bool RuleTrieLoader::Load(const std::vector<FactorType> &input,
                          const std::vector<FactorType> &output,
                          const std::string &inFile,
                          const RuleTableFF &ff,
                          RuleTrie &trie)
    PrintUserTime(std::string("Start loading text phrase table. Moses format"));

    const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();
    // const std::string &factorDelimiter = staticData.GetFactorDelimiter();

    std::size_t count = 0;

    std::ostream *progress = NULL;
    IFVERBOSE(1) progress = &std::cerr;
    util::FilePiece in(inFile.c_str(), progress);

    // reused variables
    std::vector<float> scoreVector;
    StringPiece line;

    double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter converter(double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter::NO_FLAGS, NAN, NAN, "inf", "nan");

    while(true) {
        try {
            line = in.ReadLine();
        } catch (const util::EndOfFileException &e) {

        util::TokenIter<util::MultiCharacter> pipes(line, "|||");
        StringPiece sourcePhraseString(*pipes);
        StringPiece targetPhraseString(*++pipes);
        StringPiece scoreString(*++pipes);

        StringPiece alignString;
        if (++pipes) {
            StringPiece temp(*pipes);
            alignString = temp;

        if (++pipes) {
            StringPiece str(*pipes); //counts

        bool isLHSEmpty = (sourcePhraseString.find_first_not_of(" \t", 0) == std::string::npos);
        if (isLHSEmpty && !staticData.IsWordDeletionEnabled()) {
            TRACE_ERR( ff.GetFilePath() << ":" << count << ": pt entry contains empty target, skipping\n");

        for (util::TokenIter<util::AnyCharacter, true> s(scoreString, " \t"); s; ++s) {
            int processed;
            float score = converter.StringToFloat(s->data(), s->length(), &processed);
            UTIL_THROW_IF2(std::isnan(score), "Bad score " << *s << " on line " << count);
        const std::size_t numScoreComponents = ff.GetNumScoreComponents();
        if (scoreVector.size() != numScoreComponents) {
            UTIL_THROW2("Size of scoreVector != number (" << scoreVector.size() << "!="
                        << numScoreComponents << ") of score components on line " << count);

        // parse source & find pt node

        // constituent labels
        Word *sourceLHS = NULL;
        Word *targetLHS;

        // create target phrase obj
        TargetPhrase *targetPhrase = new TargetPhrase(&ff);
        // targetPhrase->CreateFromString(Output, output, targetPhraseString, factorDelimiter, &targetLHS);
        targetPhrase->CreateFromString(Output, output, targetPhraseString, &targetLHS);
        // source
        Phrase sourcePhrase;
        // sourcePhrase.CreateFromString(Input, input, sourcePhraseString, factorDelimiter, &sourceLHS);
        sourcePhrase.CreateFromString(Input, input, sourcePhraseString, &sourceLHS);

        // rest of target phrase

        //targetPhrase->SetDebugOutput(string("New Format pt ") + line);

        if (++pipes) {
            StringPiece sparseString(*pipes);
            targetPhrase->SetSparseScore(&ff, sparseString);

        if (++pipes) {
            StringPiece propertiesString(*pipes);

        targetPhrase->GetScoreBreakdown().Assign(&ff, scoreVector);
        targetPhrase->EvaluateInIsolation(sourcePhrase, ff.GetFeaturesToApply());

        TargetPhraseCollection &phraseColl = GetOrCreateTargetPhraseCollection(
                trie, *sourceLHS, sourcePhrase);

        // not implemented correctly in memory pt. just delete it for now
        delete sourceLHS;


    // sort and prune each target phrase collection
    if (ff.GetTableLimit()) {
        SortAndPrune(trie, ff.GetTableLimit());

    return true;