Exemplo n.º 1
static void emitOnceCall(SILGenFunction &SGF, VarDecl *global,
                         SILGlobalVariable *onceToken, SILFunction *onceFunc) {
  SILType rawPointerSILTy
    = SGF.getLoweredLoadableType(SGF.getASTContext().TheRawPointerType);

  // Emit a reference to the global token.
  SILValue onceTokenAddr = SGF.B.createGlobalAddr(global, onceToken);
  onceTokenAddr = SGF.B.createAddressToPointer(global, onceTokenAddr,

  // Emit a reference to the function to execute.
  SILValue onceFuncRef = SGF.B.createFunctionRef(global, onceFunc);

  // Call Builtin.once.
  SILValue onceArgs[] = {onceTokenAddr, onceFuncRef};
  SGF.B.createBuiltin(global, SGF.getASTContext().getIdentifier("once"),
                      SGF.SGM.Types.getEmptyTupleType(), {}, onceArgs);
Exemplo n.º 2
static SILValue emitConstructorMetatypeArg(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                           ValueDecl *ctor) {
  // In addition to the declared arguments, the constructor implicitly takes
  // the metatype as its first argument, like a static function.
  Type metatype = ctor->getInterfaceType()->castTo<AnyFunctionType>()->getInput();
  auto *DC = ctor->getInnermostDeclContext();
  auto &AC = gen.getASTContext();
  auto VD = new (AC) ParamDecl(/*IsLet*/ true, SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
                               AC.getIdentifier("$metatype"), SourceLoc(),
                               AC.getIdentifier("$metatype"), Type(),

  gen.AllocatorMetatype = gen.F.begin()->createFunctionArgument(
      gen.getLoweredType(DC->mapTypeIntoContext(metatype)), VD);

  return gen.AllocatorMetatype;
Exemplo n.º 3
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinBindMemory(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                          SILLocation loc,
                                          SubstitutionList subs,
                                          ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                          CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                          SGFContext C) {
  assert(subs.size() == 1 && "bindMemory should have a single substitution");
  assert(args.size() == 3 && "bindMemory should have three argument");

  // The substitution determines the element type for bound memory.
  CanType boundFormalType = subs[0].getReplacement()->getCanonicalType();
  SILType boundType = gen.getLoweredType(boundFormalType);

  gen.B.createBindMemory(loc, args[0].getValue(),
                         args[1].getValue(), boundType);

  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(gen.emitEmptyTuple(loc));
Exemplo n.º 4
static LValue emitLValueForMemberInit(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc,
                                      VarDecl *selfDecl,
                                      VarDecl *property) {
  CanType selfFormalType = selfDecl->getType()->getCanonicalType();
  auto self = emitSelfForMemberInit(SGF, loc, selfDecl);
  return SGF.emitPropertyLValue(loc, self, selfFormalType, property,
                                LValueOptions(), SGFAccessKind::Write,
Exemplo n.º 5
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinTypeTrait(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                        SILLocation loc,
                                        SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                        ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                        CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                        SGFContext C) {
  assert(substitutions.size() == 1
         && "type trait should take a single type parameter");
  assert(args.size() == 1
         && "type trait should take a single argument");
  unsigned result;
  auto traitTy = substitutions[0].getReplacement()->getCanonicalType();
  switch ((traitTy.getPointer()->*Trait)()) {
  // If the type obviously has or lacks the trait, emit a constant result.
  case TypeTraitResult::IsNot:
    result = 0;
  case TypeTraitResult::Is:
    result = 1;
  // If not, emit the builtin call normally. Specialization may be able to
  // eliminate it later, or we'll lower it away at IRGen time.
  case TypeTraitResult::CanBe: {
    auto &C = gen.getASTContext();
    auto int8Ty = BuiltinIntegerType::get(8, C)->getCanonicalType();
    auto apply = gen.B.createBuiltin(loc,
                                     substitutions, args[0].getValue());
    return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(apply);
  // Produce the result as an integer literal constant.
  auto val = gen.B.createIntegerLiteral(
      loc, SILType::getBuiltinIntegerType(8, gen.getASTContext()),
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(val);
Exemplo n.º 6
static ManagedValue
adjustForConditionalCheckedCastOperand(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue src,
                                       CanType sourceType, CanType targetType,
                                       SILGenFunction &SGF) {
  // Reabstract to the most general abstraction, and put it into a
  // temporary if necessary.
  // Figure out if we need the value to be in a temporary.
  bool requiresAddress =
    !canUseScalarCheckedCastInstructions(SGF.SGM.M, sourceType, targetType);
  AbstractionPattern abstraction = SGF.SGM.M.Types.getMostGeneralAbstraction();
  auto &srcAbstractTL = SGF.getTypeLowering(abstraction, sourceType);
  bool hasAbstraction = (src.getType() != srcAbstractTL.getLoweredType());
  // Fast path: no re-abstraction required.
  if (!hasAbstraction && (!requiresAddress || src.getType().isAddress())) {
    return src;
  std::unique_ptr<TemporaryInitialization> init;
  SGFContext ctx;
  if (requiresAddress) {
    init = SGF.emitTemporary(loc, srcAbstractTL);
    // Okay, if all we need to do is drop the value in an address,
    // this is easy.
    if (!hasAbstraction) {
      SGF.B.createStore(loc, src.forward(SGF), init->getAddress());
      return init->getManagedAddress();
    ctx = SGFContext(init.get());
  assert(src.getType().isObject() &&
         "address-only type with abstraction difference?");
  // Produce the value at +1.
  return SGF.emitSubstToOrigValue(loc, src, abstraction, sourceType);
Exemplo n.º 7
ManagedValue ManagedValue::materialize(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                       SILLocation loc) const {
  auto temporary = SGF.emitTemporaryAllocation(loc, getType());
  bool hadCleanup = hasCleanup();

  // The temporary memory is +0 if the value was.
  if (hadCleanup) {
    SGF.B.emitStoreValueOperation(loc, forward(SGF), temporary,

    // SEMANTIC SIL TODO: This should really be called a temporary LValue.
    return ManagedValue::forOwnedAddressRValue(temporary,
  } else {
    auto object = SGF.emitManagedBeginBorrow(loc, getValue());
    SGF.emitManagedStoreBorrow(loc, object.getValue(), temporary);
    return ManagedValue::forBorrowedAddressRValue(temporary);
Exemplo n.º 8
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.condfail.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinCondFail(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                        SILLocation loc,
                                        SubstitutionMap substitutions,
                                        ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                        SGFContext C) {
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "condfail should be given one argument");
  SGF.B.createCondFail(loc, args[0].getUnmanagedValue());
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(SGF.emitEmptyTuple(loc));
Exemplo n.º 9
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.fixLifetime.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinFixLifetime(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                           SILLocation loc,
                                           SubstitutionMap substitutions,
                                           ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                           SGFContext C) {
  for (auto arg : args) {
    SGF.B.createFixLifetime(loc, arg.getValue());
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(SGF.emitEmptyTuple(loc));
Exemplo n.º 10
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinAutorelease(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                           SILLocation loc,
                                           SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                           ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                           CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                           SGFContext C) {
  gen.B.createUnmanagedAutoreleaseValue(loc, args[0].getValue(),
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(gen.emitEmptyTuple(loc));    
Exemplo n.º 11
/// This is the same operation as 'copy', but works on +0 values that don't
/// have cleanups.  It returns a +1 value with one.
ManagedValue ManagedValue::formalAccessCopyUnmanaged(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                                     SILLocation loc) {
  if (getType().isObject()) {
    return SGF.B.createFormalAccessCopyValue(loc, *this);

  SILValue result = SGF.emitTemporaryAllocation(loc, getType());
  return SGF.B.createFormalAccessCopyAddr(loc, *this, result, IsNotTake,
Exemplo n.º 12
/// Emit a materializeForSet operation that projects storage, assuming
/// that no cleanups or callbacks are required.
SILValue MaterializeForSetEmitter::emitUsingStorage(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                                    SILLocation loc,
                                                    ManagedValue self,
                                                    RValue &&indices) {
  LValue lvalue = buildLValue(gen, loc, self, std::move(indices),
  ManagedValue address =
    gen.emitAddressOfLValue(loc, std::move(lvalue), AccessKind::ReadWrite);
  return address.getUnmanagedValue();
/// Store a copy of this value with independent ownership into the given
/// uninitialized address.
void ManagedValue::copyInto(SILGenFunction &gen, SILValue dest, SILLocation L) {
  auto &lowering = gen.getTypeLowering(getType());
  if (lowering.isAddressOnly()) {
    gen.B.createCopyAddr(L, getValue(), dest,
                         IsNotTake, IsInitialization);
  lowering.emitRetainValue(gen.B, L, getValue());
  gen.B.createStore(L, getValue(), dest);
Exemplo n.º 14
ManagedValue ArgumentSource::getAsSingleValue(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                              AbstractionPattern origFormalType,
                                              SGFContext C) && {
  auto loc = getLocation();
  auto substFormalType = getSubstType();
  ManagedValue outputValue = std::move(*this).getAsSingleValue(gen);
  return gen.emitSubstToOrigValue(loc,
                                  outputValue, origFormalType,
                                  substFormalType, C);
Exemplo n.º 15
void ArgumentSource::forwardInto(SILGenFunction &gen, Initialization *dest) && {
  if (isRValue()) {
    auto loc = getKnownRValueLocation();
    return std::move(*this).asKnownRValue().forwardInto(gen, loc, dest);

  auto e = std::move(*this).asKnownExpr();
  return gen.emitExprInto(e, dest);
Exemplo n.º 16
/// Emit a materializeForSet operation that calls a mutable addressor.
/// If it's not an unsafe addressor, this uses a callback function to
/// write the l-value back.
SILValue MaterializeForSetEmitter::emitUsingAddressor(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                                      SILLocation loc,
                                                      ManagedValue self,
                                                      RValue &&indices,
                                                      SILValue callbackBuffer,
                                                      SILFunction *&callback) {
  bool isDirect = (TheAccessSemantics != AccessSemantics::Ordinary);

  // Call the mutable addressor.
  auto addressor = SGF.getAddressorDeclRef(WitnessStorage,
  std::pair<ManagedValue, ManagedValue> result;
    FormalEvaluationScope Scope(SGF);

    SILType addressType = WitnessStorageType.getAddressType();
    ArgumentSource baseRV =
        SGF.prepareAccessorBaseArg(loc, self, SubstSelfType, addressor);
    result = SGF.emitAddressorAccessor(loc, addressor, WitnessSubs,
                                       std::move(baseRV), IsSuper, isDirect,
                                       std::move(indices), addressType);

  SILValue address = result.first.getUnmanagedValue();

  AddressorKind addressorKind =
  ManagedValue owner = result.second;
  if (!owner) {
    assert(addressorKind == AddressorKind::Unsafe);
  } else {
    SILValue allocatedCallbackBuffer =
      SGF.B.createAllocValueBuffer(loc, owner.getType(), callbackBuffer);
    SGF.B.emitStoreValueOperation(loc, owner.forward(SGF),

    callback = createAddressorCallback(SGF.F, owner.getType(), addressorKind);

  return address;
Exemplo n.º 17
/// Store a copy of this value with independent ownership into the given
/// uninitialized address.
void ManagedValue::copyInto(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILValue dest,
                            SILLocation loc) {
  auto &lowering = SGF.getTypeLowering(getType());
  if (lowering.isAddressOnly() && SGF.silConv.useLoweredAddresses()) {
    SGF.B.createCopyAddr(loc, getValue(), dest, IsNotTake, IsInitialization);

  SILValue copy = lowering.emitCopyValue(SGF.B, loc, getValue());
  lowering.emitStoreOfCopy(SGF.B, loc, copy, dest, IsInitialization);
Exemplo n.º 18
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.condfail.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinCondFail(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                        SILLocation loc,
                                        SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                        ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                        CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                        SGFContext C) {
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "condfail should be given one argument");
  gen.B.createCondFail(loc, args[0].getUnmanagedValue());
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(gen.emitEmptyTuple(loc));
Exemplo n.º 19
/// Specialized emitter for Builtin.fixLifetime.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinFixLifetime(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                           SILLocation loc,
                                           SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                           ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                           CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                           SGFContext C) {
  for (auto arg : args) {
    gen.B.createFixLifetime(loc, arg.getValue());
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(gen.emitEmptyTuple(loc));
Exemplo n.º 20
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinAutorelease(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                           SILLocation loc,
                                           ArrayRef<Substitution> substitutions,
                                           ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                           CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                           SGFContext C) {
  // The value was produced at +1, so to produce an unbalanced
  // autorelease we need to leave the cleanup intact.
  gen.B.createAutoreleaseValue(loc, args[0].getValue(), Atomicity::Atomic);
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(gen.emitEmptyTuple(loc));    
Exemplo n.º 21
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinRetain(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                       SILLocation loc,
                                       ArrayRef<Substitution> substitutions,
                                       ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                       CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                       SGFContext C) {
  // The value was produced at +1; we can produce an unbalanced
  // retain simply by disabling the cleanup.
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(gen.emitEmptyTuple(loc));    
Exemplo n.º 22
/// Emit Builtin.initialize by evaluating the operand directly into
/// the address.
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinInit(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                    SILLocation loc,
                                    ArrayRef<Substitution> substitutions,
                                    Expr *tuple,
                                    CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                    SGFContext C) {
  auto args = decomposeArguments(gen, tuple, 2);

  CanType formalType = substitutions[0].getReplacement()->getCanonicalType();
  auto &formalTL = gen.getTypeLowering(formalType);

  SILValue addr = gen.emitRValueAsSingleValue(args[1]).getUnmanagedValue();
  addr = gen.B.createPointerToAddress(loc, addr,

  TemporaryInitialization init(addr, CleanupHandle::invalid());
  gen.emitExprInto(args[0], &init);
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(gen.emitEmptyTuple(loc));
Exemplo n.º 23
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinValueToBridgeObject(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                                   SILLocation loc,
                                                   SubstitutionMap subs,
                                                   ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                                   SGFContext C) {
  assert(args.size() == 1 && "ValueToBridgeObject should have one argument");
  assert(subs.getReplacementTypes().size() == 1 &&
         "ValueToBridgeObject should have one sub");

  Type argTy = subs.getReplacementTypes()[0];
  if (!argTy->is<BuiltinIntegerType>()) {
    SGF.SGM.diagnose(loc, diag::invalid_sil_builtin,
                     "argument to builtin should be a builtin integer");
    SILType objPointerType = SILType::getBridgeObjectType(SGF.F.getASTContext());
    return SGF.emitUndef(objPointerType);

  SILValue result = SGF.B.createValueToBridgeObject(loc, args[0].getValue());
  return SGF.emitManagedRetain(loc, result);
Exemplo n.º 24
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinTryPin(SILGenFunction &SGF,
                                      SILLocation loc,
                                      SubstitutionList subs,
                                      ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                      SGFContext C) {
  assert(args.size() == 1);

  if (!requireIsOptionalNativeObject(SGF, loc, subs[0].getReplacement())) {
    return SGF.emitUndef(loc, subs[0].getReplacement());

  // The value was produced at +1, but pinning is only a conditional
  // retain, so we have to leave the cleanup in place.  TODO: try to
  // emit the argument at +0.
  SILValue result =
      SGF.B.createStrongPin(loc, args[0].getValue(), SGF.B.getDefaultAtomicity());

  // The handle, if non-null, is effectively +1.
  return SGF.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(result);
Exemplo n.º 25
ManagedValue ArgumentSource::getAsSingleValue(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                              SGFContext C) && {
  if (isRValue()) {
    auto loc = getKnownRValueLocation();
    return std::move(*this).asKnownRValue().getAsSingleValue(gen, loc);
  if (isLValue()) {
    auto loc = getKnownLValueLocation();
    return gen.emitAddressOfLValue(loc, std::move(*this).asKnownLValue(),

  auto e = std::move(*this).asKnownExpr();
  if (e->getType()->is<InOutType>()) {
    return gen.emitAddressOfLValue(e, gen.emitLValue(e, AccessKind::ReadWrite),
  } else {
    return gen.emitRValueAsSingleValue(e, C);
Exemplo n.º 26
static void forwardCaptureArgs(SILGenFunction &gen,
                               SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &args,
                               CapturedValue capture) {
  auto addSILArgument = [&](SILType t, ValueDecl *d) {
    args.push_back(gen.F.begin()->createFunctionArgument(t, d));

  auto *vd = capture.getDecl();

  switch (gen.SGM.Types.getDeclCaptureKind(capture)) {
  case CaptureKind::None:

  case CaptureKind::Constant: {
    auto *var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(vd);
    addSILArgument(gen.getLoweredType(var->getType()), vd);

  case CaptureKind::Box: {
    // Forward the captured owning box.
    auto *var = cast<VarDecl>(vd);
    auto boxTy = gen.SGM.Types
                                     /*mutable*/ true);
    addSILArgument(SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(boxTy), vd);

  case CaptureKind::StorageAddress: {
    auto *var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(vd);
    SILType ty = gen.getLoweredType(var->getType()->getRValueType())
    // Forward the captured value address.
    addSILArgument(ty, vd);
Exemplo n.º 27
static ManagedValue emitBridgeNSStringToString(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                               SILLocation loc,
                                               ManagedValue nsstr) {
  SILValue bridgeFn =
      gen.emitGlobalFunctionRef(loc, gen.SGM.getNSStringToStringFn());

  Type inputType = nsstr.getType().getSwiftRValueType();
  if (!inputType->getOptionalObjectType()) {
    SILType loweredOptTy = gen.SGM.getLoweredType(OptionalType::get(inputType));
    auto *someDecl = gen.getASTContext().getOptionalSomeDecl();
    auto *enumInst = gen.B.createEnum(loc, nsstr.getValue(), someDecl,
    nsstr = ManagedValue(enumInst, nsstr.getCleanup());

  SILType nativeTy = gen.getLoweredType(gen.SGM.Types.getStringType());
  SILValue str = gen.B.createApply(loc, bridgeFn, bridgeFn.getType(), nativeTy,
                                   {}, { nsstr.forward(gen) });

  return gen.emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(str);
Exemplo n.º 28
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinRelease(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                       SILLocation loc,
                                       SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                       ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                       CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                       SGFContext C) {
  // The value was produced at +1, so to produce an unbalanced
  // release we need to leave the cleanup intact and then do a *second*
  // release.
  gen.B.createUnmanagedReleaseValue(loc, args[0].getValue());
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(gen.emitEmptyTuple(loc));    
Exemplo n.º 29
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinRetain(SILGenFunction &gen,
                                       SILLocation loc,
                                       SubstitutionList substitutions,
                                       ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
                                       CanFunctionType formalApplyType,
                                       SGFContext C) {
  // The value was produced at +1; we can produce an unbalanced retain simply by
  // disabling the cleanup. But this would violate ownership semantics. Instead,
  // we must allow for the cleanup and emit a new unmanaged retain value.
  gen.B.createUnmanagedRetainValue(loc, args[0].getValue());
  return ManagedValue::forUnmanaged(gen.emitEmptyTuple(loc));    
Exemplo n.º 30
/// Given a list of direct results, form the direct result value.
/// Note that this intentionally loses any tuple sub-structure of the
/// formal result type.
static SILValue buildReturnValue(SILGenFunction &gen, SILLocation loc,
                                 ArrayRef<SILValue> directResults) {
  if (directResults.size() == 1)
    return directResults[0];

  SmallVector<TupleTypeElt, 4> eltTypes;
  for (auto elt : directResults)
  auto resultType = SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(
    CanType(TupleType::get(eltTypes, gen.getASTContext())));
  return gen.B.createTuple(loc, resultType, directResults);