Exemplo n.º 1
LayoutUnit RenderSVGRoot::computeReplacedLogicalWidth(bool includeMaxWidth) const
    LayoutUnit replacedWidth = RenderBox::computeReplacedLogicalWidth(includeMaxWidth);
    Frame* frame = node() && node()->document() ? node()->document()->frame() : 0;
    if (!frame)
        return computeIntrinsicWidth(replacedWidth);

    // If our frame has an owner renderer, we're embedded through eg. object/embed.
    RenderPart* ownerRenderer = frame->ownerRenderer();
    if (!ownerRenderer)
        return computeIntrinsicWidth(replacedWidth);

    RenderStyle* ownerRendererStyle = ownerRenderer->style();

    Length ownerWidth = ownerRendererStyle->width();
    if (ownerWidth.isAuto())
        return replacedWidth;

    // Spec: http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.1F2/publish/coords.html#ViewportSpace
    // The SVG user agent negotiates with its parent user agent to determine the viewport into which the SVG user agent can render
    // the document. In some circumstances, SVG content will be embedded (by reference or inline) within a containing document.
    // This containing document might include attributes, properties and/or other parameters (explicit or implicit) which specify
    // or provide hints about the dimensions of the viewport for the SVG content. SVG content itself optionally can provide
    // information about the appropriate viewport region for the content via the ‘width’ and ‘height’ XML attributes on the
    // outermost svg element. The negotiation process uses any information provided by the containing document and the SVG
    // content itself to choose the viewport location and size.

    // The ‘width’ attribute on the outermost svg element establishes the viewport's width, unless the following conditions are met:
    // * the SVG content is a separately stored resource that is embedded by reference (such as the ‘object’ element in XHTML [XHTML]),
    //   or the SVG content is embedded inline within a containing document;
    // * and the referencing element or containing document is styled using CSS [CSS2] or XSL [XSL];
    // * and there are CSS-compatible positioning properties ([CSS2], section 9.3) specified on the referencing element
    //   (e.g., the ‘object’ element) or on the containing document's outermost svg element that are sufficient to establish
    //   the width of the viewport.
    // Under these conditions, the positioning properties establish the viewport's width.
    return ownerRenderer->computeReplacedLogicalWidthRespectingMinMaxWidth(ownerRenderer->computeReplacedLogicalWidthUsing(ownerWidth), includeMaxWidth);
Exemplo n.º 2
PassRefPtr<Widget> SubframeLoader::loadMediaPlayerProxyPlugin(Node* node, const KURL& url,
    const Vector<String>& paramNames, const Vector<String>& paramValues)
    ASSERT(node->hasTagName(videoTag) || isHTMLAudioElement(node));

    KURL completedURL;
    if (!url.isEmpty())
        completedURL = completeURL(url);

    if (!m_frame->document()->securityOrigin()->canDisplay(completedURL)) {
        FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(m_frame, completedURL.string());
        return 0;

    if (!m_frame->document()->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowMediaFromSource(completedURL))
        return 0;

    HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = toHTMLMediaElement(node);
    RenderPart* renderer = toRenderPart(node->renderer());
    IntSize size;

    if (renderer)
        size = roundedIntSize(LayoutSize(renderer->contentWidth(), renderer->contentHeight()));
    else if (mediaElement->isVideo())
        size = RenderVideo::defaultSize();

    if (!m_frame->loader().mixedContentChecker().canRunInsecureContent(m_frame->document()->securityOrigin(), completedURL))
        return 0;

    RefPtr<Widget> widget = m_frame->loader().client().createMediaPlayerProxyPlugin(size, mediaElement, completedURL,
                                         paramNames, paramValues, "application/x-media-element-proxy-plugin");

    if (widget && renderer) {
    m_containsPlugins = true;

    return widget ? widget.release() : 0;
PassRefPtr<Widget> SubframeLoader::loadMediaPlayerProxyPlugin(Node* node, const KURL& url,
    const Vector<String>& paramNames, const Vector<String>& paramValues)
    ASSERT(node->hasTagName(videoTag) || node->hasTagName(audioTag));

    if (!m_frame->script()->xssAuditor()->canLoadObject(url.string()))
        return 0;

    KURL completedURL;
    if (!url.isEmpty())
        completedURL = completeURL(url);

    if (!m_frame->document()->securityOrigin()->canDisplay(completedURL)) {
        FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(m_frame, completedURL.string());
        return 0;

    HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = static_cast<HTMLMediaElement*>(node);
    RenderPart* renderer = toRenderPart(node->renderer());
    IntSize size;

    if (renderer)
        size = IntSize(renderer->contentWidth(), renderer->contentHeight());
    else if (mediaElement->isVideo())
        size = RenderVideo::defaultSize();

    m_frame->loader()->checkIfRunInsecureContent(m_frame->document()->securityOrigin(), completedURL);

    RefPtr<Widget> widget = m_frame->loader()->client()->createMediaPlayerProxyPlugin(size, mediaElement, completedURL,
                                         paramNames, paramValues, "application/x-media-element-proxy-plugin");

    if (widget && renderer) {
    m_containsPlugins = true;

    return widget ? widget.release() : 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
    if (d->m_postLayoutTasksTimer.isActive()) {
        d->m_enqueueEvents = 0;


    ASSERT(m_refCount == 0);

    if (m_frame) {
        ASSERT(m_frame->view() != this || !m_frame->document() || !m_frame->contentRenderer());
        RenderPart* renderer = m_frame->ownerRenderer();
        if (renderer && renderer->widget() == this)

    delete d;
    d = 0;