Exemplo n.º 1
void SEColladaScene::GetInverseBindingTransformation(SETransformation& 
    rDstTransformation, domListOfFloats* pSrcMatrix, int iSrcBase)
    // Given a COLLADA homogeneous inverse binding matrix M:
    // m00  m01  m02  t0
    // m10  m11  m12  t1
    // m20  m21  m22  t2
    //   0    0    0   1
    // in column major order.
    // Given a Swing Engine homogeneous vector V:
    // x
    // y 
    // z 
    // w
    // in column major order.
    // We should construct a homogeneous matrix that could finish the 
    // following operations:
    // (1) Transform V back to the original DCC right-handed system,
    //     say, V0, by using a homogeneous matrix M0:
    // Y_UP:         Z_UP:         X_UP:
    // 1  0  0  0    1  0  0  0    0  1  0  0
    // 0  1  0  0    0  0  1  0   -1  0  0  0
    // 0  0 -1  0    0  1  0  0    0  0 -1  0
    // 0  0  0  1    0  0  0  1    0  0  0  1
    // in column major order.
    // (2) Transform V0 into the COLLADA binding joint's local right-
    //     handed system, say, V1, by using M.
    // (3) Transform V1 back to the Swing Engine binding joint's local
    //     left-handed system, say, V2, by using a homogeneous matrix M1:
    // Y_UP:         Z_UP:         X_UP:
    // 1  0  0  0    1  0  0  0    0 -1  0  0
    // 0  1  0  0    0  0  1  0    1  0  0  0
    // 0  0 -1  0    0  1  0  0    0  0 -1  0
    // 0  0  0  1    0  0  0  1    0  0  0  1
    // in column major order.
    // The final combination of these three operations will be:
    // V2 = M1*M*M0*V.
    // So M1*M*M0 is the matrix we want:
    //  Y_UP:                Z_UP:                X_UP:
    //  m00  m01 -m02  t0    m00  m02  m01  t0    m11 -m10  m12 -t1
    //  m10  m11 -m12  t1    m20  m22  m21  t2   -m01  m00 -m02  t0
    // -m20 -m21  m22 -t2    m10  m12  m11  t1    m21 -m20  m22 -t2
    //    0    0    0   1      0    0    0   1      0    0    0   1
    // in column major order.

    float fM00, fM01, fM02, fM10, fM11, fM12, fM20, fM21, fM22;
    float fT0, fT1, fT2;

    fM00 = (float)(*pSrcMatrix)[iSrcBase     ];
    fM01 = (float)(*pSrcMatrix)[iSrcBase +  1];
    fM02 = (float)(*pSrcMatrix)[iSrcBase +  2];
    fM10 = (float)(*pSrcMatrix)[iSrcBase +  4];
    fM11 = (float)(*pSrcMatrix)[iSrcBase +  5];
    fM12 = (float)(*pSrcMatrix)[iSrcBase +  6];
    fM20 = (float)(*pSrcMatrix)[iSrcBase +  8];
    fM21 = (float)(*pSrcMatrix)[iSrcBase +  9];
    fM22 = (float)(*pSrcMatrix)[iSrcBase + 10];
    fT0 = (float)(*pSrcMatrix)[iSrcBase +  3];
    fT1 = (float)(*pSrcMatrix)[iSrcBase +  7];
    fT2 = (float)(*pSrcMatrix)[iSrcBase + 11];

    // MT form is enough for our usage.
    switch( ms_eOrientationMode )
    case OM_Y_UP:
            SEVector3f vec3fRow0(fM00, fM01, -fM02);
            SEVector3f vec3fRow1(fM10, fM11, -fM12);
            SEVector3f vec3fRow2(-fM20, -fM21, fM22);
            SEMatrix3f mat3fM(vec3fRow0, vec3fRow1, vec3fRow2, false);
            SEVector3f vec3fT(fT0, fT1, -fT2);


    case OM_Z_UP:
            SEVector3f vec3fRow0(fM00, fM02, fM01);
            SEVector3f vec3fRow1(fM20, fM22, fM21);
            SEVector3f vec3fRow2(fM10, fM12, fM11);
            SEMatrix3f mat3fM(vec3fRow0, vec3fRow1, vec3fRow2, false);
            SEVector3f vec3fT(fT0, fT2, fT1);


    case OM_X_UP:
            SEVector3f vec3fRow0(fM11, -fM10, fM12);
            SEVector3f vec3fRow1(-fM01, fM00, -fM02);
            SEVector3f vec3fRow2(fM21, -fM20, fM22);
            SEMatrix3f mat3fM(vec3fRow0, vec3fRow1, vec3fRow2, false);
            SEVector3f vec3fT(-fT1, fT0, -fT2);


        SE_ASSERT( false );