Exemplo n.º 1
Game::LoadMap( const std::string & filename )
  XMLDocument doc;

  if ( doc.ErrorID() != XML_NO_ERROR )
    ostringstream ss;
    ss << "Loadfile:" << g_TinyXmlErrors[doc.ErrorID()] << " " << doc.GetErrorStr1() << " " << doc.GetErrorStr2();
    throw XmlParsingException(ss.str());


  // Load rooms
  XMLElement *pElem = doc.FirstChildElement( "Room");
  while( pElem != NULL )
    g_Log << "loading..." << pElem->Attribute("id");
    Room *pRoom  = NULL;
    // Custom rooms
    if ( pElem->Attribute("class")) 
      std::string classID = pElem->Attribute("class");
      pRoom = RoomFactory::Create(classID);
      pRoom = new Room();	
    pRoom->Load( *pElem );
    if ( m_Rooms.find(pRoom->GetId()) != m_Rooms.end()) 
      throw DuplicateRoomIdException(pRoom->GetId());
    m_Rooms[pRoom->GetId()] = pRoom;
    pElem = pElem->NextSiblingElement("Room");
  // Load transitions

  pElem = doc.FirstChildElement( "Transitions");
  if ( pElem != NULL ) 
    pElem = pElem->FirstChildElement("Transition");
    while( pElem != NULL )
      const char * from = pElem->Attribute("from");
      const char * to = pElem->Attribute("to");
      const char * direction = pElem->Attribute("direction");
      const char * oneway = pElem->Attribute("oneway");

      if ( direction == NULL ) throw AttributeMissingException("Direction is missing from transition");
      if ( from == NULL ) throw AttributeMissingException("From attribute is missing from transition!");
      if ( to == NULL )   throw AttributeMissingException("To attribute is missing from transition!");
      // check is from a proper id
      if ( m_Rooms.find(from) == m_Rooms.end() ) 
	ostringstream ss;
	ss << from << " is not a proper room id";
	throw InvalidAttributeException(ss.str());
      // check is to a proper id
      if ( m_Rooms.find(to) == m_Rooms.end() ) 
	ostringstream ss;
	ss << to << " is not a proper room id";
	throw InvalidAttributeException(ss.str());
      string tmp = direction;
      transform(tmp.begin(),tmp.end(), tmp.begin(), [] (char c){ return tolower(c);});    
      Direction dir = kNumDirs;
      if ( tmp == "east" ) dir = East;
      else if ( tmp == "north" ) dir = North;
      else if ( tmp == "south" ) dir = South;
      else if ( tmp == "west" ) dir = West;
      else throw InvalidAttributeException("Direction is not properly set");
      m_Rooms[from]->SetNextRoom(dir, m_Rooms[to]);
      if ( !oneway )
	m_Rooms[to]->SetNextRoom(g_Opposite[dir], m_Rooms[from]);
      pElem = pElem->NextSiblingElement("Transition");
    throw ElementMissingException("Transitions is missing!");
  // set current room
  pElem = doc.FirstChildElement("OnStart");
  if ( pElem == NULL ) throw ElementMissingException("No OnStart defined");

  pElem = pElem->FirstChildElement("CurrentRoom");
  if ( pElem == NULL ) 
    cout << "No current room set, problems might arise\n";
    const char *szRoomId = pElem->Attribute("id");
    if ( szRoomId == NULL) throw InvalidAttributeException("Bad format CurrentRoom");
    string tmp = szRoomId;
    if ( m_Rooms.find(tmp) == m_Rooms.end() ) 
      ostringstream ss;
      ss << "No room " << tmp << " found!";
      throw ElementMissingException(ss.str());
  pElem = doc.FirstChildElement("OnStart");
  pElem = pElem->FirstChildElement("Story");
  if ( pElem == NULL ) throw ElementMissingException("Story");
  m_Story = (pElem->GetText() == NULL) ? "" : pElem->GetText();

  pElem = doc.FirstChildElement("Player");
  if ( !pElem ) throw new ElementMissingException("Player");
Exemplo n.º 2
Game::Save( const std::string & filename )
  FILE *file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w+");
  if ( !file ) 
    stringstream ss;
    ss << "Cannot open file '" << filename << "' for writing";
    throw runtime_error( ss.str() );

  XMLPrinter printer(file);

  // store rooms with properties and items
  for(auto elem : m_Rooms )

  // store transitions
  map<pair<Direction,Room *>, Room * > savedTransitions;

  for(auto elem : m_Rooms )
    Room * from = elem.second;
    for( int dir = (int)North; dir<kNumDirs; dir++)
      Direction d = static_cast<Direction>(dir);
      Room * to = from->GetNextRoom(d);
      if ( to != NULL )
	// if two-way
	if( from == to->GetNextRoom(g_Opposite[d]))
	  // store our transition
	  savedTransitions[make_pair<>(d,from)] = to;
	  // remove link between rooms
	  to->SetNextRoom(g_Opposite[d], NULL);
	  printer.PushAttribute("from", from->GetId().c_str());
	  printer.PushAttribute("to", to->GetId().c_str());
	  printer.PushAttribute("direction", g_DirStr[d].c_str());
	else  // one-way
	  printer.PushAttribute("from", from->GetId().c_str());
	  printer.PushAttribute("to", to->GetId().c_str());
	  printer.PushAttribute("direction", g_DirStr[d].c_str());
	  printer.PushAttribute("oneway", "true");
  // restore links between actual rooms
  for( auto e : savedTransitions )
    // for readabilty
    Room * from = e.first.second;
    Room * to = e.second;
    Direction dir = e.first.first;
    g_Log << "adding transition " << from->GetId() << " <-> " << to->GetId() << " via " << g_DirStr[dir] << "\n";
    from->SetNextRoom( dir, to );
    to->SetNextRoom( g_Opposite[dir], from );
  // Store player's current location.
  printer.PushAttribute("id", GetCurrentRoom()->GetId().c_str());
Exemplo n.º 3
void    Configuration::ReadDatabase() {
  PGconn     *conn;
  PGresult    *res, *resgr;
  int     rec_count, rec_countgr;
  int row,row1,col;
  conn = PQconnectdb("dbname=gaschedule_development host=localhost user=alex password=alex");
  if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) 
  { puts("We were unable to connect to the database");}
  res = PQexec(conn,"select * from rooms order by id");
  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {puts("We did not get any data!");}
  rec_count = PQntuples(res);
  for (row=0; row<rec_count; row++) {
    int id =   atoi(PQgetvalue(res, row , 0));
    char* name =  PQgetvalue(res, row , 1) ;
    bool lab = !strcmp ( PQgetvalue(res, row , 2), "t" );
    int size = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, row , 3));
    Room* r =  new Room(name, lab, size ); 
    int a = row;
    a = a + 1;
    mapid.insert(pair <int,int> (a,id));
    if( r ) {
      _rooms.insert( pair<int, Room*>( r->GetId(), r ) );
  res = PQexec(conn, "select * from courses order by id");
  if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { puts("We did not get any data!");}
  rec_count = PQntuples(res);
  for (row=0; row<rec_count; row++) {
    int id =   atoi(PQgetvalue(res, row , 0));
    char* name =  PQgetvalue(res, row , 1) ; 
    Course* r =  new Course(id, name  );  
    if( r )
        _courses.insert( pair<int, Course*>( r->GetId(), r ) );

    res = PQexec(conn,"select * from professors order by id");
    if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { puts("We did not get any data!");}
    rec_count = PQntuples(res);

    for (row=0; row<rec_count; row++) {
      int id =   atoi(PQgetvalue(res, row , 0));
      char* name =  PQgetvalue(res, row , 1) ;
      Professor* r =  new Professor(id, name  );  
      if( r )
        _professors.insert( pair<int, Professor*>( r->GetId(), r ) );
      res = PQexec(conn,"select * from groups order by id");
      if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { puts("We did not get any data!");}
      rec_count = PQntuples(res);
      for (row=0; row<rec_count; row++) {
        int id =   atoi(PQgetvalue(res, row , 0));
        char* name =  PQgetvalue(res, row , 1) ;
        int size = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, row , 2));      
        StudentsGroup* r =  new StudentsGroup(id, name , size );  
        if( r ) {
          _studentGroups.insert( pair<int, StudentsGroup*>( r->GetId(), r ) );
      list<StudentsGroup*> groups;
      res = PQexec(conn, "select * from clas order by id");
      if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {puts("We did not get any data!");}
      rec_count = PQntuples(res);           
      resgr = PQexec(conn,
        "select clas.id, cla_groups.group_id from cla_groups INNER JOIN clas ON  cla_groups.cla_id = clas.id");
      if (PQresultStatus(resgr) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {puts("We did not get any data!");  }
      rec_countgr = PQntuples(resgr);

      for (row=0; row<rec_count; row++) {
        int claid = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, row , 0));
        int pid =   atoi(PQgetvalue(res, row , 1));
        int  cid = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, row , 2));
        int dur  = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, row , 4));
        bool lab = !strcmp ( PQgetvalue(res, row , 5), "t" );
        Professor* p = GetProfessorById( pid );
        Course* c = GetCourseById( cid );
        for (row1=0; row1<rec_countgr; row1++) {
          if (claid ==atoi(PQgetvalue(resgr, row1 , 0))) {
            StudentsGroup* g = GetStudentsGroupById(  atoi(PQgetvalue(resgr, row1 , 1)));
            if( g ) {
              groups.push_back( g );
        CourseClass* cc = new CourseClass( p, c, groups, lab, dur );
        if( cc ) 
          _courseClasses.push_back( cc );
      _isEmpty = false;