Exemplo n.º 1
  /** Creates the output workspace, setting the axes according to the input binning parameters
   *  @param[in]  inputWorkspace The input workspace
   *  @param[in]  binParams The bin parameters from the user
   *  @param[out] newAxis        The 'vertical' axis defined by the given parameters
   *  @return A pointer to the newly-created workspace
  RebinnedOutput_sptr SofQW3::setUpOutputWorkspace(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWorkspace,
      const std::vector<double> & binParams, std::vector<double>& newAxis)
    // Create vector to hold the new X axis values
    MantidVecPtr xAxis;
    xAxis.access() = inputWorkspace->readX(0);
    const int xLength = static_cast<int>(xAxis->size());
    // Create a vector to temporarily hold the vertical ('y') axis and populate that
    const int yLength = static_cast<int>(VectorHelper::createAxisFromRebinParams(binParams,newAxis));

    // Create the output workspace
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr temp = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("RebinnedOutput", yLength - 1, xLength, xLength - 1);
    RebinnedOutput_sptr outputWorkspace = boost::static_pointer_cast<RebinnedOutput>(temp);
                                                      outputWorkspace, true);

    // Create a numeric axis to replace the default vertical one
    Axis* const verticalAxis = new NumericAxis(yLength);
    outputWorkspace->replaceAxis(1, verticalAxis);

    // Now set the axis values
    for (int i = 0; i < yLength - 1; ++i)
      outputWorkspace->setX(i, xAxis);
      verticalAxis->setValue(i, newAxis[i]);
    // One more to set on the 'y' axis
    verticalAxis->setValue(yLength - 1, newAxis[yLength - 1]);

    // Set the axis units
    verticalAxis->unit() = UnitFactory::Instance().create("MomentumTransfer");
    verticalAxis->title() = "|Q|";

    // Set the X axis title (for conversion to MD)
    outputWorkspace->getAxis(0)->title() = "Energy transfer";

    return outputWorkspace;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Execution path for NormalisedPolygon Rebinning
 * @param inputWS : Workspace to be rebinned
 * @param vertexes : TableWorkspace for debugging purposes
 * @param dumpVertexes : determines whether vertexes will be written to for
 * debugging purposes or not
 * @param outputDimensions : used for the column headings for Dump Vertexes
MatrixWorkspace_sptr ReflectometryTransform::executeNormPoly(
    MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS,
    boost::shared_ptr<Mantid::DataObjects::TableWorkspace> &vertexes,
    bool dumpVertexes, std::string outputDimensions) const {
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr temp = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
      "RebinnedOutput", m_d1NumBins, m_d0NumBins, m_d0NumBins);
  RebinnedOutput_sptr outWS = boost::static_pointer_cast<RebinnedOutput>(temp);

  const double widthD0 = (m_d0Max - m_d0Min) / double(m_d0NumBins);
  const double widthD1 = (m_d1Max - m_d1Min) / double(m_d1NumBins);

  std::vector<double> xBinsVec;
  std::vector<double> zBinsVec;
  VectorHelper::createAxisFromRebinParams({m_d1Min, widthD1, m_d1Max},
  VectorHelper::createAxisFromRebinParams({m_d0Min, widthD0, m_d0Max},

  // Put the correct bin boundaries into the workspace
  auto verticalAxis = new BinEdgeAxis(zBinsVec);
  outWS->replaceAxis(1, verticalAxis);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < zBinsVec.size() - 1; ++i)
    outWS->setX(i, xBinsVec);

  verticalAxis->title() = m_d1Label;

  // Prepare the required theta values
  DetectorAngularCache cache = initAngularCaches(inputWS.get());
  m_theta = cache.thetas;
  m_thetaWidths = cache.thetaWidths;

  const size_t nHistos = inputWS->getNumberHistograms();
  const size_t nBins = inputWS->blocksize();

  // Holds the spectrum-detector mapping
  std::vector<specnum_t> specNumberMapping;
  std::vector<detid_t> detIDMapping;
  // Create a table for the output if we want to debug vertex positioning
  addColumnHeadings(vertexes, outputDimensions);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nHistos; ++i) {
    IDetector_const_sptr detector = inputWS->getDetector(i);
    if (!detector || detector->isMasked() || detector->isMonitor()) {

    // Compute polygon points
    const double theta = m_theta[i];
    const double thetaWidth = m_thetaWidths[i];
    const double thetaHalfWidth = 0.5 * thetaWidth;
    const double thetaLower = theta - thetaHalfWidth;
    const double thetaUpper = theta + thetaHalfWidth;

    const MantidVec &X = inputWS->readX(i);
    const MantidVec &Y = inputWS->readY(i);
    const MantidVec &E = inputWS->readE(i);
    for (size_t j = 0; j < nBins; ++j) {
      const double lamLower = X[j];
      const double lamUpper = X[j + 1];
      const double signal = Y[j];
      const double error = E[j];

      auto inputQ =
          m_calculator->createQuad(lamUpper, lamLower, thetaUpper, thetaLower);
      FractionalRebinning::rebinToFractionalOutput(inputQ, inputWS, i, j, outWS,
      // Find which qy bin this point lies in
      const auto qIndex =
          std::upper_bound(zBinsVec.begin(), zBinsVec.end(), inputQ[0].Y()) -
      if (qIndex != 0 && qIndex < static_cast<int>(zBinsVec.size())) {
        // Add this spectra-detector pair to the mapping
            outWS->getSpectrum(qIndex - 1).getSpectrumNo());
      // Debugging
      if (dumpVertexes) {
        writeRow(vertexes, inputQ[0], i, j, signal, error);
        writeRow(vertexes, inputQ[1], i, j, signal, error);
        writeRow(vertexes, inputQ[2], i, j, signal, error);
        writeRow(vertexes, inputQ[3], i, j, signal, error);
  FractionalRebinning::normaliseOutput(outWS, inputWS);
  // Set the output spectrum-detector mapping
  SpectrumDetectorMapping outputDetectorMap(specNumberMapping, detIDMapping);
  outWS->getAxis(0)->title() = m_d0Label;

  return outWS;