Exemplo n.º 1
RectList DDClipper::GetRectangles(const RectList &rect_list) const
    RectList rects;
    for( int i=0; i!=rect_list.size(); ++i)
        RectList rcs = GetRectangles( rect_list[i] );
        for( int k=0; k!=rcs.size(); ++k ) rects.push_back( rcs[k] );

    return rects;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Merges any clipping rectangles that overlap to try and reduce
 * the total number of clip rectangles.
void MergeClipRect() {
	if (s_rectList.size() <= 1)

	RectList::iterator rOuter, rInner;

	for (rOuter = s_rectList.begin(); rOuter != s_rectList.end(); ++rOuter) {
		rInner = rOuter;
		while (++rInner != s_rectList.end()) {

			if (LooseIntersectRectangle(*rOuter, *rInner)) {
				// these two rectangles overlap or
				// are next to each other - merge them

				UnionRectangle(*rOuter, *rOuter, *rInner);

				// remove the inner rect from the list

				// move back to beginning of list
				rInner = rOuter;
Exemplo n.º 3
DDClipper::DDClipper(const RectList &rect_list): _dd_clipper(NULL)
    int i,j,num,size =num= rect_list.size();
    for ( j=0; j!=size; ++j ) { if (!rect_list[j]) --num; }
    if (num > 0)
        DDraw7Ptr dd = DDCreator::GetDirectDraw();
        dd->CreateClipper(0, &_dd_clipper, NULL);

        MemBlock region_buffer( sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER) + sizeof(RECT)*num );
        LPRGNDATA regn = (LPRGNDATA)( region_buffer.GetPtr() );
        regn->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER);
        regn->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES;
        regn->rdh.nCount = num;
        regn->rdh.nRgnSize = sizeof(RECT);
        LPRECT rc = (LPRECT)(regn->Buffer);
        Rect bound( rect_list[0] );

        g_SizeLastRegion = 0;
        for(j=0, i=0; j!=size; ++j)
            if (!rect_list[j]) { continue; }
            rc[i].left  = rect_list[j].GetX1();
            rc[i].top   = rect_list[j].GetY1();
            rc[i].right = rect_list[j].GetX2();
            rc[i].bottom= rect_list[j].GetY2();

            g_LastRegion[ g_SizeLastRegion++ ] = rc[i];

            bound |= rect_list[j];

        assert( i == num );
        regn->rdh.rcBound.left  = bound.GetX1();
        regn->rdh.rcBound.top   = bound.GetY1();
        regn->rdh.rcBound.right = bound.GetX2();
        regn->rdh.rcBound.bottom= bound.GetY2();
        g_LastRegion[ g_SizeLastRegion++ ] = regn->rdh.rcBound;

        if ( _dd_clipper->SetClipList(regn,0) != DD_OK ) 
            DDClipper_ERROR( Useless::Error("DDClipper::DDClipper() :SetClipList() failed") );
Exemplo n.º 4
void BrowserClient::OnPaint(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, PaintElementType type, const RectList &dirtyRects, const void *buffer, int width, int height)
    if (type == PET_VIEW && dirtyRects.size() > 0)
        _image->setImage( width, height, 1, 4, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (unsigned char*)(buffer), osg::Image::NO_DELETE );
    else if (type == PET_POPUP)
        _popupImage->setImage( width, height, 1, 4, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (unsigned char*)(buffer), osg::Image::NO_DELETE );
Exemplo n.º 5
void BrowserClient::OnPaint(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, PaintElementType type, const RectList &dirtyRects, const void *buffer, int width, int height)
    if (type == PET_VIEW && dirtyRects.size() > 0)
        if (_width != width || _height != height)
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "[OnPaint] Dimensions do not match: " << width << " x " << height << " vs. " << _width << " x " << _height << std::endl;

        _image->setImage( width, height, 1, 4, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (unsigned char*)(buffer), osg::Image::NO_DELETE );
    else if (type == PET_POPUP)
        _popupImage->setImage( width, height, 1, 4, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (unsigned char*)(buffer), osg::Image::NO_DELETE );
Exemplo n.º 6
void RenderHandler::OnPaint(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, PaintElementType type, const RectList &dirtyRects, const void *buffer, int width, int height)
	FUpdateTextureRegion2D * updateRegions = static_cast<FUpdateTextureRegion2D*>(FMemory::Malloc(sizeof(FUpdateTextureRegion2D) * dirtyRects.size()));

	int current = 0;
	for (auto dirtyRect : dirtyRects)
		updateRegions[current].DestX = updateRegions[current].SrcX = dirtyRect.x;
		updateRegions[current].DestY = updateRegions[current].SrcY = dirtyRect.y;
		updateRegions[current].Height = dirtyRect.height;
		updateRegions[current].Width = dirtyRect.width;


	// Trigger our parent UIs Texture to update
	parentUI->TextureUpdate(buffer, updateRegions, dirtyRects.size());
Exemplo n.º 7
void Surface::MultiBlit
    const Surface      &surf,
    const PointList    &p,
    const RectList     &r,
    const Surf::BlitFX &fx
    int ir, rsize = r.size();
    int ip, psize = p.size();
    for( ir=0, ip=0; ir!=rsize && ip!=psize; ++ir, ++ip )
        if (!r[ir]) continue;

        Pos ps = p[ip]; Rect rc = r[ir];
        Blit( ps.x, ps.y , surf, rc, fx );
// Purpose:
void SrcCefOSRRenderer::OnPaint(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser,
                                PaintElementType type,
                                const RectList& dirtyRects,
                                const void* buffer,
                                int width,
                                int height)
    if( !m_pBrowser || !m_pBrowser->GetPanel() )
        Warning("SrcCefOSRRenderer::OnPaint: No browser or vgui panel yet\n");

    int channels = 4;

    if( type != PET_VIEW )
        Warning("SrcCefOSRRenderer::OnPaint: Unsupported paint type\n");

    Assert( dirtyRects.size() > 0 );

    int dirtyx, dirtyy, dirtyxend, dirtyyend;
    dirtyx = width;
    dirtyy = height;
    dirtyxend = 0;
    dirtyyend = 0;

    //AUTO_LOCK( s_BufferMutex );

    // Update image buffer size if needed
    if( m_iWidth != width || m_iHeight != height )
        if( m_pTextureBuffer != NULL )
            free( m_pTextureBuffer );
            m_pTextureBuffer = NULL;
        DevMsg("Texture buffer size changed from %dh %dw to %dw %dh\n", m_iWidth, m_iHeight, width, height );
        m_iWidth = width;
        m_iHeight = height;
        m_pTextureBuffer = (unsigned char*) malloc( m_iWidth * m_iHeight * channels );

        // Full dirty
        dirtyx = 0;
        dirtyy = 0;
        dirtyxend = m_iWidth;
        dirtyyend = m_iHeight;

    const unsigned char *imagebuffer = (const unsigned char *)buffer;

    // Update dirty rects
    CefRenderHandler::RectList::const_iterator i = dirtyRects.begin();
    for (; i != dirtyRects.end(); ++i)
        const CefRect& rect = *i;

        for( int y = rect.y; y < rect.y + rect.height; y++ )
            memcpy( m_pTextureBuffer + (y * m_iWidth * channels) + (rect.x * channels), // Our current row + x offset
                    imagebuffer + (y * m_iWidth * channels) + (rect.x * channels), // Source offset
                    rect.width * channels // size of row we want to copy

        // Update max dirty area
        dirtyx = Min( rect.x, dirtyx );
        dirtyy = Min( rect.y, dirtyy );
        dirtyxend = Max( rect.x + rect.width, dirtyxend );
        dirtyyend = Max( rect.y + rect.height, dirtyyend );

    m_pBrowser->GetPanel()->MarkTextureDirty( dirtyx, dirtyy, dirtyxend, dirtyyend );