Exemplo n.º 1
int main() {
	mbed_interface_disconnect(); //disable debug interface. and acces to MAC and local FS. ADC will work better!
	while (1) {
Exemplo n.º 2
int mdm_init(void) {
    // Hard reset the modem (doesn't go through
    // the signal level translator)
    mdm_reset = 0;

    // disable signal level translator (necessary
    // for the modem to boot properly).  All signals
    // except mdm_reset go through the level translator
    // and have internal pull-up/down in the module. While
    // the level translator is disabled, these pins will
    // be in the correct state.  
    shield_3v3_1v8_sig_trans_ena = 0;

    // While the level translator is disabled and ouptut pins
    // are tristated, make sure the inputs are in the same state
    // as the WNC Module pins so that when the level translator is
    // enabled, there are no differences.
    mdm_uart2_rx_boot_mode_sel = 1;   // UART2_RX should be high
    mdm_power_on = 0;                 // powr_on should be low
    mdm_wakeup_in = 1;                // wake-up should be high
    mdm_uart1_cts = 0;                // indicate that it is ok to send

   // Now, wait for the WNC Module to perform its initial boot correctly
    // The WNC module initializes comms at 115200 8N1 so set it up
    //Now, enable the level translator, the input pins should now be the
    //same as how the M14A module is driving them with internal pull ups/downs.
    //When enabled, there will be no changes in these 4 pins...
    shield_3v3_1v8_sig_trans_ena = 1;

    // Now, give the modem 60 secons to start responding by
    // sending simple 'AT' commands to modem once per second.
    Timer timer;
    while (timer.read() < 60) {
        const char * rsp_lst[] = { ok_str, error_str, NULL };
        int rc = mdm_sendAtCmd("AT", rsp_lst, 500);
        if (rc == 0)
            return true; //timer.read();
        wait_ms(1000 - (timer.read_ms() % 1000));
    return false;       