Exemplo n.º 1
Status NearestPlugin::HandleRequest(const RoutingAlgorithmsInterface &algorithms,
                                    const api::NearestParameters &params,
                                    util::json::Object &json_result) const

    if (!CheckAlgorithms(params, algorithms, json_result))
        return Status::Error;

    const auto &facade = algorithms.GetFacade();

    if (max_results > 0 &&
        (boost::numeric_cast<std::int64_t>(params.number_of_results) > max_results))
        return Error("TooBig",
                     "Number of results " + std::to_string(params.number_of_results) +
                         " is higher than current maximum (" + std::to_string(max_results) + ")",

    if (!CheckAllCoordinates(params.coordinates))
        return Error("InvalidOptions", "Coordinates are invalid", json_result);

    if (params.coordinates.size() != 1)
        return Error("InvalidOptions", "Only one input coordinate is supported", json_result);

    auto phantom_nodes = GetPhantomNodes(facade, params, params.number_of_results);

    if (phantom_nodes.front().size() == 0)
        return Error("NoSegment", "Could not find a matching segments for coordinate", json_result);
    BOOST_ASSERT(phantom_nodes.front().size() > 0);

    api::NearestAPI nearest_api(facade, params);
    nearest_api.MakeResponse(phantom_nodes, json_result);

    return Status::Ok;
Exemplo n.º 2
// given the node order in which to visit, compute the actual route (with geometry, travel time and
// so on) and return the result
InternalRouteResult TripPlugin::ComputeRoute(const RoutingAlgorithmsInterface &algorithms,
                                             const std::vector<PhantomNode> &snapped_phantoms,
                                             const std::vector<NodeID> &trip,
                                             const bool roundtrip) const
    InternalRouteResult min_route;
    // given the final trip, compute total duration and return the route and location permutation
    PhantomNodes viapoint;

    // computes a roundtrip from the nodes in trip
    for (auto node = trip.begin(); node < trip.end() - 1; ++node)
        const auto from_node = *node;
        const auto to_node = *std::next(node);

        viapoint = PhantomNodes{snapped_phantoms[from_node], snapped_phantoms[to_node]};

    // return back to the first node if it is a round trip
    if (roundtrip)
        viapoint = PhantomNodes{snapped_phantoms[trip.back()], snapped_phantoms[trip.front()]};
        // trip comes out to be something like 0 1 4 3 2 0
        BOOST_ASSERT(min_route.segment_end_coordinates.size() == trip.size());
        // trip comes out to be something like 0 1 4 3 2, so the sizes don't match
        BOOST_ASSERT(min_route.segment_end_coordinates.size() == trip.size() - 1);

    min_route = algorithms.ShortestPathSearch(min_route.segment_end_coordinates, {false});
    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(min_route.shortest_path_weight < INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT, "unroutable route");
    return min_route;
Exemplo n.º 3
Status TripPlugin::HandleRequest(const datafacade::ContiguousInternalMemoryDataFacadeBase &facade,
                                 const RoutingAlgorithmsInterface &algorithms,
                                 const api::TripParameters &parameters,
                                 util::json::Object &json_result) const
    if (!algorithms.HasShortestPathSearch())
        return Error("NotImplemented",
                     "Shortest path search is not implemented for the chosen search algorithm.",
    if (!algorithms.HasManyToManySearch())
        return Error("NotImplemented",
                     "Many to many search is not implemented for the chosen search algorithm.",

    const auto number_of_locations = parameters.coordinates.size();

    std::size_t source_id = INVALID_INDEX;
    std::size_t destination_id = INVALID_INDEX;
    if (parameters.source == api::TripParameters::SourceType::First)
        source_id = 0;
    if (parameters.destination == api::TripParameters::DestinationType::Last)
        BOOST_ASSERT(number_of_locations > 0);
        destination_id = number_of_locations - 1;
    bool fixed_start = (source_id == 0);
    bool fixed_end = (destination_id == number_of_locations - 1);
    if (!IsSupportedParameterCombination(fixed_start, fixed_end, parameters.roundtrip))
        return Error("NotImplemented", "This request is not supported", json_result);

    // enforce maximum number of locations for performance reasons
    if (max_locations_trip > 0 && static_cast<int>(number_of_locations) > max_locations_trip)
        return Error("TooBig", "Too many trip coordinates", json_result);

    if (!CheckAllCoordinates(parameters.coordinates))
        return Error("InvalidValue", "Invalid coordinate value.", json_result);

    auto phantom_node_pairs = GetPhantomNodes(facade, parameters);
    if (phantom_node_pairs.size() != number_of_locations)
        return Error("NoSegment",
                     std::string("Could not find a matching segment for coordinate ") +
    BOOST_ASSERT(phantom_node_pairs.size() == number_of_locations);

    if (fixed_start && fixed_end && (source_id >= parameters.coordinates.size() ||
                                     destination_id >= parameters.coordinates.size()))
        return Error("InvalidValue", "Invalid source or destination value.", json_result);

    auto snapped_phantoms = SnapPhantomNodes(phantom_node_pairs);

    BOOST_ASSERT(snapped_phantoms.size() == number_of_locations);

    // compute the duration table of all phantom nodes
    auto result_table = util::DistTableWrapper<EdgeWeight>(
        algorithms.ManyToManySearch(snapped_phantoms, {}, {}), number_of_locations);

    if (result_table.size() == 0)
        return Status::Error;

    const constexpr std::size_t BF_MAX_FEASABLE = 10;
    BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(result_table.size() == number_of_locations * number_of_locations,
                     "Distance Table has wrong size");

    if (!IsStronglyConnectedComponent(result_table))
        return Error("NoTrips", "No trip visiting all destinations possible.", json_result);

    if (fixed_start && fixed_end)
        ManipulateTableForFSE(source_id, destination_id, result_table);

    std::vector<NodeID> trip;
    // get an optimized order in which the destinations should be visited
    if (number_of_locations < BF_MAX_FEASABLE)
        trip = trip::BruteForceTrip(number_of_locations, result_table);
        trip = trip::FarthestInsertionTrip(number_of_locations, result_table);

    // rotate result such that roundtrip starts at node with index 0
    // thist first if covers scenarios: !fixed_end || fixed_start || (fixed_start && fixed_end)
    if (!fixed_end || fixed_start)
        auto desired_start_index = std::find(std::begin(trip), std::end(trip), 0);
        BOOST_ASSERT(desired_start_index != std::end(trip));
        std::rotate(std::begin(trip), desired_start_index, std::end(trip));
    else if (fixed_end && !fixed_start && parameters.roundtrip)
        auto desired_start_index = std::find(std::begin(trip), std::end(trip), destination_id);
        BOOST_ASSERT(desired_start_index != std::end(trip));
        std::rotate(std::begin(trip), desired_start_index, std::end(trip));

    // get the route when visiting all destinations in optimized order
    InternalRouteResult route =
        ComputeRoute(algorithms, snapped_phantoms, trip, parameters.roundtrip);

    // get api response
    const std::vector<std::vector<NodeID>> trips = {trip};
    const std::vector<InternalRouteResult> routes = {route};
    api::TripAPI trip_api{facade, parameters};
    trip_api.MakeResponse(trips, routes, snapped_phantoms, json_result);

    return Status::Ok;
Exemplo n.º 4
Status MatchPlugin::HandleRequest(const RoutingAlgorithmsInterface &algorithms,
                                  const api::MatchParameters &parameters,
                                  util::json::Object &json_result) const
    if (!algorithms.HasMapMatching())
        return Error("NotImplemented",
                     "Map matching is not implemented for the chosen search algorithm.",

    if (!CheckAlgorithms(parameters, algorithms, json_result))
        return Status::Error;

    const auto &facade = algorithms.GetFacade();


    // enforce maximum number of locations for performance reasons
    if (max_locations_map_matching > 0 &&
        static_cast<int>(parameters.coordinates.size()) > max_locations_map_matching)
        return Error("TooBig", "Too many trace coordinates", json_result);

    if (!CheckAllCoordinates(parameters.coordinates))
        return Error("InvalidValue", "Invalid coordinate value.", json_result);

    if (max_radius_map_matching > 0 && std::any_of(parameters.radiuses.begin(),
                                                   [&](const auto &radius) {
                                                       if (!radius)
                                                           return false;
                                                       return *radius > max_radius_map_matching;
        return Error("TooBig", "Radius search size is too large for map matching.", json_result);

    // Check for same or increasing timestamps. Impl. note: Incontrast to `sort(first,
    // last, less_equal)` checking `greater` in reverse meets irreflexive requirements.
    const auto time_increases_monotonically = std::is_sorted(
        parameters.timestamps.rbegin(), parameters.timestamps.rend(), std::greater<>{});

    if (!time_increases_monotonically)
        return Error(
            "InvalidValue", "Timestamps need to be monotonically increasing.", json_result);

    SubMatchingList sub_matchings;
    api::tidy::Result tidied;
    if (parameters.tidy)
        // Transparently tidy match parameters, do map matching on tidied parameters.
        // Then use the mapping to restore the original <-> tidied relationship.
        tidied = api::tidy::tidy(parameters);
        tidied = api::tidy::keep_all(parameters);

    // Error: first and last points should be waypoints
    if (!parameters.waypoints.empty() &&
        (tidied.parameters.waypoints[0] != 0 ||
         tidied.parameters.waypoints.back() != (tidied.parameters.coordinates.size() - 1)))
        return Error("InvalidValue",
                     "First and last coordinates must be specified as waypoints.",

    // assuming radius is the standard deviation of a normal distribution
    // that models GPS noise (in this model), x3 should give us the correct
    // search radius with > 99% confidence
    std::vector<double> search_radiuses;
    if (tidied.parameters.radiuses.empty())
                               routing_algorithms::DEFAULT_GPS_PRECISION * RADIUS_MULTIPLIER);
                       [](const boost::optional<double> &maybe_radius) {
                           if (maybe_radius)
                               return *maybe_radius * RADIUS_MULTIPLIER;
                               return routing_algorithms::DEFAULT_GPS_PRECISION * RADIUS_MULTIPLIER;


    auto candidates_lists = GetPhantomNodesInRange(facade, tidied.parameters, search_radiuses);

    filterCandidates(tidied.parameters.coordinates, candidates_lists);
    if (std::all_of(candidates_lists.begin(),
                    [](const std::vector<PhantomNodeWithDistance> &candidates) {
                        return candidates.empty();
        return Error("NoSegment",
                     std::string("Could not find a matching segment for any coordinate."),

    // call the actual map matching
    sub_matchings =
                               parameters.gaps == api::MatchParameters::GapsType::Split);

    if (sub_matchings.size() == 0)
        return Error("NoMatch", "Could not match the trace.", json_result);

    // trace was split, we don't support the waypoints parameter across multiple match objects
    if (sub_matchings.size() > 1 && !parameters.waypoints.empty())
        return Error("NoMatch", "Could not match the trace with the given waypoints.", json_result);

    // Error: Check if user-supplied waypoints can be found in the resulting matches
        std::set<std::size_t> tidied_waypoints(tidied.parameters.waypoints.begin(),
        for (const auto &sm : sub_matchings)
                          [&tidied_waypoints](const auto index) { tidied_waypoints.erase(index); });
        if (!tidied_waypoints.empty())
            return Error(
                "NoMatch", "Requested waypoint parameter could not be matched.", json_result);

    // each sub_route will correspond to a MatchObject
    std::vector<InternalRouteResult> sub_routes(sub_matchings.size());
    for (auto index : util::irange<std::size_t>(0UL, sub_matchings.size()))
        BOOST_ASSERT(sub_matchings[index].nodes.size() > 1);

        // FIXME we only run this to obtain the geometry
        // The clean way would be to get this directly from the map matching plugin
        PhantomNodes current_phantom_node_pair;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < sub_matchings[index].nodes.size() - 1; ++i)
            current_phantom_node_pair.source_phantom = sub_matchings[index].nodes[i];
            current_phantom_node_pair.target_phantom = sub_matchings[index].nodes[i + 1];
        // force uturns to be on
        // we split the phantom nodes anyway and only have bi-directional phantom nodes for
        // possible uturns
        sub_routes[index] =
            algorithms.ShortestPathSearch(sub_routes[index].segment_end_coordinates, {false});
        BOOST_ASSERT(sub_routes[index].shortest_path_weight != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT);
        if (!tidied.parameters.waypoints.empty())
            std::vector<bool> waypoint_legs;
            for (unsigned i = 0, j = 0; i < sub_matchings[index].indices.size(); ++i)
                auto current_wp = tidied.parameters.waypoints[j];
                if (current_wp == sub_matchings[index].indices[i])
            sub_routes[index] = CollapseInternalRouteResult(sub_routes[index], waypoint_legs);

    api::MatchAPI match_api{facade, parameters, tidied};
    match_api.MakeResponse(sub_matchings, sub_routes, json_result);

    return Status::Ok;