Exemplo n.º 1
XMLElementDecl* SchemaGrammar::putElemDecl (const   unsigned int    uriId
        , const XMLCh* const    baseName
        , const XMLCh* const    prefixName
        , const XMLCh* const
        , unsigned int          scope
        , const bool            notDeclared)
    SchemaElementDecl* retVal = new (fMemoryManager) SchemaElementDecl
        , baseName
        , uriId
        , SchemaElementDecl::Any
        , Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE
        , fMemoryManager
            fElemNonDeclPool = new (fMemoryManager) RefHash3KeysIdPool<SchemaElementDecl>(29, true, 128, fMemoryManager);
        retVal->setId(fElemNonDeclPool->put((void*)retVal->getBaseName(), uriId, scope, retVal));
    } else 
        retVal->setId(fElemDeclPool->put((void*)retVal->getBaseName(), uriId, scope, retVal));
    return retVal;
Exemplo n.º 2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Virtual methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
XMLElementDecl* SchemaGrammar::findOrAddElemDecl (const   unsigned int    uriId
        , const XMLCh* const    baseName
        , const XMLCh* const    prefixName
        , const XMLCh* const    qName
        , unsigned int          scope
        ,       bool&           wasAdded )
    // See it it exists
    SchemaElementDecl* retVal = (SchemaElementDecl*) getElemDecl(uriId, baseName, qName, scope);

    // if not, then add this in
    if (!retVal)
        retVal = new (fMemoryManager) SchemaElementDecl
            , baseName
            , uriId
            , SchemaElementDecl::Any
            , Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE
            , fMemoryManager
            fElemNonDeclPool = new (fMemoryManager) RefHash3KeysIdPool<SchemaElementDecl>(29, true, 128, fMemoryManager);
        const unsigned int elemId = fElemNonDeclPool->put((void*)retVal->getBaseName(), uriId, scope, retVal);
        wasAdded = true;
        wasAdded = false;
    return retVal;
Exemplo n.º 3
void process(char* const xmlFile)
    //  Create a Schema validator to be used for our validation work. Then create
    //  a SAX parser object and pass it our validator. Then, according to what
    //  we were told on the command line, set it to validate or not. He owns
    //  the validator, so we have to allocate it.
    SAXParser parser;


    if (parser.getErrorCount())
        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\nErrors occurred, no output available\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;

	if (!parser.getValidator().handlesSchema())
		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\n Non schema document, no output available\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;

	Grammar* rootGrammar = parser.getRootGrammar();
	if (!rootGrammar || rootGrammar->getGrammarType() != Grammar::SchemaGrammarType)
		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\n Non schema grammar, no output available\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;

	//  Now we will get an enumerator for the element pool from the validator
	//  and enumerate the elements, printing them as we go. For each element
	//  we get an enumerator for its attributes and print them also.

	SchemaGrammar* grammar = (SchemaGrammar*) rootGrammar;
	RefHash3KeysIdPoolEnumerator<SchemaElementDecl> elemEnum = grammar->getElemEnumerator();

	if (!elemEnum.hasMoreElements())
		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\nThe validator has no elements to display\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;

		const SchemaElementDecl& curElem = elemEnum.nextElement();

		// Name
		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Name:\t\t\t" << StrX(curElem.getFullName()) << "\n";

		// Model Type
		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Model Type:\t\t";
		switch( curElem.getModelType() )
		case SchemaElementDecl::Empty:          XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Empty";         break;
		case SchemaElementDecl::Any:            XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Any";           break;
		case SchemaElementDecl::Mixed_Simple:   XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Mixed_Simple";  break;
		case SchemaElementDecl::Mixed_Complex:  XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Mixed_Complex"; break;
		case SchemaElementDecl::Children:       XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Children";      break;
		case SchemaElementDecl::Simple:         XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Simple";        break;
        case SchemaElementDecl::ElementOnlyEmpty:    XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "ElementOnlyEmpty";    break;

		default:                                XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Unknown";       break;

		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\n";

		// Create Reason
		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Create Reason:\t";
		switch( curElem.getCreateReason() )
		case XMLElementDecl::NoReason:          XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Empty";            break;
		case XMLElementDecl::Declared:          XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Declared";         break;
		case XMLElementDecl::AttList:           XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "AttList";          break;
		case XMLElementDecl::InContentModel:    XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "InContentModel";   break;
		case XMLElementDecl::AsRootElem:        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "AsRootElem";       break;
		case XMLElementDecl::JustFaultIn:       XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "JustFaultIn";      break;

		default:                            XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Unknown";  break;

		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\n";

		// Content Spec Node
		processContentSpecNode( curElem.getContentSpec() );

		// Misc Flags
		int mflags = curElem.getMiscFlags();
		if( mflags !=0 )
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Misc. Flags:\t";

        if ( mflags & SchemaSymbols::XSD_NILLABLE )
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Nillable ";

		if ( mflags & SchemaSymbols::XSD_ABSTRACT )
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Abstract ";

		if ( mflags & SchemaSymbols::XSD_FIXED )
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Fixed ";

		if( mflags !=0 )
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\n";

		// Substitution Name
		SchemaElementDecl* subsGroup = curElem.getSubstitutionGroupElem();
		if( subsGroup )
			const XMLCh* uriText = parser.getURIText(subsGroup->getURI());
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Substitution Name:\t" << StrX(uriText)
			     << "," << StrX(subsGroup->getBaseName()) << "\n";

		// Content Model
		const XMLCh* fmtCntModel = curElem.getFormattedContentModel();
		if( fmtCntModel != NULL )
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Content Model:\t" << StrX(fmtCntModel) << "\n";

		const ComplexTypeInfo* ctype = curElem.getComplexTypeInfo();
		if( ctype != NULL)
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "ComplexType:\n";
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\tTypeName:\t" << StrX(ctype->getTypeName()) << "\n";

			ContentSpecNode* cSpecNode = ctype->getContentSpec();
			processContentSpecNode(cSpecNode, true );

		// Datatype
		DatatypeValidator* dtValidator = curElem.getDatatypeValidator();
		processDatatypeValidator( dtValidator );

		// Get an enumerator for this guy's attributes if any
		if ( curElem.hasAttDefs() )
			processAttributes( curElem.getAttDefList() );

		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "--------------------------------------------";



bool SubstitutionGroupComparator::isEquivalentTo(QName* const anElement
                                               , QName* const exemplar)
    if (!anElement && !exemplar)
        return true;

    if ((!anElement && exemplar) || (anElement && !exemplar))
        return false;

    if (XMLString::equals(anElement->getLocalPart(), exemplar->getLocalPart()) &&
        (anElement->getURI() == exemplar->getURI()))
        return true; // they're the same!

    if (!fGrammarResolver || !fStringPool )
        ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::SubGrpComparator_NGR, anElement->getMemoryManager());

    unsigned int uriId = anElement->getURI();
    if (uriId == XMLContentModel::gEOCFakeId ||
        uriId == XMLContentModel::gEpsilonFakeId ||
        uriId == XMLElementDecl::fgPCDataElemId ||
        uriId == XMLElementDecl::fgInvalidElemId)
        return false;

    const XMLCh* uri = fStringPool->getValueForId(uriId);
    const XMLCh* localpart = anElement->getLocalPart();

    // In addition to simply trying to find a chain between anElement and exemplar,
    // we need to make sure that no steps in the chain are blocked.
    // That is, at every step, we need to make sure that the element
    // being substituted for will permit being substituted
    // for, and whether the type of the element will permit derivations in
    // instance documents of this sort.

    if (!uri)
        return false;

    SchemaGrammar *sGrammar = (SchemaGrammar*) fGrammarResolver->getGrammar(uri);
    if (!sGrammar || sGrammar->getGrammarType() == Grammar::DTDGrammarType)
        return false;

    SchemaElementDecl* anElementDecl = (SchemaElementDecl*) sGrammar->getElemDecl(uriId, localpart, 0, Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE);
    if (!anElementDecl)
        return false;

    SchemaElementDecl* pElemDecl = anElementDecl->getSubstitutionGroupElem();
    bool foundIt = false;

    while (pElemDecl) //(substitutionGroupFullName)
        if (XMLString::equals(pElemDecl->getBaseName(), exemplar->getLocalPart()) &&
            (pElemDecl->getURI() == exemplar->getURI()))
            // time to check for block value on element
            if((pElemDecl->getBlockSet() & SchemaSymbols::XSD_SUBSTITUTION) != 0)
                return false;

            foundIt = true;

        pElemDecl = pElemDecl->getSubstitutionGroupElem();

    if (!foundIt)
        return false;

    // this will contain anElement's complexType information.
    ComplexTypeInfo *aComplexType = anElementDecl->getComplexTypeInfo();
    int exemplarBlockSet = pElemDecl->getBlockSet();

        // check on simpleType case
        DatatypeValidator *anElementDV = anElementDecl->getDatatypeValidator();
        DatatypeValidator *exemplarDV = pElemDecl->getDatatypeValidator();

        return((anElementDV == 0) ||
            ((anElementDV == exemplarDV) ||
            ((exemplarBlockSet & SchemaSymbols::XSD_RESTRICTION) == 0)));

    // now we have to make sure there are no blocks on the complexTypes that this is based upon
    int anElementDerivationMethod = aComplexType->getDerivedBy();
    if((anElementDerivationMethod & exemplarBlockSet) != 0)
        return false;

    // this will contain exemplar's complexType information.
    ComplexTypeInfo *exemplarComplexType = pElemDecl->getComplexTypeInfo();

    for(ComplexTypeInfo *tempType = aComplexType;
        tempType != 0 && tempType != exemplarComplexType;
        tempType = tempType->getBaseComplexTypeInfo())
        if((tempType->getBlockSet() & anElementDerivationMethod) != 0)
            return false;

    return true;