Exemplo n.º 1
bool GestureEventListener::MoveDistanceIsLarge()
    const ParentLayerPoint start = mLastTouchInput.mTouches[0].mLocalScreenPoint;
    ParentLayerPoint delta = start - mTouchStartPosition;
    ScreenPoint screenDelta = mAsyncPanZoomController->ToScreenCoordinates(delta, start);
    return (screenDelta.Length() > AsyncPanZoomController::GetTouchStartTolerance());
Exemplo n.º 2
void Axis::UpdateWithTouchAtDevicePoint(ScreenCoord aPos, uint32_t aTimestampMs) {
  // mVelocityQueue is controller-thread only

  if (aTimestampMs == mPosTimeMs) {
    // This could be a duplicate event, or it could be a legitimate event
    // on some platforms that generate events really fast. As a compromise
    // update mPos so we don't run into problems like bug 1042734, even though
    // that means the velocity will be stale. Better than doing a divide-by-zero.
    mPos = aPos;

  float newVelocity = mAxisLocked ? 0.0f : (float)(mPos - aPos) / (float)(aTimestampMs - mPosTimeMs);
  if (gfxPrefs::APZMaxVelocity() > 0.0f) {
    ScreenPoint maxVelocity = MakePoint(gfxPrefs::APZMaxVelocity() * APZCTreeManager::GetDPI());
    mAsyncPanZoomController->ToLocalScreenCoordinates(&maxVelocity, mAsyncPanZoomController->PanStart());
    newVelocity = std::min(newVelocity, maxVelocity.Length());

  mVelocity = newVelocity;
  mPos = aPos;
  mPosTimeMs = aTimestampMs;

  // Limit queue size pased on pref
  mVelocityQueue.AppendElement(std::make_pair(aTimestampMs, mVelocity));
  if (mVelocityQueue.Length() > gfxPrefs::APZMaxVelocityQueueSize()) {
void MapProjectionProxy::worldToScreen(ScreenPoint& point,
                                       const WGS84Coordinate& coord) const
   MC2Coordinate mc2(coord);
   float x, y, z;
   m_renderer->transformf(mc2.lon, mc2.lat,
                          &x, &y, &z);

   point.getX() = static_cast<int>(x);
   point.getY() = static_cast<int>(y);
Exemplo n.º 4
AndroidGeckoLayerClient::SyncFrameMetrics(const ScreenPoint& aScrollOffset, float aZoom, const CSSRect& aCssPageRect,
                                          bool aLayersUpdated, const CSSRect& aDisplayPort, const CSSToLayerScale& aDisplayResolution,
                                          bool aIsFirstPaint, LayerMargin& aFixedLayerMargins, ScreenPoint& aOffset)
    NS_ASSERTION(!isNull(), "SyncFrameMetrics called on null layer client!");
    JNIEnv *env = GetJNIForThread();    // this is called on the compositor thread
    if (!env)

    AutoLocalJNIFrame jniFrame(env);

    // convert the displayport rect from scroll-relative CSS pixels to document-relative device pixels
    LayerRect dpUnrounded = aDisplayPort * aDisplayResolution;
    dpUnrounded += LayerPoint::FromUnknownPoint(aScrollOffset.ToUnknownPoint());
    LayerIntRect dp = gfx::RoundedToInt(dpUnrounded);

    jobject viewTransformJObj = env->CallObjectMethod(wrapped_obj, jSyncFrameMetricsMethod,
            aScrollOffset.x, aScrollOffset.y, aZoom,
            aCssPageRect.x, aCssPageRect.y, aCssPageRect.XMost(), aCssPageRect.YMost(),
            aLayersUpdated, dp.x, dp.y, dp.width, dp.height, aDisplayResolution.scale,

    if (jniFrame.CheckForException())

    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(viewTransformJObj, "No view transform object!");

    AndroidViewTransform viewTransform;
    viewTransform.GetFixedLayerMargins(env, aFixedLayerMargins);
    aOffset.x = viewTransform.GetOffsetX(env);
    aOffset.y = viewTransform.GetOffsetY(env);