*  @brief
*    Updates the text of the time scale text node
void Application61::UpdateTimeScaleTextNode()
	// Get the scene
	SceneContainer *pSceneContainer = GetScene();
	if (pSceneContainer) {
		// Get the scene info text container
		SceneContainer *pInfoTextContainer = static_cast<SceneContainer*>(pSceneContainer->GetByName("Parent.InfoText"));
		if (pInfoTextContainer) {
			// Get the time scale text scene node
			SceneNode *pInfoTextNode = pInfoTextContainer->GetByName("TimeScale");
			if (pInfoTextNode)
				pInfoTextNode->SetAttribute("Text", PLT("1/2/0=Decrease/increase/reset timescale (current: ") + Timing::GetInstance()->GetTimeScaleFactor() + ')');
Exemplo n.º 2
*  @brief
*    Sets whether or not edit mode is enabled
void EngineApplication::SetEditModeEnabled(bool bEnabled)
	// State change?
	if (m_bEditModeEnabled != bEnabled) {
		// Backup the new state
		m_bEditModeEnabled = bEnabled;

		// Get the root scene
		SceneContainer *pRootScene = GetRootScene();
		if (pRootScene) {
			// Enable/disable standard edit features from the PixelLight scene graph (if the user hasn't changed anything :)
			SceneNode *pSceneNode = pRootScene->GetByName("PLEngine::SNEngineInformation0");
			if (pSceneNode)
			pSceneNode = pRootScene->GetByName("PLEngine::SNConsole0");
			if (pSceneNode)

		// Setup log level
		Log::GetInstance()->SetLogLevel(static_cast<uint8>(m_bEditModeEnabled ? Log::Debug : Log::Info));
//[ Private virtual PLCore::AbstractFrontend functions    ]
void Application60::OnUpdate()
	// One important word at the beginning: DON'T COPYCAT THIS!
	// The following is 'just' a simple demonstration how the scene graph 'can' be used. It's
	// definitely not good to update your scene nodes in the way you can see within this function.
	// Its quite to intricate, inflexible and not performant. Use for example a scene node modifier
	// added to your scene node (in this case 'the white light') for this job!

	// Call base implementation

	// Get the scene container with our 'concrete scene'
	SceneContainer *pSceneContainer = GetScene();
	if (pSceneContainer) {
		// Get the scene node with the name 'Light' (our 'white light')
		SceneNode *pLightSceneNode = pSceneContainer->GetByName("Light");
		if (pLightSceneNode) {
			// This variable is used for the light animation. Its just static you keep the implementation
			// for a good sample overview completely within this function.
			static float fLightTimer = 0.0f;

			// Get a new fancy light position
			const Vector3 vPosition(Math::Sin(fLightTimer), Math::Sin(fLightTimer)/2+2, -(Math::Cos(fLightTimer)+5));

			// We set the current light position using the RTTI class interface. This is quite comfortable and
			// universal because you haven't to care about the concrete class type - just set the variable values.
			pLightSceneNode->SetAttribute("Position", Var<Vector3>(vPosition));	// More efficient
			// Another way by using strings:
			// pLightSceneNode->SetAttribute("Position", vPosition.ToString());	// More generic
			// For highly performance critical situations it's recommend to avoid using these RTTI
			// functions to set your variables and use the concrete provided class interfaces instead.

			// Update the light timer by using the time difference between the last and the current frame
			fLightTimer += Timing::GetInstance()->GetTimeDifference();
Exemplo n.º 4
bool EngineApplication::LoadScene(const String &sFilename)
	// Get the scene container holding our scene
	SceneContainer *pContainer = GetScene();
	if (!pContainer)
		return false; // Error! (should NEVER happen...)

	// Disable the ingame GUI
	SceneNode *pGui = pContainer->GetContainer()->GetByName("GUI");
	if (pGui)

	// Clear the scene, after calling this method the scene is empty

	// Load the scene
	bool bResult = pContainer->LoadByFilename(sFilename);
	if (bResult) {
		// Set a null pointer camera and default scene renderer
		m_sDefaultSceneRenderer		= "";
		m_sSceneRendererVariables	= "";
		m_sClearColor				= "";
		m_sStartCamera				= "";
		m_pFirstFoundCamera			= nullptr;
		m_bHasLoadScreen			= false;

		// Get scene surface painter
		SurfacePainter *pPainter = GetPainter();
		if (pPainter && pPainter->IsInstanceOf("PLScene::SPScene")) {
			// Assign the first found camera scene node to your surface listener and look for
			// known key/value data scene nodes
			SceneQuery *pSceneQuery = pContainer->CreateQuery("PLScene::SQEnumerate");
			if (pSceneQuery) {
				// Connect event handler

				// Perform the query

				// Destroy the query

			// Set to default scene renderer?
			if (!m_sDefaultSceneRenderer.GetLength())
				m_sDefaultSceneRenderer = DefaultSceneRenderer;

			// Sets all scene renderer pass attribute values to their default value

			// Set the used scene renderer
			GetSceneRendererTool().SetSceneRenderer(pContainer, m_sDefaultSceneRenderer, DefaultSceneRenderer);

			// Set clear color
			GetSceneRendererTool().SetPassAttribute("Begin", "ColorClear", m_sClearColor);

			// Set scene renderer variables
			if (m_sSceneRendererVariables.GetLength())

			// Is there a given start camera?
			SceneNode *pCamera = nullptr;
			if (m_sStartCamera.GetLength()) {
				SceneNode *pStartCamera = pContainer->GetByName(m_sStartCamera);
				if (pStartCamera && pStartCamera->IsCamera())
					pCamera = pStartCamera;

			// Use the first found camera?
			if (!pCamera)
				pCamera = m_pFirstFoundCamera;

			// Activate the current used camera by default
			if (pCamera)

			// Assign this camera to the scene renderer and to the application

		// Emit the scene loading has been finished successfully event

	// Enable the ingame GUI
	if (pGui)

	// Done
	return bResult;