Exemplo n.º 1
bool HistoryView::filterRightButtonPressed(QMouseEvent* e) {

	QModelIndex index = indexAt(e->pos());
	SCRef selSha = sha(index.row());
	if (selSha.isEmpty())
		return false;

	if (e->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) { // check for 'diff to' function

		if (selSha != ZERO_SHA && st->sha() != ZERO_SHA) {

			if (selSha != st->diffToSha())
				st->setDiffToSha(""); // restore std view

			filterNextContextMenuRequest = true;
			return true; // filter event out
	// check for 'children & parents' function, i.e. if mouse is on the graph
	if (index.column() == GRAPH_COL) {

		filterNextContextMenuRequest = true;
		QStringList parents, children;
		if (getLaneParentsChilds(selSha, e->pos().x(), parents, children))
			emit lanesContextMenuRequested(parents, children);

		return true; // filter event out
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool Annotate::getNextSection(SCRef d, int& idx, QString& sec, SCRef target)
    if (idx >= d.length())
        return false;

    int newIdx = d.indexOf(target, idx);
    if (newIdx == -1) // last section, take all
        newIdx = d.length() - 1;

    sec = d.mid(idx, newIdx - idx + 1);
    idx = newIdx + 1;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
const QStringList MyProcess::splitArgList(SCRef cmd) {
// return argument list handling quotes and double quotes
// substring, as example from:
// cmd some_arg "some thing" v='some value'
// to (comma separated fields)
// sl = <cmd,some_arg,some thing,v='some value'>

	// early exit the common case
	if (!(   cmd.contains(QGit::QUOTE_CHAR)
	      || cmd.contains("\"")
	      || cmd.contains("\'")))
		return cmd.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts);

	// we have some work to do...
	// first find a possible separator
	const QString sepList("#%&!?"); // separator candidates
	int i = 0;
	while (cmd.contains(sepList[i]) && i < sepList.length())

	if (i == sepList.length()) {
		dbs("ASSERT no unique separator found.");
		return QStringList();
	const QChar& sepChar(sepList[i]);

	// remove all spaces
	QString newCmd(cmd);
	newCmd.replace(QChar(' '), sepChar);

	// re-add spaces in quoted sections
	restoreSpaces(newCmd, sepChar);

	// QUOTE_CHAR is used internally to delimit arguments
	// with quoted text wholly inside as
	// arg1 = <[patch] cool patch on "cool feature">
	// and should be removed before to feed QProcess

	// QProcess::setArguments doesn't want quote
	// delimited arguments, so remove trailing quotes
	QStringList sl(newCmd.split(sepChar, QString::SkipEmptyParts));
	QStringList::iterator it(sl.begin());
	for ( ; it != sl.end(); ++it) {
		if (((*it).left(1) == "\"" && (*it).right(1) == "\"") ||
		   ((*it).left(1) == "\'" && (*it).right(1) == "\'"))
			*it = (*it).mid(1, (*it).length() - 2);
	return sl;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: git.cpp Projeto: Byron/qgit4
int Git::findFileIndex(const RevFile& rf, SCRef name) {

	if (name.isEmpty())
		return -1;

	int idx = name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
	SCRef dr = name.left(idx);
	SCRef nm = name.mid(idx);

	for (uint i = 0, cnt = rf.count(); i < cnt; ++i) {
		if (fileNamesVec[rf.nameAt(i)] == nm && dirNamesVec[rf.dirAt(i)] == dr)
			return i;
	return -1;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool Git::isBinaryFile(SCRef file) {

	static const char* binaryFileExtensions[] = {"bmp", "gif", "jpeg", "jpg",
	                   "png", "svg", "tiff", "pcx", "xcf", "xpm",
	                   "bz", "bz2", "rar", "tar", "z", "gz", "tgz", "zip", 0};

	if (isImageFile(file))
		return true;

	const QString ext(file.section('.', -1).toLower());
	int i = 0;
	while (binaryFileExtensions[i] != 0)
		if (ext == binaryFileExtensions[i++])
			return true;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: git.cpp Projeto: Byron/qgit4
const QString Git::getWorkDirDiff(SCRef fileName) {

	QString runCmd("git diff-index --no-color -r -z -m -p --full-index --no-commit-id HEAD"), runOutput;
	if (!fileName.isEmpty())
		runCmd.append(" -- " + quote(fileName));

	if (!run(runCmd, &runOutput))
		return "";

	/* For unknown reasons file sha of index is not ZERO_SHA but
	   a value of unknown origin.
	   Replace that with ZERO_SHA so to not fool annotate
	int idx = runOutput.indexOf("..");
	if (idx != -1)
		runOutput.replace(idx + 2, 40, ZERO_SHA);

	return runOutput;
Exemplo n.º 7
const QString Annotate::setupAuthor(SCRef origAuthor, int annId) {

	QString tmp(origAuthor.section('<', 0, 0).trimmed()); // strip e-mail address
	if (tmp.isEmpty()) { // probably only e-mail
		tmp = origAuthor;
		tmp = tmp.trimmed();
	// shrink author name if necessary
	if (tmp.length() > MAX_AUTHOR_LEN) {
		SCRef firstName(tmp.section(' ', 0, 0).trimmed());
		SCRef surname(tmp.section(' ', 1).trimmed());
		if (!firstName.isEmpty() && !surname.isEmpty())
			tmp = firstName.left(1) + ". " + surname;

	return QString("%1.%2").arg(annId, annNumLen).arg(tmp);
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: git.cpp Projeto: Byron/qgit4
const QString Git::getRevInfo(SCRef sha) {

	if (sha.isEmpty())
		return "";

	uint type = checkRef(sha);
	if (type == 0)
		return "";

	QString refsInfo;
	if (type & BRANCH) {
		const QString cap(type & CUR_BRANCH ? "HEAD: " : "Branch: ");
		refsInfo =  cap + getRefName(sha, BRANCH).join(" ");
	if (type & RMT_BRANCH)
		refsInfo.append("   Remote branch: " + getRefName(sha, RMT_BRANCH).join(" "));

	if (type & TAG)
		refsInfo.append("   Tag: " + getRefName(sha, TAG).join(" "));

	if (type & REF)
		refsInfo.append("   Ref: " + getRefName(sha, REF).join(" "));

	if (type & APPLIED)
		refsInfo.append("   Patch: " + getRefName(sha, APPLIED).join(" "));

	if (type & UN_APPLIED)
		refsInfo.append("   Patch: " + getRefName(sha, UN_APPLIED).join(" "));

	if (type & TAG) {
		SCRef msg(getTagMsg(sha));
		if (!msg.isEmpty())
			refsInfo.append("  [" + msg + "]");
	return refsInfo.trimmed();
Exemplo n.º 9
bool Git::isImageFile(SCRef file) {

	const QString ext(file.section('.', -1).toLower());
    return QImageReader::supportedImageFormats().contains(ext.toLatin1());