArg) )
		log(LOG_REMIND,"net: msg3: EndKey lastbit clear."); 

	// declare vars here becaues of 'goto skip' below
	int32_t mergeFileNum = -1 ;
	int32_t max ;

	// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
	RdbBase *base = getRdbBase( m_rdbId, m_collnum );
	if ( ! base ) {
		return true;

	// store the file numbers in the array, these are the files we read
	m_numFileNums = 0;

	// save startFileNum here, just for recall
	m_startFileNum = startFileNum;
	m_numFiles     = numFiles;

	// . if we have a merge going on, we may have to change startFileNum
	// . if some files get unlinked because merge completes then our 
	//   reads will detect the error and loop back here
	// . we launch are reads right after this without giving up the cpu
	//   and we use file descriptors, so any changes to Rdb::m_files[]
	//   should not hurt us
	// . WARNING: just make sure you don't lose control of cpu until after
	//   you call RdbScan::set()
	// . we use hasMergeFile() instead of isMerging() because he may not 
	//   be merging cuz he got suspended or he restarted and
	//   hasn't called attemptMerge() yet, but he may still contain it
	if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery )
		    "net: msg3: "
		    "c=%" PRId32" hmf=%" PRId32" sfn=%" PRId32" msfn=%" PRId32" nf=%" PRId32" db=%s.",
	int32_t pre = -10;
	if ( compensateForMerge && base->hasMergeFile() && 
	     startFileNum >= base->m_mergeStartFileNum - 1 &&
	     (startFileNum > 0 || numFiles != -1) ) {
		// now also include the file being merged into, but only
		// if we are reading from a file being merged...
		if ( startFileNum < base->m_mergeStartFileNum +
		     base->m_numFilesToMerge - 1 )
			//m_fileNums [ m_numFileNums++ ] =
			//	base->m_mergeStartFileNum - 1;
			pre = base->m_mergeStartFileNum - 1;
		// debug msg
		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery )
			   "net: msg3: startFileNum from %" PRId32" to %" PRId32" (mfn=%" PRId32")",
		// if merge file was inserted before us, inc our file number
	// adjust num files if we need to, as well
	if ( compensateForMerge && base->hasMergeFile() && 
	     startFileNum < base->m_mergeStartFileNum - 1 &&
	     numFiles != -1 &&
	     startFileNum + numFiles - 1 >= base->m_mergeStartFileNum - 1 ) {
		// debug msg
		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery )
			log(LOG_DEBUG,"net: msg3: numFiles up one.");
		// if merge file was inserted before us, inc our file number

	// . how many rdb files does this base have?
	// . IMPORTANT: this can change since files are unstable because they
	//   might have all got merged into one!
	// . so do this check to make sure we're safe... especially if
	//   there was an error before and we called readList() on ourselves
	max = base->getNumFiles();
	// -1 means we should scan ALL the files in the base
	if ( numFiles == -1 ) numFiles = max;
	// limit it by startFileNum, however
	if ( numFiles > max - startFileNum ) numFiles = max - startFileNum;
	// set g_errno and return true if it is < 0
	if ( numFiles < 0 ) { 
		   "net: msg3: readList: numFiles = %" PRId32" < 0 (max=%" PRId32")(sf=%" PRId32")",
		    numFiles , max , startFileNum );
		g_errno = EBADENGINEER; 
		// force core dump
		char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
		return true; 

	// . allocate buffer space
	// . m_scans, m_startpg, m_endpg, m_hintKeys, m_hintOffsets,
	//   m_fileNums, m_lists
	int32_t chunk = sizeof(RdbScan) + // m_scans
		4 +                    // m_startpg
		4 +                    // m_endpg
		//sizeof(key_t) +        // m_hintKeys
		m_ks +                 // m_hintKeys
		4 +                    // m_hintOffsets
		4 +                    // m_fileNums
		sizeof(RdbList) ;      // m_lists
	int32_t nn   = numFiles;
	if ( pre != -10 ) nn++;
	m_numChunks = nn;
	int32_t need = nn * (chunk);
	m_alloc = m_buf;
	if ( need > (int32_t)MSG3_BUF_SIZE ) {
		m_allocSize = need;
		m_alloc = (char *)mcalloc ( need , "Msg3" );
		if ( ! m_alloc ) {
			log("disk: Could not allocate %" PRId32" bytes read "
			    "structures to read %s.",need,base->m_dbname);
			return true;
	char *p = m_alloc;
	m_scans       = (RdbScan *)p; p += nn * sizeof(RdbScan);
	m_startpg     = (int32_t    *)p; p += nn * 4;
	m_endpg       = (int32_t    *)p; p += nn * 4;
	//m_hintKeys    = (key_t   *)p; p += nn * sizeof(key_t);
	m_hintKeys    = (char    *)p; p += nn * m_ks;
	m_hintOffsets = (int32_t    *)p; p += nn * 4;
	m_fileNums    = (int32_t    *)p; p += nn * 4;
	m_lists       = (RdbList *)p; p += nn * sizeof(RdbList);
	// sanity check
	if ( p - m_alloc != need ) {
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"disk: Bad malloc in Msg3.cpp.");
		char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
	// call constructors
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++ ) m_lists[i].constructor();
	// make fix from up top
	if ( pre != -10 ) m_fileNums [ m_numFileNums++ ] = pre;

	// store them all
	for ( int32_t i = startFileNum ; i < startFileNum + numFiles ; i++ )
		m_fileNums [ m_numFileNums++ ] = i;

	// . remove file nums that are being unlinked after a merge now
	// . keep it here (below skip: label) so sync point reads can use it
	int32_t n = 0;
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++ ) {
		// skip those that are being unlinked after the merge
		if ( base->m_isUnlinking && 
		     m_fileNums[i] >= base->m_mergeStartFileNum &&
		     m_fileNums[i] <  base->m_mergeStartFileNum + 
		                      base->m_numFilesToMerge      )
		// otherwise, keep it
		m_fileNums[n++] = m_fileNums[i];
	m_numFileNums = n;

	// . if root file is being merged, he's file #0, & root file is file #1
	// . this is a hack so caller gets what he wants
	//if ( startFileNum == 0 && base->getFileId(0) == 0 && numFiles == 1 )
	//	numFiles = 2;

	// remember the file range we should scan
	m_numScansStarted    = 0;
	m_numScansCompleted  = 0;
	//m_startKey           = startKey;
	//m_endKey             = endKey;
	//m_constrainKey       = endKey; // set in case justGetEndKey is true
	KEYSET(m_constrainKey,endKeyArg,m_ks);//set incase justGetEndKey istrue
	m_minRecSizes        = minRecSizes;
	m_compensateForMerge = compensateForMerge;
	// bail if 0 files to scan -- no! need to set startKey/endKey
	if ( numFiles == 0 ) return true;
	// don't read anything if endKey < startKey
	//if ( m_startKey > m_endKey ) return true;
	if ( KEYCMP(m_startKey,m_endKey,m_ks)>0 ) return true;
	// keep the original in tact in case g_errno == ETRYAGAIN
	//m_endKeyOrig        = endKey;
	m_minRecSizesOrig   = minRecSizes;
	// start reading at this key
	m_fileStartKey = startKeyArg;
	// start the timer, keep it fast for clusterdb though
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingDb ) m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// translate base to an id, for the sake of m_msg0
	//char baseId = m_msg0->getRdbId ( base );
	// map ptrs
	RdbMap **maps = base->getMaps();
	// . we now boost m_minRecSizes to account for negative recs 
	// . but not if only reading one list, cuz it won't get merged and
	//   it will be too big to send back
	if ( m_numFileNums > 1 ) compensateForNegativeRecs ( base );
	// . often endKey is too big for an efficient read of minRecSizes bytes
	//   because we end up reading too much from all the files
	// . this will set m_startpg[i], m_endpg[i] for each RdbScan/RdbFile
	//   to ensure we read "minRecSizes" worth of records, not much more
	// . returns the new endKey for all ranges
	// . now this just overwrites m_endKey
	//m_endKey = setPageRanges ( base           ,
	setPageRanges ( base           ,
			m_fileNums     ,
			m_numFileNums  ,
			m_fileStartKey , // start reading @ key
			m_endKey       , // stop reading @ key
			m_minRecSizes  );

	// . NEVER let m_endKey be a negative key, because it will 
	//   always be unmatched, since delbit is cleared
	// . adjusting it here ensures our generated hints are valid
	// . we will use this key to call constrain() with
	//m_constrainKey = m_endKey;
	//if ( ( m_constrainKey.n0 & 0x01) == 0x00 ) 
	//	m_constrainKey -= (uint32_t)1;
	if ( KEYNEG(m_constrainKey) )

	// Msg5 likes to get the endkey for getting the list from the tree
	if ( justGetEndKey ) return true;

	// sanity check
	if ( m_numFileNums > nn ) {
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"disk: Failed sanity check in Msg3.");
		char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;

	// debug msg
	//log("msg3 getting list (msg5=%" PRIu32")",m_state);
	// . MDW removed this -- go ahead an end on a delete key
	// . RdbMerge might not pick it up this round, but oh well
	// . so we can have both positive and negative co-existing in same file
	// make sure the last bit is set so we don't end on a delete key
	//m_endKey.n0 |= 0x01LL;
	// . now start reading/scanning the files
	// . our m_scans array starts at 0
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numFileNums ; i++ ) {
		// get the page range
		//int32_t p1 = m_startpg [ i ];
		//int32_t p2 = m_endpg   [ i ];
		int32_t fn = m_fileNums[i];
		// this can happen somehow!
		if ( fn < 0 ) {
			log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg3: fn=%" PRId32". Bad engineer.",fn);
		// sanity check
		if ( i > 0 && m_fileNums[i-1] >= fn ) {
			    "net: msg3: files must be read in order "
			    "from oldest to newest so RdbList::indexMerge_r "
			    "works properly. Otherwise, corruption will "
			    "result. ");
			char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
			return true;
		// . sanity check?
		// . no, we must get again since we turn on endKey's last bit
		int32_t p1 , p2;
		maps[fn]->getPageRange ( m_fileStartKey , 
					m_endKey       , 
					&p1            , 
					&p2            ,
					NULL           );
		//if ( p1 != p1c || p2 != p2c ) {
		//	fprintf(stderr,"Msg3::bad page range\n");
		//	sleep(50000);
		// sanity check, each endpg's key should be > endKey
		//if ( p2 < maps[fn]->getNumPages() && 
		//     maps[fn]->getKey ( p2 ) <= m_endKey ) {
		//	fprintf(stderr,"Msg3::bad page range 2\n");
		//	sleep(50000);
		//int32_t p1 , p2; 
		//maps[fn]->getPageRange (startKey,endKey,minRecSizes,&p1,&p2);
		// now get some read info
		int64_t offset      = maps[fn]->getAbsoluteOffset ( p1 );
		int32_t      bytesToRead = maps[fn]->getRecSizes ( p1, p2, false);
		// max out the endkey for this list
		// debug msg
		//#ifdef _DEBUG_		
		//if ( minRecSizes == 2000000 ) 
		//log("Msg3:: reading %" PRId32" bytes from file #%" PRId32,bytesToRead,i);
		// inc our m_numScans
		// . keep stats on our disk accesses
		// . count disk seeks (assuming no fragmentation)
		// . count disk bytes read
		if ( bytesToRead > 0 ) {
			base->m_rdb->didSeek (             );
			base->m_rdb->didRead ( bytesToRead );
		// . the startKey may be different for each RdbScan class
		// . RdbLists must have all keys within their [startKey,endKey]
		// . therefore set startKey individually from first page in map
		// . this endKey must be >= m_endKey 
		// . this startKey must be < m_startKey
		//key_t startKey = maps[fn]->getKey ( p1 );
		//key_t endKey   = maps[fn]->getKey ( p2 );
		char startKey2 [ MAX_KEY_BYTES ];
		char endKey2   [ MAX_KEY_BYTES ];
		maps[fn]->getKey ( p1 , startKey2 );
		maps[fn]->getKey ( p2 , endKey2 );
		//char *startKey = maps[fn]->getKeyPtr ( p1 );
		//char *endKey   = maps[fn]->getKeyPtr ( p2 );
		// store in here
		m_startpg [ i ] = p1;
		m_endpg   [ i ] = p2;

		// . we read UP TO that endKey, so reduce by 1
		// . but iff p2 is NOT the last page in the map/file
		// . maps[fn]->getKey(lastPage) will return the LAST KEY
		//   and maps[fn]->getOffset(lastPage) the length of the file
		//if ( maps[fn]->getNumPages()!=p2) endKey -=(uint32_t)1;
		if ( maps[fn]->getNumPages() != p2 ) KEYSUB(endKey2,m_ks);
		// otherwise, if we're reading all pages, then force the
		// endKey to virtual inifinite
		//else endKey.setMax();
		else KEYMAX(endKey2,m_ks);

		// . set up the hints
		// . these are only used if we are only reading from 1 file
		// . these are used to call constrain() so we can constrain
		//   the end of the list w/o looping through all the recs
		//   in the list
		int32_t h2 = p2 ;
		// decrease by one page if we're on the last page
		if ( h2 > p1 && maps[fn]->getNumPages() == h2 ) h2--;
		// . decrease hint page until key is <= endKey on that page
		//   AND offset is NOT -1 because the old way would give
		//   us hints passed the endkey
		// . also decrease so we can constrain on minRecSizes in
		//   case we're the only list being read
		// . use >= m_minRecSizes instead of >, otherwise we may
		//   never be able to set "size" in RdbList::constrain()
		//   because "p" could equal "maxPtr" right away
		while ( h2 > p1 && 
			//( maps[fn]->getKey   (h2) > m_constrainKey ||
			  maps[fn]->getOffset(h2) == -1            ||
			  maps[fn]->getAbsoluteOffset(h2) - offset >=
			  m_minRecSizes ) )
		// now set the hint
		m_hintOffsets [ i ] = maps[fn]->getAbsoluteOffset ( h2 ) -
			              maps[fn]->getAbsoluteOffset ( p1 ) ;
		//m_hintKeys    [ i ] = maps[fn]->getKey            ( h2 );

		// reset g_errno before calling setRead()
		g_errno = 0;
		// . this fix is now in RdbList::checklist_r()
		// . we can now have dup keys, so, we may read in
		//   a rec with key "lastMinKey" even though we don't read
		//   in the first key on the end page, so don't subtract 1...
		//if ( endKey != m_endKeyOrig ) 
		//	endKey += (uint32_t) 1;

		// timing debug
		if ( g_conf.m_logTimingDb )
			    "net: msg: reading %" PRId32" bytes from %s file #%" PRId32" "
			     "(niceness=%" PRId32")",

		// log huge reads, those hurt us
		if ( bytesToRead > 150000000 ) {
			logf(LOG_INFO,"disk: Reading %" PRId32" bytes at offset %" PRId64" "
			    "from %s.",

		// if any keys in the map are the same report corruption
		char tmpKey    [16];
		char lastTmpKey[16];
		int32_t ccount = 0;
		if ( bytesToRead     > 10000000      && 
		     bytesToRead / 2 > m_minRecSizes &&
		     base->m_fixedDataSize >= 0        ) {
			for ( int32_t pn = p1 ; pn <= p2 ; pn++ ) {
				maps[fn]->getKey ( pn , tmpKey );
				if ( KEYCMP(tmpKey,lastTmpKey,m_ks) == 0 ) 
		if ( ccount > 10 ) {
			logf(LOG_INFO,"disk: Reading %" PRId32" bytes from %s file #"
			     "%" PRId32" when min "
			     "required is %" PRId32". Map is corrupt and has %" PRId32" "
			     "identical consecutive page keys because the "
			     "map was \"repaired\" because out of order keys "
			     "in the index.",
			m_errno = ECORRUPTDATA;
			m_hadCorruption = true;
			//m_maxRetries = 0;

		// try to get from PAGE CACHE
		BigFile *ff = base->getFile(m_fileNums[i]);
		RdbCache *rpc = getDiskPageCache ( m_rdbId );
		if ( ! m_allowPageCache ) rpc = NULL;
		// . vfd is unique 64 bit file id
		// . if file is opened vfd is -1, only set in call to open()
		int64_t vfd = ff->getVfd();
		key192_t ck = makeCacheKey ( vfd , offset, bytesToRead);
		char *rec; int32_t recSize;
		bool inCache = false;
		if ( rpc && vfd != -1 && ! m_validateCache ) 
			inCache = rpc->getRecord ( (collnum_t)0 , // collnum
						   (char *)&ck , 
						   &rec , 
						   &recSize ,
						   true , // copy?
						   -1 , // maxAge, none 
						   true ); // inccounts?
		m_scans[i].m_inPageCache = false;
		if ( inCache ) {
			m_scans[i].m_inPageCache = true;
			// now we have to store this value, 6 or 12 so
			// we can modify the hint appropriately
			m_scans[i].m_shifted = *rec;
			m_lists[i].set ( rec +1,
					 recSize-1 ,
					 rec , // alloc
					 recSize , // allocSize
					 startKey2 ,
					 endKey2 ,
					 base->m_fixedDataSize ,
					 true , // owndata
					 base->useHalfKeys() ,
					 getKeySizeFromRdbId ( m_rdbId ) );

		// . do the scan/read of file #i
		// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
		// . this will set g_errno on error
		bool done = m_scans[i].setRead (base->getFile(m_fileNums[i]),
						base->m_fixedDataSize ,
						 offset                 ,
						 bytesToRead            ,
						 startKey2              ,
						 endKey2                ,
						m_ks                    ,
						 &m_lists[i]            ,
						 this                   ,
						 doneScanningWrapper    ,
						 base->useHalfKeys()    ,
						 m_niceness             ,
						 m_allowPageCache       ,
						 m_hitDisk              ) ;
		// . damn, usually the above will indirectly launch a thread
		//   to do the reading, but it sets g_errno to EINTR,
		//   "interrupted system call"!
		// . i guess the thread does the read w/o blocking and then
		//   queues the signal on g_loop's queue before it exits
		// . try ignoring, and keep going
		if ( g_errno == EINTR ) {
			log("net: Interrupted system call while reading file. "
			g_errno = 0;
		// debug msg
		//fprintf(stderr,"Msg3:: reading %" PRId32" bytes from file #%" PRId32","
		//	"done=%" PRId32",offset=%" PRId64",g_errno=%s,"
		//	"startKey=n1=%" PRIu32",n0=%" PRIu64",  "
		//	"endKey=n1=%" PRIu32",n0=%" PRIu64"\n",
		//	bytesToRead,i,(int32_t)done,offset,mstrerror(g_errno),
		//	m_startKey,m_endKey);
		//if ( bytesToRead == 0 )
		//	fprintf(stderr,"shit\n");
		// if it did not block then it completed, so count it
		if ( done ) m_numScansCompleted++;
		// break on an error, and remember g_errno in case we block
		if ( g_errno && g_errno != ENOTHREADSLOTS ) { 
			int32_t tt = LOG_WARN;
			if ( g_errno == EFILECLOSED ) tt = LOG_INFO;
			log(tt,"disk: Reading %s had error: %s.",
			    base->m_dbname, mstrerror(g_errno));
			m_errno = g_errno; 
	// debug test
	//if ( rand() % 100 <= 10 ) m_errno = EIO;

	// if we blocked, return false
	if ( m_numScansCompleted < m_numScansStarted ) return false;
	// . if all scans completed without blocking then wrap it up & ret true
	// . doneScanning may now block if it finds data corruption and must
	//   get the list remotely
	return doneScanning();
bool RdbMerge::getAnotherList ( ) {
	log(LOG_DEBUG,"db: Getting another list for merge.");
	// clear it up in case it was already set
	g_errno = 0;
	// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
	RdbBase *base; if (!(base=getRdbBase(m_rdbId,m_collnum))) return true;
	// if merging titledb files, we must adjust m_endKey so we do
	// not have to read a huge 200MB+ tfndb list
	//key_t newEndKey = m_endKey;
	char newEndKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];

	//CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
	//char *coll = cr->m_coll;

	if ( m_rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB ) { // && m_rdbId == RDB_TFNDB ) {
		//long long docId1 = g_titledb.getDocIdFromKey ( m_startKey );
	       long long docId1=g_titledb.getDocIdFromKey((key_t *)m_startKey);
		//long long docId2 = g_titledb.getDocIdFromKey ( m_endKey );
		// tfndb is pretty much uniformly distributed
		RdbBase *ubase = getRdbBase(RDB_TFNDB,m_coll);
		if ( ! ubase ) return true;
		long long space    = ubase->getDiskSpaceUsed();
		//long long readSize = (space * (docId2-docId1)) / DOCID_MASK;
		long long bufSize  = g_conf.m_mergeBufSize;
		// for now force to 100k
		bufSize = 100000;
		if ( bufSize > space ) bufSize = space;
		long long docId3   = (long long) (((double)bufSize /
						  (double)space) *
			(double)DOCID_MASK  + docId1);
		// constrain newEndKey based on docId3
		if ( docId3 < 0 ) docId3 = DOCID_MASK;
		//if ( docId3 >= DOCID_MASK ) newEndKey.setMax();
		if ( docId3 >= DOCID_MASK ) KEYMAX(newEndKey,m_ks);
		//else newEndKey = g_titledb.makeLastKey ( docId3 );
		else {
			key_t nk = g_titledb.makeLastKey(docId3);
			KEYSET(newEndKey,(char *)&nk,m_ks);
		//log(LOG_DEBUG,"build: remapping endkey from %lx.%llx to "
		//    "%lx.%llx to avoid big tfndb read.",
		//    m_endKey.n1,m_endKey.n0, newEndKey.n1,newEndKey.n0);
		log(LOG_DEBUG,"build: remapping endkey from %llx.%llx to "
		    "%llx.%llx to avoid big tfndb read.",
	// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
	// . sets g_errno on error
	// . we return false if it blocked
	// . m_maxBufSize may be exceeded by a rec, it's just a target size
	// . niceness is usually MAX_NICENESS, but reindex.cpp sets to 0
	// . this was a call to Msg3, but i made it call Msg5 since
	//   we now do the merging in Msg5, not in msg3 anymore
	// . this will now handle truncation, dup and neg rec removal
	// . it remembers last termId and count so it can truncate even when
	//   IndexList is split between successive reads
	// . IMPORTANT: when merging titledb we could be merging about 255
	//   files, so if we are limited to only X fds it can have a cascade
	//   affect where reading from one file closes the fd of another file
	//   in the read (since we call open before spawning the read thread)
	//   and can therefore take 255 retries for the Msg3 to complete 
	//   because each read gives a EFILCLOSED error.
	//   so to fix it we allow one retry for each file in the read plus
	//   the original retry of 25
	long nn = base->getNumFiles();
	if ( m_numFiles > 0 && m_numFiles < nn ) nn = m_numFiles;
	// don't access any biased page caches
	bool usePageCache = true;
	if ( m_rdbId == RDB_CLUSTERDB )
		usePageCache = false;
	// . i don't trust page cache too much (mdw)... well, give it a shot
	// . see if ths helps fix WD corruption... i doubt it
	usePageCache = false;
	// for now force to 100k
	long bufSize = 100000; // g_conf.m_mergeBufSize , // minRecSizes
	// get it
	return m_msg5.getList ( m_rdbId        ,
				m_collnum           ,
				&m_list        ,
				m_startKey     ,
				newEndKey      , // usually is maxed!
				bufSize        ,
				false          , // includeTree?
				false          , // add to cache?
				0              , // max cache age for lookup
				m_startFileNum , // startFileNum
				m_numFiles     ,
				this           , // state 
				gotListWrapper , // callback
				m_niceness     , // niceness
				true           , // do error correction?
				NULL           , // cache key ptr
				0              , // retry #
				nn + 75        , // max retries (mk it high)
				false          , // compensate for merge?
				-1LL           , // sync point
				&m_msg5b       ,
				true           , // isRealMerge? absolutely!
				usePageCache   );
// . make a web page from results stored in msg40
// . send it on TcpSocket "s" when done
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool gotIndexList ( void *state ) {
	// the state
	State10 *st = (State10 *) state;
	// launch more
	if ( ! launchRequests ( st ) ) return false;
	// get the date list
	//fprintf(stderr,"termId now=%lli\n",st->m_termId);
	//fprintf(stderr,"should be=%lli\n",(st->m_termId & TERMID_MASK));
	// . now get the indexList for this termId
	// . date is complemented, so start with bigger one first
	key128_t startKey = g_datedb.makeStartKey ( st->m_termId ,0xffffffff);
	key128_t endKey   = g_datedb.makeEndKey   ( st->m_termId ,0x0);
	// get the rdb ptr to titledb's rdb
	//Rdb *rdb = g_indexdb.getRdb();
	// -1 means read from all files in Indexdb
	long numFiles = -1;
	// make it zero if caller doesn't want to hit the disk
	if ( ! st->m_useDisk ) numFiles = 0;
	// get the title rec at or after this docId
	if ( ! st->m_msg0.getList ( -1 ,
				    0  ,
				    0  ,
				    0  ,    // max cache age
				    false , // add to cache?
				    RDB_DATEDB  , // rdbId of 2 = indexdb
				    st->m_coll ,
				    &st->m_list2  ,
				    (char *)&startKey  ,
				    (char *)&endKey    ,
				    st->m_numRecs * sizeof(key128_t),//recSizes
				    //st->m_useTree   , // include tree?
				    //st->m_useCache  , // include cache?
				    //false     , // add to cache?
				    //0         , // startFileNum
				    //numFiles  , // numFiles
				    st        , // state
				    gotIndexListWrapper2 ,
				    0  ) )  // niceness
		return false;
	// otherwise call gotResults which returns false if blocked, true else
	// and sets g_errno on error
	return gotIndexList2 ( (void *) st , NULL );

void gotIndexListWrapper2 ( void *state , RdbList *list ) {
	gotIndexList2 ( state , list );

void addedKeyWrapper ( void *state ) {
	gotIndexList2 ( state, NULL );

// . make a web page from results stored in msg40
// . send it on TcpSocket "s" when done
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool gotIndexList2 ( void *state , RdbList *list ) {
	// the state
	State10 *st = (State10 *) state;
	// get the socket
	TcpSocket *s = st->m_socket;
	// don't allow pages bigger than 128k in cache
	//char  buf [ 64*1024 ];
	// a ptr into "buf"
	//char *p    = buf;
	//char *pend = buf + 64*1024;
	// get termId
	key_t k = *(key_t *)st->m_list.getStartKey();
	long long termId = g_indexdb.getTermId ( k );
	// get groupId from termId
	//unsigned long groupId = k.n1 & g_hostdb.m_groupMask;
	unsigned long groupId = g_indexdb.getGroupIdFromKey ( &k );
	long hostnum = g_hostdb.makeHostId ( groupId );
	// check box " checked" strings
	char *ubs = "";
	char *uts = "";
	char *uds = "";
	char *ucs = "";
	char *add = "";
	char *del = "";
	if ( st->m_useDatedb) ubs = " checked";
	if ( st->m_useTree  ) uts = " checked";
	if ( st->m_useDisk  ) uds = " checked";
	if ( st->m_useCache ) ucs = " checked";
	if ( st->m_add      ) add = " checked";
	if ( st->m_del      ) del = " checked";

	SafeBuf *pbuf = &st->m_pbuf;

	g_pages.printAdminTop ( pbuf , st->m_socket , &st->m_r );

	// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
	RdbBase *base; 
	if (!(base=getRdbBase((uint8_t)RDB_INDEXDB,st->m_coll))) return true;

	// print the standard header for admin pages
	pbuf->safePrintf ( 
		  "<table cellpadding=2><tr><td colspan=4>"
		  "useDatedb:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=ub%s> "
		  "useTree:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=ut%s> "
		  "useDisk:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=ud%s> "
		  "useCache:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=uc%s> "
		  "ADD:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=add%s> "
		  "DELETE:<input type=checkbox value=1 name=del%s>"
		  "<input type=text name=q value=\"%s\" size=20>"
		  "<input type=text name=c value=\"%s\" size=10>"
		  "<input type=text name=t value=%lli size=20>"
		  "<input type=text name=numRecs value=%li size=10> "
		  "<input type=text name=d value=%lli size=20> "
		  "<input type=text name=score value=%li size=10> "
		  "<input type=submit value=ok border=0>"
		  "<tr><td colspan=2>"
		  "term appears in about %lli docs +/- %li"
		  //"<tr><td colspan=2>"
		  //"this indexlist held by host #%li and twins"
		  "</form><br><br>" ,
		  ubs, uts, uds, ucs, add, del,
		  st->m_query , st->m_coll , st->m_termId  , 
		  st->m_numRecs  ,
		  st->m_docId , (long)st->m_score ,
		  st->m_termFreq ,
		  2 * (long)GB_INDEXDB_PAGE_SIZE / 6 * 
		  base->getNumFiles() );
		  //hostnum );

	if ( g_errno || (st->m_list.isEmpty() ) ) {//&&st->m_list2.isEmpty())){
		if (g_errno)pbuf->safePrintf("Error = %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
		else        pbuf->safePrintf("List is empty");
		// erase g_errno for sending
		g_errno = 0;
		// now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
		bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage(s , 
							   pbuf->length() );
		// delete it
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State10) , "PageIndexdb" );
		delete (st);
		return status;

	pbuf->safePrintf ( 
		  "<table cellpadding=1 border=1>" 

	//if ( searchingEvents

	// now print the score/docId of indexlist
	long i = 0;
	for (   st->m_list.resetListPtr () ;
	      ! st->m_list.isExhausted  () ;
		st->m_list.skipCurrentRecord () ) {
		// break if buf is low
		//if ( p + 1024 >= pend ) break;
		// but set the ip/port to a host that has this titleRec
		// stored locally!
		long long     docId   = st->m_list.getCurrentDocId () ;
		unsigned long groupId = getGroupIdFromDocId ( docId );
		// get the first host's hostId in this groupId
		Host *h = g_hostdb.getFastestHostInGroup ( groupId );
		// . pick the first host to handle the cached titleRec request
		// . we assume it has the best time and is up!! TODO: fix!
		// . use local ip though if it was an internal request
		// . otherwise, use the external ip
		//unsigned long  ip   = h->m_externalIp;
		unsigned long  ip   = h->m_ip;
		// use the NAT mapped port
		unsigned short port = h->m_externalHttpPort;
		// log the first docid so we can blaster url: queries
		// to PageIndexdb and see if they are in indexdb
		if ( i == 0 ) 
			logf(LOG_INFO,"indexdb: %llu %s",docId,st->m_query);
		// adjust ip/port if local
		if ( st->m_isLocal ) {
			ip   = h->m_ip;
			port = h->m_httpPort;
		unsigned long date = 0;
		if ( st->m_useDatedb )
			date = (unsigned long)st->m_list.getCurrentDate();
		uint8_t dh = g_titledb.getDomHash8FromDocId ( docId );
		char ds[32];
		if ( st->m_useDatedb ) sprintf (ds,"%lu/",date);
		pbuf->safePrintf ( 
			  //"<a href=http://%s:%hu/master/titledb?d=%llu>"
			  "<a href=/master/titledb?c=%s&d=%llu>"
			  //"<td><a href=/cgi/4.cgi?d=%llu>%llu"
			  "</tr>\n" ,
			  ds, (int)st->m_list.getCurrentScore() ,
			  //iptoa(ip) , port ,
			  docId , 
			  docId ,
			  (long)dh );
	pbuf->safePrintf ( "</table>" );

	if ( ! st->m_list2.isEmpty() ) 
		p += sprintf ( p ,
			       "<table cellpadding=1 border=1>" 

	// now print the score/docId of datedb list
	i = 0;
	for (   st->m_list2.resetListPtr () ;
	      ! st->m_list2.isExhausted  () ;
		st->m_list2.skipCurrentRecord () ) {
		// break if buf is low
		if ( p + 1024 >= pend ) break;
		// but set the ip/port to a host that has this titleRec
		// stored locally!
		long long     docId   = st->m_list2.getCurrentDocId () ;
		unsigned long groupId = g_titledb.getGroupId ( docId );
		// get the first host's hostId in this groupId
		Host *h = g_hostdb.getFastestHostInGroup ( groupId );
		// . pick the first host to handle the cached titleRec request
		// . we assume it has the best time and is up!! TODO: fix!
		// . use local ip though if it was an internal request
		// . otherwise, use the external ip
		//unsigned long  ip   = h->m_externalIp;
		unsigned long  ip   = h->m_ip;
		// use the NAT mapped port
		unsigned short port = h->m_externalHttpPort;
		// adjust ip/port if local
		if ( st->m_isLocal ) {
			ip   = h->m_ip;
			port = h->m_httpPort;
		// debug
		char kb[16];
		//log(LOG_INFO,"debug: n1=%016llx n0=%016llx",
		//    *(long long *)(kb+8),*(long long *)(kb+0));
		//if ( (unsigned long)st->m_list2.getCurrentDate() == 0 )
		//	log("STOP");
		sprintf ( p , 
			  //"<a href=http://%s:%hu/master/titledb?d=%llu>"
			  "<a href=/master/titledb?c=%s&d=%llu>"
			  //"<td><a href=/cgi/4.cgi?d=%llu>%llu"
			  "</td></tr>\n" ,
			  st->m_list2.getTermId16(kb) ,
			  (unsigned long)st->m_list2.getCurrentDate() ,
			  (int)st->m_list2.getCurrentScore() ,
			  //iptoa(ip) , port ,
			  docId , 
			  docId );
		p += gbstrlen ( p );
	if ( ! st->m_list.isEmpty() ) 
		pbuf->safePrintf ( "</table>" );

	// print msg if we could fit all into buf
	//if ( p + 1024 >= pend ) {
	//	sprintf ( p ,"... truncated ... no mem" );
	//	p += gbstrlen ( p );		
	// print the final tail
	//p += g_httpServer.printTail ( p , pend - p );
	pbuf->safePrintf ( "</center>\n");
	// now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
	bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , 
						     pbuf->getBufStart() ,
						     pbuf->length() );
	// delete the state
	mdelete ( st , sizeof(State10) , "PageIndexdb" );
	delete (st) ;
	return status;
void DailyMerge::dailyMergeLoop ( ) {
	// disable for now!
	// if in repair mode, do not do daily merge
	if ( g_repairMode ) return;
	// or if in read only mode
	if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return;
	// skip if proxy, a proxy can be hostid 0!
	if ( g_proxy.isProxy() ) return;
	// wait for clock to be synced with host #0
	if ( ! isClockInSync() ) return;
	// get local time
	int64_t nowLocalMS = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsLocal();
	// get our hostid
	int32_t hid = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_hostId;
	// if process only recently started (1 min ago or less)
	// then do not immediately do this...
	if (hid==0 && nowLocalMS - g_process.m_processStartTime < 1*60*1000)
	// wait until the right time (this is in UTC)
	time_t nowSynced = getTimeSynced();

	// get time since midnight
	struct tm *tt ;
	// how many MINUTES into the day are we? (in UTC)
	tt = gmtime ( &nowSynced );
	int32_t elapsedMins = tt->tm_hour * 60 + tt->tm_min ;

	// what collnum to merge?
	collnum_t i ;

	// . if we are not 0, just use host #0's collnum
	// . an error here will screw up the whole daily merge process
	if ( hid != 0 && m_mergeMode == 0 ) {
		// get host #0
		Host *h = &g_hostdb.m_hosts[0];
		// must have got a ping reply from him
		if ( ! h->m_gotPingReply ) return;
		// hostid #0 must NOT be in mode 0
		if ( h->m_pingInfo.m_flags & PFLAG_MERGEMODE0 ) return;
		// get the collnum that host #0 is currently daily merging
		i = g_hostdb.m_hosts[0].m_pingInfo.m_dailyMergeCollnum;
		// this means host #0 is not daily merging a collnum now
		if ( i < 0 ) return;
		// if it is valid, the CollectionRec MUST be there
		CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( i );
		if ( ! cr ) { 
			log("daily: host #0 bad collnum %"INT32"",(int32_t)i);return;}
		// if valid, use it
		m_cr = cr;
		// we set m_cr, go to next mode
		m_mergeMode = 1;
		// set the start time here, but don't commit to m_cr just yet
		m_savedStartTime = nowSynced;

	// . only host #0 should do this loop!!!
	// . loop through each collection to check the time
	for (i=0; hid==0&&m_mergeMode==0 && i<g_collectiondb.m_numRecs; i++) {
		// get collection rec for collnum #i
		CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( i );
		// skip if empty, it was deleted at some point
		if ( ! cr ) continue;
		// skip if daily merge trigger is < 0 (do not do dailies)
		if ( cr->m_dailyMergeTrigger < 0 ) continue;
		// . skip if not time yet
		// . !!!!!THIS IS IN MINUTES!!!!!!!!
		if ( (int32_t)elapsedMins < (int32_t)cr->m_dailyMergeTrigger ) 
		// do not start more than 15 mins after the trigger time,
		// if we miss that cuz we are down, then too bad
		if ( (int32_t)elapsedMins > (int32_t)cr->m_dailyMergeTrigger + 15 )
 		// . how long has it been (in seconds)
		// . !!!!!THIS IS IN SECONDS!!!!!!!!
		int32_t diff = nowSynced - cr->m_dailyMergeStarted;
		// crazy?
		if ( diff < 0 ) continue;
		// if less than 24 hours ago, we already did it
		if ( diff < 24*3600 ) continue;
		// . we must now match the day of week
		// . use <= 0 to do it every day
		// . 0 = sunday ... 6 = saturday
		// . comma separated list is ok ("0,1, 6")
		// . leave blank or at least no numbers to do every day
		char *s = cr->m_dailyMergeDOWList;
		char dowCounts[8];
		for ( ; *s ; s++ ) {
			if ( ! is_digit(*s) ) continue;
			int32_t num = atoi(s);
			if ( num < 0 ) continue;
			if ( num > 6 ) continue;
		// get our dow
		int32_t todayDOW = tt->tm_wday + 1;
		// make sure 1 to 7
		if ( todayDOW < 0 || todayDOW > 6 ) { 
			log("merge: bad today dow of %i for coll %s",
		//if ( todayDOW > 6 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		// skip if not a dayofweek to merge on
		if ( dowCounts [ todayDOW ] == 0 ) continue;

		// set the start time here, but don't commit to m_cr just yet
		m_savedStartTime = nowSynced;
		// . wait for everyone to be in mode #0 in case they just
		//   finished another daily merge. only host #0 does this loop.
		// . PROBLEM: if host #0 crashes before everyone can get into 
		//   mode 1+ and then host #0 is brought back up, then 
		//   obviously, we will not be able to meet this condition,
		//   therefore only check to see if this condition is 
		//   satisfied our "second time around" (so we must complete
		//   one daily merge before checking this again). that is why
		//   i added "m_didDaily". -- MDW
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; m_didDaily && i<g_hostdb.m_numHosts ; i++){
			// skip ourselves, obviously we are in merge mode 2
			if ( &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i] == g_hostdb.m_myHost )
			// that's good if he is in mode 0
			if ( g_hostdb.m_hosts[i].m_pingInfo.m_flags & 
			// oops, someone is not mode 0
		// got one, save it
		m_cr = cr;
		// if we were hostid 0, go into merge mode 1 now
		m_mergeMode = 1;
		// bust out of loop

	// can we advance to merge mode 1?
	if ( m_mergeMode == 1 ) {
		// no candidates, go back to mode 0 now, we are done
		if ( ! m_cr ) {
			log("daily: Could not get coll rec.");
			m_mergeMode = 0; return; 
		// ok, we got a collection that needs it so turn off spiders
		m_mergeMode = 2;
		// turn spiders off to keep query latency down
		m_spideringEnabled = g_conf.m_spideringEnabled;
		//m_injectionEnabled = g_conf.m_injectionEnabled;
		g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = false;
		//g_conf.m_injectionEnabled = false;
		// log it
		log("daily: Starting daily merge for %s.",m_cr->m_coll);
		log("daily: Waiting for other hosts to enter merge mode.");

	// wait for everyone to make it to mode 1+ before going on
	if ( m_mergeMode == 2 ) {
		// check the ping packet flags
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
			// get the host
			Host *h = &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i];
			// skip ourselves, obviously we are in merge mode 2
			if ( h == g_hostdb.m_myHost ) 
			// skip dead hosts
			if ( g_hostdb.isDead(h) )
			// return if a host still in merge mode 0. wait for it.
			if ( h->m_pingInfo.m_flags & PFLAG_MERGEMODE0 )
		// ok, everyone is out of mode 0 now
		m_mergeMode = 3;
		// log it
		log("daily: Waiting for all hosts to have 0 "
		    "spiders out.");

	// wait for ALL spiders in network to clear
	if ( m_mergeMode == 3 ) {
		// return if we got spiders out!
		if ( g_spiderLoop.m_numSpidersOut > 0 )
		// check the ping packet flags
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
			// skip ourselves, obviously we are in merge mode 2
			if ( &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i] == g_hostdb.m_myHost )
			// if host still has spiders out, we can't go to mode 4
			if ( g_hostdb.m_hosts[i].m_pingInfo.m_flags & 
		// ok, nobody has spiders now
		m_mergeMode = 4;
		// log it
		log("daily: Dumping trees.");

	// start the dumps
	if ( m_mergeMode == 4 ) {
		// . set when we did it last, save that to disk to avoid thrash
		// . TODO: BUT do not allow it to be set in the spider 
		//   controls!
		// . THIS IS IN SECONDS!!!!!!!
		// . use the time we started, otherwise the merge time keeps
		//   getting pushed back.
		m_cr->m_dailyMergeStarted = m_savedStartTime; // nowSynced;
		// tell it to save, otherwise this might not get saved
		m_cr->m_needsSave = true;
		// initiate dumps
		g_indexdb.getRdb  ()->dumpTree(1); // niceness = 1
		//g_datedb.getRdb   ()->dumpTree(1); // niceness = 1
		g_spiderdb.getRdb ()->dumpTree(1); // niceness = 1
		g_linkdb.getRdb   ()->dumpTree(1); // niceness = 1
		// if neither has recs in tree, go to next mode
		if(g_indexdb .getRdb()->getNumUsedNodes()>0) return;
		//if(g_datedb  .getRdb()->getNumUsedNodes()>0) return;
		if(g_spiderdb.getRdb()->getNumUsedNodes()>0) return;
		if(g_linkdb  .getRdb()->getNumUsedNodes()>0) return;
		// ok, all trees are clear and dumped
		m_mergeMode = 5;
		// log it
		log("daily: Merging indexdb and datedb files.");

	// start the merge
	if ( m_mergeMode == 5 ) {
		// kick off the merges if not already going
		//g_datedb .getRdb()->attemptMerge(1,true,false);
		// if has more than one file, bail on it
		RdbBase *base;

		base = g_indexdb .getRdb()->getBase(m_cr->m_collnum);
		// . niceness,forced?,doLog?,minFilesToMerge
		// . only does a merge if there are 2 or more "big" indexdb 
		//   files present. Merges so that there are LESS THAN 2 files.
		//   just another way of describing a tight merge.
		base->attemptMerge (1,true,false,2);
		if ( base->getNumFiles() >= 2 ) return;

		//base = g_datedb  .getRdb()->getBase(m_cr->m_collnum);
		//base->attemptMerge (1,true,false,2);
		//if ( base->getNumFiles() >= 2 ) return;

		base = g_spiderdb.getRdb()->getBase(m_cr->m_collnum);
		base->attemptMerge (1,true,false,2);
		if ( base->getNumFiles() >= 2 ) return;

		base = g_linkdb  .getRdb()->getBase(m_cr->m_collnum);
		base->attemptMerge (1,true,false,2);
		if ( base->getNumFiles() >= 2 ) return;

		// . minimize titledb merging at spider time, too
		// . will perform a merge IFF there are 200 or more titledb 
		//   files present, otherwise, it will not. will do the merge
		//   such that LESS THAN 200 titledb files will be present
		//   AFTER the merge is completed.
		// . do NOT force merge ALL files on this one, we just want
		//   to make sure there are not 200+ titledb files
		base = g_titledb .getRdb()->getBase(m_cr->m_collnum);
		// we seem to dump about 70 per day at a decent spider rate
		// so merge enough so that we don't have to merge while 
		// spidering
		base->attemptMerge (1,false,false,230-70);
		if ( base->getNumFiles() >= 230-70 ) return;

		// set m_cr to NULL up here, so that the last guy to
		// complete the daily merge, does not "cycle back" and
		// try to re-daily merge the same collection!
		m_cr = NULL;
		// ok, merges are done
		m_mergeMode = 6;
		// log it
		log("daily: Waiting for all hosts to finish merging.");

	// wait for all to finish before re-enabling spiders
	if ( m_mergeMode == 6 ) {
		// check the ping packet flags
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.m_numHosts ; i++ ) {
			// skip ourselves, obviously we are ok
			if ( &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i] == g_hostdb.m_myHost )
			// if host in mode 6 or 0, that's good
			if ( g_hostdb.m_hosts[i].m_pingInfo.m_flags & 
			// otherwise, wait for it to be in 6 or 0
		// ok, nobody has spiders now, everyone is 6 or 0
		m_mergeMode = 0;
		// no coll rec now
		m_cr = NULL;
		// spiders back on
		g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = m_spideringEnabled;
		//g_conf.m_injectionEnabled = m_injectionEnabled;
		// log it
		log("daily: Daily merge completed.");
		// now the next time we do a daily we must make sure all hosts
		// are in merge mode #0 before we start
		m_didDaily  = true;
Exemplo n.º 6
bool RdbMerge::getAnotherList ( ) {
	log(LOG_DEBUG,"db: Getting another list for merge.");
	// clear it up in case it was already set
	g_errno = 0;
	// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
	RdbBase *base = getRdbBase( m_rdbId, m_collnum );
	if ( ! base ) {
		return true;
	// if merging titledb files, we must adjust m_endKey so we do
	// not have to read a huge 200MB+ tfndb list
	//key_t newEndKey = m_endKey;
	char newEndKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];

	// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
	// . sets g_errno on error
	// . we return false if it blocked
	// . m_maxBufSize may be exceeded by a rec, it's just a target size
	// . niceness is usually MAX_NICENESS, but reindex.cpp sets to 0
	// . this was a call to Msg3, but i made it call Msg5 since
	//   we now do the merging in Msg5, not in msg3 anymore
	// . this will now handle truncation, dup and neg rec removal
	// . it remembers last termId and count so it can truncate even when
	//   IndexList is split between successive reads
	// . IMPORTANT: when merging titledb we could be merging about 255
	//   files, so if we are limited to only X fds it can have a cascade
	//   affect where reading from one file closes the fd of another file
	//   in the read (since we call open before spawning the read thread)
	//   and can therefore take 255 retries for the Msg3 to complete 
	//   because each read gives a EFILCLOSED error.
	//   so to fix it we allow one retry for each file in the read plus
	//   the original retry of 25
	int32_t nn = base->getNumFiles();
	if ( m_numFiles > 0 && m_numFiles < nn ) nn = m_numFiles;
	// don't access any biased page caches
	bool usePageCache = true;
	if ( m_rdbId == RDB_CLUSTERDB )
		usePageCache = false;
	// . i don't trust page cache too much (mdw)... well, give it a shot
	// . see if ths helps fix WD corruption... i doubt it
	usePageCache = false;
	// for now force to 100k
	int32_t bufSize = 100000; // g_conf.m_mergeBufSize , // minRecSizes
	// get it
	return m_msg5.getList ( m_rdbId        ,
				m_collnum           ,
				&m_list        ,
				m_startKey     ,
				newEndKey      , // usually is maxed!
				bufSize        ,
				false          , // includeTree?
				false          , // add to cache?
				0              , // max cache age for lookup
				m_startFileNum , // startFileNum
				m_numFiles     ,
				this           , // state 
				gotListWrapper , // callback
				m_niceness     , // niceness
				true           , // do error correction?
				NULL           , // cache key ptr
				0              , // retry #
				nn + 75        , // max retries (mk it high)
				false          , // compensate for merge?
				-1LL           , // sync point
				true           , // isRealMerge? absolutely!
				usePageCache   );