Exemplo n.º 1
bool KawigiEdit_RunTest(int testNum, int p0, bool hasAnswer, int p1) {
	cout << "Test " << testNum << ": [" << p0;
	cout << "]" << endl;
	RugSizes *obj;
	int answer;
	obj = new RugSizes();
	clock_t startTime = clock();
	answer = obj->rugCount(p0);
	clock_t endTime = clock();
	delete obj;
	bool res;
	res = true;
	cout << "Time: " << double(endTime - startTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
	if (hasAnswer) {
		cout << "Desired answer:" << endl;
		cout << "\t" << p1 << endl;
	cout << "Your answer:" << endl;
	cout << "\t" << answer << endl;
	if (hasAnswer) {
		res = answer == p1;
	if (!res) {
		cout << "DOESN'T MATCH!!!!" << endl;
	} else if (double(endTime - startTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC >= 2) {
		cout << "FAIL the timeout" << endl;
		res = false;
	} else if (hasAnswer) {
		cout << "Match :-)" << endl;
	} else {
		cout << "OK, but is it right?" << endl;
	cout << "" << endl;
	return res;
Exemplo n.º 2
void testRugSizes(){
	RugSizes r;
	printf("Num of rugs: %d \n", r.rugCount(4));
	printf("Num of rugs: %d \n", r.rugCount(8));
	printf("Num of rugs: %d \n", r.rugCount(30));