Exemplo n.º 1
void SE_BipedController::createBoneBaseMatrixInverse()
    for(int i = 0; i < oneBipAnimation.size(); ++i)
        SE_Matrix4f bp = oneBipAnimation[i]->bind_pose;

void SE_SkinJointController::createBoneBaseMatrixInverse()
	for(int i = 0 ; i < mBoneVector.size() ; i++)
		SE_Bone* bone = mBoneVector[i];
		SE_Matrix4f boneBaseMatrix = bone->getBaseMatrix();
		SE_Bone* parent = bone->getParent();
			SE_Matrix4f parentBaseMatrix = parent->getBaseMatrix();
			boneBaseMatrix = parentBaseMatrix.mul(boneBaseMatrix);
			parent = parent->getParent();
		mBoneBaseMatrixInverse[i] = boneBaseMatrix.inverse();
Exemplo n.º 3
SE_Vector3f SE_BipedController::convert(int vertexIndex,int frameindex,const char * objname, const SE_Vector3f& v)
    SE_Vector4f input;
    SE_Vector4f result(0,0,0,0);

    SE_SkeletonUnit *su = findSU(objname);

    //bipedIndex.size is number that how many bips effact this vertext.
    int bipNumPerVertex = su->objVertexBlendInfo[vertexIndex]->bipedIndex.size();  

    //how many bips will take effact to one vertex
    for(int i = 0; i < bipNumPerVertex; ++i)
        int bipIndex = su->objVertexBlendInfo[vertexIndex]->bipedIndex[i];//bipIndex is start from 1, not 0.

        int bipindexfromcache = su->bipCache[bipIndex-1]->bipIndexOnBipAnimation;

        SE_Biped *bip = oneBipAnimation[bipindexfromcache];// find bip from all bips

        if(bip->animationInfo.size() == 0)

#ifdef _FORDEBUG
        SE_Matrix4f bindpos = bip->bind_pose;
        SE_Matrix4f inversOfbp = bindpos.inverse();

        SE_Quat worldR = bip->animationInfo[frameindex]->rotateQ;
        SE_Vector3f worldT = bip->animationInfo[frameindex]->translate;
        SE_Vector3f worldS = bip->animationInfo[frameindex]->scale;

        SE_Matrix4f transform;
        //not use scale
        transform.set(worldR.toMatrix3f(),SE_Vector3f(1,1,1),worldT);//myTransform relate parent        

        SE_Matrix4f parentBoneToWorld;

            parentBoneToWorld = *(bip->parent->boneToWorldPerFrame[frameindex]);
            //this bip is ROOT,the transform is world relative;

        SE_Matrix4f m = parentBoneToWorld.mul(transform).mul(inversOfbp);

        SE_Matrix4f m = mAfterTransformMatrixToWorld[bipindexfromcache].mul(mBindposeMatrixInverse[bipindexfromcache]);
        SE_Matrix4f m = AllFrameFinalTransformMatrix[frameindex][bipindexfromcache];

        result = result + m.map(input) * su->objVertexBlendInfo[vertexIndex]->weight[i];
    return result.xyz();
Exemplo n.º 4
void SE_Camera::getFrustumPlanes(SE_Plane planes[6]) const
		for(int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++)
			planes[i] = mPlanes[i];
    SE_Plane lplanes[6];
    lplanes[0] = mFrustum.getLeftPlane();
    lplanes[1] = mFrustum.getRightPlane();
    lplanes[2] = mFrustum.getTopPlane();
    lplanes[3] = mFrustum.getBottomPlane();
    lplanes[4] = mFrustum.getNearPlane();
    lplanes[5] = mFrustum.getFarPlane();
    SE_Matrix4f vtom = getViewToWorldMatrix();
    vtom = vtom.inverse();
    vtom = vtom.transpose();
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++)
        SE_Plane p = lplanes[i].transform(vtom);
		planes[i].set(p.getNormal().neg(), p.getDistance());
		mPlanes[i] = planes[i];
#ifdef DEBUG
	SE_Plane nplanes[6];
	SE_Vector3f NearLeftBottom, NearLeftTop, NearRightBottom, NearRightTop,
		        FarLeftBottom, FarLeftTop, FarRightBottom, FarRightTop;
	SE_Vector3f tmp1;
	SE_Vector3f tmp[4];
	SE_Rect<float> nearplane = mFrustum.getNearPlaneRect();
	tmp[0] = mAxisZ.mul(-mFrustum.getNear());
	tmp[1] = mAxisX.mul(nearplane.left);
	tmp[2] = mAxisY.mul(nearplane.bottom);
	tmp[3] = mLocation;
	NearLeftBottom = tmp[0] + tmp[1] + tmp[2] + tmp[3];
	tmp1 = tmp[0] + tmp[1] + tmp[2];
	tmp1 = tmp1.mul(mFrustum.getFar() / mFrustum.getNear());
	FarLeftBottom = mLocation + tmp1;

	tmp[1] = mAxisX.mul(nearplane.left);
	tmp[2] = mAxisY.mul(nearplane.top);
	NearLeftTop = tmp[0] + tmp[1] + tmp[2] + tmp[3];
    tmp1 = tmp[0] + tmp[1] + tmp[2];
	tmp1 = tmp1.mul(mFrustum.getFar() / mFrustum.getNear());
	FarLeftTop = mLocation + tmp1;

	tmp[1] = mAxisX.mul(nearplane.right);
	tmp[2] = mAxisY.mul(nearplane.bottom);
	NearRightBottom = tmp[0] + tmp[1] + tmp[2] + tmp[3];
    tmp1 = tmp[0] + tmp[1] + tmp[2];
	tmp1 = tmp1.mul(mFrustum.getFar() / mFrustum.getNear());
	FarRightBottom = mLocation + tmp1;

	tmp[1] = mAxisX.mul(nearplane.right);
	tmp[2] = mAxisY.mul(nearplane.top);
	NearRightTop = tmp[0] + tmp[1] + tmp[2] + tmp[3];

	tmp1 = tmp[0] + tmp[1] + tmp[2];
	tmp1 = tmp1.mul(mFrustum.getFar() / mFrustum.getNear());
	FarRightTop = mLocation + tmp1;

	nplanes[0].set(NearLeftBottom, mLocation, NearLeftTop);
	nplanes[1].set(NearRightTop, mLocation, NearRightBottom);
	nplanes[2].set(mLocation, NearLeftBottom, NearRightBottom);
	nplanes[3].set(mLocation, NearRightTop, NearLeftTop);
	nplanes[4].set(NearLeftBottom, NearRightBottom, NearRightTop);
	nplanes[5].set(FarLeftBottom, FarLeftTop, FarRightTop);
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++)
        planes[i] = nplanes[i];
Exemplo n.º 5
SE_Matrix4f SE_Camera::getWorldToViewMatrix() const
    SE_Matrix4f vtow = getViewToWorldMatrix();
    return vtow.inverse(); 