Exemplo n.º 1
void WelcomeScene::OnButtonClicked(int id) {
    SceneManager *mgr = SceneManager::GetInstance();

    if (id == mPlayButtonId) {
        mgr->RequestNewScene(new PlayScene());
    } else if (id == mStoryButtonId) {
        mgr->RequestNewScene((new DialogScene())->SetText(BLURB_STORY)->SetSingleButton(S_OK,
    } else if (id == mAboutButtonId) {
        mgr->RequestNewScene((new DialogScene())->SetText(BLURB_ABOUT)->SetSingleButton(S_OK,
Exemplo n.º 2
void NativeEngine::DoFrame() {
    // prepare to render (create context, surfaces, etc, if needed)
    if (!PrepareToRender()) {
        // not ready
        VLOGD("NativeEngine: preparation to render failed.");

    SceneManager *mgr = SceneManager::GetInstance();

    // how big is the surface? We query every frame because it's cheap, and some
    // strange devices out there change the surface size without calling any callbacks...
    int width, height;
    eglQuerySurface(mEglDisplay, mEglSurface, EGL_WIDTH, &width);
    eglQuerySurface(mEglDisplay, mEglSurface, EGL_HEIGHT, &height);

    if (width != mSurfWidth || height != mSurfHeight) {
        // notify scene manager that the surface has changed size
        LOGD("NativeEngine: surface changed size %dx%d --> %dx%d", mSurfWidth, mSurfHeight, 
                width, height);
        mSurfWidth = width;
        mSurfHeight = height;
        mgr->SetScreenSize(mSurfWidth, mSurfHeight);
        glViewport(0, 0, mSurfWidth, mSurfHeight);

    // if this is the first frame, install the welcome scene
    if (mIsFirstFrame) {
        mIsFirstFrame = false;
        mgr->RequestNewScene(new WelcomeScene());
    // render!

    // swap buffers
    if (EGL_FALSE == eglSwapBuffers(mEglDisplay, mEglSurface)) {
        // failed to swap buffers... 
        LOGW("NativeEngine: eglSwapBuffers failed, EGL error %d", eglGetError());

    // print out GL errors, if any
    GLenum e;
    static int errorsPrinted = 0;
    while ((e = glGetError()) != GL_NO_ERROR) {
        if (errorsPrinted < MAX_GL_ERRORS) {
            if (errorsPrinted >= MAX_GL_ERRORS) {
                LOGE("*** NativeEngine: TOO MANY OPENGL ERRORS. NO LONGER PRINTING.");