Exemplo n.º 1
  void SymbolicQr::evaluateSXGen(const SXPtrV& input, SXPtrV& output, bool tr) {
    // Get arguments
    SX r = *input.at(0);
    SX A = *input.at(1);

    // Number of right hand sides
    int nrhs = r.size2();

    // Factorize A
    vector<SX> v = fact_fcn_(A);

    // Select solve function
    Function& solv = tr ? solv_fcn_T_ : solv_fcn_N_;

    // Solve for every right hand side
    vector<SX> resv;
    for (int i=0; i<nrhs; ++i) {
      v[2] = r(Slice(), i);

    // Collect the right hand sides
    *output.at(0) = horzcat(resv);
Exemplo n.º 2
bool SX::isEqual(const SX& ex, int depth) const{
    return true;
  else if(depth>0)
    return node->isEqual(ex.get(),depth);
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
SX MultipleShooting::getOutput(string o)
     SX ret = ssym(o, N);
     for (int k=0; k<N; k++)
	  ret.at(k) = getOutput(o, k);
     return ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
    /** \brief  Create a binary expression */
    inline static SX create(unsigned char op, const SX& dep0, const SX& dep1){
      if(dep0.isConstant() && dep1.isConstant()){
	// Evaluate constant
	double dep0_val = dep0.getValue();
	double dep1_val = dep1.getValue();
	double ret_val;
	return ret_val;
      } else {
	// Expression containing free variables
	return SX::create(new BinarySX(op,dep0,dep1));
Exemplo n.º 5
bool SX::isEquivalent(const SX& y, int depth) const{
  if (isEqual(y)) return true;
  if (isConstant() && y.isConstant()) return y.getValue()==getValue();
  if (depth==0) return false;
  if (hasDep() && y.hasDep() && getOp()==y.getOp()) {
    if (getDep(0).isEquivalent(y.getDep(0),depth-1)  && getDep(1).isEquivalent(y.getDep(1),depth-1)) return true;
    return (operation_checker<CommChecker>(getOp()) && getDep(0).isEquivalent(y.getDep(1),depth-1)  && getDep(1).isEquivalent(y.getDep(0),depth-1));
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
  void QpToNlp::init(const Dict& opts) {
    // Initialize the base classes

    // Default options
    string nlpsol_plugin;
    Dict nlpsol_options;

    // Read user options
    for (auto&& op : opts) {
      if (op.first=="nlpsol") {
        nlpsol_plugin = op.second.to_string();
      } else if (op.first=="nlpsol_options") {
        nlpsol_options = op.second;

    // Create a symbolic matrix for the decision variables
    SX X = SX::sym("X", n_, 1);

    // Parameters to the problem
    SX H = SX::sym("H", sparsity_in(QPSOL_H));
    SX G = SX::sym("G", sparsity_in(QPSOL_G));
    SX A = SX::sym("A", sparsity_in(QPSOL_A));

    // Put parameters in a vector
    std::vector<SX> par;

    // The nlp looks exactly like a mathematical description of the NLP
    SXDict nlp = {{"x", X}, {"p", vertcat(par)},
                  {"f", mtimes(G.T(), X) + 0.5*mtimes(mtimes(X.T(), H), X)},
                  {"g", mtimes(A, X)}};

    // Create an Nlpsol instance
    casadi_assert_message(!nlpsol_plugin.empty(), "'nlpsol' option has not been set");
    solver_ = nlpsol("nlpsol", nlpsol_plugin, nlp, nlpsol_options);

    // Allocate storage for NLP solver  parameters
    alloc_w(solver_.nnz_in(NLPSOL_P), true);
Exemplo n.º 7
  SX SXFunctionInternal::hess(int iind, int oind) {
    casadi_assert_message(output(oind).numel() == 1, "Function must be scalar");
    SX g = grad(iind, oind);
    if (verbose())  userOut() << "SXFunctionInternal::hess: calculating gradient done " << endl;

    // Create function
    Dict opts;
    opts["verbose"] = getOption("verbose");
    SXFunction gfcn("gfcn", make_vector(inputv_.at(iind)),
                    make_vector(g), opts);

    // Calculate jacobian of gradient
    if (verbose()) {
      userOut() << "SXFunctionInternal::hess: calculating Jacobian " << endl;
    SX ret = gfcn.jac(0, 0, false, true);
    if (verbose()) {
      userOut() << "SXFunctionInternal::hess: calculating Jacobian done" << endl;

    // Return jacobian of the gradient
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 8
int main(){
  cout << "program started" << endl;
  // Dimensions
  int nu = 20;  // Number of control segments
  int nj = 100; // Number of integration steps per control segment

  // optimization variable
  SX u = SX::sym("u", nu); // control

  SX s_0 = 0; // initial position
  SX v_0 = 0; // initial speed
  SX m_0 = 1; // initial mass
  SX dt = 10.0/(nj*nu); // time step
  SX alpha = 0.05; // friction
  SX beta = 0.1; // fuel consumption rate

  // Trajectory
  SX s_traj = SX::zeros(nu);
  SX v_traj = SX::zeros(nu);
  SX m_traj = SX::zeros(nu);

  // Integrate over the interval with Euler forward
  SX s = s_0, v = v_0, m = m_0;
  for(int k=0; k<nu; ++k){
    for(int j=0; j<nj; ++j){
      s += dt*v;
      v += dt / m * (u[k]- alpha * v*v);
      m += -dt * beta*u[k]*u[k];
    s_traj[k] = s;
    v_traj[k] = v;
    m_traj[k] = m;

  // Objective function
  SX f = inner_prod(u, u);
  // Terminal constraints
  SX g;
  // Create the NLP
  SXFunction nlp("nlp", nlpIn("x", u), nlpOut("f", f, "g", g));
  // Allocate an NLP solver and buffers
  NlpSolver solver("solver", "ipopt", nlp);
  std::map<std::string, DMatrix> arg, res;

  // Bounds on u and initial condition
  arg["lbx"] = -10;
  arg["ubx"] = 10;
  arg["x0"] = 0.4;
  // Bounds on g
  vector<double> gmin(2), gmax(2);
  gmin[0] = gmax[0] = 10;
  gmin[1] = gmax[1] =  0;
  gmin.resize(2+nu, -numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
  gmax.resize(2+nu, 1.1);
  arg["lbg"] = gmin;
  arg["ubg"] = gmax;

  // Solve the problem
  res = solver(arg);
  // Print the optimal cost
  double cost(res.at("f"));
  cout << "optimal cost: " << cost << endl;

  // Print the optimal solution
  vector<double> uopt(res.at("x"));
  cout << "optimal control: " << uopt << endl;

  // Get the state trajectory
  vector<double> sopt(nu), vopt(nu), mopt(nu);
  SXFunction xfcn("xfcn", make_vector(u), make_vector(s_traj, v_traj, m_traj));
  assign_vector(sopt, vopt, mopt, xfcn(make_vector(res.at("x"))));
  cout << "position: " << sopt << endl;
  cout << "velocity: " << vopt << endl;
  cout << "mass:     " << mopt << endl;

  // Create Matlab script to plot the solution
  ofstream file;
  string filename = "rocket_ipopt_results.m";
  file << "% Results file from " __FILE__ << endl;
  file << "% Generated " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__ << endl;
  file << endl;
  file << "cost = " << cost << ";" << endl;
  file << "u = " << uopt << ";" << endl;

  // Save results to file
  file << "t = linspace(0,10.0," << nu << ");"<< endl;
  file << "s = " << sopt << ";" << endl;
  file << "v = " << vopt << ";" << endl;
  file << "m = " << mopt << ";" << endl;
  // Finalize the results file
  file << endl;
  file << "% Plot the results" << endl;
  file << "figure(1);" << endl;
  file << "clf;" << endl << endl;
  file << "subplot(2,2,1);" << endl;
  file << "plot(t,s);" << endl;
  file << "grid on;" << endl;
  file << "xlabel('time [s]');" << endl;
  file << "ylabel('position [m]');" << endl << endl;
  file << "subplot(2,2,2);" << endl;
  file << "plot(t,v);" << endl;
  file << "grid on;" << endl;
  file << "xlabel('time [s]');" << endl;
  file << "ylabel('velocity [m/s]');" << endl << endl;
  file << "subplot(2,2,3);" << endl;
  file << "plot(t,m);" << endl;
  file << "grid on;" << endl;
  file << "xlabel('time [s]');" << endl;
  file << "ylabel('mass [kg]');" << endl << endl;
  file << "subplot(2,2,4);" << endl;
  file << "plot(t,u);" << endl;
  file << "grid on;" << endl;
  file << "xlabel('time [s]');" << endl;
  file << "ylabel('Thrust [kg m/s^2]');" << endl << endl;
  cout << "Results saved to \"" << filename << "\"" << endl;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
  void Sqpmethod::init() {
    // Call the init method of the base class

    // Read options
    max_iter_ = getOption("max_iter");
    max_iter_ls_ = getOption("max_iter_ls");
    c1_ = getOption("c1");
    beta_ = getOption("beta");
    merit_memsize_ = getOption("merit_memory");
    lbfgs_memory_ = getOption("lbfgs_memory");
    tol_pr_ = getOption("tol_pr");
    tol_du_ = getOption("tol_du");
    regularize_ = getOption("regularize");
    exact_hessian_ = getOption("hessian_approximation")=="exact";
    min_step_size_ = getOption("min_step_size");

    // Get/generate required functions
    if (exact_hessian_) {

    // Allocate a QP solver
    Sparsity H_sparsity = exact_hessian_ ? hessLag().output().sparsity()
        : Sparsity::dense(nx_, nx_);
    H_sparsity = H_sparsity + Sparsity::diag(nx_);
    Sparsity A_sparsity = jacG().isNull() ? Sparsity(0, nx_)
        : jacG().output().sparsity();

    // QP solver options
    Dict qp_solver_options;
    if (hasSetOption("qp_solver_options")) {
      qp_solver_options = getOption("qp_solver_options");

    // Allocate a QP solver
    qp_solver_ = QpSolver("qp_solver", getOption("qp_solver"),
                          make_map("h", H_sparsity, "a", A_sparsity),

    // Lagrange multipliers of the NLP

    // Lagrange gradient in the next iterate

    // Current linearization point

    // Constraint function value

    // Hessian approximation
    Bk_ = DMatrix::zeros(H_sparsity);

    // Jacobian
    Jk_ = DMatrix::zeros(A_sparsity);

    // Bounds of the QP

    // QP solution

    // Gradient of the objective

    // Create Hessian update function
    if (!exact_hessian_) {
      // Create expressions corresponding to Bk, x, x_old, gLag and gLag_old
      SX Bk = SX::sym("Bk", H_sparsity);
      SX x = SX::sym("x", input(NLP_SOLVER_X0).sparsity());
      SX x_old = SX::sym("x", x.sparsity());
      SX gLag = SX::sym("gLag", x.sparsity());
      SX gLag_old = SX::sym("gLag_old", x.sparsity());

      SX sk = x - x_old;
      SX yk = gLag - gLag_old;
      SX qk = mul(Bk, sk);

      // Calculating theta
      SX skBksk = inner_prod(sk, qk);
      SX omega = if_else(inner_prod(yk, sk) < 0.2 * inner_prod(sk, qk),
                               0.8 * skBksk / (skBksk - inner_prod(sk, yk)),
      yk = omega * yk + (1 - omega) * qk;
      SX theta = 1. / inner_prod(sk, yk);
      SX phi = 1. / inner_prod(qk, sk);
      SX Bk_new = Bk + theta * mul(yk, yk.T()) - phi * mul(qk, qk.T());

      // Inputs of the BFGS update function
      vector<SX> bfgs_in(BFGS_NUM_IN);
      bfgs_in[BFGS_BK] = Bk;
      bfgs_in[BFGS_X] = x;
      bfgs_in[BFGS_X_OLD] = x_old;
      bfgs_in[BFGS_GLAG] = gLag;
      bfgs_in[BFGS_GLAG_OLD] = gLag_old;
      bfgs_ = SXFunction("bfgs", bfgs_in, make_vector(Bk_new));

      // Initial Hessian approximation
      B_init_ = DMatrix::eye(nx_);

    // Header
    if (static_cast<bool>(getOption("print_header"))) {
        << "-------------------------------------------" << endl
        << "This is casadi::SQPMethod." << endl;
      if (exact_hessian_) {
        userOut() << "Using exact Hessian" << endl;
      } else {
        userOut() << "Using limited memory BFGS Hessian approximation" << endl;
        << endl
        << "Number of variables:                       " << setw(9) << nx_ << endl
        << "Number of constraints:                     " << setw(9) << ng_ << endl
        << "Number of nonzeros in constraint Jacobian: " << setw(9) << A_sparsity.nnz() << endl
        << "Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian:  " << setw(9) << H_sparsity.nnz() << endl
        << endl;
Exemplo n.º 10
int main(){
  cout << "program started" << endl;

  std::ofstream resfile;
  resfile.open ("results_biegler_10_1.txt");

  // Test with different number of elements
  for(int N=1; N<=10; ++N){
  // Degree of interpolating polynomial
  int K = 2;
  // Legrandre roots
  vector<double> tau_root(K+1);
  tau_root[0] = 0.;
  tau_root[1] = 0.211325;
  tau_root[2] = 0.788675;

  // Radau roots (K=3)
  /*  tau_root[0] = 0;
  tau_root[1] = 0.155051;
  tau_root[2] = 0.644949;
  tau_root[3] = 1;*/

  // Time
  SX t("t");
  // Differential equation
  SX z("z");
  SXFunction F(z,z*z - 2*z + 1);
  cout << F << endl;
  double z0 = -3;
  // Analytic solution
  SXFunction z_analytic(t, (4*t-3)/(3*t+1));
  z_analytic.setOption("name","analytic solution");
  cout << z_analytic << endl;
  // Collocation point
  SX tau("tau");

  // Step size
  double h = 1.0/N;
  // Lagrange polynomials
  vector<SXFunction> l(K+1);
  for(int j=0; j<=K; ++j){
    SX L = 1;
    for(int k=0; k<=K; ++k)
      if(k != j)
        L *= (tau-tau_root[k])/(tau_root[j]-tau_root[k]);
    l[j] = SXFunction(tau,L);
    stringstream ss;
    ss << "l(" << j << ")";
    cout << l[j] << endl;
  // Get the coefficients of the continuity equation
  vector<double> D(K+1);
  for(int j=0; j<=K; ++j){
  cout << "D = " << D << endl;

  // Get the coefficients of the collocation equation
  vector<vector<double> > C(K+1);
  for(int j=0; j<=K; ++j){
    for(int k=0; k<=K; ++k){
  cout << "C = " << C << endl;
  // Collocated states
  SX Z = ssym("Z",N,K+1);
  // State at final time
// SX ZF("ZF");
  // All variables
  SX x;
  x << vec(trans(Z));
  // x << vec(ZF);  
  cout << "x = " << x << endl;
  // Construct the "NLP"
  SX g;
  for(int i=0; i<N; ++i){
    for(int k=1; k<=K; ++k){
      // Add collocation equations to NLP
      SX rhs = 0;
      for(int j=0; j<=K; ++j)
        rhs += Z(i,j)*C[j][k];
      g << (h*F.eval(SX(Z(i,k))) - rhs);
   // Add continuity equation to NLP
   SX rhs = 0;
   for(int j=0; j<=K; ++j)
     rhs += D[j]*Z(i,j);

     g << (SX(Z(i+1,0)) - rhs);
/*   else
    g << (ZF - rhs);*/
  cout << "g = " << g << endl;
  SXFunction gfcn(x,g);

  // Dummy objective function
  SXFunction obj(x, Z(0,0)*Z(0,0));
  // ----
  // ----
  // Allocate an NLP solver
  IpoptSolver solver(obj,gfcn);

  // Set options
//   pass_nonlinear_variables

  // initialize the solver

  // Initial condition
  vector<double> xinit(x.numel(),0);

  // Bounds on x
  vector<double> lbx(x.numel(),-100);
  vector<double> ubx(x.numel(), 100);
  lbx[0] = ubx[0] = z0;
  // Bounds on the constraints
  vector<double> lubg(g.numel(),0);
  // Solve the problem
  // Print the time points
  vector<double> t_opt(N*(K+1)+1);
  for(int i=0; i<N; ++i)
    for(int j=0; j<=K; ++j)
      t_opt[j + (K+1)*i] = h*(i + tau_root[j]);
  t_opt.back() = 1;
  cout << "time points: " << t_opt << endl;
  resfile << t_opt << endl;
  // Print the optimal cost
  cout << "optimal cost: " << solver.output(NLP_SOLVER_F) << endl;

  // Print the optimal solution
  vector<double> xopt(x.numel());
  cout << "optimal solution: " << xopt << endl;
  resfile << xopt << endl;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
 DM value(const SX& x, const std::vector<MX>& values=std::vector<MX>()) const {
   return DM::nan(x.sparsity());
Exemplo n.º 12
int main(){
  cout << "program started" << endl;

  // Dimensions
  int nk = 100;  // Number of control segments
  int nj = 100; // Number of integration steps per control segment

  // Control
  SX u = ssym("u",nk); // control

  // Number of states
  int nx = 3;
  // Intermediate variables with initial values and bounds
  SX v, v_def;
  DMatrix v_init, v_min, v_max;
  // Initial values and bounds for the state at the different stages
  DMatrix x_k_init =  DMatrix::zeros(nx);
  DMatrix x_k_min  = -DMatrix::inf(nx); 
  DMatrix x_k_max  =  DMatrix::inf(nx);
  // Initial conditions
  DMatrix x_0 = DMatrix::zeros(nx);
  x_0[0] = 0; // x
  x_0[1] = 1; // y
  x_0[2] = 0; // lterm
  double tf = 10;
  SX dt = tf/(nj*nk); // time step

  // For all the shooting intervals
  SX x_k = x_0;
  SX ode_rhs(x_k.sparsity(),0);
  for(int k=0; k<nk; ++k){
    // Get control
    SX u_k = u[k].at(0);
    // Integrate over the interval with Euler forward
    for(int j=0; j<nj; ++j){
      // ODE right hand side
      ode_rhs[0] = (1 - x_k[1]*x_k[1])*x_k[0] - x_k[1] + u_k;
      ode_rhs[1] = x_k[0];
      ode_rhs[2] = x_k[0]*x_k[0] + x_k[1]*x_k[1];
      // Take a step
      x_k += dt*ode_rhs;
    // Lift x
    // Allocate intermediate variables
    stringstream ss;
    ss << "v_" << k;
    x_k = ssym(ss.str(),nx);

  // Objective function
  SX f = x_k[2] + (tf/nk)*inner_prod(u,u);
  // Terminal constraints
  SX g;

  // Bounds on g
  DMatrix g_min = DMatrix::zeros(2);
  DMatrix g_max = DMatrix::zeros(2);

  // Bounds on u and initial condition
  DMatrix u_min  = -0.75*DMatrix::ones(nk);
  DMatrix u_max  =  1.00*DMatrix::ones(nk);
  DMatrix u_init =       DMatrix::zeros(nk);
  DMatrix xv_min = vertcat(u_min,v_min);
  DMatrix xv_max = vertcat(u_max,v_max);
  DMatrix xv_init = vertcat(u_init,v_init);
  DMatrix gv_min = vertcat(DMatrix::zeros(v.size()),g_min);
  DMatrix gv_max = vertcat(DMatrix::zeros(v.size()),g_max);
  // Formulate the full-space NLP
  SXFunction ffcn(vertcat(u,v),f);
  SXFunction gfcn(vertcat(u,v),vertcat(v_def-v,g));

  Dictionary qp_solver_options;
  qp_solver_options["printLevel"] = "none";
  // Solve using multiple NLP solvers
  for(int test=0; test<NUM_TESTS; ++test){
    // Get the nlp solver and NLP solver options
    NLPSolver nlp_solver;
      case IPOPT:
	cout << "Testing IPOPT" << endl;
	nlp_solver = IpoptSolver(ffcn,gfcn);
      case LIFTED_SQP:
	cout << "Testing lifted SQP" << endl;
	nlp_solver = LiftedSQP(ffcn,gfcn);
      case FULLSPACE_SQP:
	cout << "Testing fullspace SQP" << endl;
	nlp_solver = LiftedSQP(ffcn,gfcn);
      case OLD_SQP_METHOD:
	cout << "Testing old SQP method" << endl;
	nlp_solver = SQPMethod(ffcn,gfcn);
    // initialize the solver

    // Initial guess and bounds

    // Solve the problem
    // Print the optimal solution
//     cout << "optimal cost:    " << nlp_solver.output(NLP_SOLVER_F).toScalar() << endl;
//     cout << "optimal control: " << nlp_solver.output(NLP_SOLVER_X) << endl;
//     cout << "multipliers (u): " << nlp_solver.output(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_X) << endl;
//     cout << "multipliers (gb): " << nlp_solver.output(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_G) << endl;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
void fill(SXMatrix& mat, const SX& val){
  if(val->isZero())    mat.makeEmpty(mat.size1(),mat.size2());
  else                 mat.makeDense(mat.size1(),mat.size2(),val);
Exemplo n.º 14
  void AmplInterface::init(const Dict& opts) {
    // Call the init method of the base class

    // Set default options
    solver_ = "ipopt";

    // Read user options
    for (auto&& op : opts) {
      if (op.first=="solver") {
        solver_ = op.first;

    // Extract the expressions
                  "Only SX supported currently.");
    vector<SX> xp = oracle().sx_in();
    vector<SX> fg = oracle()(xp);

    // Get x, p, f and g
    SX x = xp.at(NL_X);
    SX p = xp.at(NL_P);
    SX f = fg.at(NL_F);
    SX g = fg.at(NL_G);
    casadi_assert(p.is_empty(), "'p' currently not supported");

    // Names of the variables, constraints
    vector<string> x_name, g_name;
    for (casadi_int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) x_name.push_back("x[" + str(i) + "]");
    for (casadi_int i=0; i<ng_; ++i) g_name.push_back("g[" + str(i) + "]");
    casadi_int max_x_name = x_name.back().size();
    casadi_int max_g_name = g_name.empty() ? 0 : g_name.back().size();

    // Calculate the Jacobian, gradient
    Sparsity jac_g = SX::jacobian(g, x).sparsity();
    Sparsity jac_f = SX::jacobian(f, x).sparsity();

    // Extract the shared subexpressions
    vector<SX> ex = {f, g}, v, vdef;
    shared(ex, v, vdef);
    f = ex[0];
    g = ex[1];

    // Header
    nl_init_ << "g3 1 1 0\n";
    // Type of constraints
    nl_init_ << nx_ << " " // number of variables
       << ng_ << " " // number of constraints
       << 1 << " " // number of objectives
       << 0 << " " // number of ranges
       << 0 << " " // ?
       << 0 << "\n"; // number of logical constraints

    // Nonlinearity - assume all nonlinear for now TODO: Detect
    nl_init_ << ng_ << " "  // nonlinear constraints
       << 1 << "\n"; // nonlinear objectives

    // Network constraints
    nl_init_ << 0 << " " // nonlinear
       << 0 << "\n"; // linear

    // Nonlinear variables
    nl_init_ << nx_ << " " // in constraints
       << nx_ << " " // in objectives
       << nx_ << "\n"; // in both

    // Linear network ..
    nl_init_ << 0 << " " // .. variables ..
       << 0 << " " // .. arith ..
       << 0 << " " // .. functions ..
       << 0 << "\n"; // .. flags

    // Discrete variables
    nl_init_ << 0 << " " // binary
       << 0 << " " // integer
       << 0 << " " // nonlinear in both
       << 0 << " " // nonlinear in constraints
       << 0 << "\n"; // nonlinear in objective

    // Nonzeros in the Jacobian, gradients
    nl_init_ << jac_g.nnz() << " " // nnz in Jacobian
       << jac_f.nnz() << "\n"; // nnz in gradients

    // Maximum name length
    nl_init_ << max_x_name << " " // constraints
       << max_g_name << "\n"; // variables

    // Shared subexpressions
    nl_init_ << v.size() << " " // both
       << 0 << " " // constraints
       << 0 << " " // objective
       << 0 << " " // c1 - constaint, but linear?
       << 0 << "\n"; // o1 - objective, but linear?

    // Create a function which evaluates f and g
    Function F("F", {vertcat(v), x}, {vertcat(vdef), f, g},
              {"v", "x"}, {"vdef", "f", "g"});

    // Iterate over the algoritm
    vector<string> work(F.sz_w());

    // Loop over the algorithm
    for (casadi_int k=0; k<F.n_instructions(); ++k) {
      // Get the atomic operation
      casadi_int op = F.instruction_id(k);
      // Get the operation indices
      std::vector<casadi_int> o = F.instruction_output(k);
      casadi_int o0=-1, o1=-1, i0=-1, i1=-1;
      if (o.size()>0) o0 = o[0];
      if (o.size()>1) o1 = o[1];
      std::vector<casadi_int> i = F.instruction_input(k);
      if (i.size()>0) i0 = i[0];
      if (i.size()>1) i1 = i[1];
      switch (op) {
        case OP_CONST:
        work[o0] = "n" + str(F.instruction_constant(k)) + "\n";
        case OP_INPUT:
        work[o0] = "v" + str(i0*v.size() + i1) + "\n";
        case OP_OUTPUT:
        if (o0==0) {
          // Common subexpression
          nl_init_ << "V" << (x.nnz()+o1) << " 0 0\n" << work[i0];
        } else if (o0==1) {
          // Nonlinear objective term
          nl_init_ << "O" << o1 << " 0\n" << work[i0];
        } else {
          // Nonlinear constraint term
          nl_init_ << "C" << o1 << "\n" << work[i0];
        case OP_ADD: work[o0] = "o0\n" + work[i0] + work[i1]; break;
        case OP_SUB: work[o0] = "o1\n" + work[i0] + work[i1]; break;
        case OP_MUL: work[o0] = "o2\n" + work[i0] + work[i1]; break;
        case OP_DIV: work[o0] = "o3\n" + work[i0] + work[i1]; break;
        case OP_SQ: work[o0] = "o5\n" + work[i0] + "n2\n"; break;
        case OP_POW: work[o0] = "o5\n" + work[i0] + work[i1]; break;
        case OP_FLOOR: work[o0] = "o13\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_CEIL: work[o0] = "o14\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_FABS: work[o0] = "o15\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_NEG: work[o0] = "o16\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_TANH: work[o0] = "o37\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_TAN: work[o0] = "o38\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_SQRT: work[o0] = "o39\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_SINH: work[o0] = "o40\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_SIN: work[o0] = "o41\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_LOG: work[o0] = "o43\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_EXP: work[o0] = "o44\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_COSH: work[o0] = "o45\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_COS: work[o0] = "o46\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_ATANH: work[o0] = "o47\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_ATAN2: work[o0] = "o48\n" + work[i0] + work[i1]; break;
        case OP_ATAN: work[o0] = "o49\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_ASINH: work[o0] = "o50\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_ASIN: work[o0] = "o51\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_ACOSH: work[o0] = "o52\n" + work[i0]; break;
        case OP_ACOS: work[o0] = "o53\n" + work[i0]; break;
        if (casadi_math<double>::ndeps(op)==1) {
          casadi_error(casadi_math<double>::print(op, "x") + " not supported");
        } else {
          casadi_error(casadi_math<double>::print(op, "x", "y") + " not supported");

    // k segments, cumulative column count in jac_g
    const casadi_int *colind = jac_g.colind(), *row = jac_g.row();
    nl_init_ << "k" << (nx_-1) << "\n";
    for (casadi_int i=1; i<nx_; ++i) nl_init_ << colind[i] << "\n";

    // J segments, rows in jac_g
    Sparsity sp = jac_g.T();
    colind = sp.colind(), row = sp.row();
    for (casadi_int i=0; i<ng_; ++i) {
      nl_init_ << "J" << i << " " << (colind[i+1]-colind[i]) << "\n";
      for (casadi_int k=colind[i]; k<colind[i+1]; ++k) {
        casadi_int r=row[k];
        nl_init_ << r << " " << 0 << "\n"; // no linear term

    // G segments, rows in jac_f
    sp = jac_f.T();
    colind = sp.colind(), row = sp.row();
    nl_init_ << "G" << 0 << " " << (colind[0+1]-colind[0]) << "\n";
    for (casadi_int k=colind[0]; k<colind[0+1]; ++k) {
      casadi_int r=row[k];
      nl_init_ << r << " " << 0 << "\n"; // no linear term
Exemplo n.º 15
dxdt(map<string,SX> &xDot, map<string,SX> &outputs, map<string,SX> state, map<string,SX> action, map<string,SX> param, SX t)
	double g  = 9.8;
	double L1 = 0.1;
	double L2 = 0.1;
	double m0 = 0.1;
	double mp = 0.03;
	double m1 = mp;
	double m2 = mp;
	double d1 = m0 + m1 + m2;
	double d2 = (0.5*m1 + m2)*L1;
	double d3 = 0.5 * m2 * L2;
	double d4 = ( m1/3 + m2 )*SQR(L1);
	double d5 = 0.5 * m2 * L1 * L2;
	double d6 = m2 * SQR(L2)/3;
	double f1 = (0.5*m1 + m2) * L1 * g;
	double f2 = 0.5 * m2 * L2 * g;

	// th0  = y(1);
	// th1  = y(2);
	// th2  = y(3);
	// th0d = y(4);
	// th1d = y(5);
	// th2d = y(6);

	SX th0  = state["th0"];
	SX th1  = state["th1"];
	SX th2  = state["th2"];
	SX th0d = state["th0d"];
	SX th1d = state["th1d"];
	SX th2d = state["th2d"];

	// D = [          d1,     d2*cos(th1),     d3*cos(th2);
	// 	     d2*cos(th1),              d4, d5*cos(th1-th2);
	// 	     d3*cos(th2), d5*cos(th1-th2),              d6;];

	SX D( zerosSX(3,3) );
	D[0,0] =          d1;   D[0,1] =     d2*cos(th1);   D[0,2] =     d3*cos(th2);
	D[1,0] = d2*cos(th1);   D[1,1] =              d4;   D[1,2] = d5*cos(th1-th2);
	D[2,0] = d3*cos(th2);   D[2,1] = d5*cos(th1-th2);   D[2,2] =              d6;

	// C = [0,     -d2*sin(th1)*th1d,    -d3*sin(th2)*th2d;
	// 	    0,                     0, d5*sin(th1-th2)*th2d;
	// 	    0, -d5*sin(th1-th2)*th1d,                    0;];
	SX C( zerosSX(3,3) );
	C[0,0] = 0;   C[0,1] =      -d2*sin(th1)*th1d;   C[0,2] =     -d3*sin(th2)*th2d;
	C[1,0] = 0;   C[1,1] =                      0;   C[1,2] =  d5*sin(th1-th2)*th2d;
	C[2,0] = 0;   C[2,1] =  -d5*sin(th1-th2)*th1d;   C[2,2] =                     0;

	// G = [0; -f1*sin(th1); -f2*sin(th2);];
	SX G( zerosSX(3,1) );
	G.at(0) = 0;
	G.at(1) = -f1*sin(th1);
	G.at(2) = -f2*sin(th2);

	// H = [1;0;0;];
	SX H( zerosSX(3,1) );
	H.at(0) = 1;
	H.at(1) = 0;
	H.at(2) = 0;

	// dy(1:3) = y(4:6);
	xDot["th0"] = th0d;
	xDot["th1"] = th1d;
	xDot["th2"] = th2d;

	// dy(4:6) = D\( - C*y(4:6) - G + H*u );
	SX vel( zerosSX(3,1) );
	vel.at(0) = th0d;
	vel.at(1) = th1d;
	vel.at(2) = th2d;
	SX accel = mul( inv(D), - mul( C, vel ) - G + mul( H, SX(action["u"]) ) );


	xDot["th0d"] = accel.at(0);
	xDot["th1d"] = accel.at(1);
	xDot["th2d"] = accel.at(2);

	// cout << th0 << endl;
	// cout << th1 << endl;
	// cout << th2 << endl;

	// cout << th0d << endl;
	// cout << th1d << endl;
	// cout << th2d << endl;

	// cout << accel.at(0) << endl;
	// cout << accel.at(1) << endl;
	// cout << accel.at(2) << endl;

	outputs["cart_x"] = th0;
	outputs["cart_y"] = 0;
	outputs["bob0_x"] = th0 + L1*sin(th1);
	outputs["bob0_y"] = - L1*cos(th1);
	outputs["bob1_x"] = th0 + L1*sin(th1) + L2*sin(th2);
	outputs["bob1_y"] = - L1*cos(th1) - L2*cos(th2);
Exemplo n.º 16
void Ddp::setupQFunctions()
     /*************** inputs **************/
     SX xk = ssym("xk", ode.nx());
     SX uk = ssym("uk", ode.nu());

     SX V_0_kp1(  ssym(  "V_0_kp1",        1,        1) );
     SX V_x_kp1(  ssym(  "V_x_kp1", ode.nx(),        1) );
     SX V_xx_kp1( ssym( "V_xx_kp1", ode.nx(), ode.nx()) );

     vector<SX> qInputs(NUM_Q_INPUTS);
     qInputs.at(IDX_Q_INPUTS_X_K)      = xk;
     qInputs.at(IDX_Q_INPUTS_U_K)      = uk;
     qInputs.at(IDX_Q_INPUTS_V_0_KP1)  = V_0_kp1;
     qInputs.at(IDX_Q_INPUTS_V_X_KP1)  = V_x_kp1;
     qInputs.at(IDX_Q_INPUTS_V_XX_KP1) = V_xx_kp1;

     SX dx = ssym("dx", ode.nx());
     SX du = ssym("du", ode.nu());

     /**************** dynamics *********************/
     // dummy params for now
     map<string,SX> dummyParams;
     double dt = (tf - t0)/(N - 1);
     SX f = ode.rk4Step( xk + dx, uk + du, uk + du, dummyParams, t0, dt); // timestep dependent: f(x,u,__t__) - same as cost
     SX f0 = ode.rk4Step( xk, uk, uk, dummyParams, t0, dt); // timestep dependent: f(x,u,__t__) - same as cost
     // SX f = ode.eulerStep( xk + dx, uk + du, dummyParams, SX(t0), SX(dt)); // timestep dependent:  f(x,u,__t__) - same as cost
     // SX f0 = ode.eulerStep( xk, uk, dummyParams, SX(t0), SX(dt)); // timestep dependent:  f(x,u,__t__) - same as cost

     /**************** Q function *********************/
     SX xk_p_dx( xk + dx );
     SX uk_p_du( uk + du );

     map<string,SX> xkMap = ode.getStateMap(  xk_p_dx );
     map<string,SX> ukMap = ode.getActionMap( uk_p_du );

     // map<string,SX> xkMap = ode.getStateMap(  xk );
     // map<string,SX> ukMap = ode.getActionMap( uk );

     SX df = f - f0;

     SX dxZeros( zerosSX( ode.nx(), 1 ) );
     SX duZeros( zerosSX( ode.nu(), 1 ) );

     makeDense( dxZeros );
     makeDense( duZeros );

     for (int k=0; k<N; k++){

	  // function
	  SX Q_0_k(costFcnExt( xkMap, ukMap, k, N ) + V_0_kp1 + mul( V_x_kp1.trans(), df )
			 + mul( df.trans(), mul( V_xx_kp1, df ) )/2 );

	  // jacobian
	  SX Q_x_k =  gradient( Q_0_k, dx );
	  SX Q_u_k =  gradient( Q_0_k, du );

	  // hessian
	  SX Q_xx_k = jacobian( Q_x_k, dx );
	  SX Q_xu_k = jacobian( Q_x_k, du ); // == jacobian( Q_u, x ).trans()
	  SX Q_uu_k = jacobian( Q_u_k, du );

	  Q_0_k  = substitute(  Q_0_k, dx, dxZeros );
	  Q_x_k  = substitute(  Q_x_k, dx, dxZeros );
	  Q_u_k  = substitute(  Q_u_k, dx, dxZeros );
	  Q_xx_k = substitute( Q_xx_k, dx, dxZeros );
	  Q_xu_k = substitute( Q_xu_k, dx, dxZeros );
	  Q_uu_k = substitute( Q_uu_k, dx, dxZeros );

	  Q_0_k  = substitute(  Q_0_k, du, duZeros );
	  Q_x_k  = substitute(  Q_x_k, du, duZeros );
	  Q_u_k  = substitute(  Q_u_k, du, duZeros );
	  Q_xx_k = substitute( Q_xx_k, du, duZeros );
	  Q_xu_k = substitute( Q_xu_k, du, duZeros );
	  Q_uu_k = substitute( Q_uu_k, du, duZeros );


	  // workaround bug where size() != size1()*size2()

	  // outputs
	  vector<SX> qOutputs(NUM_Q_OUTPUTS);
	  qOutputs.at(IDX_Q_OUTPUTS_Q_0_K)  = Q_0_k;
	  qOutputs.at(IDX_Q_OUTPUTS_Q_X_K)  = Q_x_k;
	  qOutputs.at(IDX_Q_OUTPUTS_Q_U_K)  = Q_u_k;
	  qOutputs.at(IDX_Q_OUTPUTS_Q_XX_K) = Q_xx_k;
	  qOutputs.at(IDX_Q_OUTPUTS_Q_XU_K) = Q_xu_k;
	  qOutputs.at(IDX_Q_OUTPUTS_Q_UU_K) = Q_uu_k;
	  // sx function
	  qFunctions.push_back( SXFunction( qInputs, qOutputs ) );
Exemplo n.º 17
SX SX::__mul__(const SX& y) const{
  // Only simplifications that do not result in extra nodes area allowed
  if(!isConstant() && y.isConstant())
    return y.__mul__(*this);
  else if(node->isZero() || y->isZero()) // one of the terms is zero
    return 0;
  else if(node->isOne()) // term1 is one
    return y;
  else if(y->isOne()) // term2 is one
    return *this;
  else if(y->isMinusOne())
    return -(*this);
  else if(node->isMinusOne())
    return -y;
  else if(y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_INV)
    return (*this)/y.inv();
  else if(hasDep() && getOp()==OP_INV)
    return y/inv();
  else if(isConstant() && y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_MUL && y.getDep(0).isConstant() && getValue()*y.getDep(0).getValue()==1) // 5*(0.2*x) = x
    return y.getDep(1);
  else if(isConstant() && y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_DIV && y.getDep(1).isConstant() && getValue()==y.getDep(1).getValue()) // 5*(x/5) = x
    return y.getDep(0);
  else if(hasDep() && getOp()==OP_DIV && getDep(1).isEquivalent(y)) // ((2/x)*x)
    return getDep(0);
  else if(y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_DIV && y.getDep(1).isEquivalent(*this)) // ((2/x)*x)
    return y.getDep(0);
  else     // create a new branch
    return BinarySX::create(OP_MUL,*this,y);
Exemplo n.º 18
SX SX::__sub__(const SX& y) const{
  // Only simplifications that do not result in extra nodes area allowed
  if(y->isZero()) // term2 is zero
    return *this;
  if(node->isZero()) // term1 is zero
    return -y;
  if(isEquivalent(y)) // the terms are equal
    return 0;
  else if(y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_NEG) // x - (-y) -> x + y
    return __add__(-y);
  else if(hasDep() && getOp()==OP_ADD && getDep(1).isEquivalent(y))
    return getDep(0);
  else if(hasDep() && getOp()==OP_ADD && getDep(0).isEquivalent(y))
    return getDep(1);
  else if(y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_ADD && isEquivalent(y.getDep(1)))
    return -y.getDep(0);
  else if(y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_ADD && isEquivalent(y.getDep(0)))
    return -y.getDep(1);
  else // create a new branch
    return BinarySX::create(OP_SUB,*this,y);
Exemplo n.º 19
SX SX::__add__(const SX& y) const{
  // NOTE: Only simplifications that do not result in extra nodes area allowed
    return y;
  else if(y->isZero()) // term2 is zero
    return *this;
  else if(y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_NEG) // x + (-y) -> x - y
    return __sub__(-y);
  else if(hasDep() && getOp()==OP_NEG) // (-x) + y -> y - x
    return y.__sub__(getDep());
  else if(hasDep() && getOp()==OP_MUL && 
          y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_MUL && 
          getDep(0).isConstant() && getDep(0).getValue()==0.5 && 
          y.getDep(0).isConstant() && y.getDep(0).getValue()==0.5 &&
          y.getDep(1).isEquivalent(getDep(1))) // 0.5x+0.5x = x
    return getDep(1);
  else if(hasDep() && getOp()==OP_DIV && 
          y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_DIV && 
          getDep(1).isConstant() && getDep(1).getValue()==2 && 
          y.getDep(1).isConstant() && y.getDep(1).getValue()==2 &&
          y.getDep(0).isEquivalent(getDep(0))) // x/2+x/2 = x
    return getDep(0);
  else if(hasDep() && getOp()==OP_SUB && getDep(1).isEquivalent(y))
    return getDep(0);
  else if(y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_SUB && isEquivalent(y.getDep(1)))
    return y.getDep(0);
  else // create a new branch
    return BinarySX::create(OP_ADD,*this, y);
int main(){
  // Declare variables
  SX u = SX::sym("u"); // control
  SX r = SX::sym("r"), s = SX::sym("s"); // states
  SX x = vertcat(r,s);

  // Number of differential states
  int nx = x.size1();

  // Number of controls
  int nu = u.size1();

  // Bounds and initial guess for the control
  vector<double> u_min =  { -0.75 };
  vector<double> u_max  = {  1.0  };
  vector<double> u_init = {  0.0  };

  // Bounds and initial guess for the state
  vector<double> x0_min = {   0,    1 };
  vector<double> x0_max = {   0,    1 };
  vector<double> x_min  = {-inf, -inf };
  vector<double> x_max  = { inf,  inf };
  vector<double> xf_min = {   0,    0 };
  vector<double> xf_max = {   0,    0 };
  vector<double> x_init = {   0,    0 };

  // Final time
  double tf = 20.0;

  // Number of shooting nodes
  int ns = 50;

  // ODE right hand side and quadrature
  SX ode = vertcat((1 - s*s)*r - s + u, r);
  SX quad = r*r + s*s + u*u;
  SXDict dae = {{"x", x}, {"p", u}, {"ode", ode}, {"quad", quad}};

  // Create an integrator (CVodes)
  Function F = integrator("integrator", "cvodes", dae, {{"t0", 0}, {"tf", tf/ns}});

  // Total number of NLP variables
  int NV = nx*(ns+1) + nu*ns;

  // Declare variable vector for the NLP
  MX V = MX::sym("V",NV);

  // NLP variable bounds and initial guess
  vector<double> v_min,v_max,v_init;

  // Offset in V
  int offset=0;

  // State at each shooting node and control for each shooting interval
  vector<MX> X, U;
  for(int k=0; k<ns; ++k){
    // Local state
    X.push_back( V.nz(Slice(offset,offset+nx)));
      v_min.insert(v_min.end(), x0_min.begin(), x0_min.end());
      v_max.insert(v_max.end(), x0_max.begin(), x0_max.end());
    } else {
      v_min.insert(v_min.end(), x_min.begin(), x_min.end());
      v_max.insert(v_max.end(), x_max.begin(), x_max.end());
    v_init.insert(v_init.end(), x_init.begin(), x_init.end());
    offset += nx;

    // Local control
    U.push_back( V.nz(Slice(offset,offset+nu)));
    v_min.insert(v_min.end(), u_min.begin(), u_min.end());
    v_max.insert(v_max.end(), u_max.begin(), u_max.end());
    v_init.insert(v_init.end(), u_init.begin(), u_init.end());
    offset += nu;

  // State at end
  v_min.insert(v_min.end(), xf_min.begin(), xf_min.end());
  v_max.insert(v_max.end(), xf_max.begin(), xf_max.end());
  v_init.insert(v_init.end(), x_init.begin(), x_init.end());
  offset += nx;

  // Make sure that the size of the variable vector is consistent with the number of variables that we have referenced

  // Objective function
  MX J = 0;

  //Constraint function and bounds
  vector<MX> g;

  // Loop over shooting nodes
  for(int k=0; k<ns; ++k){
    // Create an evaluation node
    MXDict I_out = F(MXDict{{"x0", X[k]}, {"p", U[k]}});

    // Save continuity constraints
    g.push_back( I_out.at("xf") - X[k+1] );

    // Add objective function contribution
    J += I_out.at("qf");

  // NLP
  MXDict nlp = {{"x", V}, {"f", J}, {"g", vertcat(g)}};

  // Create an NLP solver and buffers
  Function solver = nlpsol("nlpsol", "blocksqp", nlp);
  std::map<std::string, DM> arg, res;

  // Bounds and initial guess
  arg["lbx"] = v_min;
  arg["ubx"] = v_max;
  arg["lbg"] = 0;
  arg["ubg"] = 0;
  arg["x0"] = v_init;

  // Solve the problem
  res = solver(arg);

  // Optimal solution of the NLP
  vector<double> V_opt(res.at("x"));

  // Get the optimal state trajectory
  vector<double> r_opt(ns+1), s_opt(ns+1);
  for(int i=0; i<=ns; ++i){
    r_opt[i] = V_opt.at(i*(nx+1));
    s_opt[i] = V_opt.at(1+i*(nx+1));
  cout << "r_opt = " << endl << r_opt << endl;
  cout << "s_opt = " << endl << s_opt << endl;

  // Get the optimal control
  vector<double> u_opt(ns);
  for(int i=0; i<ns; ++i){
    u_opt[i] = V_opt.at(nx + i*(nx+1));
  cout << "u_opt = " << endl << u_opt << endl;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
void expand(const SXMatrix& ex2, SXMatrix &ww, SXMatrix& tt){
  SX ex = ex2.toScalar();
  // Terms, weights and indices of the nodes that are already expanded
  std::vector<std::vector<SXNode*> > terms;
  std::vector<std::vector<double> > weights;
  std::map<SXNode*,int> indices;

  // Stack of nodes that are not yet expanded
  std::stack<SXNode*> to_be_expanded;

  while(!to_be_expanded.empty()){ // as long as there are nodes to be expanded

    // Check if the last element on the stack is already expanded
   if (indices.find(to_be_expanded.top()) != indices.end()){
      // Remove from stack

    // Weights and terms
    std::vector<double> w; // weights
    std::vector<SXNode*> f; // terms

    if(to_be_expanded.top()->isConstant()){ // constant nodes are seen as multiples of one
    } else if(to_be_expanded.top()->isSymbolic()){ // symbolic nodes have weight one and itself as factor
    } else { // binary node

        casadi_assert(to_be_expanded.top()->hasDep()); // make sure that the node is binary

        // Check if addition, subtracton or multiplication
        SXNode* node = to_be_expanded.top();
        // If we have a binary node that we can factorize
        if(node->getOp() == OP_ADD || node->getOp() == OP_SUB || (node->getOp() == OP_MUL  && (node->dep(0)->isConstant() || node->dep(1)->isConstant()))){
          // Make sure that both children are factorized, if not - add to stack
          if (indices.find(node->dep(0).get()) == indices.end()){
          if (indices.find(node->dep(1).get()) == indices.end()){

          // Get indices of children
          int ind1 = indices[node->dep(0).get()];
          int ind2 = indices[node->dep(1).get()];
          // If multiplication
          if(node->getOp() == OP_MUL){
            double fac;
            if(node->dep(0)->isConstant()){ // Multiplication where the first factor is a constant
              fac = node->dep(0)->getValue();
              f = terms[ind2];
              w = weights[ind2];
            } else { // Multiplication where the second factor is a constant
              fac = node->dep(1)->getValue();
              f = terms[ind1];
              w = weights[ind1];
            for(int i=0; i<w.size(); ++i) w[i] *= fac;

          } else { // if addition or subtraction
            if(node->getOp() == OP_ADD){          // Addition: join both sums
              f = terms[ind1];      f.insert(f.end(), terms[ind2].begin(), terms[ind2].end());
              w = weights[ind1];    w.insert(w.end(), weights[ind2].begin(), weights[ind2].end());
            } else {      // Subtraction: join both sums with negative weights for second term
              f = terms[ind1];      f.insert(f.end(), terms[ind2].begin(), terms[ind2].end());
              w = weights[ind1];
              for(int i=0; i<weights[ind2].size(); ++i) w.push_back(-weights[ind2][i]);
          // Eliminate multiple elements
          std::vector<double> w_new; w_new.reserve(w.size());   // weights
          std::vector<SXNode*> f_new;  f_new.reserve(f.size());   // terms
          std::map<SXNode*,int> f_ind; // index in f_new

          for(int i=0; i<w.size(); i++){
            // Try to locate the node
            std::map<SXNode*,int>::iterator it = f_ind.find(f[i]);
            if(it == f_ind.end()){ // if the term wasn't found
              f_ind[f[i]] = f_new.size()-1;
            } else { // if the term already exists
              w_new[it->second] += w[i]; // just add the weight
          w = w_new;
          f = f_new;
      } else { // if we have a binary node that we cannot factorize
        // By default, 


    // Save factorization of the node
    indices[to_be_expanded.top()] = terms.size()-1;

    // Remove node from stack

  // Save expansion to output
  int thisind = indices[ex.get()];
  ww = SXMatrix(weights[thisind]);

  vector<SX> termsv(terms[thisind].size());
  for(int i=0; i<termsv.size(); ++i)
    termsv[i] = SX::create(terms[thisind][i]);
  tt = SXMatrix(termsv);
Exemplo n.º 22
  void SymbolicQr::init() {
    // Call the base class initializer

    // Read options
    bool codegen = getOption("codegen");
    string compiler = getOption("compiler");

    // Make sure that command processor is available
    if (codegen) {
#ifdef WITH_DL
      int flag = system(static_cast<const char*>(0));
      casadi_assert_message(flag!=0, "No command procesor available");
#else // WITH_DL
      casadi_error("Codegen requires CasADi to be compiled with option \"WITH_DL\" enabled");
#endif // WITH_DL

    // Symbolic expression for A
    SX A = SX::sym("A", input(0).sparsity());

    // Get the inverted column permutation
    std::vector<int> inv_colperm(colperm_.size());
    for (int k=0; k<colperm_.size(); ++k)
      inv_colperm[colperm_[k]] = k;

    // Get the inverted row permutation
    std::vector<int> inv_rowperm(rowperm_.size());
    for (int k=0; k<rowperm_.size(); ++k)
      inv_rowperm[rowperm_[k]] = k;

    // Permute the linear system
    SX Aperm = A(rowperm_, colperm_);

    // Generate the QR factorization function
    vector<SX> QR(2);
    qr(Aperm, QR[0], QR[1]);
    SXFunction fact_fcn(A, QR);

    // Optionally generate c code and load as DLL
    if (codegen) {
      stringstream ss;
      ss << "symbolic_qr_fact_fcn_" << this;
      fact_fcn_ = dynamicCompilation(fact_fcn, ss.str(),
                                     "Symbolic QR factorization function", compiler);
    } else {
      fact_fcn_ = fact_fcn;

    // Initialize factorization function
    fact_fcn_.setOption("name", "QR_fact");

    // Symbolic expressions for solve function
    SX Q = SX::sym("Q", QR[0].sparsity());
    SX R = SX::sym("R", QR[1].sparsity());
    SX b = SX::sym("b", input(1).size1(), 1);

    // Solve non-transposed
    // We have Pb' * Q * R * Px * x = b <=> x = Px' * inv(R) * Q' * Pb * b

    // Permute the right hand sides
    SX bperm = b(rowperm_, ALL);

    // Solve the factorized system
    SX xperm = casadi::solve(R, mul(Q.T(), bperm));

    // Permute back the solution
    SX x = xperm(inv_colperm, ALL);

    // Generate the QR solve function
    vector<SX> solv_in(3);
    solv_in[0] = Q;
    solv_in[1] = R;
    solv_in[2] = b;
    SXFunction solv_fcn(solv_in, x);

    // Optionally generate c code and load as DLL
    if (codegen) {
      stringstream ss;
      ss << "symbolic_qr_solv_fcn_N_" << this;
      solv_fcn_N_ = dynamicCompilation(solv_fcn, ss.str(), "QR_solv_N", compiler);
    } else {
      solv_fcn_N_ = solv_fcn;

    // Initialize solve function
    solv_fcn_N_.setOption("name", "QR_solv");

    // Solve transposed
    // We have (Pb' * Q * R * Px)' * x = b
    // <=> Px' * R' * Q' * Pb * x = b
    // <=> x = Pb' * Q * inv(R') * Px * b

    // Permute the right hand side
    bperm = b(colperm_, ALL);

    // Solve the factorized system
    xperm = mul(Q, casadi::solve(R.T(), bperm));

    // Permute back the solution
    x = xperm(inv_rowperm, ALL);

    // Mofify the QR solve function
    solv_fcn = SXFunction(solv_in, x);

    // Optionally generate c code and load as DLL
    if (codegen) {
      stringstream ss;
      ss << "symbolic_qr_solv_fcn_T_" << this;
      solv_fcn_T_ = dynamicCompilation(solv_fcn, ss.str(), "QR_solv_T", compiler);
    } else {
      solv_fcn_T_ = solv_fcn;

    // Initialize solve function
    solv_fcn_T_.setOption("name", "QR_solv_T");

    // Allocate storage for QR factorization
    Q_ = DMatrix::zeros(Q.sparsity());
    R_ = DMatrix::zeros(R.sparsity());
int main(){
  // Declare variables
  SX u = SX::sym("u"); // control
  SX r = SX::sym("r"), s = SX::sym("s"); // states
  SX x = vertcat(r,s);

  // Number of differential states
  int nx = x.size1();
  // Number of controls
  int nu = u.size1();

  // Bounds and initial guess for the control
  vector<double> u_min =  { -0.75 };
  vector<double> u_max  = {  1.0  };
  vector<double> u_init = {  0.0  };

  // Bounds and initial guess for the state
  vector<double> x0_min = {   0,    1 };
  vector<double> x0_max = {   0,    1 };
  vector<double> x_min  = {-inf, -inf };
  vector<double> x_max  = { inf,  inf };
  vector<double> xf_min = {   0,    0 };
  vector<double> xf_max = {   0,    0 };
  vector<double> x_init = {   0,    0 };

  // Final time
  double tf = 20.0;
  // Number of shooting nodes
  int ns = 50;

  // ODE right hand side and quadrature
  SX ode = vertcat((1 - s*s)*r - s + u, r);
  SX quad = r*r + s*s + u*u;
  SXFunction rhs("rhs", daeIn("x", x, "p", u), daeOut("ode", ode, "quad", quad));

  // Create an integrator (CVodes)
  Integrator integrator("integrator", "cvodes", rhs, make_dict("t0", 0, "tf", tf/ns));
  // Total number of NLP variables
  int NV = nx*(ns+1) + nu*ns;
  // Declare variable vector for the NLP
  MX V = MX::sym("V",NV);

  // NLP variable bounds and initial guess
  vector<double> v_min,v_max,v_init;
  // Offset in V
  int offset=0; 

  // State at each shooting node and control for each shooting interval
  vector<MX> X, U;
  for(int k=0; k<ns; ++k){
    // Local state
    X.push_back( V[Slice(offset,offset+nx)] );
      v_min.insert(v_min.end(), x0_min.begin(), x0_min.end());
      v_max.insert(v_max.end(), x0_max.begin(), x0_max.end());
    } else {
      v_min.insert(v_min.end(), x_min.begin(), x_min.end());
      v_max.insert(v_max.end(), x_max.begin(), x_max.end());
    v_init.insert(v_init.end(), x_init.begin(), x_init.end());
    offset += nx;
    // Local control
    U.push_back( V[Slice(offset,offset+nu)] );
    v_min.insert(v_min.end(), u_min.begin(), u_min.end());
    v_max.insert(v_max.end(), u_max.begin(), u_max.end());
    v_init.insert(v_init.end(), u_init.begin(), u_init.end());
    offset += nu;
  // State at end
  v_min.insert(v_min.end(), xf_min.begin(), xf_min.end());
  v_max.insert(v_max.end(), xf_max.begin(), xf_max.end());
  v_init.insert(v_init.end(), x_init.begin(), x_init.end());    
  offset += nx;
  // Make sure that the size of the variable vector is consistent with the number of variables that we have referenced

  // Objective function
  MX J = 0;
  //Constraint function and bounds
  vector<MX> g;

  // Loop over shooting nodes
  for(int k=0; k<ns; ++k){
    // Create an evaluation node
    map<string, MX> I_out = integrator(make_map("x0", X[k], "p", U[k]));

    // Save continuity constraints
    g.push_back( I_out.at("xf") - X[k+1] );
    // Add objective function contribution
    J += I_out.at("qf");
  // NLP 
  MXFunction nlp("nlp", nlpIn("x", V), nlpOut("f", J, "g", vertcat(g)));

  // Set options
  Dict opts;
  opts["tol"] = 1e-5;
  opts["max_iter"] = 100;
  opts["linear_solver"] = "ma27";

  // Create an NLP solver and buffers
  NlpSolver nlp_solver("nlp_solver", "ipopt", nlp, opts);
  std::map<std::string, DMatrix> arg, res;

  // Bounds and initial guess
  arg["lbx"] = v_min;
  arg["ubx"] = v_max;
  arg["lbg"] = 0;
  arg["ubg"] = 0;
  arg["x0"] = v_init;

  // Solve the problem
  res = nlp_solver(arg);
  // Optimal solution of the NLP
  const Matrix<double>& V_opt = res.at("x");
  // Get the optimal state trajectory
  vector<double> r_opt(ns+1), s_opt(ns+1);
  for(int i=0; i<=ns; ++i){
    r_opt[i] = V_opt.at(i*(nx+1));
    s_opt[i] = V_opt.at(1+i*(nx+1));
  cout << "r_opt = " << endl << r_opt << endl;
  cout << "s_opt = " << endl << s_opt << endl;
  // Get the optimal control
  vector<double> u_opt(ns);
  for(int i=0; i<ns; ++i){
    u_opt[i] = V_opt.at(nx + i*(nx+1));
  cout << "u_opt = " << endl << u_opt << endl;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 24
SX SX::__div__(const SX& y) const{
  // Only simplifications that do not result in extra nodes area allowed

  if(y->isZero()) // term2 is zero
    return casadi_limits<SX>::nan;
  else if(node->isZero()) // term1 is zero
    return 0;
  else if(y->isOne()) // term2 is one
    return *this;
  else if(isEquivalent(y)) // terms are equal
    return 1;
  else if(isDoubled() && y.isEqual(2))
    return node->dep(0);
  else if(isOp(OP_MUL) && y.isEquivalent(node->dep(0)))
    return node->dep(1);
  else if(isOp(OP_MUL) && y.isEquivalent(node->dep(1)))
    return node->dep(0);
  else if(node->isOne())
    return y.inv();
  else if(y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_INV)
    return (*this)*y.inv();
  else if(isDoubled() && y.isDoubled())
    return node->dep(0) / y->dep(0);
  else if(y.isConstant() && hasDep() && getOp()==OP_DIV && getDep(1).isConstant() && y.getValue()*getDep(1).getValue()==1) // (x/5)/0.2 
    return getDep(0);
  else if(y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_MUL && y.getDep(1).isEquivalent(*this)) // x/(2*x) = 1/2
    return BinarySX::create(OP_DIV,1,y.getDep(0));
  else if(hasDep() && getOp()==OP_NEG && getDep(0).isEquivalent(y))      // (-x)/x = -1
    return -1;
  else if(y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_NEG && y.getDep(0).isEquivalent(*this))      // x/(-x) = 1
    return -1;
  else if(y.hasDep() && y.getOp()==OP_NEG && hasDep() && getOp()==OP_NEG && getDep(0).isEquivalent(y.getDep(0)))      // (-x)/(-x) = 1
    return 1;
  else if(isOp(OP_DIV) && y.isEquivalent(node->dep(0)))
    return node->dep(1).inv();
  else // create a new branch
    return BinarySX::create(OP_DIV,*this,y);
Exemplo n.º 25
void LiftedSQPInternal::init(){
  // Call the init method of the base class

  // Number of lifted variables
  nv = getOption("num_lifted");
    cout << "Initializing SQP method with " << nx_ << " variables and " << ng_ << " constraints." << endl;
    cout << "Lifting " << nv << " variables." << endl;
      cout << "Gauss-Newton objective with " << F_.input().numel() << " terms." << endl;
  // Read options
  max_iter_ = getOption("max_iter");
  max_iter_ls_ = getOption("max_iter_ls");
  toldx_ = getOption("toldx");
  tolgl_ = getOption("tolgl");
  sigma_ = getOption("sigma");
  rho_ = getOption("rho");
  mu_safety_ = getOption("mu_safety");
  eta_ = getOption("eta");
  tau_ = getOption("tau");
  // Assume SXFunction for now
  SXFunction ffcn = shared_cast<SXFunction>(F_);
  SXFunction gfcn = shared_cast<SXFunction>(G_);
  // Extract the free variables and split into independent and dependent variables
  SX x = ffcn.inputExpr(0);
  int nx = x.size();
  nu = nx-nv;
  SX u = x[Slice(0,nu)];
  SX v = x[Slice(nu,nu+nv)];

  // Extract the constraint equations and split into constraints and definitions of dependent variables
  SX f1 = ffcn.outputExpr(0);
  int nf1 = f1.numel();
  SX g = gfcn.outputExpr(0);
  int nf2 = g.numel()-nv;
  SX v_eq = g(Slice(0,nv));
  SX f2 = g(Slice(nv,nv+nf2));
  // Definition of v
  SX v_def = v_eq + v;

  // Objective function
  SX f;
  // Multipliers
  SX lam_x, lam_g, lam_f2;
    // Least square objective
    f = inner_prod(f1,f1)/2;
  } else {
    // Scalar objective function
    f = f1;
    // Lagrange multipliers for the simple bounds on u
    SX lam_u = ssym("lam_u",nu);
    // Lagrange multipliers for the simple bounds on v
    SX lam_v = ssym("lam_v",nv);
    // Lagrange multipliers for the simple bounds on x
    lam_x = vertcat(lam_u,lam_v);

    // Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the definition of the dependent variables
    SX lam_v_eq = ssym("lam_v_eq",nv);

    // Lagrange multipliers for the nonlinear constraints that aren't eliminated
    lam_f2 = ssym("lam_f2",nf2);

      cout << "Allocated intermediate variables." << endl;
    // Lagrange multipliers for constraints
    lam_g = vertcat(lam_v_eq,lam_f2);
    // Lagrangian function
    SX lag = f + inner_prod(lam_x,x);
    if(!f2.empty()) lag += inner_prod(lam_f2,f2);
    if(!v.empty()) lag += inner_prod(lam_v_eq,v_def);
    // Gradient of the Lagrangian
    SX lgrad = casadi::gradient(lag,x);
    if(!v.empty()) lgrad -= vertcat(SX::zeros(nu),lam_v_eq); // Put here to ensure that lgrad is of the form "h_extended -v_extended"
      cout << "Generated the gradient of the Lagrangian." << endl;

    // Condensed gradient of the Lagrangian
    f1 = lgrad[Slice(0,nu)];
    nf1 = nu;
    // Gradient of h
    SX v_eq_grad = lgrad[Slice(nu,nu+nv)];
    // Reverse lam_v_eq and v_eq_grad
    SX v_eq_grad_reversed = v_eq_grad;
    SX lam_v_eq_reversed = lam_v_eq;
    // Augment h and lam_v_eq

  // Residual function G
  SXVector G_in(G_NUM_IN);
  G_in[G_X] = x;
  G_in[G_LAM_X] = lam_x;
  G_in[G_LAM_G] = lam_g;

  SXVector G_out(G_NUM_OUT);
  G_out[G_D] = v_eq;
  G_out[G_G] = g;
  G_out[G_F] = f;

  rfcn_ = SXFunction(G_in,G_out);
    cout << "Generated residual function ( " << shared_cast<SXFunction>(rfcn_).getAlgorithmSize() << " nodes)." << endl;
  // Difference vector d
  SX d = ssym("d",nv);
    vector<SX> dg = ssym("dg",nv).data();

  // Substitute out the v from the h
  SX d_def = (v_eq + v)-d;
  SXVector ex(3);
  ex[0] = f1;
  ex[1] = f2;
  ex[2] = f;
  substituteInPlace(v, d_def, ex, false);
  SX f1_z = ex[0];
  SX f2_z = ex[1];
  SX f_z = ex[2];
  // Modified function Z
  enum ZIn{Z_U,Z_D,Z_LAM_X,Z_LAM_F2,Z_NUM_IN};
  SXVector zfcn_in(Z_NUM_IN);
  zfcn_in[Z_U] = u;
  zfcn_in[Z_D] = d;
  zfcn_in[Z_LAM_X] = lam_x;
  zfcn_in[Z_LAM_F2] = lam_f2;
  enum ZOut{Z_D_DEF,Z_F12,Z_NUM_OUT};
  SXVector zfcn_out(Z_NUM_OUT);
  zfcn_out[Z_D_DEF] = d_def;
  zfcn_out[Z_F12] = vertcat(f1_z,f2_z);
  SXFunction zfcn(zfcn_in,zfcn_out);
    cout << "Generated reconstruction function ( " << zfcn.getAlgorithmSize() << " nodes)." << endl;

  // Matrix A and B in lifted Newton
  SX B = zfcn.jac(Z_U,Z_F12);
  SX B1 = B(Slice(0,nf1),Slice(0,B.size2()));
  SX B2 = B(Slice(nf1,B.size1()),Slice(0,B.size2()));
    cout << "Formed B1 (dimension " << B1.size1() << "-by-" << B1.size2() << ", "<< B1.size() << " nonzeros) " <<
    "and B2 (dimension " << B2.size1() << "-by-" << B2.size2() << ", "<< B2.size() << " nonzeros)." << endl;
  // Step in u
  SX du = ssym("du",nu);
  SX dlam_f2 = ssym("dlam_f2",lam_f2.sparsity());
  SX b1 = f1_z;
  SX b2 = f2_z;
  SX e;
  if(nv > 0){
    // Directional derivative of Z
    vector<vector<SX> > Z_fwdSeed(2,zfcn_in);
    vector<vector<SX> > Z_fwdSens(2,zfcn_out);
    vector<vector<SX> > Z_adjSeed;
    vector<vector<SX> > Z_adjSens;
    Z_fwdSeed[0][Z_D] = -d;
    Z_fwdSeed[1][Z_U] = du;
    Z_fwdSeed[1][Z_D] = -d;
    Z_fwdSeed[1][Z_LAM_F2] = dlam_f2;
    b1 += Z_fwdSens[0][Z_F12](Slice(0,nf1));
    b2 += Z_fwdSens[0][Z_F12](Slice(nf1,B.size1()));
    e = Z_fwdSens[1][Z_D_DEF];
    cout << "Formed b1 (dimension " << b1.size1() << "-by-" << b1.size2() << ", "<< b1.size() << " nonzeros) " <<
    "and b2 (dimension " << b2.size1() << "-by-" << b2.size2() << ", "<< b2.size() << " nonzeros)." << endl;
  // Generate Gauss-Newton Hessian
    b1 = mul(trans(B1),b1);
    B1 = mul(trans(B1),B1);
      cout << "Gauss Newton Hessian (dimension " << B1.size1() << "-by-" << B1.size2() << ", "<< B1.size() << " nonzeros)." << endl;
  // Make sure b1 and b2 are dense vectors
  // Quadratic approximation
  SXVector lfcn_in(LIN_NUM_IN);
  lfcn_in[LIN_X] = x;
  lfcn_in[LIN_D] = d;
  lfcn_in[LIN_LAM_X] = lam_x;
  lfcn_in[LIN_LAM_G] = lam_g;
  SXVector lfcn_out(LIN_NUM_OUT);
  lfcn_out[LIN_F1] = b1;
  lfcn_out[LIN_J1] = B1;
  lfcn_out[LIN_F2] = b2;
  lfcn_out[LIN_J2] = B2;
  lfcn_ = SXFunction(lfcn_in,lfcn_out);
//   lfcn_.setOption("verbose",true);
    cout << "Generated linearization function ( " << shared_cast<SXFunction>(lfcn_).getAlgorithmSize() << " nodes)." << endl;
  // Step expansion
  SXVector efcn_in(EXP_NUM_IN);
  efcn_in[EXP_DU] = du;
  efcn_in[EXP_DLAM_F2] = dlam_f2;
  efcn_ = SXFunction(efcn_in,e);
    cout << "Generated step expansion function ( " << shared_cast<SXFunction>(efcn_).getAlgorithmSize() << " nodes)." << endl;
  // Current guess for the primal solution
  DMatrix &x_k = output(NLP_SOLVER_X);
  // Current guess for the dual solution
  DMatrix &lam_x_k = output(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_X);
  DMatrix &lam_g_k = output(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_G);

  // Allocate a QP solver
  QpSolverCreator qp_solver_creator = getOption("qp_solver");
  qp_solver_ = qp_solver_creator(B1.sparsity(),B2.sparsity());
  // Set options if provided
    Dictionary qp_solver_options = getOption("qp_solver_options");
  // Initialize the QP solver
    cout << "Allocated QP solver." << endl;

  // Residual
  d_k_ = DMatrix(d.sparsity(),0);
  // Primal step
  dx_k_ = DMatrix(x_k.sparsity());

  // Dual step
  dlam_x_k_ = DMatrix(lam_x_k.sparsity());
  dlam_g_k_ = DMatrix(lam_g_k.sparsity());