Exemplo n.º 1
	void visit(SgNode *node)
		SgAsmFunction* f = isSgAsmFunction(node);
		if (f == NULL) return;

		std :: cout << f->get_name() << std::endl;
		std :: cout << "====================================" << std :: endl;

		// create dataflow engine
		SgAsmInterpretation *interp = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmInterpretation>(node);
		const RegisterDictionary *regdict = interp->get_registers();
		BaseSemantics ::RiscOperatorsPtr symbolicOps = SymbolicSemantics::RiscOperators::instance(regdict);
		DispatcherX86Ptr cpu = DispatcherX86::instance(symbolicOps);

		BaseSemantics :: SValuePtr esp_0 = symbolicOps->readRegister(cpu->REG_ESP);
		TaintedFlow taintAnalysis(cpu);

		TaintedFlow::Approximation approximation = TaintedFlow :: UNDER_APPROXIMATE;
		size_t cfgStartVertex = 0;

		// build control flow graph

		CFG cfg;
		ControlFlow().build_block_cfg_from_ast(node, cfg);

		 //  Taint Analysis   //

		taintAnalysis.computeFlowGraphs(cfg, cfgStartVertex);

		TaintedFlow::StatePtr initialState = taintAnalysis.stateInstance(TaintedFlow::BOTTOM);

		// at this point, we would need to taint different variables

		initialState->setIfExists(DataFlow::Variable(), TaintedFlow::NOT_TAINTED);

		// actually run the taint analysis

		taintAnalysis.runToFixedPoint(cfg, cfgStartVertex, initialState);

		BOOST_FOREACH(const typename CFG::VertexNode &vertex, cfg.vertices()){
			// rose_addr_t lastInsnAddr =
			//	SageInterface::querySubTree<SgAsmInstruction>(vertex.value()).back()->get_address();
			TaintedFlow::StatePtr state = taintAnalysis.getFinalState(vertex.id());
			std :: cout << *state << std :: endl;

		// print 'variables' of function

		// BOOST_FOREACH(const DataFlow::Variable &variable, taintAnalysis.variables() )
		//	std :: cout << variable << std :: endl;
