Exemplo n.º 1
/** Get the list of banks, given the settings
 * @return map with key = bank number; value = pointer to the rectangular
std::map<int, RectangularDetector_const_sptr>
ConvertToDetectorFaceMD::getBanks() {
  Instrument_const_sptr inst = in_ws->getInstrument();

  std::vector<int> bankNums = this->getProperty("BankNumbers");
  std::sort(bankNums.begin(), bankNums.end());

  std::map<int, RectangularDetector_const_sptr> banks;

  if (bankNums.empty()) {
    // --- Find all rectangular detectors ----
    // Get all children
    std::vector<IComponent_const_sptr> comps;
    inst->getChildren(comps, true);

    for (auto &comp : comps) {
      // Retrieve it
      RectangularDetector_const_sptr det =
          boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const RectangularDetector>(comp);
      if (det) {
        std::string name = det->getName();
        if (name.size() < 5)
        std::string bank = name.substr(4, name.size() - 4);
        int bankNum;
        if (Mantid::Kernel::Strings::convert(bank, bankNum))
          banks[bankNum] = det;
        g_log.debug() << "Found bank " << bank << ".\n";
  } else {
    // -- Find detectors using the numbers given ---
    for (auto &bankNum : bankNums) {
      std::string bankName =
          "bank" + Mantid::Kernel::Strings::toString(bankNum);
      IComponent_const_sptr comp = inst->getComponentByName(bankName);
      RectangularDetector_const_sptr det =
          boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const RectangularDetector>(comp);
      if (det)
        banks[bankNum] = det;

  for (auto &bank : banks) {
    RectangularDetector_const_sptr det = bank.second;
    // Track the largest detector
    if (det->xpixels() > m_numXPixels)
      m_numXPixels = det->xpixels();
    if (det->ypixels() > m_numYPixels)
      m_numYPixels = det->ypixels();

  if (banks.empty())
    throw std::runtime_error("No RectangularDetectors with a name like "
                             "'bankXX' found in the instrument.");

  return banks;
Exemplo n.º 2
/** Execute the algorithm.
void ConvertToDetectorFaceMD::exec() {
  // TODO convert matrix to event as needed
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr mws = this->getProperty("InputWorkspace");

  in_ws = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<EventWorkspace>(mws);
  if (!in_ws)
    throw std::runtime_error("InputWorkspace is not an EventWorkspace");

  // Fill the map, throw if there are grouped pixels.
  m_detID_to_WI =
      in_ws->getDetectorIDToWorkspaceIndexVector(m_detID_to_WI_offset, true);

  // Get the map of the banks we'll display
  std::map<int, RectangularDetector_const_sptr> banks = this->getBanks();

  // Find the size in the TOF dimension
  double tof_min, tof_max;
  Axis *ax0 = in_ws->getAxis(0);
  in_ws->getXMinMax(tof_min, tof_max);
  if (ax0->getValue(0) < tof_min)
    tof_min = ax0->getValue(0);
  if (ax0->getValue(ax0->length() - 1) > tof_max)
    tof_max = ax0->getValue(ax0->length() - 1);

  // Get MDFrame of General Frame type
  Mantid::Geometry::GeneralFrame framePixel(
      Mantid::Geometry::GeneralFrame::GeneralFrameName, "pixel");
  Mantid::Geometry::GeneralFrame frameTOF(
      Mantid::Geometry::GeneralFrame::GeneralFrameName, ax0->unit()->label());

  // ------------------ Build all the dimensions ----------------------------
  MDHistoDimension_sptr dimX(
      new MDHistoDimension("x", "x", framePixel, static_cast<coord_t>(0),
                           static_cast<coord_t>(m_numXPixels), m_numXPixels));
  MDHistoDimension_sptr dimY(
      new MDHistoDimension("y", "y", framePixel, static_cast<coord_t>(0),
                           static_cast<coord_t>(m_numYPixels), m_numYPixels));
  std::string TOFname = ax0->title();
  if (TOFname.empty())
    TOFname = ax0->unit()->unitID();
  MDHistoDimension_sptr dimTOF(new MDHistoDimension(
      TOFname, TOFname, frameTOF, static_cast<coord_t>(tof_min),
      static_cast<coord_t>(tof_max), ax0->length()));

  std::vector<IMDDimension_sptr> dims{dimX, dimY, dimTOF};

  if (banks.size() > 1) {
    Mantid::Geometry::GeneralFrame frameNumber(
        Mantid::Geometry::GeneralFrame::GeneralFrameName, "number");
    int min = banks.begin()->first;
    int max = banks.rbegin()->first + 1;
    MDHistoDimension_sptr dimBanks(new MDHistoDimension(
        "bank", "bank", frameNumber, static_cast<coord_t>(min),
        static_cast<coord_t>(max), max - min));

  // --------- Create the workspace with the right number of dimensions
  // ----------
  size_t nd = dims.size();
  IMDEventWorkspace_sptr outWS =
      MDEventFactory::CreateMDWorkspace(nd, "MDEvent");
  this->setBoxController(outWS->getBoxController(), mws->getInstrument());

  MDEventWorkspace3::sptr outWS3 =
  MDEventWorkspace4::sptr outWS4 =

  // Copy ExperimentInfo (instrument, run, sample) to the output WS
  ExperimentInfo_sptr ei(in_ws->cloneExperimentInfo());
  uint16_t runIndex = outWS->addExperimentInfo(ei);

  // ---------------- Convert each bank --------------------------------------
  for (auto &bank : banks) {
    int bankNum = bank.first;
    RectangularDetector_const_sptr det = bank.second;
    for (int x = 0; x < det->xpixels(); x++)
      for (int y = 0; y < det->ypixels(); y++) {
        // Find the workspace index for this pixel coordinate
        detid_t detID = det->getDetectorIDAtXY(x, y);
        size_t wi = m_detID_to_WI[detID + m_detID_to_WI_offset];
        if (wi >= in_ws->getNumberHistograms())
          throw std::runtime_error("Invalid workspace index found in bank " +
                                   det->getName() + "!");

        coord_t xPos = static_cast<coord_t>(x);
        coord_t yPos = static_cast<coord_t>(y);
        coord_t bankPos = static_cast<coord_t>(bankNum);

        EventList &el = in_ws->getSpectrum(wi);

        // We want to bind to the right templated function, so we have to know
        // the type of TofEvent contained in the EventList.
        boost::function<void()> func;
        switch (el.getEventType()) {
        case TOF:
          if (nd == 3)
            this->convertEventList<TofEvent, MDEvent<3>, 3>(
                outWS3, wi, xPos, yPos, bankPos, runIndex, detID);
          else if (nd == 4)
            this->convertEventList<TofEvent, MDEvent<4>, 4>(
                outWS4, wi, xPos, yPos, bankPos, runIndex, detID);
        case WEIGHTED:
          if (nd == 3)
            this->convertEventList<WeightedEvent, MDEvent<3>, 3>(
                outWS3, wi, xPos, yPos, bankPos, runIndex, detID);
          else if (nd == 4)
            this->convertEventList<WeightedEvent, MDEvent<4>, 4>(
                outWS4, wi, xPos, yPos, bankPos, runIndex, detID);
        case WEIGHTED_NOTIME:
          if (nd == 3)
            this->convertEventList<WeightedEventNoTime, MDEvent<3>, 3>(
                outWS3, wi, xPos, yPos, bankPos, runIndex, detID);
          else if (nd == 4)
            this->convertEventList<WeightedEventNoTime, MDEvent<4>, 4>(
                outWS4, wi, xPos, yPos, bankPos, runIndex, detID);
          throw std::runtime_error("EventList had an unexpected data type!");

  // ---------------------- Perform all box splitting ---------------
  ThreadScheduler *ts = new ThreadSchedulerLargestCost();
  ThreadPool tp(ts);

  // Save the output workspace
  this->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outWS);