Exemplo n.º 1
 /// Check if request is for an AngelScript file and reroute to compiled version if necessary (.as file not available)
 virtual void Route(String& name, ResourceRequest requestType)
     String extension = GetExtension(name);
     if (extension == ".as")
         String replaced = ReplaceExtension(name, ".asc");
         // Note: ResourceCache prevents recursive calls to the resource routers so this is OK, the nested Exists()
         // check does not go through the router again
         ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
         if (!cache->Exists(name) && cache->Exists(replaced))
             name = replaced;
Exemplo n.º 2
void Texture::LoadParameters()
    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
    String xmlName = ReplaceExtension(GetName(), ".xml");
    if (cache->Exists(xmlName))
        XMLFile* file = cache->GetResource<XMLFile>(xmlName);
Exemplo n.º 3
void TextureCube::OnDeviceReset()
    if (pool_ == D3DPOOL_DEFAULT || !object_ || dataPending_)
        // If has a resource file, reload through the resource cache. Otherwise just recreate.
        ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
        if (cache->Exists(GetName()))
            dataLost_ = !cache->ReloadResource(this);

        if (!object_)
            dataLost_ = true;
    dataPending_ = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
void Texture2DArray::OnDeviceReset()
    if (usage_ > TEXTURE_STATIC || !object_.ptr_ || dataPending_)
        // If has a resource file, reload through the resource cache. Otherwise just recreate.
        ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
        if (cache->Exists(GetName()))
            dataLost_ = !cache->ReloadResource(this);

        if (!object_.ptr_)
            dataLost_ = true;

    dataPending_ = false;
Exemplo n.º 5
void TextureCube::OnDeviceReset()
    if (!object_ || dataPending_)
        // If has a resource file, reload through the resource cache. Otherwise just recreate.
        ResourceCache* cache = context_->resourceCache();
        if (cache->Exists(GetName()))
            dataLost_ = !cache->ReloadResource(this);

        if (!object_)
            dataLost_ = true;

    dataPending_ = false;
Exemplo n.º 6
void Sound::LoadParameters()
    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
    String xmlName = ReplaceExtension(GetName(), ".xml");
    if (!cache->Exists(xmlName))
    XMLFile* file = cache->GetResource<XMLFile>(xmlName);
    if (!file)
    XMLElement rootElem = file->GetRoot();
    XMLElement paramElem = rootElem.GetChild();
    while (paramElem)
        String name = paramElem.GetName();
        if (name == "format" && !compressed_)
            if (paramElem.HasAttribute("frequency"))
                frequency_ = paramElem.GetInt("frequency");
            if (paramElem.HasAttribute("sixteenbit"))
                sixteenBit_ = paramElem.GetBool("sixteenbit");
            if (paramElem.HasAttribute("16bit"))
                sixteenBit_ = paramElem.GetBool("16bit");
            if (paramElem.HasAttribute("stereo"))
                stereo_ = paramElem.GetBool("stereo");
        if (name == "loop")
            if (paramElem.HasAttribute("enable"))
            if (paramElem.HasAttribute("start") && paramElem.HasAttribute("end"))
                SetLoop(paramElem.GetInt("start"), paramElem.GetInt("end"));
        paramElem = paramElem.GetNext();
Exemplo n.º 7
void Cursor::DefineShape(CursorShape shape, Image* image, const IntRect& imageRect, const IntVector2& hotSpot)
    if (shape < CS_NORMAL || shape >= CS_MAX_SHAPES)
        LOGERROR("Shape index out of bounds, can not define cursor shape");

    if (!image)

    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
    CursorShapeInfo& info = shapeInfos_[shape];

    // Prefer to get the texture with same name from cache to prevent creating several copies of the texture
    if (cache->Exists(image->GetName()))
        info.texture_ = cache->GetResource<Texture2D>(image->GetName());
        Texture2D* texture = new Texture2D(context_);
        info.texture_ = texture;

    info.image_ = image;
    info.imageRect_ = imageRect;
    info.hotSpot_ = hotSpot;

    // Remove existing SDL cursor
    if (info.osCursor_)
        info.osCursor_ = 0;

    // Reset current shape if it was edited
    if (shape == shape_)
Exemplo n.º 8
bool ScriptFile::AddScriptSection(asIScriptEngine* engine, Deserializer& source)
    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
    unsigned dataSize = source.GetSize();
    SharedArrayPtr<char> buffer(new char[dataSize]);
    source.Read((void*)buffer.Get(), dataSize);
    // Pre-parse for includes
    // Adapted from Angelscript's scriptbuilder add-on
    Vector<String> includeFiles;
    unsigned pos = 0;
    while(pos < dataSize)
        int len;
        asETokenClass t = engine->ParseToken(&buffer[pos], dataSize - pos, &len);
        if (t == asTC_COMMENT || t == asTC_WHITESPACE)
            pos += len;
        // Is this a preprocessor directive?
        if (buffer[pos] == '#')
            int start = pos++;
            asETokenClass t = engine->ParseToken(&buffer[pos], dataSize - pos, &len);
            if (t == asTC_IDENTIFIER)
                String token(&buffer[pos], len);
                if (token == "include")
                    pos += len;
                    t = engine->ParseToken(&buffer[pos], dataSize - pos, &len);
                    if (t == asTC_WHITESPACE)
                        pos += len;
                        t = engine->ParseToken(&buffer[pos], dataSize - pos, &len);
                    if (t == asTC_VALUE && len > 2 && buffer[pos] == '"')
                        // Get the include file
                        String includeFile(&buffer[pos+1], len - 2);
                        pos += len;
                        // If the file is not found as it is, add the path of current file but only if it is found there
                        if (!cache->Exists(includeFile))
                            String prefixedIncludeFile = GetPath(GetName()) + includeFile;
                            if (cache->Exists(prefixedIncludeFile))
                                includeFile = prefixedIncludeFile;
                        String includeFileLower = includeFile.ToLower();
                        // If not included yet, store it for later processing
                        if (!includeFiles_.Contains(includeFileLower))
                        // Overwrite the include directive with space characters to avoid compiler error
                        memset(&buffer[start], ' ', pos - start);
        // Don't search includes within statement blocks or between tokens in statements
            int len;
            // Skip until ; or { whichever comes first
            while (pos < dataSize && buffer[pos] != ';' && buffer[pos] != '{')
                engine->ParseToken(&buffer[pos], 0, &len);
                pos += len;
            // Skip entire statement block
            if (pos < dataSize && buffer[pos] == '{')
                // Find the end of the statement block
                int level = 1;
                while (level > 0 && pos < dataSize)
                    asETokenClass t = engine->ParseToken(&buffer[pos], 0, &len);
                    if (t == asTC_KEYWORD)
                        if (buffer[pos] == '{')
                        else if(buffer[pos] == '}')
                    pos += len;
    // Process includes first
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < includeFiles.Size(); ++i)
        cache->StoreResourceDependency(this, includeFiles[i]);
        SharedPtr<File> file = cache->GetFile(includeFiles[i]);
        if (file)
            if (!AddScriptSection(engine, *file))
                return false;
            LOGERROR("Could not process all the include directives in " + GetName() + ": missing " + includeFiles[i]);
            return false;
    // Then add this section
    if (scriptModule_->AddScriptSection(source.GetName().CString(), (const char*)buffer.Get(), dataSize) < 0)
        LOGERROR("Failed to add script section " + source.GetName());
        return false;
    SetMemoryUse(GetMemoryUse() + dataSize);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
    // see http://duktape.org/guide.html#modules   
    static int js_module_search(duk_context* ctx)
        JSVM* vm = JSVM::GetJSVM(ctx);
        FileSystem* fs = vm->GetSubsystem<FileSystem>();
        ResourceCache* cache = vm->GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();

        int top = duk_get_top(ctx);

        assert(top ==  4);

        String moduleID = duk_to_string(ctx, 0);

        if (top > 1)
            // require function
            assert(duk_is_function(ctx, 1));
        if (top > 2)
            // exports
            assert(duk_is_object(ctx, 2));

        if (top > 3)        
            // module (module.id == a resolved absolute identifier for the module being loaded)
            assert(duk_is_object(ctx, 3));

        String pathName, fileName, extension;
        SplitPath(moduleID, pathName, fileName, extension);
        String path = moduleID;

        // Do we really want this?  It is nice to not have to specify the Atomic path
        if (fileName.StartsWith("Atomic"))
            path = "AtomicModules/" + path + ".js";
            path += ".js";

            if (!cache->Exists(path))
                const Vector<String>& searchPaths = vm->GetModuleSearchPaths();
                for (unsigned i = 0; i < searchPaths.Size(); i++)
                    String search = searchPaths[i] + path;
                    if (cache->Exists(search))
                        path = search;

        if (cache->Exists(path))
            SharedPtr<File> jsfile(cache->GetFile(path, false));
            String source;
            duk_push_string(ctx, source.CString());
            return 1;
            // we're not a JS file, so check if we're a native module
            const Vector<String>& resourceDirs = cache->GetResourceDirs();

            for (unsigned i = 0; i < resourceDirs.Size(); i++)

             String pluginLibrary;

             // TODO: proper platform folder detection
#ifdef ATOMIC_PLATFORM_WINDOWS              
              pluginLibrary = resourceDirs.At(i) + "Plugins/Windows/x64/" + moduleID + ".dll";
             pluginLibrary = resourceDirs.At(i) + "Plugins/Mac/x64/lib" + moduleID + ".dylib";

               if (pluginLibrary.Length() && fs->FileExists(pluginLibrary))
                    // let duktape know we loaded a native module
                    if (jsplugin_load(vm, pluginLibrary))
                        return 1;
                        duk_push_sprintf(ctx, "Failed loading native plugins: %s", pluginLibrary.CString());


        duk_push_sprintf(ctx, "Failed loading module: %s", path.CString());

Exemplo n.º 10
bool Shader::ProcessSource(SharedArrayPtr<char>& dest, unsigned& length, const String& fileName)
    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
    if (!cache)
        return false;
    // Allow to define only a vertex shader or only a pixel shader
    if (!cache->Exists(fileName))
        return true;
    cache->StoreResourceDependency(this, fileName);
    Vector<String> glslCode;
    // Load the shader source code
    SharedPtr<File> glslFile = cache->GetFile(fileName);
    if (!glslFile)
        return false;
    while (!glslFile->IsEof())
    // Process the code for includes
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < glslCode.Size(); ++i)
        if (glslCode[i].StartsWith("#include"))
            String includeFileName = GetPath(fileName) + glslCode[i].Substring(9).Replaced("\"", "").Trimmed();
            SharedPtr<File> glslIncludeFile = cache->GetFile(includeFileName);
            if (!glslIncludeFile)
                return false;
            // Remove the #include line, then include the code
            unsigned pos = i;
            while (!glslIncludeFile->IsEof())
                glslCode.Insert(pos, glslIncludeFile->ReadLine());
            // Finally insert an empty line to mark the space between files
            glslCode.Insert(pos, "");
    // Copy the final code into one memory block
    length = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < glslCode.Size(); ++i)
        length += glslCode[i].Length() + 1;
    dest = new char[length];
    char* destPtr = dest.Get();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < glslCode.Size(); ++i)
        memcpy(destPtr, glslCode[i].CString(), glslCode[i].Length());
        destPtr += glslCode[i].Length();
        *destPtr++ = '\n';
    return true;
bool ShaderVariation::LoadByteCode(const String& binaryShaderName)
    ResourceCache* cache = owner_->GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
    if (!cache->Exists(binaryShaderName))
        return false;

    FileSystem* fileSystem = owner_->GetSubsystem<FileSystem>();
    unsigned sourceTimeStamp = owner_->GetTimeStamp();
    // If source code is loaded from a package, its timestamp will be zero. Else check that binary is not older
    // than source
    if (sourceTimeStamp && fileSystem->GetLastModifiedTime(cache->GetResourceFileName(binaryShaderName)) < sourceTimeStamp)
        return false;

    SharedPtr<File> file = cache->GetFile(binaryShaderName);
    if (!file || file->ReadFileID() != "USHD")
        ATOMIC_LOGERROR(binaryShaderName + " is not a valid shader bytecode file");
        return false;

    /// \todo Check that shader type and model match
    /*unsigned short shaderType = */file->ReadUShort();
    /*unsigned short shaderModel = */file->ReadUShort();

    unsigned numParameters = file->ReadUInt();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numParameters; ++i)
        String name = file->ReadString();
        unsigned reg = file->ReadUByte();
        unsigned regCount = file->ReadUByte();

        ShaderParameter parameter;
        parameter.type_ = type_;
        parameter.name_ = name;
        parameter.register_ = reg;
        parameter.regCount_ = regCount;
        parameters_[StringHash(name)] = parameter;

    unsigned numTextureUnits = file->ReadUInt();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numTextureUnits; ++i)
        /*String unitName = */file->ReadString();
        unsigned reg = file->ReadUByte();

        if (reg < MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS)
            useTextureUnit_[reg] = true;

    unsigned byteCodeSize = file->ReadUInt();
    if (byteCodeSize)
        file->Read(&byteCode_[0], byteCodeSize);

        if (type_ == VS)
            ATOMIC_LOGDEBUG("Loaded cached vertex shader " + GetFullName());
            ATOMIC_LOGDEBUG("Loaded cached pixel shader " + GetFullName());

        return true;
        ATOMIC_LOGERROR(binaryShaderName + " has zero length bytecode");
        return false;
Exemplo n.º 12
bool Animation::Load(Deserializer& source)
    unsigned memoryUse = sizeof(Animation);
    // Check ID
    if (source.ReadFileID() != "UANI")
        LOGERROR(source.GetName() + " is not a valid animation file");
        return false;
    // Read name and length
    animationName_ = source.ReadString();
    animationNameHash_ = animationName_;
    length_ = source.ReadFloat();
    unsigned tracks = source.ReadUInt();
    memoryUse += tracks * sizeof(AnimationTrack);
    // Read tracks
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < tracks; ++i)
        AnimationTrack& newTrack = tracks_[i];
        newTrack.name_ = source.ReadString();
        newTrack.nameHash_ = newTrack.name_;
        newTrack.channelMask_ = source.ReadUByte();
        unsigned keyFrames = source.ReadUInt();
        memoryUse += keyFrames * sizeof(AnimationKeyFrame);
        // Read keyframes of the track
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < keyFrames; ++j)
            AnimationKeyFrame& newKeyFrame = newTrack.keyFrames_[j];
            newKeyFrame.time_ = source.ReadFloat();
            if (newTrack.channelMask_ & CHANNEL_POSITION)
                newKeyFrame.position_ = source.ReadVector3();
            if (newTrack.channelMask_ & CHANNEL_ROTATION)
                newKeyFrame.rotation_ = source.ReadQuaternion();
            if (newTrack.channelMask_ & CHANNEL_SCALE)
                newKeyFrame.scale_ = source.ReadVector3();
    // Optionally read triggers from an XML file
    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
    String xmlName = ReplaceExtension(GetName(), ".xml");
    if (cache->Exists(xmlName))
        XMLFile* file = cache->GetResource<XMLFile>(xmlName);
        if (file)
            XMLElement rootElem = file->GetRoot();
            XMLElement triggerElem = rootElem.GetChild("trigger");
            while (triggerElem)
                if (triggerElem.HasAttribute("normalizedtime"))
                    AddTrigger(triggerElem.GetFloat("normalizedtime"), true, triggerElem.GetVariant());
                else if (triggerElem.HasAttribute("time"))
                    AddTrigger(triggerElem.GetFloat("time"), false, triggerElem.GetVariant());
                triggerElem = triggerElem.GetNext("trigger");
            memoryUse += triggers_.Size() * sizeof(AnimationTriggerPoint);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
int JSVM::GetRealLineNumber(const String& fileName, const int lineNumber) {

    int realLineNumber = lineNumber;

    String mapPath = fileName;

    if (!mapPath.EndsWith(".js.map"))
        mapPath += ".js.map";

    if (mapPath.EndsWith(".js")) {
        return realLineNumber;

    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();

    String path;
    const Vector<String>& searchPaths = GetModuleSearchPaths();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < searchPaths.Size(); i++)
        String checkPath = searchPaths[i] + mapPath;

        if (cache->Exists(checkPath))
            path = checkPath;


    if (!path.Length())
        return realLineNumber;

    SharedPtr<File> mapFile(GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>()->GetFile(path));

    //if there's no source map file, maybe you use a pure js, so give an error, or maybe forgot to generate source-maps :(
    if (mapFile.Null())
        return realLineNumber;

    String map;
    int top = duk_get_top(ctx_);
    duk_get_global_string(ctx_, "require");
    duk_push_string(ctx_, "AtomicEditor/EditorScripts/Lib/jsutils");
    if (duk_pcall(ctx_, 1))
        printf("Error: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx_, -1));
        duk_set_top(ctx_, top);
        return false;

    duk_get_prop_string(ctx_, -1, "getRealLineNumber");
    duk_push_string(ctx_, map.CString());
    duk_push_int(ctx_, lineNumber);
    bool ok = true;
    if (duk_pcall(ctx_, 2))
        ok = false;
        printf("Error: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx_, -1));
        realLineNumber = duk_to_int(ctx_, -1);
    duk_set_top(ctx_, top);

    return realLineNumber;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool AnimationSet2D::LoadFolders(const XMLElement& rootElem)
    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();

    bool async = GetAsyncLoadState() == ASYNC_LOADING;

    String parentPath = GetParentPath(GetName());
    String spriteSheetFilePath = parentPath + GetFileName(GetName()) + ".xml";
    SpriteSheet2D* spriteSheet = 0;
    bool hasSpriteSheet = false;

    // When async loading, request the sprite sheet for background loading but do not actually get it
    if (!async)
        spriteSheet = cache->GetResource<SpriteSheet2D>(spriteSheetFilePath, false);
        hasSpriteSheet = cache->Exists(spriteSheetFilePath);
        if (hasSpriteSheet)
            cache->BackgroundLoadResource<SpriteSheet2D>(spriteSheetFilePath, false, this);

    for (XMLElement folderElem = rootElem.GetChild("folder"); folderElem; folderElem = folderElem.GetNext("folder"))
        unsigned folderId = folderElem.GetUInt("id");

        for (XMLElement fileElem = folderElem.GetChild("file"); fileElem; fileElem = fileElem.GetNext("file"))
            unsigned fileId = fileElem.GetUInt("id");
            String fileName = fileElem.GetAttribute("name");

            // When async loading, request the sprites for background loading but do not actually get them
            if (!async)
                SharedPtr<Sprite2D> sprite;
                if (spriteSheet)
                    sprite = spriteSheet->GetSprite(GetFileName(fileName));
                    sprite = (cache->GetResource<Sprite2D>(parentPath + fileName));

                if (!sprite)
                    LOGERROR("Could not load sprite " + fileName);
                    return false;

                Vector2 hotSpot(0.0f, 1.0f);
                if (fileElem.HasAttribute("pivot_x"))
                    hotSpot.x_ = fileElem.GetFloat("pivot_x");
                if (fileElem.HasAttribute("pivot_y"))
                    hotSpot.y_ = fileElem.GetFloat("pivot_y");

                // If sprite is trimmed, recalculate hot spot
                const IntVector2& offset = sprite->GetOffset();
                if (offset != IntVector2::ZERO)
                    int width = fileElem.GetInt("width");
                    int height = fileElem.GetInt("height");

                    float pivotX = width * hotSpot.x_;
                    float pivotY = height * (1.0f - hotSpot.y_);

                    const IntRect& rectangle = sprite->GetRectangle();
                    hotSpot.x_ = (offset.x_ + pivotX) / rectangle.Width();
                    hotSpot.y_ = 1.0f - (offset.y_ + pivotY) / rectangle.Height();


                sprites_[(folderId << 16) + fileId] = sprite;
            else if (!hasSpriteSheet)
                cache->BackgroundLoadResource<Sprite2D>(parentPath + fileName, true, this);

    return true;