SgNode* disassembleFile(std::string disassembleName) { RoseBin_Def::RoseAssemblyLanguage=RoseBin_Def::x86; RoseBin_Arch::arch=RoseBin_Arch::bit32; RoseBin_OS::os_sys=RoseBin_OS::linux_op; RoseBin_OS_VER::os_ver=RoseBin_OS_VER::linux_26; RoseFile* roseBin = new RoseFile( (char*)disassembleName.c_str() ); cerr << " ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE :: " << RoseBin_Def::RoseAssemblyLanguage << endl; // query the DB to retrieve all data SgNode* globalBlock = roseBin->retrieve_DB(); // traverse the AST and test it roseBin->test(); return globalBlock; }
SgNode* BinaryCloneGui::disassembleFile(std::string tsv_directory){ SgNode* globalBlock; if(exists(tsv_directory) == false) { char buf[4096] = "\0"; int i = 0; while( exists ( relativePathPrefix +"/"+ tsv_directory) == false ) { if(i>10){ std::string error_message = "user error: Relative Path to "; error_message+=tsv_directory; error_message+=" not selected in " ; error_message+= boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i); error_message+=" attempts."; eAssert(0, (error_message.c_str()) ); } QFileDialog dialog; dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly); //relativePathPrefix = dialog.getOpenFileName( 0, "Relative Path To Binaries", getcwd(buf, 4096), "ASCII (*)").toStdString(); relativePathPrefix = dialog.getExistingDirectory(0, "get existing directory", getcwd(buf, 4096)).toStdString(); i++; } tsv_directory = relativePathPrefix +"/"+tsv_directory; }; if(is_directory( tsv_directory ) == true ) { RoseBin_Def::RoseAssemblyLanguage=RoseBin_Def::x86; RoseBin_Arch::arch=RoseBin_Arch::bit32; RoseBin_OS::os_sys=RoseBin_OS::linux_op; RoseBin_OS_VER::os_ver=RoseBin_OS_VER::linux_26; RoseFile* roseBin = new RoseFile( (char*)tsv_directory.c_str() ); cerr << " ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE :: " << RoseBin_Def::RoseAssemblyLanguage << endl; // query the DB to retrieve all data globalBlock = roseBin->retrieve_DB(); // traverse the AST and test it roseBin->test(); }else{ vector<char*> args; args.push_back(strdup("")); args.push_back(strdup(tsv_directory.c_str())); args.push_back(0); ostringstream outStr; for(vector<char*>::iterator iItr = args.begin(); iItr != args.end(); ++iItr ) { outStr << *iItr << " "; } ; std::cout << "Calling " << outStr.str() << std::endl; globalBlock = frontend(args.size()-1,&args[0]); } return globalBlock; };
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct timeval start; gettimeofday(&start, NULL); std::string database; std::string tsv_directory; //Default stride and windowSize size_t stride=1; size_t windowSize=80; /* { SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv); MyTraversal myTraversal; myTraversal.traverseInputFiles(project , postorder); } exit(1); */ bool respectFunctionBoundaries = true; try { options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "produce a help message") ("ignoreBoundaries,i", "ignore function boundaries") ("database", value< string >()->composing(), "the sqlite database that we are to use") ("tsv-directory", value< string >()->composing(), "the input tsv directory or binary file") ("stride", value< size_t>()->composing(), "stride to use" ) ("windowSize", value< size_t >()->composing(), "sliding window size" ) ; variables_map vm; store(command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc) .run(), vm); if (vm.count("help")) { cout << desc; exit(0); } if (vm.count("ignoreBoundaries")) { respectFunctionBoundaries = false; } if (vm.count("database")!=1 || vm.count("tsv-directory")!=1 || vm.count("stride")!=1 || vm.count("windowSize")!=1 ) { std::cerr << "Missing options. Call as: createVectorsBinary --stride <stride> --windowSize <window-size> --database <database-name>" << " --tsv-directory <tsv-directory>" << std::endl; exit(1); } tsv_directory = vm["tsv-directory"].as< string >(); cout << "tsv-directory: " << tsv_directory << std::endl; database = vm["database"].as<string >(); cout << "database: " << database << std::endl; stride = vm["stride"].as< int >(); cout << "stride: " << stride << std::endl; windowSize = vm["windowSize"].as< int >(); cout << "windowSize: " << windowSize << std::endl; } catch(exception& e) { cout << e.what() << "\n"; } // binary code analysis ******************************************************* cerr << " Starting binary analysis ... " << endl; std::cout << "Done reading options" << std::endl; SgNode* globalBlock; if(is_directory( tsv_directory ) == true ) { RoseBin_Def::RoseAssemblyLanguage=RoseBin_Def::x86; RoseBin_Arch::arch=RoseBin_Arch::bit32; RoseBin_OS::os_sys=RoseBin_OS::linux_op; RoseBin_OS_VER::os_ver=RoseBin_OS_VER::linux_26; RoseFile* roseBin = new RoseFile( (char*)tsv_directory.c_str() ); cerr << " ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE :: " << RoseBin_Def::RoseAssemblyLanguage << endl; // query the DB to retrieve all data globalBlock = roseBin->retrieve_DB(); // traverse the AST and test it roseBin->test(); }else{ vector<char*> args; args.push_back(strdup("")); args.push_back(strdup(tsv_directory.c_str())); ostringstream outStr; for(vector<char*>::iterator iItr = args.begin(); iItr != args.end(); ++iItr ) { outStr << *iItr << " "; } ; std::cout << "Calling " << outStr.str() << std::endl; globalBlock = frontend(args.size(),&args[0]); MyTraversal myTraversal; myTraversal.counter=0; myTraversal.traverseInputFiles((SgProject*)globalBlock, postorder); // globalBlock = myTraversal.file; std::cout << "The number of instructions is: " << myTraversal.counter << std::endl; } sqlite3_connection con;; con.setbusytimeout(1800 * 1000); // 30 minutes createDatabases(con); try { if (con.executeint("select count(*) from run_parameters") >= 1) { size_t oldWindowSize = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(con.executestring("select window_size from run_parameters")); size_t oldStride = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(con.executestring("select stride from run_parameters")); if (oldWindowSize != windowSize || oldStride != stride) { cerr << "Window size and stride do not match those already in database -- please remove the database and try again" << endl; cerr << "Old window size is " << oldWindowSize << endl; cerr << "Old stride is " << oldStride << endl; exit (1); } } else { sqlite3_command cmd(con, "insert into run_parameters(window_size, stride) values (?, ?)"); cmd.bind(1, boost::lexical_cast<string>(windowSize)); cmd.bind(2, boost::lexical_cast<string>(stride)); cmd.executenonquery(); } } catch (exception& e) {cerr << "Exception checking run parameters " << e.what() << endl;} try { struct timeval before, after; struct rusage ru_before, ru_after; gettimeofday(&before, NULL); getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru_before); { sqlite3_transaction trans2(con); if( respectFunctionBoundaries == true ) createVectorsRespectingFunctionBoundaries(globalBlock, tsv_directory, windowSize, stride, con); else createVectorsNotRespectingFunctionBoundaries(globalBlock, tsv_directory, windowSize, stride, con); trans2.commit(); } gettimeofday(&after, NULL); getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru_after); cerr << "Time: " << (tvToDouble(after) - tvToDouble(before)) << " wall, " << (tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_utime) - tvToDouble(ru_before.ru_utime)) << " user, " << (tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_stime) - tvToDouble(ru_before.ru_stime)) << " sys" << endl; cerr << "Total time: " << (tvToDouble(after) - tvToDouble(start)) << " wall, " << tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_utime) << " user, " << tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_stime) << " sys" << endl; cerr << "Pre-vecgen time: " << (tvToDouble(before) - tvToDouble(start)) << " wall, " << tvToDouble(ru_before.ru_utime) << " user, " << tvToDouble(ru_before.ru_stime) << " sys" << endl; try { string timing_insert = "INSERT INTO vector_generator_timing(file, total_wallclock, total_usertime, total_systime, vecgen_wallclock, vecgen_usertime, vecgen_systime) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; sqlite3_command cmd(con, timing_insert.c_str()); cmd.bind(1, tsv_directory); cmd.bind(2, (tvToDouble(after) - tvToDouble(start))); cmd.bind(3, tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_utime)); cmd.bind(4, tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_stime)); cmd.bind(5, (tvToDouble(after) - tvToDouble(before))); cmd.bind(6, (tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_utime) - tvToDouble(ru_before.ru_utime))); cmd.bind(7, (tvToDouble(ru_after.ru_stime) - tvToDouble(ru_before.ru_stime))); cmd.executenonquery(); } catch (exception& ex) { cerr << "Exception on timing write: " << ex.what() << endl; } } catch(exception &ex) { cerr << "Exception Occured: " << ex.what() << endl; } return 0; }