Exemplo n.º 1
void LoadMonitor::addLoadSample (LoadEvent const& sample)
    std::string const& name (sample.name());
    RelativeTime const latency (sample.getSecondsTotal());

    if (latency.inSeconds() > 0.5)
        WriteLog ((latency.inSeconds() > 1.0) ? lsWARNING : lsINFO, LoadMonitor)
            << "Job: " << name << " ExecutionTime: " << printElapsed (sample.getSecondsRunning()) <<
            " WaitingTime: " << printElapsed (sample.getSecondsWaiting());

    // VFALCO NOTE Why does 1 become 0?
    std::size_t latencyMilliseconds (latency.inMilliseconds());
    if (latencyMilliseconds == 1)
        latencyMilliseconds = 0;

    ScopedLockType sl (mLock, __FILE__, __LINE__);

    update ();
    mLatencyMSAvg += latencyMilliseconds;
    mLatencyMSPeak += latencyMilliseconds;

    // VFALCO NOTE Why are we multiplying by 4?
    int const latencyPeak = mLatencyEvents * latencyMilliseconds * 4;

    if (mLatencyMSPeak < latencyPeak)
        mLatencyMSPeak = latencyPeak;
Exemplo n.º 2
	void heartbeat()
		if (mNeedToEnd)
			Time now = Time::getCurrentTime();
			RelativeTime dt = (now - mLastXYTime);
			if (dt.inMilliseconds() > 200)
				mNeedToEnd = false;
		if (!mAddress) return;
		int src = mEditor->getOscLeapSource();
		if (src != mSource)
			String s = "Source "; s << (src+1);
			lo_send(mAddress, kSelectSourcePath, "s", s.toRawUTF8());
			mSource = src;
		FPoint p = mFilter->getSourceXY01(src);
		if (mSourceXY != p)
			//fprintf(stderr, "sent new pos to %s\n", kSourceXYPath);
			lo_send(mAddress, kSourceXYPath, "ff", p.y, p.x);
			mSourceXY = p;
Exemplo n.º 3
void CallOutBox::inputAttemptWhenModal()
    if (dismissalMouseClicksAreAlwaysConsumed
         || targetArea.contains (getMouseXYRelative() + getBounds().getPosition()))
        // if you click on the area that originally popped-up the callout, you expect it
        // to get rid of the box, but deleting the box here allows the click to pass through and
        // probably re-trigger it, so we need to dismiss the box asynchronously to consume the click..

        // For touchscreens, we make sure not to dismiss the CallOutBox immediately,
        // as Windows still sends touch events before the CallOutBox had a chance
        // to really open.

        RelativeTime elapsed = Time::getCurrentTime() - creationTime;
        if (elapsed.inMilliseconds() > 200)
        exitModalState (0);
        setVisible (false);