void CEditPropExternals::OnBnClickedFindhead() { CProgressDlg progDlg; progDlg.ShowModal(m_hWnd, TRUE); progDlg.SetTitle(IDS_EDITPROPS_PROG_FINDHEADTITLE); progDlg.SetLine(1, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_EDITPROPS_PROG_FINDHEADROOTS))); DWORD count = 0; DWORD total = (DWORD)m_externals.size()*4; SVN svn; svn.SetPromptParentWindow(m_hWnd); SVNInfo svnInfo; svnInfo.SetPromptParentWindow(m_hWnd); for (auto it = m_externals.begin(); it != m_externals.end(); ++it) { progDlg.SetProgress(count++, total); if (progDlg.HasUserCancelled()) break; if (it->root.IsEmpty()) { CTSVNPath p = it->path; p.AppendPathString(it->targetDir); it->root = svn.GetRepositoryRoot(p); } } progDlg.SetLine(1, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_EDITPROPS_PROG_FINDHEADREVS))); SVNLogHelper logHelper; for (auto it = m_externals.begin(); it != m_externals.end(); ++it) { progDlg.SetProgress(count, total); progDlg.SetLine(2, it->url, true); if (progDlg.HasUserCancelled()) break; count += 4; if (!it->root.IsEmpty()) { auto youngestRev = logHelper.GetYoungestRev(CTSVNPath(it->fullurl)); if (!youngestRev.IsValid()) it->headrev = svn.GetHEADRevision(CTSVNPath(it->fullurl), true); else it->headrev = youngestRev; } } progDlg.Stop(); m_ExtList.Invalidate(); }
bool SVNDiff::ShowCompare( const CTSVNPath& url1, const SVNRev& rev1, const CTSVNPath& url2, const SVNRev& rev2, SVNRev peg, bool ignoreprops, const CString& options, bool ignoreancestry /*= false*/, bool blame /*= false*/, svn_node_kind_t nodekind /*= svn_node_unknown*/ ) { CTSVNPath tempfile; CString mimetype; CProgressDlg progDlg; progDlg.SetTitle(IDS_APPNAME); progDlg.SetTime(false); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo(&progDlg); CAppUtils::DiffFlags diffFlags; diffFlags.ReadOnly().AlternativeTool(m_bAlternativeTool); if ((m_pSVN->PathIsURL(url1))||(!rev1.IsWorking())||(!url1.IsEquivalentTo(url2))) { // no working copy path! progDlg.ShowModeless(GetHWND()); tempfile = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(false, url1); // first find out if the url points to a file or dir CString sRepoRoot; if ((nodekind != svn_node_dir)&&(nodekind != svn_node_file)) { progDlg.SetLine(1, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_PROGRESS_INFO))); SVNInfo info; const SVNInfoData * data = info.GetFirstFileInfo(url1, (peg.IsValid() ? peg : m_headPeg), rev1, svn_depth_empty); if (data == NULL) { data = info.GetFirstFileInfo(url1, (peg.IsValid() ? peg : rev1), rev1, svn_depth_empty); if (data == NULL) { data = info.GetFirstFileInfo(url1, (peg.IsValid() ? peg : rev2), rev1, svn_depth_empty); if (data == NULL) { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); info.ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } else { sRepoRoot = data->reposRoot; nodekind = data->kind; peg = peg.IsValid() ? peg : rev2; } } else { sRepoRoot = data->reposRoot; nodekind = data->kind; peg = peg.IsValid() ? peg : rev1; } } else { sRepoRoot = data->reposRoot; nodekind = data->kind; peg = peg.IsValid() ? peg : m_headPeg; } } else { sRepoRoot = m_pSVN->GetRepositoryRoot(url1); peg = peg.IsValid() ? peg : m_headPeg; } if (nodekind == svn_node_dir) { if (rev1.IsWorking()) { if (UnifiedDiff(tempfile, url1, rev1, url2, rev2, (peg.IsValid() ? peg : SVNRev::REV_WC), options)) { CString sWC; sWC.LoadString(IDS_DIFF_WORKINGCOPY); progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); return !!CAppUtils::StartExtPatch(tempfile, url1.GetDirectory(), sWC, url2.GetSVNPathString(), TRUE); } } else { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); CFileDiffDlg fdlg; fdlg.DoBlame(blame); if (url1.IsEquivalentTo(url2)) { fdlg.SetDiff(url1, (peg.IsValid() ? peg : m_headPeg), rev1, rev2, svn_depth_infinity, ignoreancestry); fdlg.DoModal(); } else { fdlg.SetDiff(url1, rev1, url2, rev2, svn_depth_infinity, ignoreancestry); fdlg.DoModal(); } } } else { if (url1.IsEquivalentTo(url2) && !ignoreprops) { svn_revnum_t baseRev = 0; DiffProps(url1, rev2, rev1, baseRev); } // diffing two revs of a file, so export two files CTSVNPath tempfile1 = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(m_bRemoveTempFiles, blame ? CTSVNPath() : url1, rev1); CTSVNPath tempfile2 = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(m_bRemoveTempFiles, blame ? CTSVNPath() : url2, rev2); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo(&progDlg, true); // activate progress bar progDlg.FormatPathLine(1, IDS_PROGRESSGETFILEREVISION, (LPCTSTR)url1.GetUIFileOrDirectoryName(), (LPCTSTR)rev1.ToString()); CAppUtils::GetMimeType(url1, mimetype, rev1); CBlame blamer; blamer.SetAndClearProgressInfo(&progDlg, true); if (blame) { if (!blamer.BlameToFile(url1, 1, rev1, peg.IsValid() ? peg : rev1, tempfile1, options, TRUE, TRUE)) { if ((peg.IsValid())&&(blamer.GetSVNError()->apr_err != SVN_ERR_CLIENT_IS_BINARY_FILE)) { if (!blamer.BlameToFile(url1, 1, rev1, rev1, tempfile1, options, TRUE, TRUE)) { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); blamer.ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } } else { if (blamer.GetSVNError()->apr_err != SVN_ERR_CLIENT_IS_BINARY_FILE) { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); } blamer.ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); if (blamer.GetSVNError()->apr_err == SVN_ERR_CLIENT_IS_BINARY_FILE) blame = false; else return false; } } } if (!blame) { bool tryWorking = (!m_pSVN->PathIsURL(url1) && rev1.IsWorking() && PathFileExists(url1.GetWinPath())); if (!m_pSVN->Export(url1, tempfile1, peg.IsValid() && !tryWorking ? peg : rev1, rev1)) { if (peg.IsValid()) { if (!m_pSVN->Export(url1, tempfile1, rev1, rev1)) { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); m_pSVN->ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } } else { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); m_pSVN->ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } } } SetFileAttributes(tempfile1.GetWinPath(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); progDlg.FormatPathLine(1, IDS_PROGRESSGETFILEREVISION, (LPCTSTR)url2.GetUIFileOrDirectoryName(), (LPCTSTR)rev2.ToString()); progDlg.SetProgress(50,100); if (blame) { if (!blamer.BlameToFile(url2, 1, rev2, peg.IsValid() ? peg : rev2, tempfile2, options, TRUE, TRUE)) { if (peg.IsValid()) { if (!blamer.BlameToFile(url2, 1, rev2, rev2, tempfile2, options, TRUE, TRUE)) { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); m_pSVN->ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } } else { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); m_pSVN->ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } } } else { if (!m_pSVN->Export(url2, tempfile2, peg.IsValid() ? peg : rev2, rev2)) { if (peg.IsValid()) { if (!m_pSVN->Export(url2, tempfile2, rev2, rev2)) { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); m_pSVN->ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } } else { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); m_pSVN->ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } } } SetFileAttributes(tempfile2.GetWinPath(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); progDlg.SetProgress(100,100); progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); CString revname1, revname2; if (url1.IsEquivalentTo(url2)) { revname1.Format(L"%s Revision %s", (LPCTSTR)url1.GetUIFileOrDirectoryName(), (LPCTSTR)rev1.ToString()); revname2.Format(L"%s Revision %s", (LPCTSTR)url2.GetUIFileOrDirectoryName(), (LPCTSTR)rev2.ToString()); } else { if (sRepoRoot.IsEmpty()) { revname1.Format(L"%s Revision %s", (LPCTSTR)url1.GetSVNPathString(), (LPCTSTR)rev1.ToString()); revname2.Format(L"%s Revision %s", (LPCTSTR)url2.GetSVNPathString(), (LPCTSTR)rev2.ToString()); } else { if (url1.IsUrl()) revname1.Format(L"%s Revision %s", (LPCTSTR)url1.GetSVNPathString().Mid(sRepoRoot.GetLength()), (LPCTSTR)rev1.ToString()); else revname1.Format(L"%s Revision %s", (LPCTSTR)url1.GetSVNPathString(), (LPCTSTR)rev1.ToString()); if (url2.IsUrl() && (url2.GetSVNPathString().Left(sRepoRoot.GetLength()).Compare(sRepoRoot) == 0)) revname2.Format(L"%s Revision %s", (LPCTSTR)url2.GetSVNPathString().Mid(sRepoRoot.GetLength()), (LPCTSTR)rev2.ToString()); else revname2.Format(L"%s Revision %s", (LPCTSTR)url2.GetSVNPathString(), (LPCTSTR)rev2.ToString()); } } return CAppUtils::StartExtDiff(tempfile1, tempfile2, revname1, revname2, url1, url2, rev1, rev2, peg, diffFlags.Blame(blame), m_JumpLine, L"", mimetype); } } else { // compare with working copy if (PathIsDirectory(url1.GetWinPath())) { if (UnifiedDiff(tempfile, url1, rev1, url1, rev2, (peg.IsValid() ? peg : SVNRev::REV_WC), options)) { CString sWC, sRev; sWC.LoadString(IDS_DIFF_WORKINGCOPY); sRev.Format(IDS_DIFF_REVISIONPATCHED, (LONG)rev2); progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); return !!CAppUtils::StartExtPatch(tempfile, url1.GetDirectory(), sWC, sRev, TRUE); } } else { ASSERT(rev1.IsWorking()); if (url1.IsEquivalentTo(url2) && !ignoreprops) { svn_revnum_t baseRev = 0; DiffProps(url1, rev1, rev2, baseRev); } m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo(&progDlg, true); // activate progress bar progDlg.ShowModeless(GetHWND()); progDlg.FormatPathLine(1, IDS_PROGRESSGETFILEREVISION, (LPCTSTR)url1.GetUIFileOrDirectoryName(), (LPCTSTR)rev2.ToString()); tempfile = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(m_bRemoveTempFiles, url1, rev2); if (blame) { CBlame blamer; if (!blamer.BlameToFile(url1, 1, rev2, (peg.IsValid() ? peg : SVNRev::REV_WC), tempfile, options, TRUE, TRUE)) { if (peg.IsValid()) { if (!blamer.BlameToFile(url1, 1, rev2, SVNRev::REV_WC, tempfile, options, TRUE, TRUE)) { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); m_pSVN->ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } } else { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); m_pSVN->ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } } progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); SetFileAttributes(tempfile.GetWinPath(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); CTSVNPath tempfile2 = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(false, url1); if (!blamer.BlameToFile(url1, 1, SVNRev::REV_WC, SVNRev::REV_WC, tempfile2, options, TRUE, TRUE)) { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); m_pSVN->ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } CString revname, wcname; revname.Format(L"%s Revision %ld", (LPCTSTR)url1.GetFilename(), (LONG)rev2); wcname.Format(IDS_DIFF_WCNAME, (LPCTSTR)url1.GetFilename()); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); return CAppUtils::StartExtDiff(tempfile, tempfile2, revname, wcname, url1, url2, rev1, rev2, peg, diffFlags, m_JumpLine, url1.GetFileOrDirectoryName(), L""); } else { if (!m_pSVN->Export(url1, tempfile, (peg.IsValid() ? peg : SVNRev::REV_WC), rev2)) { if (peg.IsValid()) { if (!m_pSVN->Export(url1, tempfile, SVNRev::REV_WC, rev2)) { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); m_pSVN->ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } } else { progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); m_pSVN->ShowErrorDialog(GetHWND()); return false; } } progDlg.Stop(); m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); SetFileAttributes(tempfile.GetWinPath(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); CString revname, wcname; revname.Format(L"%s Revision %s", (LPCTSTR)url1.GetFilename(), (LPCTSTR)rev2.ToString()); wcname.Format(IDS_DIFF_WCNAME, (LPCTSTR)url1.GetFilename()); return CAppUtils::StartExtDiff(tempfile, url1, revname, wcname, url1, url1, rev2, rev1, peg, diffFlags, m_JumpLine, url1.GetFileOrDirectoryName(), L""); } } } m_pSVN->SetAndClearProgressInfo((HWND)NULL); return false; }
bool SVNDiff::DiffFileAgainstBase( const CTSVNPath& filePath, svn_revnum_t & baseRev, bool ignoreprops, svn_wc_status_kind status /*= svn_wc_status_none*/, svn_wc_status_kind text_status /*= svn_wc_status_none*/, svn_wc_status_kind prop_status /*= svn_wc_status_none*/ ) { bool retvalue = false; bool fileexternal = false; if ((text_status == svn_wc_status_none)||(prop_status == svn_wc_status_none)) { SVNStatus stat; stat.GetStatus(filePath); if (stat.status == NULL) return false; text_status = stat.status->text_status; prop_status = stat.status->prop_status; fileexternal = stat.status->file_external != 0; } if (!ignoreprops && (prop_status > svn_wc_status_normal)) { DiffProps(filePath, SVNRev::REV_WC, SVNRev::REV_BASE, baseRev); } if (filePath.IsDirectory()) return true; if ((status >= svn_wc_status_normal) || (text_status >= svn_wc_status_normal)) { CTSVNPath basePath(SVN::GetPristinePath(filePath)); if (baseRev == 0) { SVNInfo info; const SVNInfoData * infodata = info.GetFirstFileInfo(filePath, SVNRev(), SVNRev()); if (infodata) { if (infodata->copyfromurl && infodata->copyfromurl[0]) baseRev = infodata->copyfromrev; else baseRev = infodata->lastchangedrev; } } // If necessary, convert the line-endings on the file before diffing // note: file externals can not be exported if (((DWORD)CRegDWORD(L"Software\\TortoiseSVN\\ConvertBase", TRUE)) && (!fileexternal)) { CTSVNPath temporaryFile = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(m_bRemoveTempFiles, filePath, SVNRev::REV_BASE); if (!m_pSVN->Export(filePath, temporaryFile, SVNRev(SVNRev::REV_BASE), SVNRev(SVNRev::REV_BASE))) { temporaryFile.Reset(); } else { basePath = temporaryFile; SetFileAttributes(basePath.GetWinPath(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); } } // for added/deleted files, we don't have a BASE file. // create an empty temp file to be used. if (!basePath.Exists()) { basePath = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(m_bRemoveTempFiles, filePath, SVNRev::REV_BASE); SetFileAttributes(basePath.GetWinPath(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); } CString name = filePath.GetFilename(); CTSVNPath wcFilePath = filePath; if (!wcFilePath.Exists()) { wcFilePath = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(m_bRemoveTempFiles, filePath, SVNRev::REV_BASE); SetFileAttributes(wcFilePath.GetWinPath(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); } CString n1, n2; n1.Format(IDS_DIFF_WCNAME, (LPCTSTR)name); if (baseRev) n2.FormatMessage(IDS_DIFF_BASENAMEREV, (LPCTSTR)name, baseRev); else n2.Format(IDS_DIFF_BASENAME, (LPCTSTR)name); retvalue = CAppUtils::StartExtDiff( basePath, wcFilePath, n2, n1, filePath, filePath, SVNRev::REV_BASE, SVNRev::REV_WC, SVNRev::REV_BASE, CAppUtils::DiffFlags().Wait().AlternativeTool(m_bAlternativeTool), m_JumpLine, name, L""); } return retvalue; }
void CEditPropExternals::OnContextMenu(CWnd* /*pWnd*/, CPoint point) { int selIndex = m_ExtList.GetSelectionMark(); if (selIndex < 0) return; // nothing selected, nothing to do with a context menu int selCount = m_ExtList.GetSelectedCount(); if (selCount <= 0) return; // nothing selected, nothing to do with a context menu // if the context menu is invoked through the keyboard, we have to use // a calculated position on where to anchor the menu on if ((point.x == -1) && (point.y == -1)) { CRect rect; m_ExtList.GetItemRect(selIndex, &rect, LVIR_LABEL); m_ExtList.ClientToScreen(&rect); point = rect.CenterPoint(); } bool haveHead = true; POSITION pos = m_ExtList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); while (pos) { int index = m_ExtList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos); if ((index >= 0)&&(index < (int)m_externals.size())) { if (m_externals[index].headrev == SVN_INVALID_REVNUM) { haveHead = false; break; } } } CIconMenu popup; if (popup.CreatePopupMenu()) { if (haveHead) popup.AppendMenuIcon(CMD_ADJUST, IDS_EDITPROPS_ADJUST_TO_HEAD); else popup.AppendMenuIcon(CMD_FETCH_AND_ADJUST, IDS_EDITPROPS_FETCH_AND_ADJUST_TO_HEAD); int cmd = popup.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_NONOTIFY | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, point.x, point.y, this, 0); switch (cmd) { case CMD_FETCH_AND_ADJUST: { SVN svn; svn.SetPromptParentWindow(m_hWnd); SVNInfo svnInfo; svnInfo.SetPromptParentWindow(m_hWnd); SVNLogHelper logHelper; CProgressDlg progDlg; progDlg.ShowModal(m_hWnd, TRUE); progDlg.SetTitle(IDS_EDITPROPS_PROG_FINDHEADTITLE); progDlg.SetLine(1, CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_EDITPROPS_PROG_FINDHEADREVS))); DWORD count = 0; DWORD total = m_ExtList.GetSelectedCount(); POSITION p = m_ExtList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); while (p) { int index = m_ExtList.GetNextSelectedItem(p); progDlg.SetProgress(count++, total); if ((index >= 0)&&(index < (int)m_externals.size())) { progDlg.SetLine(2, m_externals[index].url, true); if (m_externals[index].headrev == SVN_INVALID_REVNUM) { if (m_externals[index].root.IsEmpty()) { CTSVNPath path_ = m_externals[index].path; path_.AppendPathString(m_externals[index].targetDir); m_externals[index].root = svn.GetRepositoryRoot(path_); } auto fullurl = CTSVNPath(m_externals[index].fullurl); auto youngestRev = logHelper.GetYoungestRev(fullurl); if (!youngestRev.IsValid()) m_externals[index].headrev = svn.GetHEADRevision(fullurl, true); else m_externals[index].headrev = youngestRev; } } } progDlg.Stop(); } // intentional fall through case CMD_ADJUST: { POSITION p = m_ExtList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); while (p) { int index = m_ExtList.GetNextSelectedItem(p); if ((index >= 0)&&(index < (int)m_externals.size())) { if (m_externals[index].headrev != SVN_INVALID_REVNUM) { if (m_externals[index].revision.kind == svn_opt_revision_number) { m_externals[index].revision.value.number = -1; m_externals[index].revision.kind = svn_opt_revision_unspecified; } m_externals[index].pegrevision.value.number = m_externals[index].headrev; m_externals[index].pegrevision.kind = svn_opt_revision_number; } } } m_ExtList.Invalidate(); } break; } } }
bool ConflictEditorCommand::Execute() { CTSVNPath merge = cmdLinePath; CTSVNPath directory = merge.GetDirectory(); bool bRet = false; bool bAlternativeTool = !!parser.HasKey(_T("alternative")); // we have the conflicted file (%merged) // now look for the other required files SVNStatus stat; stat.GetStatus(merge); if (stat.status == NULL) return false; if (stat.status->text_status == svn_wc_status_conflicted) { // we have a text conflict, use our merge tool to resolve the conflict CTSVNPath theirs(directory); CTSVNPath mine(directory); CTSVNPath base(directory); bool bConflictData = false; if ((stat.status->entry)&&(stat.status->entry->conflict_new)) { theirs.AppendPathString(CUnicodeUtils::GetUnicode(stat.status->entry->conflict_new)); bConflictData = true; } if ((stat.status->entry)&&(stat.status->entry->conflict_old)) { base.AppendPathString(CUnicodeUtils::GetUnicode(stat.status->entry->conflict_old)); bConflictData = true; } if ((stat.status->entry)&&(stat.status->entry->conflict_wrk)) { mine.AppendPathString(CUnicodeUtils::GetUnicode(stat.status->entry->conflict_wrk)); bConflictData = true; } else { mine = merge; } if (bConflictData) bRet = !!CAppUtils::StartExtMerge(CAppUtils::MergeFlags().AlternativeTool(bAlternativeTool), base, theirs, mine, merge); } if (stat.status->prop_status == svn_wc_status_conflicted) { // we have a property conflict CTSVNPath prej(directory); if ((stat.status->entry)&&(stat.status->entry->prejfile)) { prej.AppendPathString(CUnicodeUtils::GetUnicode(stat.status->entry->prejfile)); // there's a problem: the prej file contains a _description_ of the conflict, and // that description string might be translated. That means we have no way of parsing // the file to find out the conflicting values. // The only thing we can do: show a dialog with the conflict description, then // let the user either accept the existing property or open the property edit dialog // to manually change the properties and values. And a button to mark the conflict as // resolved. CEditPropConflictDlg dlg; dlg.SetPrejFile(prej); dlg.SetConflictedItem(merge); bRet = (dlg.DoModal() != IDCANCEL); } } if (stat.status->tree_conflict) { // we have a tree conflict SVNInfo info; const SVNInfoData * pInfoData = info.GetFirstFileInfo(merge, SVNRev(), SVNRev()); if (pInfoData) { if (pInfoData->treeconflict_kind == svn_wc_conflict_kind_text) { CTSVNPath theirs(directory); CTSVNPath mine(directory); CTSVNPath base(directory); bool bConflictData = false; if (pInfoData->treeconflict_theirfile) { theirs.AppendPathString(pInfoData->treeconflict_theirfile); bConflictData = true; } if (pInfoData->treeconflict_basefile) { base.AppendPathString(pInfoData->treeconflict_basefile); bConflictData = true; } if (pInfoData->treeconflict_myfile) { mine.AppendPathString(pInfoData->treeconflict_myfile); bConflictData = true; } else { mine = merge; } if (bConflictData) bRet = !!CAppUtils::StartExtMerge(CAppUtils::MergeFlags().AlternativeTool(bAlternativeTool), base, theirs, mine, merge); } else if (pInfoData->treeconflict_kind == svn_wc_conflict_kind_tree) { CString sConflictAction; CString sConflictReason; CString sResolveTheirs; CString sResolveMine; CTSVNPath treeConflictPath = CTSVNPath(pInfoData->treeconflict_path); CString sItemName = treeConflictPath.GetUIFileOrDirectoryName(); if (pInfoData->treeconflict_nodekind == svn_node_file) { switch (pInfoData->treeconflict_operation) { default: case svn_wc_operation_none: case svn_wc_operation_update: switch (pInfoData->treeconflict_action) { default: case svn_wc_conflict_action_edit: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_FILEUPDATEEDIT, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPREPOSITORYFILE); break; case svn_wc_conflict_action_add: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_FILEUPDATEADD, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPREPOSITORYFILE); break; case svn_wc_conflict_action_delete: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_FILEUPDATEDELETE, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_REMOVEFILE); break; } break; case svn_wc_operation_switch: switch (pInfoData->treeconflict_action) { default: case svn_wc_conflict_action_edit: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_FILESWITCHEDIT, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPREPOSITORYFILE); break; case svn_wc_conflict_action_add: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_FILESWITCHADD, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPREPOSITORYFILE); break; case svn_wc_conflict_action_delete: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_FILESWITCHDELETE, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_REMOVEFILE); break; } break; case svn_wc_operation_merge: switch (pInfoData->treeconflict_action) { default: case svn_wc_conflict_action_edit: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_FILEMERGEEDIT, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPREPOSITORYFILE); break; case svn_wc_conflict_action_add: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_FILEMERGEADD, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPREPOSITORYFILE); break; case svn_wc_conflict_action_delete: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_FILEMERGEDELETE, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_REMOVEFILE); break; } break; } } else //if (pInfoData->treeconflict_nodekind == svn_node_dir) { switch (pInfoData->treeconflict_operation) { default: case svn_wc_operation_none: case svn_wc_operation_update: switch (pInfoData->treeconflict_action) { default: case svn_wc_conflict_action_edit: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_DIRUPDATEEDIT, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPREPOSITORYDIR); break; case svn_wc_conflict_action_add: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_DIRUPDATEADD, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPREPOSITORYDIR); break; case svn_wc_conflict_action_delete: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_DIRUPDATEDELETE, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_REMOVEDIR); break; } break; case svn_wc_operation_switch: switch (pInfoData->treeconflict_action) { default: case svn_wc_conflict_action_edit: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_DIRSWITCHEDIT, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPREPOSITORYDIR); break; case svn_wc_conflict_action_add: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_DIRSWITCHADD, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPREPOSITORYDIR); break; case svn_wc_conflict_action_delete: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_DIRSWITCHDELETE, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_REMOVEDIR); break; } break; case svn_wc_operation_merge: switch (pInfoData->treeconflict_action) { default: case svn_wc_conflict_action_edit: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_DIRMERGEEDIT, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPREPOSITORYDIR); break; case svn_wc_conflict_action_add: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_DIRMERGEADD, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPREPOSITORYDIR); break; case svn_wc_conflict_action_delete: sConflictAction.Format(IDS_TREECONFLICT_DIRMERGEDELETE, (LPCTSTR)sItemName); sResolveTheirs.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_REMOVEDIR); break; } break; } } UINT uReasonID = 0; switch (pInfoData->treeconflict_reason) { case svn_wc_conflict_reason_edited: uReasonID = IDS_TREECONFLICT_REASON_EDITED; sResolveMine.LoadString(pInfoData->treeconflict_nodekind == svn_node_dir ? IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPLOCALDIR : IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPLOCALFILE); break; case svn_wc_conflict_reason_obstructed: uReasonID = IDS_TREECONFLICT_REASON_OBSTRUCTED; sResolveMine.LoadString(pInfoData->treeconflict_nodekind == svn_node_dir ? IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPLOCALDIR : IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPLOCALFILE); break; case svn_wc_conflict_reason_deleted: uReasonID = IDS_TREECONFLICT_REASON_DELETED; sResolveMine.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_MARKASRESOLVED); break; case svn_wc_conflict_reason_added: uReasonID = IDS_TREECONFLICT_REASON_ADDED; sResolveMine.LoadString(pInfoData->treeconflict_nodekind == svn_node_dir ? IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPLOCALDIR : IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPLOCALFILE); break; case svn_wc_conflict_reason_missing: uReasonID = IDS_TREECONFLICT_REASON_MISSING; sResolveMine.LoadString(IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_MARKASRESOLVED); break; case svn_wc_conflict_reason_unversioned: uReasonID = IDS_TREECONFLICT_REASON_UNVERSIONED; sResolveMine.LoadString(pInfoData->treeconflict_nodekind == svn_node_dir ? IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPLOCALDIR : IDS_TREECONFLICT_RESOLVE_KEEPLOCALFILE); break; } sConflictReason.Format(uReasonID, (LPCTSTR)sConflictAction); CTreeConflictEditorDlg dlg; dlg.SetConflictInfoText(sConflictReason); dlg.SetResolveTexts(sResolveTheirs, sResolveMine); dlg.SetPath(treeConflictPath); dlg.SetConflictSources(stat.status->tree_conflict->src_left_version, stat.status->tree_conflict->src_right_version); dlg.SetConflictReason(pInfoData->treeconflict_reason); dlg.SetConflictAction(pInfoData->treeconflict_action); INT_PTR dlgRet = dlg.DoModal(); bRet = (dlgRet != IDCANCEL); } } } return bRet; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IDataObject ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP SVNDataObject::GetData(FORMATETC* pformatetcIn, STGMEDIUM* pmedium) { if (pformatetcIn == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; if (pmedium == NULL) return E_POINTER; pmedium->hGlobal = NULL; if ((pformatetcIn->tymed & TYMED_ISTREAM) && (pformatetcIn->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT) && (pformatetcIn->cfFormat == CF_FILECONTENTS)) { // supports the IStream format. // The lindex param is the index of the file to return // Note: we don't get called for directories since those are simply created and don't // need to be fetched. // Note2: It would be really nice if we could get a stream from the subversion library // from where we could read the file contents. But the Subversion lib is not implemented // to *read* from a remote stream but so that the library *writes* to a stream we pass. // Since we can't get such a read stream, we have to fetch the file in whole first to // a temp location and then pass the shell an IStream for that temp file. CTSVNPath filepath; IStream * pIStream = NULL; if (m_revision.IsWorking()) { if ((pformatetcIn->lindex >= 0)&&(pformatetcIn->lindex < (LONG)m_allPaths.size())) { filepath = m_allPaths[pformatetcIn->lindex].rootpath; } } else { filepath = CTempFiles::Instance().GetTempFilePath(true); if ((pformatetcIn->lindex >= 0)&&(pformatetcIn->lindex < (LONG)m_allPaths.size())) { if (!m_svn.Cat(CTSVNPath(m_allPaths[pformatetcIn->lindex].infodata.url), m_pegRev, m_revision, filepath)) { DeleteFile(filepath.GetWinPath()); return STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; } } } HRESULT res = SHCreateStreamOnFile(filepath.GetWinPath(), STGM_READ, &pIStream); if (res == S_OK) { pmedium->pstm = pIStream; pmedium->tymed = TYMED_ISTREAM; return S_OK; } return res; } else if ((pformatetcIn->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) && (pformatetcIn->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT) && (pformatetcIn->cfFormat == CF_FILEDESCRIPTOR)) { // now it is time to get all sub folders for the directories we have SVNInfo svnInfo; // find the common directory of all the paths CTSVNPath commonDir; bool bAllUrls = true; for (int i=0; i<m_svnPaths.GetCount(); ++i) { if (!m_svnPaths[i].IsUrl()) bAllUrls = false; if (commonDir.IsEmpty()) commonDir = m_svnPaths[i].GetContainingDirectory(); if (!commonDir.IsEquivalentTo(m_svnPaths[i].GetContainingDirectory())) { commonDir.Reset(); break; } } if (bAllUrls && (m_svnPaths.GetCount() > 1) && !commonDir.IsEmpty()) { // if all paths are in the same directory, we can fetch the info recursively // from the parent folder to save a lot of time. const SVNInfoData * infodata = svnInfo.GetFirstFileInfo(commonDir, m_pegRev, m_revision, svn_depth_infinity); while (infodata) { // check if the returned item is one in our list for (int i=0; i<m_svnPaths.GetCount(); ++i) { if (m_svnPaths[i].IsAncestorOf(CTSVNPath(infodata->url))) { SVNDataObject::SVNObjectInfoData id = {m_svnPaths[i], *infodata}; m_allPaths.push_back(id); break; } } infodata = svnInfo.GetNextFileInfo(); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < m_svnPaths.GetCount(); ++i) { if (m_svnPaths[i].IsUrl()) { const SVNInfoData * infodata = svnInfo.GetFirstFileInfo(m_svnPaths[i], m_pegRev, m_revision, svn_depth_infinity); while (infodata) { SVNDataObject::SVNObjectInfoData id = {m_svnPaths[i], *infodata}; m_allPaths.push_back(id); infodata = svnInfo.GetNextFileInfo(); } } else { SVNDataObject::SVNObjectInfoData id = {m_svnPaths[i], SVNInfoData()}; m_allPaths.push_back(id); } } } size_t dataSize = sizeof(FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR) + ((m_allPaths.size() - 1) * sizeof(FILEDESCRIPTOR)); HGLOBAL data = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, dataSize); FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR* files = (FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR*)GlobalLock(data); files->cItems = static_cast<UINT>(m_allPaths.size()); int index = 0; for (vector<SVNDataObject::SVNObjectInfoData>::const_iterator it = m_allPaths.begin(); it != m_allPaths.end(); ++it) { CString temp; if (it->rootpath.IsUrl()) { temp = CUnicodeUtils::GetUnicode(CPathUtils::PathEscape(CUnicodeUtils::GetUTF8(it->rootpath.GetContainingDirectory().GetSVNPathString()))); temp = it->infodata.url.Mid(temp.GetLength()+1); // we have to unescape the urls since the local file system doesn't need them // escaped and it would only look really ugly (and be wrong). temp = CPathUtils::PathUnescape(temp); } else { temp = it->rootpath.GetUIFileOrDirectoryName(); } _tcscpy_s(files->fgd[index].cFileName, MAX_PATH, (LPCTSTR)temp); files->fgd[index].dwFlags = FD_ATTRIBUTES | FD_PROGRESSUI | FD_FILESIZE | FD_LINKUI; if (it->rootpath.IsUrl()) { files->fgd[index].dwFileAttributes = (it->infodata.kind == svn_node_dir) ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY : FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; } else { files->fgd[index].dwFileAttributes = it->rootpath.IsDirectory() ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY : FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; } // Always set the file size to 0 even if we 'know' the file size (infodata.size64). // Because for text files, the file size is too low due to the EOLs getting converted // to CRLF (from LF as stored in the repository). And a too low file size set here // prevents the shell from reading the full file later - it only reads the stream up // to the number of bytes specified here. Which means we would end up with a truncated // text file (binary files are still ok though). files->fgd[index].nFileSizeLow = 0; files->fgd[index].nFileSizeHigh = 0; ++index; } GlobalUnlock(data); pmedium->hGlobal = data; pmedium->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; return S_OK; } // handling CF_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT is necessary to tell the shell that it should *not* ask for the // CF_FILEDESCRIPTOR until the drop actually occurs. If we don't handle CF_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT, the shell // will ask for the file descriptor for every object (file/folder) the mouse pointer hovers over and is // a potential drop target. else if ((pformatetcIn->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) && (pformatetcIn->cfFormat == CF_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT)) { HGLOBAL data = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(DWORD)); DWORD* effect = (DWORD*) GlobalLock(data); (*effect) = DROPEFFECT_COPY; GlobalUnlock(data); pmedium->hGlobal = data; pmedium->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; return S_OK; } else if ((pformatetcIn->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) && (pformatetcIn->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT) && (pformatetcIn->cfFormat == CF_TEXT)) { // caller wants text // create the string from the path list CString text; if (m_svnPaths.GetCount()) { // create a single string where the URLs are separated by newlines for (int i=0; i<m_svnPaths.GetCount(); ++i) { if (m_svnPaths[i].IsUrl()) text += m_svnPaths[i].GetSVNPathString(); else text += m_svnPaths[i].GetWinPathString(); text += _T("\r\n"); } } CStringA texta = CUnicodeUtils::GetUTF8(text); pmedium->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; pmedium->hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GHND, (texta.GetLength()+1)*sizeof(char)); if (pmedium->hGlobal) { char* pMem = (char*)GlobalLock(pmedium->hGlobal); strcpy_s(pMem, texta.GetLength()+1, (LPCSTR)texta); GlobalUnlock(pmedium->hGlobal); } pmedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL; return S_OK; } else if ((pformatetcIn->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) && (pformatetcIn->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT) && (pformatetcIn->cfFormat == CF_UNICODETEXT)) { // caller wants Unicode text // create the string from the path list CString text; if (m_svnPaths.GetCount()) { // create a single string where the URLs are separated by newlines for (int i=0; i<m_svnPaths.GetCount(); ++i) { if (m_svnPaths[i].IsUrl()) text += m_svnPaths[i].GetSVNPathString(); else text += m_svnPaths[i].GetWinPathString(); text += _T("\r\n"); } } pmedium->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; pmedium->hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GHND, (text.GetLength()+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pmedium->hGlobal) { TCHAR* pMem = (TCHAR*)GlobalLock(pmedium->hGlobal); _tcscpy_s(pMem, text.GetLength()+1, (LPCTSTR)text); GlobalUnlock(pmedium->hGlobal); } pmedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL; return S_OK; } else if ((pformatetcIn->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) && (pformatetcIn->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT) && (pformatetcIn->cfFormat == CF_SVNURL)) { // caller wants the svn url // create the string from the path list CString text; if (m_svnPaths.GetCount()) { // create a single string where the URLs are separated by newlines for (int i=0; i<m_svnPaths.GetCount(); ++i) { if (m_svnPaths[i].IsUrl()) { text += m_svnPaths[i].GetSVNPathString(); text += _T("?"); text += m_revision.ToString(); } else text += m_svnPaths[i].GetWinPathString(); text += _T("\r\n"); } } pmedium->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; pmedium->hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GHND, (text.GetLength()+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pmedium->hGlobal) { TCHAR* pMem = (TCHAR*)GlobalLock(pmedium->hGlobal); _tcscpy_s(pMem, text.GetLength()+1, (LPCTSTR)text); GlobalUnlock(pmedium->hGlobal); } pmedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL; return S_OK; } else if ((pformatetcIn->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) && (pformatetcIn->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT) && (pformatetcIn->cfFormat == CF_HDROP)) { int nLength = 0; for (int i=0;i<m_svnPaths.GetCount();i++) { nLength += m_svnPaths[i].GetWinPathString().GetLength(); nLength += 1; // '\0' separator } int nBufferSize = sizeof(DROPFILES) + (nLength+1)*sizeof(TCHAR); char * pBuffer = new char[nBufferSize]; SecureZeroMemory(pBuffer, nBufferSize); DROPFILES* df = (DROPFILES*)pBuffer; df->pFiles = sizeof(DROPFILES); df->fWide = 1; TCHAR* pFilenames = (TCHAR*)(pBuffer + sizeof(DROPFILES)); TCHAR* pCurrentFilename = pFilenames; for (int i=0;i<m_svnPaths.GetCount();i++) { CString str = m_svnPaths[i].GetWinPathString(); wcscpy_s(pCurrentFilename, str.GetLength()+1, (LPCWSTR)str); pCurrentFilename += str.GetLength(); *pCurrentFilename = '\0'; // separator between file names pCurrentFilename++; } *pCurrentFilename = '\0'; // terminate array pmedium->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; pmedium->hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT|GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_DDESHARE, nBufferSize); if (pmedium->hGlobal) { LPVOID pMem = ::GlobalLock(pmedium->hGlobal); if (pMem) memcpy(pMem, pBuffer, nBufferSize); GlobalUnlock(pmedium->hGlobal); } pmedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL; delete [] pBuffer; return S_OK; } for (size_t i=0; i<m_vecFormatEtc.size(); ++i) { if ((pformatetcIn->tymed == m_vecFormatEtc[i]->tymed) && (pformatetcIn->dwAspect == m_vecFormatEtc[i]->dwAspect) && (pformatetcIn->cfFormat == m_vecFormatEtc[i]->cfFormat)) { CopyMedium(pmedium, m_vecStgMedium[i], m_vecFormatEtc[i]); return S_OK; } } return DV_E_FORMATETC; }
bool ConflictEditorCommand::Execute() { CTSVNPath merge = cmdLinePath; CTSVNPath directory = merge.GetDirectory(); bool bRet = false; bool bAlternativeTool = !!parser.HasKey(L"alternative"); // Use Subversion 1.10 API to resolve possible tree conlifcts. SVNConflictInfo conflict; if (!conflict.Get(merge)) { conflict.ShowErrorDialog(GetExplorerHWND()); return false; } // Resolve tree conflicts first. if (conflict.HasTreeConflict()) { CProgressDlg progressDlg; progressDlg.SetTitle(IDS_PROC_EDIT_TREE_CONFLICTS); CString sProgressLine; sProgressLine.LoadString(IDS_PROGRS_FETCHING_TREE_CONFLICT_INFO); progressDlg.SetLine(1, sProgressLine); progressDlg.SetShowProgressBar(false); progressDlg.ShowModal(GetExplorerHWND(), FALSE); conflict.SetProgressDlg(&progressDlg); if (!conflict.FetchTreeDetails()) { // Ignore errors while fetching additional tree conflict information. // Use still may want to resolve it manually. conflict.ClearSVNError(); } progressDlg.Stop(); conflict.SetProgressDlg(NULL); CNewTreeConflictEditorDlg dlg; dlg.SetConflictInfo(&conflict); dlg.DoModal(GetExplorerHWND()); if (dlg.IsCancelled()) return false; if (dlg.GetResult() == svn_client_conflict_option_postpone) return false; // Send notififcation that status may be changed. We cannot use // '/resolvemsghwnd' here because satus of multiple files may be changed // during tree conflict resolution. if (parser.HasVal(L"refreshmsghwnd")) { HWND refreshMsgWnd = (HWND)parser.GetLongLongVal(L"refreshmsghwnd"); UINT WM_REFRESH_STATUS_MSG = RegisterWindowMessage(L"TORTOISESVN_REFRESH_STATUS_MSG"); ::PostMessage(refreshMsgWnd, WM_REFRESH_STATUS_MSG, 0, 0); } } // we have the conflicted file (%merged) // now look for the other required files SVNInfo info; const SVNInfoData * pInfoData = info.GetFirstFileInfo(merge, SVNRev(), SVNRev()); if (pInfoData == NULL) return false; for (auto conflIt = pInfoData->conflicts.cbegin(); conflIt != pInfoData->conflicts.cend(); ++conflIt) { switch (conflIt->kind) { case svn_wc_conflict_kind_text: { // we have a text conflict, use our merge tool to resolve the conflict CTSVNPath theirs = CTSVNPath(conflIt->conflict_new); CTSVNPath mine = CTSVNPath(conflIt->conflict_wrk); CTSVNPath base = CTSVNPath(conflIt->conflict_old); if (mine.IsEmpty()) mine = merge; bRet = !!CAppUtils::StartExtMerge(CAppUtils::MergeFlags().AlternativeTool(bAlternativeTool), base, theirs, mine, merge, true, CString(), CString(), CString(), CString(), merge.GetFileOrDirectoryName()); } break; case svn_wc_conflict_kind_property: { // we have a property conflict CTSVNPath prej(conflIt->prejfile); CEditPropConflictDlg dlg; dlg.SetPrejFile(prej); dlg.SetConflictedItem(merge); dlg.SetPropertyName(conflIt->propname); dlg.SetPropValues(conflIt->propvalue_base, conflIt->propvalue_working, conflIt->propvalue_incoming_old, conflIt->propvalue_incoming_new); bRet = (dlg.DoModal() != IDCANCEL); } break; case svn_wc_conflict_kind_tree: { CTSVNPath treeConflictPath = CTSVNPath(conflIt->treeconflict_path); CTreeConflictEditorDlg dlg; dlg.SetPath(treeConflictPath); dlg.SetConflictLeftSources(conflIt->src_left_version_url, conflIt->src_left_version_path, conflIt->src_left_version_rev, conflIt->src_left_version_kind); dlg.SetConflictRightSources(conflIt->src_right_version_url, conflIt->src_right_version_path, conflIt->src_right_version_rev, conflIt->src_right_version_kind); dlg.SetConflictReason(conflIt->treeconflict_reason); dlg.SetConflictAction(conflIt->treeconflict_action); dlg.SetConflictOperation(conflIt->treeconflict_operation); dlg.SetKind(conflIt->treeconflict_nodekind); INT_PTR dlgRet = dlg.DoModal(); bRet = (dlgRet != IDCANCEL); } break; } } return bRet; }
bool CFullHistory::FetchRevisionData ( CString path , SVNRev pegRev , bool showWCRev , bool showWCModification , CProgressDlg* progress , ITaskbarList3 * pTaskBarList , HWND hWnd) { // clear any previously existing SVN error info svn_error_clear(Err); Err = NULL; // remove internal data from previous runs CFuture<bool> clearJob (this, &CFullHistory::ClearCopyInfo, &cpuLoadScheduler); // set some text on the progress dialog, before we wait // for the log operation to start this->progress = progress; this->taskbarlist = pTaskBarList; this->hwnd = hWnd; CString temp; temp.LoadString (IDS_REVGRAPH_PROGGETREVS); progress->SetLine(1, temp); temp.LoadString (IDS_REVGRAPH_PROGPREPARING); progress->SetLine(2, temp); progress->SetProgress(0, 1); progress->ShowModeless (hWnd); if (taskbarlist) { taskbarlist->SetProgressState(hwnd, TBPF_INDETERMINATE); } // prepare the path for Subversion CTSVNPath svnPath (path); CStringA url = CPathUtils::PathEscape (CUnicodeUtils::GetUTF8 (svn.GetURLFromPath (svnPath))); // we have to get the log from the repository root CTSVNPath rootPath; svn_revnum_t head; if (FALSE == svn.GetRootAndHead (svnPath, rootPath, head)) { Err = svn_error_dup(const_cast<svn_error_t*>(svn.GetSVNError())); return false; } if (pegRev.IsHead()) pegRev = head; headRevision = head; CString escapedRepoRoot = rootPath.GetSVNPathString(); relPath = CPathUtils::PathUnescape (url.Mid (escapedRepoRoot.GetLength())); repoRoot = CPathUtils::PathUnescape (escapedRepoRoot); // fix issue #360: use WC revision as peg revision pegRevision = pegRev; if (pegRevision == NO_REVISION) { if (!svnPath.IsUrl()) { SVNInfo info; const SVNInfoData * baseInfo = info.GetFirstFileInfo (svnPath, SVNRev(), SVNRev()); if (baseInfo != NULL) pegRevision = baseInfo->rev; } } // fetch missing data from the repository try { // select / construct query object and optimize revision range to fetch svnQuery.reset (new CSVNLogQuery (ctx, pool)); bool cacheIsComplete = false; if (svn.GetLogCachePool()->IsEnabled()) { CLogCachePool* pool = svn.GetLogCachePool(); query.reset (new CCacheLogQuery (pool, svnQuery.get())); // get the cache and the lowest missing revision // (in off-line mode, the query may not find the cache as // it cannot contact the server to get the UUID) uuid = pool->GetRepositoryInfo().GetRepositoryUUID (rootPath); cache = pool->GetCache (uuid, escapedRepoRoot); firstRevision = cache != NULL ? cache->GetRevisions().GetFirstMissingRevision(1) : 0; // if the cache is already complete, the firstRevision here is // HEAD+1 - that revision does not exist and would throw an error later if (firstRevision > headRevision) { cacheIsComplete = true; firstRevision = headRevision; } } else { query.reset (new CCacheLogQuery (svn, svnQuery.get())); cache = NULL; firstRevision = 0; } // Find the revision the working copy is on, we mark that revision // later in the graph (handle option changes properly!). // For performance reasons, we only don't do it if we want to display it. wcInfo = SWCInfo (pegRev); if (showWCRev || showWCModification) { new CAsyncCall ( this , &CFullHistory::QueryWCRevision , true , path , &diskIOScheduler); new CAsyncCall ( this , &CFullHistory::QueryWCRevision , false , path , &diskIOScheduler); } // actually fetch the data if (!cacheIsComplete) query->Log ( CTSVNPathList (rootPath) , headRevision , headRevision , firstRevision , 0 , false // strictNodeHistory , this , false // includeChanges (log cache fetches them automatically) , false // includeMerges , true // includeStandardRevProps , false // includeUserRevProps , TRevPropNames()); // Store updated cache data if (cache == NULL) { cache = query->GetCache(); // This should never happen: if (cache == NULL) return false; } else { if (cache->IsModified()) new CAsyncCall ( cache , &LogCache::CCachedLogInfo::Save , &cpuLoadScheduler); } // store WC path const CPathDictionary* paths = &cache->GetLogInfo().GetPaths(); wcPath.reset (new CDictionaryBasedTempPath (paths, (const char*)relPath)); // wait for the cleanup jobs to finish before starting new ones // that depend of them clearJob.GetResult(); // analyse the data new CAsyncCall ( this , &CFullHistory::AnalyzeRevisionData , &cpuLoadScheduler); // pre-process log data (invert copy-relationship) new CAsyncCall ( this , &CFullHistory::BuildForwardCopies , &cpuLoadScheduler); // Wait for the jobs to finish if (showWCRev || showWCModification) { temp.LoadString (IDS_REVGRAPH_PROGREADINGWC); progress->SetLine(2, temp); } cpuLoadScheduler.WaitForEmptyQueue(); diskIOScheduler.WaitForEmptyQueue(); } catch (SVNError& e) { Err = svn_error_create (e.GetCode(), NULL, e.GetMessage()); return false; } return true; }