void RenderLayerCompositor::rebuildCompositingLayerTree(RenderLayer* layer, const CompositingState& compositingState, Vector<GraphicsLayer*>& childLayersOfEnclosingLayer)
    // Make the layer compositing if necessary, and set up clipping and content layers.
    // Note that we can only do work here that is independent of whether the descendant layers
    // have been processed. computeCompositingRequirements() will already have done the repaint if necessary.
    RenderLayerBacking* layerBacking = layer->backing();
    if (layerBacking) {
        // The compositing state of all our children has been updated already, so now
        // we can compute and cache the composited bounds for this layer.

        if (RenderLayer* reflection = layer->reflectionLayer()) {
            if (reflection->backing())


        if (!layer->parent())

    // If this layer has backing, then we are collecting its children, otherwise appending
    // to the compositing child list of an enclosing layer.
    Vector<GraphicsLayer*> layerChildren;
    Vector<GraphicsLayer*>& childList = layerBacking ? layerChildren : childLayersOfEnclosingLayer;

    CompositingState childState = compositingState;
    if (layer->isComposited())
        childState.m_compositingAncestor = layer;

#ifndef NDEBUG

    // The children of this stacking context don't need to composite, unless there is
    // a compositing layer among them, so start by assuming false.
    childState.m_subtreeIsCompositing = false;

    if (layer->isStackingContext()) {

        if (Vector<RenderLayer*>* negZOrderList = layer->negZOrderList()) {
            size_t listSize = negZOrderList->size();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) {
                RenderLayer* curLayer = negZOrderList->at(i);
                rebuildCompositingLayerTree(curLayer, childState, childList);

        // If a negative z-order child is compositing, we get a foreground layer which needs to get parented.
        if (layerBacking && layerBacking->foregroundLayer())

    if (Vector<RenderLayer*>* normalFlowList = layer->normalFlowList()) {
        size_t listSize = normalFlowList->size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) {
            RenderLayer* curLayer = normalFlowList->at(i);
            rebuildCompositingLayerTree(curLayer, childState, childList);
    if (layer->isStackingContext()) {
        if (Vector<RenderLayer*>* posZOrderList = layer->posZOrderList()) {
            size_t listSize = posZOrderList->size();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) {
                RenderLayer* curLayer = posZOrderList->at(i);
                rebuildCompositingLayerTree(curLayer, childState, childList);
    if (layerBacking) {