Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: main.cpp Projeto: HaoDrang/GD
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "GD", "Started game");
    std::cout.rdbuf(new androidbuf);

    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode::getDesktopMode(), "");

    //TODO: extension
    CppPlatform::Get().AddExtension(std::shared_ptr<ExtensionBase>(CreateGDCppTextObjectExtension())); std::cout.flush();
    CppPlatform::Get().AddExtension(std::shared_ptr<ExtensionBase>(CreateGDCppTopDownMovementBehaviorExtension())); std::cout.flush();
    CppPlatform::Get().AddExtension(std::shared_ptr<ExtensionBase>(CreateGDCppDestroyOutsideBehaviorExtension())); std::cout.flush();
    CppPlatform::Get().AddExtension(std::shared_ptr<ExtensionBase>(CreateGDCppPhysicsBehaviorExtension())); std::cout.flush();
    CppPlatform::Get().AddExtension(std::shared_ptr<ExtensionBase>(CreateGDCppTileMapObjectExtension())); std::cout.flush();
    CppPlatform::Get().AddExtension(std::shared_ptr<ExtensionBase>(CreateGDCppTiledSpriteObjectExtension())); std::cout.flush();
    CppPlatform::Get().AddExtension(std::shared_ptr<ExtensionBase>(CreateGDCppPlatformBehaviorExtension())); std::cout.flush();
    CppPlatform::Get().AddExtension(std::shared_ptr<ExtensionBase>(CreateGDCppPanelSpriteObjectExtension())); std::cout.flush();


    gd::Project game;
    gd::String json = gd::ResourcesLoader::Get()->LoadPlainText("gd-project.json");

    SerializerElement rootElement = Serializer::FromJSON(json);

    RuntimeGame runtimeGame;

    bool abort = false;
    SceneStack sceneStack(runtimeGame, &window);
    sceneStack.OnError([&abort](gd::String error) {
        std::cout << error << std::endl;
        abort = true;
    sceneStack.OnLoadScene([](std::shared_ptr<RuntimeScene> scene) {
        int (*function)(RuntimeContext*) = nullptr;

        if (function)
            return true;

        return false;

    while (sceneStack.Step() && !abort)

    std::cout << "Exiting game" << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main( int argc, char *p_argv[] )

    //Get executable location
    gd::String fullExecutablePath;
    if ( *p_argv[0] != '/' )
        fullExecutablePath += GetCurrentWorkingDirectory();
        fullExecutablePath += "/";
    #ifndef WINDOWS
    fullExecutablePath += p_argv[0];
    gd::String executablePath = fullExecutablePath.substr( 0, fullExecutablePath.find_last_of( "/" ) );
    gd::String executableFilename = fullExecutablePath.find_last_of( "/" ) < fullExecutablePath.length() ? fullExecutablePath.substr( fullExecutablePath.find_last_of( "/" ), fullExecutablePath.length() ) : "";
    gd::String executableNameOnly = executableFilename.substr(0, executableFilename.length()-4);

    #ifdef WINDOWS
        gd::String codeFileExtension = "dll";
    #elif defined(LINUX)
        gd::String codeFileExtension = "so";
        chdir( executablePath.c_str() ); //For linux, make the executable dir the current working directory
    #elif defined(MACOS)
        gd::String codeFileExtension = "dylib";
        #error Please update this part to support your target system.

    //Check GDCpp version

    //Load extensions
    gd::ExtensionsLoader::LoadAllExtensions(".", CppPlatform::Get());

    //Load resource file
    gd::ResourcesLoader * resLoader = gd::ResourcesLoader::Get();
    if (!resLoader->SetResourceFile( executablePath+"/"+executableNameOnly+".egd" )
           && !resLoader->SetResourceFile( executableNameOnly+".egd" )
           && !resLoader->SetResourceFile( executablePath+"/gam.egd" )
           && !resLoader->SetResourceFile( "gam.egd" ) )
        return DisplayMessage("Unable to load resources. Aborting.");

    gd::Project game;

    //Load game data
        cout << "Getting src file size..." << endl;
        int fsize = resLoader->GetBinaryFileSize( "src" );

        // round up (ignore pad for here)
        int size = (fsize+15)&(~15);

        cout << "Getting src raw data..." << endl;
        char * ibuffer = resLoader->LoadBinaryFile( "src" );
        char * obuffer = new char[size];

        unsigned char key[] = "-P:j$4t&OHIUVM/Z+u4DeDP.";
        const unsigned char iv[16] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F };

        aes_ks_t keySetting;
        aes_setks_decrypt(key, 192, &keySetting);
        aes_cbc_decrypt(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(ibuffer), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(obuffer),
            (uint8_t*)iv, size/AES_BLOCK_SIZE, &keySetting);

        std::string uncryptedSrc = std::string(obuffer, size);
        delete [] obuffer;

        cout << "Loading game data..." << endl;
        TiXmlDocument doc;
        if ( !doc.Parse(uncryptedSrc.c_str()) )
            return DisplayMessage("Unable to parse game data. Aborting.");

        TiXmlHandle hdl(&doc);
        gd::SerializerElement rootElement;
        gd::Serializer::FromXML(rootElement, hdl.FirstChildElement().Element());

    if ( game.GetLayoutsCount() == 0 )
        return DisplayMessage("No scene to be loaded. Aborting.");

    //Loading the code
    Handle codeLibrary = NULL;
    gd::String codeLibraryName;
    auto loadLibrary = [&codeLibraryName, &codeLibrary](gd::String path) {
        codeLibraryName = path;
        codeLibrary = gd::OpenLibrary(codeLibraryName.ToLocale().c_str());

        return codeLibrary != NULL;

    if (!loadLibrary(executablePath+"/"+executableNameOnly+"."+codeFileExtension) &&
        !loadLibrary(executableNameOnly+"."+codeFileExtension) &&
        !loadLibrary(executablePath+"/Code."+codeFileExtension) &&
        return DisplayMessage("Unable to load the execution engine for game. Aborting.");

    #if defined(WINDOWS)
    //Handle special argument to change working directory
    if ( argc >= 2 && gd::String(p_argv[1]).size() > 5 && gd::String(p_argv[1]).substr(0, 5) == "-cwd=" )
        gd::String newWorkingDir = gd::String(p_argv[1]).substr(5, gd::String::npos);
        cout << "Changing working directory to " << newWorkingDir << endl;

    //Initialize image manager and load always loaded images

    //Create main window
    sf::RenderWindow window;

    RuntimeGame runtimeGame;

    window.create(sf::VideoMode(game.GetMainWindowDefaultWidth(), game.GetMainWindowDefaultHeight(), 32),
        "", sf::Style::Close);

    //Game main loop
    bool abort = false;
    SceneStack sceneStack(runtimeGame, &window, codeLibraryName);
    sceneStack.OnError([&abort](gd::String error) {
        abort = true;

    while (sceneStack.Step() && !abort)



    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: main.cpp Projeto: cubemoon/GD
int main( int argc, char *p_argv[] )

    //Get executable location
    string fullExecutablePath;
    if ( *p_argv[0] != '/' )
        fullExecutablePath += GetCurrentWorkingDirectory();
        fullExecutablePath += "/";
    #ifndef WINDOWS
    fullExecutablePath += p_argv[0];
    std::string executablePath = fullExecutablePath.substr( 0, fullExecutablePath.find_last_of( "/" ) );
    std::string executableFilename = fullExecutablePath.find_last_of( "/" ) < fullExecutablePath.length() ? fullExecutablePath.substr( fullExecutablePath.find_last_of( "/" ), fullExecutablePath.length() ) : "";
    std::string executableNameOnly = executableFilename.substr(0, executableFilename.length()-4);

    #ifdef WINDOWS
        std::string codeFileExtension = "dll";
    #elif defined(LINUX)
        std::string codeFileExtension = "so";
        chdir( executablePath.c_str() ); //For linux, make the executable dir the current working directory
    #elif defined(MAC)
        std::string codeFileExtension = "dylib";
        #error Please update this part to support your target system.

    //Check GDCpp version

    //Load extensions
    gd::ExtensionsLoader::LoadAllExtensions(".", CppPlatform::Get());
    //Load resource file
    gd::RessourcesLoader * resLoader = gd::RessourcesLoader::Get();
    if (!resLoader->SetResourceFile( executablePath+"/"+executableNameOnly+".egd" )
           && !resLoader->SetResourceFile( executableNameOnly+".egd" )
           && !resLoader->SetResourceFile( executablePath+"/gam.egd" )
           && !resLoader->SetResourceFile( "gam.egd" ) )
        return AbortWithMessage("Unable to load resources. Aborting.");

    gd::Project game;

    //Load game data
        cout << "Getting src file size..." << endl;
        int fsize = resLoader->GetBinaryFileSize( "src" );

        // round up (ignore pad for here)
        int size = (fsize+15)&(~15);

        cout << "Getting src raw data..." << endl;
        char * ibuffer = resLoader->LoadBinaryFile( "src" );
        char * obuffer = new char[size];

        unsigned char key[] = "-P:j$4t&OHIUVM/Z+u4DeDP.";
        const unsigned char iv[16] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F };

        aes_ks_t keySetting;
        aes_setks_decrypt(key, 192, &keySetting);
        aes_cbc_decrypt(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(ibuffer), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(obuffer),
            (uint8_t*)iv, size/AES_BLOCK_SIZE, &keySetting);

        string uncryptedSrc = obuffer;
        delete [] obuffer;

        cout << "Loading game data..." << endl;
        TiXmlDocument doc;
        if ( !doc.Parse(uncryptedSrc.c_str()) )
            return AbortWithMessage("Unable to parse game data. Aborting.");

        TiXmlHandle hdl(&doc);
        gd::SerializerElement rootElement;
        gd::Serializer::FromXML(rootElement, hdl.FirstChildElement().Element());

    if ( game.GetLayoutsCount() == 0 )
        return AbortWithMessage("No scene to be loaded. Aborting.");

    //Loading the code
    std::string codeLibraryName = executablePath+"/"+executableNameOnly+"."+codeFileExtension;
    Handle codeLibrary = gd::OpenLibrary(codeLibraryName.c_str());
    if ( codeLibrary == NULL )
        codeLibraryName = executablePath+"/Code."+codeFileExtension;
        Handle codeLibrary = gd::OpenLibrary(codeLibraryName.c_str());
        if ( codeLibrary == NULL )
            return AbortWithMessage("Unable to load the execution engine for game. Aborting.");

    #if defined(WINDOWS)
    //Handle special argument to change working directory
    if ( argc >= 2 && std::string(p_argv[1]).size() > 5 && std::string(p_argv[1]).substr(0, 5) == "-cwd=" )
        std::string newWorkingDir = std::string(p_argv[1]).substr(5, std::string::npos);
        cout << "Changing working directory to " << newWorkingDir << endl;

    //Initialize image manager and load always loaded images

    //Create main window
    sf::RenderWindow window;

    RuntimeGame runtimeGame;

    RuntimeScene scenePlayed(&window, &runtimeGame);
    if ( !scenePlayed.LoadFromScene( game.GetLayout(0) ) )
        return AbortWithMessage("Unable to load the first scene \"" + game.GetLayout(0).GetName() + "\". Aborting.");

    if (scenePlayed.GetCodeExecutionEngine() == boost::shared_ptr<CodeExecutionEngine>() ||
                                                                                "GDSceneEvents"+gd::SceneNameMangler::GetMangledSceneName(scenePlayed.GetName())) )
        return AbortWithMessage("Unable to setup execution engine for scene \"" + game.GetLayout(0).GetName() + "\". Aborting.");

    window.create( sf::VideoMode( game.GetMainWindowDefaultWidth(), game.GetMainWindowDefaultHeight(), 32 ), scenePlayed.GetWindowDefaultTitle(), sf::Style::Close );
    window.setFramerateLimit( game.GetMaximumFPS() );
    window.setVerticalSyncEnabled( game.IsVerticalSynchronizationEnabledByDefault() );

    //Game main loop
    while ( scenePlayed.running )
        int returnCode = scenePlayed.RenderAndStep();

        if ( returnCode == -2 ) //Quit the game
            scenePlayed.running = false;
        else if ( returnCode != -1 && returnCode < game.GetLayoutsCount()) //Change the scene being played
            RuntimeScene emptyScene(&window, &runtimeGame);
            scenePlayed = emptyScene; //Clear the scene

            if ( !scenePlayed.LoadFromScene( game.GetLayout(returnCode) ) )
                return AbortWithMessage("Unable to load scene \"" + game.GetLayout(returnCode).GetName() + "\". Aborting.");

            if (!scenePlayed.GetCodeExecutionEngine()->LoadFromDynamicLibrary(codeLibraryName,
                return AbortWithMessage("Unable to setup execution engine for scene \"" + scenePlayed.GetName() + "\". Aborting.");




    return EXIT_SUCCESS;