Exemplo n.º 1
void FileBrowserTreeWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * me )
	m_mousePressed = false;

	if( m_previewPlayHandle != NULL )
		// if there're samples shorter than 3 seconds, we don't
		// stop them if the user releases mouse-button...
		if( m_previewPlayHandle->type() == PlayHandle::TypeSamplePlayHandle )
			SamplePlayHandle * s = dynamic_cast<SamplePlayHandle *>(
							m_previewPlayHandle );
			if( s && s->totalFrames() - s->framesDone() <=
				static_cast<f_cnt_t>( Engine::mixer()->
						processingSampleRate() * 3 ) )
				s->setDoneMayReturnTrue( true );
				m_previewPlayHandle = NULL;
		Engine::mixer()->removePlayHandle( m_previewPlayHandle );
		m_previewPlayHandle = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool SampleTrack::play( const MidiTime & _start, const fpp_t _frames,
						const f_cnt_t _offset, int /*_tco_num*/ )
	bool played_a_note = false;	// will be return variable

	for( int i = 0; i < numOfTCOs(); ++i )
		TrackContentObject * tco = getTCO( i );
		if( tco->startPosition() != _start )
		SampleTCO * st = dynamic_cast<SampleTCO *>( tco );
		if( !st->isMuted() )
			PlayHandle* handle;
			if( st->isRecord() )
				if( !Engine::getSong()->isRecording() )
					return played_a_note;
				SampleRecordHandle* smpHandle = new SampleRecordHandle( st );
				handle = smpHandle;
				SamplePlayHandle* smpHandle = new SamplePlayHandle( st );
				smpHandle->setVolumeModel( &m_volumeModel );
				handle = smpHandle;
//TODO: check whether this works
//			handle->setBBTrack( _tco_num );
			handle->setOffset( _offset );
			// send it to the mixer
			Engine::mixer()->addPlayHandle( handle );
			played_a_note = true;

	return played_a_note;
Exemplo n.º 3
void FileBrowserTreeWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * me )
	QTreeWidget::mousePressEvent( me );
	if( me->button() != Qt::LeftButton )

	QTreeWidgetItem * i = itemAt( me->pos() );
        if ( i )
		// TODO: Restrict to visible selection
//		if ( _me->x() > header()->cellPos( header()->mapToActual( 0 ) )
//			+ treeStepSize() * ( i->depth() + ( rootIsDecorated() ?
//						1 : 0 ) ) + itemMargin() ||
//				_me->x() < header()->cellPos(
//						header()->mapToActual( 0 ) ) )
//		{
			m_pressPos = me->pos();
			m_mousePressed = true;
//		}

	FileItem * f = dynamic_cast<FileItem *>( i );
	if( f != NULL )
		if( m_previewPlayHandle != NULL )
							m_previewPlayHandle );
			m_previewPlayHandle = NULL;

		// in special case of sample-files we do not care about
		// handling() rather than directly creating a SamplePlayHandle
		if( f->type() == FileItem::SampleFile )
			TextFloat * tf = TextFloat::displayMessage(
					tr( "Loading sample" ),
					tr( "Please wait, loading sample for "
								"preview..." ),
					embed::getIconPixmap( "sample_file",
								24, 24 ), 0 );
					QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents );
			SamplePlayHandle * s = new SamplePlayHandle(
								f->fullName() );
			s->setDoneMayReturnTrue( false );
			m_previewPlayHandle = s;
			delete tf;
		else if( f->type() != FileItem::VstPluginFile &&
				( f->handling() == FileItem::LoadAsPreset ||
				f->handling() == FileItem::LoadByPlugin ) )
			m_previewPlayHandle = new PresetPreviewPlayHandle( f->fullName(), f->handling() == FileItem::LoadByPlugin );
		if( m_previewPlayHandle != NULL )
			if( !Engine::mixer()->addPlayHandle(
							m_previewPlayHandle ) )
				m_previewPlayHandle = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool SampleTrack::play( const MidiTime & _start, const fpp_t _frames,
					const f_cnt_t _offset, int _tco_num )
	bool played_a_note = false;	// will be return variable

	tcoVector tcos;
	::BBTrack * bb_track = NULL;
	if( _tco_num >= 0 )
		if( _start != 0 )
			return false;
		tcos.push_back( getTCO( _tco_num ) );
		if (trackContainer() == (TrackContainer*)Engine::getBBTrackContainer())
			bb_track = BBTrack::findBBTrack( _tco_num );
		for( int i = 0; i < numOfTCOs(); ++i )
			TrackContentObject * tco = getTCO( i );
			SampleTCO * sTco = dynamic_cast<SampleTCO*>( tco );
			float framesPerTick = Engine::framesPerTick();
			if( _start >= sTco->startPosition() && _start < sTco->endPosition() )
				if( sTco->isPlaying() == false && _start > sTco->startPosition() + sTco->startTimeOffset() )
					f_cnt_t sampleStart = framesPerTick * ( _start - sTco->startPosition() - sTco->startTimeOffset() );
					f_cnt_t tcoFrameLength = framesPerTick * ( sTco->endPosition() - sTco->startPosition() - sTco->startTimeOffset() );
					f_cnt_t sampleBufferLength = sTco->sampleBuffer()->frames();
					//if the Tco smaller than the sample length we play only until Tco end
					//else we play the sample to the end but nothing more
					f_cnt_t samplePlayLength = tcoFrameLength > sampleBufferLength ? sampleBufferLength : tcoFrameLength;
					//we only play within the sampleBuffer limits
					if( sampleStart < sampleBufferLength )
						sTco->setSampleStartFrame( sampleStart );
						sTco->setSamplePlayLength( samplePlayLength );
						tcos.push_back( sTco );
						sTco->setIsPlaying( true );
				sTco->setIsPlaying( false );

	for( tcoVector::Iterator it = tcos.begin(); it != tcos.end(); ++it )
		SampleTCO * st = dynamic_cast<SampleTCO *>( *it );
		if( !st->isMuted() )
			PlayHandle* handle;
			if( st->isRecord() )
				if( !Engine::getSong()->isRecording() )
					return played_a_note;
				SampleRecordHandle* smpHandle = new SampleRecordHandle( st );
				handle = smpHandle;
				SamplePlayHandle* smpHandle = new SamplePlayHandle( st );
				smpHandle->setVolumeModel( &m_volumeModel );
				smpHandle->setBBTrack( bb_track );
				handle = smpHandle;
			handle->setOffset( _offset );
			// send it to the mixer
			Engine::mixer()->addPlayHandle( handle );
			played_a_note = true;

	return played_a_note;