Exemplo n.º 1
static bool ParseFX( const CGPProperty& grp, CFxScheduler& scheduler, CMediaHandles& handles, SFxHelper& helper, int& flags, int successFlags, gsl::czstring loadError, gsl::czstring emptyError )
	bool any = false;
	for( auto& value : grp.GetValues() )
		if( !value.empty() )
			any = true;
			// TODO: string_view parameter
			int handle = scheduler.RegisterEffect( std::string( value.begin(), value.end() ).c_str() );
			if( handle )
				handles.AddHandle( handle );
				flags |= successFlags;
				helper.Print( "%s", loadError );
	if( !any )
		helper.Print( "%s", emptyError );
	return any;
Exemplo n.º 2
// FX_GetValidEffect
// Finds an unused effect slot
// Note - in the editor, this function may return NULL, indicating that all
// effects are being stopped.
static SEffectList *FX_GetValidEffect()
	if ( nextValidEffect->mEffect == 0 )
		return nextValidEffect;

	int			i;
	SEffectList	*ef;

	// Blah..plow through the list till we find something that is currently untainted
	for ( i = 0, ef = effectList; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++, ef++ )
		if ( ef->mEffect == 0 )
			return ef;

	// report the error.
	theFxHelper.Print( "FX system out of effects\n" );

	// Hmmm.. just trashing the first effect in the list is a poor approach
	FX_FreeMember( &effectList[0] );

	// Recursive call
	return nextValidEffect;
Exemplo n.º 3
// FX_Add
// Adds all fx to the view
void FX_Add( bool portal )
	int			i;
	SEffectList	*ef;
	drawnFx = 0;

	int numFx = activeFx;	//but stop when there can't be any more left!
	for ( i = 0, ef = effectList; i < MAX_EFFECTS && numFx; i++, ef++ )
		if ( ef->mEffect != 0)
			if (portal != ef->mPortal)
				continue;	//this one does not render in this scene
			// Effect is active
			if ( theFxHelper.mTime > ef->mKillTime )
				// Clean up old effects, calling any death effects as needed
				// this flag just has to be cleared otherwise death effects might not happen correctly
				ef->mEffect->ClearFlags( FX_KILL_ON_IMPACT ); 
				FX_FreeMember( ef );
				if ( ef->mEffect->Update() == false )
					// We've been marked for death
					FX_FreeMember( ef );

	if ( fx_debug->integer && !portal)
		theFxHelper.Print( "Active    FX: %i\n", activeFx );
		theFxHelper.Print( "Drawn     FX: %i\n", drawnFx );
		theFxHelper.Print( "Scheduled FX: %i\n", theFxScheduler.NumScheduledFx() );
Exemplo n.º 4
// FX_Add
// Adds all fx to the view
void FX_Add( void )
	int			i;
	SEffectList	*ef;

	drawnFx = 0;
	mParticles = 0;
	mOParticles = 0;
	mLines = 0;
	mTails = 0;

	// Blah....plow through the whole dang list.
	for ( i = 0, ef = effectList; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++, ef++ )
		if ( ef->mEffect != 0 )
			// Effect is active
			if ( theFxHelper.mTime > ef->mKillTime )
				// Clean up old effects, calling any death effects as needed
				// this flag just has to be cleared otherwise death effects might not happen correctly
				ef->mEffect->ClearFlags( FX_KILL_ON_IMPACT ); 
				FX_FreeMember( ef );
				if ( ef->mEffect->Update() == false )
					// We've been marked for death
					FX_FreeMember( ef );

	if ( fx_debug.integer )
		if ( theFxHelper.mTime > mMaxTime )
			// decay pretty harshly when we do it
			mMax *= 0.9f;
			mMaxTime = theFxHelper.mTime + 200; // decay 5 times a second if we haven't set a new max
		if ( activeFx > mMax )
			// but we can never be less that the current activeFx count
			mMax = activeFx;
			mMaxTime = theFxHelper.mTime + 4000; // since we just increased the max, hold it for at least 4 seconds

		// Particles
		if ( mParticles > 500 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Particles  ^1%4i  ", mParticles );
		else if ( mParticles > 250 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Particles  ^3%4i  ", mParticles );
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Particles  %4i  ", mParticles );

		// Lines
		if ( mLines > 500 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Lines ^1%4i\n", mLines );
		else if ( mLines > 250 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Lines ^3%4i\n", mLines );
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Lines %4i\n", mLines );

		// OParticles
		if ( mOParticles > 500 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">OParticles ^1%4i  ", mOParticles );
		else if ( mOParticles > 250 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">OParticles ^3%4i  ", mOParticles );
			theFxHelper.Print( ">OParticles %4i  ", mOParticles );

		// Tails
		if ( mTails > 400 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Tails ^1%4i\n", mTails );
		else if ( mTails > 200 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Tails ^3%4i\n", mTails );
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Tails %4i\n", mTails );

		// Active
		if ( activeFx > 600 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Active     ^1%4i  ", activeFx );
		else if ( activeFx > 400 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Active     ^3%4i  ", activeFx );
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Active     %4i  ", activeFx );

		// Drawn
		if ( drawnFx > 600 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Drawn ^1%4i  ", drawnFx );
		else if ( drawnFx > 400 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Drawn ^3%4i  ", drawnFx );
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Drawn %4i  ", drawnFx );

		// Max
		if ( mMax > 600 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Max ^1%4i  ", mMax );
		else if ( mMax > 400 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Max ^3%4i  ", mMax );
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Max %4i  ", mMax );

		// Scheduled
		if ( theFxScheduler.NumScheduledFx() > 100 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Scheduled ^1%4i\n", theFxScheduler.NumScheduledFx() );
		else if ( theFxScheduler.NumScheduledFx() > 50 )
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Scheduled ^3%4i\n", theFxScheduler.NumScheduledFx() );
			theFxHelper.Print( ">Scheduled %4i\n", theFxScheduler.NumScheduledFx() );