Exemplo n.º 1
 * Find local service matching filter.
std::set<ServiceDescription> ServiceManager::findLocal(const ServiceFilter& svcFilter) {
	std::set<ServiceDescription> foundSvcs;
	std::map<intptr_t, ServiceDescription>::iterator svcDescIter = _localSvcDesc.begin();
	while(svcDescIter != _localSvcDesc.end()) {
		if (svcFilter.matches(svcDescIter->second)) {
			UM_LOG_INFO("we have a match for %s", svcFilter.getServiceName().c_str());
	return foundSvcs;
Exemplo n.º 2
void ServiceManager::stopQuery(const ServiceFilter& filter) {
	RScopeLock lock(_mutex);
	if (_localQueries.find(filter) != _localQueries.end()) {
		Message* unqueryMsg = filter.toMessage();
		unqueryMsg->putMeta("um.rpc.type", "stopDiscovery");
		unqueryMsg->putMeta("um.rpc.mgrId", _svcSub->getUUID());
		delete unqueryMsg;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Start a query for a service.
 * Remember service filter and send query to all connected ServiceManagers.
void ServiceManager::startQuery(const ServiceFilter& filter, ResultSet<ServiceDescription>* listener) {
	RScopeLock lock(_mutex);
	_localQueries[filter] = listener;
	Message* queryMsg = filter.toMessage();
	queryMsg->putMeta("um.rpc.type", "startDiscovery");
	queryMsg->putMeta("um.rpc.mgrId", _svcSub->getUUID());

	UM_LOG_INFO("Sending new query to %d ServiceManagers", _svcPub->waitForSubscribers(0));
	delete queryMsg;
Exemplo n.º 4
ServiceDescription ServiceManager::find(const ServiceFilter& svcFilter, int timeout) {
	if(_svcPub->waitForSubscribers(1, timeout) < 1) {
		// there is no other ServiceManager yet
		UM_LOG_INFO("Failed to find another ServiceManager");
		return ServiceDescription();

	Message* findMsg = svcFilter.toMessage();
	std::string reqId = UUID::getUUID();
	findMsg->putMeta("um.rpc.type", "discover");
	findMsg->putMeta("um.rpc.reqId", reqId.c_str());
	findMsg->putMeta("um.rpc.mgrId", _svcSub->getUUID());
//	Thread::sleepMs(1000);
	if(_findRequests.find(reqId) != _findRequests.end())
		UM_LOG_WARN("Find request %s already received", reqId.c_str());
	_findRequests[reqId] = new Monitor();

	delete findMsg;

	RScopeLock lock(_mutex);
	_findRequests[reqId]->wait(_mutex, timeout);
	delete _findRequests[reqId];

	if (_findResponses.find(reqId) == _findResponses.end()) {
		UM_LOG_INFO("Failed to find %s", svcFilter.getServiceName().c_str());
		return ServiceDescription();

	// TODO: Remove other replies as they come in!

	Message* foundMsg = _findResponses[reqId];
	assert(foundMsg != NULL);
	ServiceDescription svcDesc(foundMsg);
	svcDesc._svcManager = this;
	delete foundMsg;
	return svcDesc;

Exemplo n.º 5
	/* @brief Do mutual connections */
bool SendHugeData::SearchAndConnectToAnotherOne()
	// Store pointer to the filter object
	ServiceFilter * MySearch = And(NameIs("SendHugeData"),Not(PeerIdIs(MyAssociatedService->GetPeerId())));

	// Search for a SendHugeData service that is not me
	ServiceProxy * TheOtherSendHugeData = MyAssociatedService->FindService( MySearch );

	// Free the ServiceFilter. As it is a simple one, call to Empty is not mandatory
	delete MySearch;

	if ( TheOtherSendHugeData == (ServiceProxy *)NULL )
		OmiscidError( "Could not find another SendHugeData service.\n" );
		return false;

	MyAssociatedService->ConnectTo( "SendData", TheOtherSendHugeData, "ReceiveData" );

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
void ServiceManager::receive(Message* msg) {
  ScopeLock lock(&_mutex);
	// is this a response for one of our requests?
	if (msg->getMeta().find("respId") != msg->getMeta().end()) {
		string respId = msg->getMeta("respId");
		if (_findRequests.find(respId) != _findRequests.end()) {
			_findResponses[respId] = new Message(*msg);

	// is someone asking for a service?
	if (msg->getMeta().find("type") != msg->getMeta().end() &&
	        msg->getMeta("type").compare("serviceDisc") == 0) {
		ServiceFilter* filter = new ServiceFilter(msg);
    std::set<ServiceDescription*> foundSvcs = findLocal(filter);
    delete filter;
    if (foundSvcs.size() > 0) {
      ServiceDescription* svcDesc = (*(foundSvcs.begin()));
      Message* foundMsg = svcDesc->toMessage();
      foundMsg->setMeta("respId", msg->getMeta("reqId"));
      foundMsg->setMeta("desc:channel", svcDesc->getChannelName());
      delete foundMsg;
  // is this the start of a continuous query?
  if (msg->getMeta().find("type") != msg->getMeta().end() &&
      msg->getMeta("type").compare("serviceDiscStart") == 0) {
		ServiceFilter* filter = new ServiceFilter(msg);
    _remoteQueries[filter->_uuid] = filter;

    // do we have such a service?
    std::set<ServiceDescription*> foundSvcs = findLocal(filter);
    std::set<ServiceDescription*>::iterator svcDescIter = foundSvcs.begin();
		while(svcDescIter != foundSvcs.end()) {
			if (filter->matches(*svcDescIter)) {
				Message* foundMsg = (*svcDescIter)->toMessage();
				foundMsg->setMeta("filterId", filter->_uuid);
				foundMsg->setMeta("type", "serviceDiscFound");
				foundMsg->setMeta("desc:channel", (*svcDescIter)->getChannelName());
				delete foundMsg;
  // is this the end of a continuous query?
  if (msg->getMeta().find("type") != msg->getMeta().end() &&
      msg->getMeta("type").compare("serviceDiscStop") == 0) {
		ServiceFilter* filter = new ServiceFilter(msg);
    if (_remoteQueries.find(filter->_uuid) != _remoteQueries.end()) {
      delete _remoteQueries[filter->_uuid];
    delete filter;
  // is this a reply to a continuous service query?
  if (msg->getMeta().find("type") != msg->getMeta().end() &&
      (msg->getMeta("type").compare("serviceDiscFound") == 0 || 
       msg->getMeta("type").compare("serviceDiscRemoved") == 0)) {
    // _svcQueries comparator uses filter uuid
    ServiceFilter* keyFilter = new ServiceFilter("");
    keyFilter->_uuid = msg->getMeta("filterId");
    if (_localQueries.find(keyFilter) != _localQueries.end()) {
      ResultSet<ServiceDescription>* listener = _localQueries[keyFilter];
      assert(msg->getMeta("desc:channel").size() > 0);
      if (_remoteSvcDesc.find(msg->getMeta("desc:channel")) == _remoteSvcDesc.end())
        _remoteSvcDesc[msg->getMeta("desc:channel")] = shared_ptr<ServiceDescription>(new ServiceDescription(msg));
      if (msg->getMeta("type").compare("serviceDiscFound") == 0) {
      } else {
    delete keyFilter;