void CountTraversal::visit ( SgNode* n )
     SgAsmInstruction* asmInstruction = isSgAsmInstruction(n);
     if (asmInstruction != NULL)
       // Use the new interface support for this (this detects all multi-byte nop instructions). 
          if (SageInterface::isNOP(asmInstruction) == true)
               if (previousInstructionWasNop == true)
                 // Increment the length of the identified NOP sequence
                    count = 1;
                 // Record the starting address of the NOP sequence
                    nopSequenceStart = asmInstruction;

               previousInstructionWasNop = true;
               if (count > 0)
                  // Report the sequence when we have detected the end of the sequence.
                     SgAsmFunction* functionDeclaration = getAsmFunction(asmInstruction);
                     printf ("Reporting NOP sequence of length %3d at address %zu in function %s (reason for this being a function = %u = %s) \n",


                     SgAsmBlock* block = isSgAsmBlock(nopSequenceStart->get_parent());
                     ROSE_ASSERT(block != NULL);
                     SgAsmStatementPtrList & l = block->get_statementList();

                  // Now iterate over the nop instructions in the sequence and report the lenght of each (can be multi-byte nop instructions).
                     SgAsmStatementPtrList::iterator i = find(l.begin(),l.end(),nopSequenceStart);
                     ROSE_ASSERT(i != l.end());
                     int counter = 0;
                     while ( (*i != asmInstruction) && (i != l.end()) )
                          printf ("--- NOP #%2d is length = %2d \n",counter++,(int)isSgAsmInstruction(*i)->get_raw_bytes().size());

               count = 0;
               previousInstructionWasNop = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 void visit(SgNode *node) {
     if (SgAsmInstruction *insn = isSgAsmInstruction(node)) {
         SgAsmFunction *func = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmFunction>(insn);
         if (func && 0==(func->get_reason() & SgAsmFunction::FUNC_LEFTOVERS))
             insns.insert(std::make_pair(insn->get_address(), insn));
Exemplo n.º 3
 bool operator()(ControlFlow *analyzer, SgAsmNode *node) {
     SgAsmFunction *func = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmFunction>(node, true);
     return func && 0==(func->get_reason() & SgAsmFunction::FUNC_LEFTOVERS);
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  std::string binaryFilename = (argc >= 1 ? argv[argc-1]   : "" );
  std::vector<std::string> newArgv(argv,argv+argc);

  SgProject* proj = frontend(newArgv);
  ROSE_ASSERT (proj);
  SgSourceFile* newFile = isSgSourceFile(proj->get_fileList().front());
  ROSE_ASSERT(newFile != NULL);
  SgGlobal* g = newFile->get_globalScope();

  //I am doing some experimental work to enable functions in the C representation
  //Set this flag to true in order to enable that work
  bool enable_functions = true;
  //Jeremiah did some work to enable a simplification and normalization of the 
  //C representation. Enable this work by setting this flag to true.
  bool enable_normalizations = false;

  vector<SgNode*> asmFiles = NodeQuery::querySubTree(proj, V_SgAsmGenericFile);
  ROSE_ASSERT (asmFiles.size() == 1);

  if( enable_functions == false)
    //Representation of C normalizations withotu functions
    SgFunctionDeclaration* decl = buildDefiningFunctionDeclaration("run", SgTypeVoid::createType(), buildFunctionParameterList(), g);
    appendStatement(decl, g);
    SgBasicBlock* body = decl->get_definition()->get_body();
    //  ROSE_ASSERT(isSgAsmFile(asmFiles[0]));
    //  X86CTranslationPolicy policy(newFile, isSgAsmFile(asmFiles[0]));
    X86CTranslationPolicy policy(newFile, isSgAsmGenericFile(asmFiles[0]));
    ROSE_ASSERT( isSgAsmGenericFile(asmFiles[0]) != NULL);

    policy.switchBody = buildBasicBlock();

    SgSwitchStatement* sw = buildSwitchStatement(buildVarRefExp(policy.ipSym), policy.switchBody);

    SgWhileStmt* whileStmt = buildWhileStmt(buildBoolValExp(true), sw);

    appendStatement(whileStmt, body);
    policy.whileBody = sw;

    X86InstructionSemantics<X86CTranslationPolicy, WordWithExpression> t(policy);
    //AS FIXME: This query gets noting in the form in the repository. Doing this hack since we only 
    //have one binary file anyways.
    //vector<SgNode*> instructions = NodeQuery::querySubTree(asmFiles[0], V_SgAsmX86Instruction);
    vector<SgNode*> instructions = NodeQuery::querySubTree(proj, V_SgAsmX86Instruction);

    std::cout << "Instruction\n";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < instructions.size(); ++i) {
      SgAsmX86Instruction* insn = isSgAsmX86Instruction(instructions[i]);
      ROSE_ASSERT (insn);
      try {
      } catch (const X86InstructionSemantics<X86CTranslationPolicy, WordWithExpression>::Exception &e) {
          std::cout <<e.mesg <<": " <<unparseInstructionWithAddress(e.insn) <<"\n";

    if ( enable_normalizations == true )
      //Enable normalizations of C representation
      //This is done heuristically where some steps
      //are repeated. It is not clear which order is 
      //the best
        plugInAllConstVarDefs(policy.switchBody,policy) ;
        plugInAllConstVarDefs(policy.switchBody,policy) ;

  }else{ //Experimental changes to introduce functions into the C representation

    //When trying to add function I get that symbols are not defined

    //Iterate over the functions separately
    vector<SgNode*> asmFunctions = NodeQuery::querySubTree(proj, V_SgAsmFunction);

    for(size_t j = 0; j < asmFunctions.size(); j++ )
      SgAsmFunction* binFunc = isSgAsmFunction( asmFunctions[j] );

      // Some functions (probably just one) are generated to hold basic blocks that could not
      // be assigned to a particular function. This happens when the Disassembler is overzealous
      // and the Partitioner cannot statically determine where the block belongs.  The name of
      // one such function is "***uncategorized blocks***".  [matzke 2010-06-29]
      if ((binFunc->get_reason() & SgAsmFunction::FUNC_LEFTOVERS))

      //Some functions may be unnamed so we need to generate a name for those
      std::string funcName;
      if (binFunc->get_name().size()==0) {
	char addr_str[64];
	sprintf(addr_str, "0x%"PRIx64, binFunc->get_statementList()[0]->get_address());
	funcName = std::string("my_") + addr_str;;
      } else {
	funcName = "my" + binFunc->get_name();

      //Functions can have illegal characters in their name. Need to replace those characters
      for ( int i = 0 ; i < funcName.size(); i++ )
	char& currentCharacter = funcName.at(i);
	if ( currentCharacter == '.' )
	  currentCharacter = '_';

      SgFunctionDeclaration* decl = buildDefiningFunctionDeclaration(funcName, SgTypeVoid::createType(), buildFunctionParameterList(), g);

      appendStatement(decl, g);
      SgBasicBlock* body = decl->get_definition()->get_body();
      X86CTranslationPolicy policy(newFile, isSgAsmGenericFile(asmFiles[0]));
      ROSE_ASSERT( isSgAsmGenericFile(asmFiles[0]) != NULL);
      policy.switchBody = buildBasicBlock();
      SgSwitchStatement* sw = buildSwitchStatement(buildVarRefExp(policy.ipSym), policy.switchBody);
      SgWhileStmt* whileStmt = buildWhileStmt(buildBoolValExp(true), sw);
      appendStatement(whileStmt, body);
      policy.whileBody = sw;
      X86InstructionSemantics<X86CTranslationPolicy, WordWithExpression> t(policy);
      vector<SgNode*> instructions = NodeQuery::querySubTree(binFunc, V_SgAsmX86Instruction);

      for (size_t i = 0; i < instructions.size(); ++i) {
        SgAsmX86Instruction* insn = isSgAsmX86Instruction(instructions[i]);
	if( insn->get_kind() == x86_nop )
        ROSE_ASSERT (insn);
        try {
        } catch (const X86InstructionSemantics<X86CTranslationPolicy, WordWithExpression>::Exception &e) {
            std::cout <<e.mesg <<": " <<unparseInstructionWithAddress(e.insn) <<"\n";




  proj->get_fileList().erase(proj->get_fileList().end() - 1); // Remove binary file before calling backend

//  AstTests::runAllTests(proj);

  //Compile the resulting project

  return backend(proj);