Exemplo n.º 1
void StaticConstructorTraversal::visit(SgNode *n) {

  // Get declared variables
  SgInitializedName *vName = isSgInitializedName(n);

  if (vName && !isAcreIgnore(vName->get_declaration())) {
    Sg_File_Info *fInfo = vName->get_file_info();
    SgScopeStatement *scope = vName->get_scope();
    // Find global variables (variables in namespaces count, e.g. std)
    if (!fInfo->isCompilerGenerated() && (isSgGlobal(scope) || isSgNamespaceDefinitionStatement(scope))) {

      // Walk typedefs until reach pointer to base type  
      SgTypedefType *tdType = isSgTypedefType(vName->get_type());
      while (tdType && isSgTypedefType(tdType->get_base_type())) 
        tdType = isSgTypedefType(tdType->get_base_type());
      // Determine if type is a class (i.e. type with a constructor)
      SgClassType *cType = isSgClassType(vName->get_type());
      if (tdType)
        cType = isSgClassType(tdType->get_base_type());
      // Output location of globals with a static constructor
      if (cType) {
        *out << "Static Constructor Violation: " << fInfo->get_filename() << " @ " << fInfo->get_line() << "\n";
Exemplo n.º 2
  // Count the load and store bytes for the 
  // I think we can only return expressions to calculate the value, not the actual values,
  // since sizeof(type) is machine dependent
  //   Consider both scalar and  array accesses by default. Consider both floating point and integer types by default.
  // return a pair of expressions:  
  //       load_byte_exp, and 
  //       store_byte_exp
  // Algorithm: 
  //    1.  Call side effect analysis to find read/write variables, some reference may trigger both read and write accesses
  //        Accesses to the same array/scalar variable are grouped into one read (or write) access
  //         e.g. array[i][j],  array[i][j+1],  array[i][j-1], etc are counted a single access
  //    2.  Group accesses based on the types (same type?  increment the same counter to shorten expression length)
  //    4.  Iterate on the results to generate expression like  2*sizeof(float) + 5* sizeof(double)
  // As an approximate, we use simple analysis here assuming no function calls.
  std::pair <SgExpression*, SgExpression*> CountLoadStoreBytes (SgLocatedNode* input, bool includeScalars /* = true */, bool includeIntType /* = true */)
    std::pair <SgExpression*, SgExpression*> result; 
    assert (input != NULL);
   // the input is essentially the loop body, a scope statement
    SgScopeStatement* scope = isSgScopeStatement(input);

    // We need to record the associated loop info.
    //SgStatement* loop= NULL;
    SgForStatement* forloop = isSgForStatement(scope->get_scope());
    SgFortranDo* doloop = isSgFortranDo(scope->get_scope());

    if (forloop)
      //loop = forloop;
    else if (doloop)
      //loop = doloop;
      cerr<<"Error in CountLoadStoreBytes (): input is not loop body type:"<< input->class_name()<<endl;

    //Plan A: use and extend Qing's side effect analysis
    std::set<SgInitializedName*> readVars;
    std::set<SgInitializedName*> writeVars;

    bool success = SageInterface::collectReadWriteVariables (isSgStatement(input), readVars, writeVars);
    if (success!= true)
       cout<<"Warning: CountLoadStoreBytes(): failed to collect load/store, mostly due to existence of function calls inside of loop body @ "<<input->get_file_info()->get_line()<<endl;

    std::set<SgInitializedName*>::iterator it;
    if (debug)
      cout<<"debug: found read variables (SgInitializedName) count = "<<readVars.size()<<endl;
    for (it=readVars.begin(); it!=readVars.end(); it++)
      SgInitializedName* iname = (*it);
      if (debug)
        cout<<scalar_or_array (iname->get_type()) <<" "<<iname->get_name()<<"@"<<iname->get_file_info()->get_line()<<endl;

    if (!includeScalars )
      readVars =  filterVariables (readVars);
    if (debug)
      cout<<"debug: found write variables (SgInitializedName) count = "<<writeVars.size()<<endl;
    for (it=writeVars.begin(); it!=writeVars.end(); it++)
      SgInitializedName* iname = (*it);
      if (debug)
        cout<<scalar_or_array(iname->get_type()) <<" "<<iname->get_name()<<"@"<<iname->get_file_info()->get_line()<<endl;
    if (!includeScalars )
      writeVars =  filterVariables (writeVars);
    result.first =  calculateBytes (readVars, scope, true);
    result.second =  calculateBytes (writeVars, scope, false);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
FixupTemplateArguments::visit ( SgNode* node )
     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);

     SgVariableDeclaration* variableDeclaration = isSgVariableDeclaration(node);
     if (variableDeclaration != NULL)
       // Check the type of the variable declaration, and any template arguments if it is a template type with template arguments.
       // SgType* type = variableDeclaration->get_type();
       // ROSE_ASSERT(type != NULL);
          SgInitializedName* initializedName = SageInterface::getFirstInitializedName(variableDeclaration);
          ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName != NULL);
          SgType* type = initializedName->get_type();
          ROSE_ASSERT(type != NULL);
#if 0
          printf ("\n**************************************************************************** \n");
          printf ("FixupTemplateArguments::visit(): variableDeclaration = %p = %s initializedName = %s \n",variableDeclaration,variableDeclaration->class_name().c_str(),initializedName->get_name().str());
          printf ("   --- type = %p = %s \n",type,type->class_name().c_str());
          string filename = initializedName->get_file_info()->get_filename();
          int linenumber  = initializedName->get_file_info()->get_line();
          printf ("   --- filename = %s line = %d \n",filename.c_str(),linenumber);
          SgScopeStatement* targetScope = variableDeclaration->get_scope();
          ROSE_ASSERT(targetScope != NULL);
#if 0
          printf ("In FixupTemplateArguments::visit(): targetScope for variableDeclaration = %p = %s \n",targetScope,targetScope->class_name().c_str());

       // DQ (2/16/2017): Don't process code in template instantiations.
          SgTemplateInstantiationDefn*               templateInstantiationDefn              = isSgTemplateInstantiationDefn(targetScope);
          SgFunctionDeclaration*                     functionDeclaration                    = TransformationSupport::getFunctionDeclaration(targetScope);
          SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl*       templateInstantiationFunctionDec       = isSgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl(functionDeclaration);
          SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl* templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDec = isSgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl(functionDeclaration);
       // if (templateInstantiationDefn == NULL)
          if (templateInstantiationDefn == NULL && templateInstantiationFunctionDec == NULL && templateInstantiationMemberFunctionDec == NULL)
#if 1
            // DQ (2/15/2017): When this is run, we cause transformations that cause ROSE to have an infinte loop.
            // Since this is a second (redundant) invocaion, we likely should just not run this.  But it is not 
            // clear if this truely fixes the problem that I am seeing.
               bool result = contains_private_type(type,targetScope);

            // DQ (3/25/2017): Added a trivial use to eliminate Clang warning about the return value not being used.
            // But it might be that we should not run the function, however this is a complex subject from last month 
            // that I don't wish to revisit at the moment while being focused om eliminating warnings from Clang.
               ROSE_ASSERT(result == true || result == false);
#if 0
               if (result == true)
                    printf ("******** contains private type: variableDeclaration = %p = %s initializedName = %s \n",variableDeclaration,variableDeclaration->class_name().c_str(),initializedName->get_name().str());
#if 0
          printf ("DONE: FixupTemplateArguments::visit(): variableDeclaration = %p = %s initializedName = %s \n",variableDeclaration,variableDeclaration->class_name().c_str(),initializedName->get_name().str());
#if 0
          printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");
Exemplo n.º 4
visitorTraversal::visit(SgNode* n)
     SgFile* file = isSgFile(n);
     if (file != NULL)
          filename = file->get_sourceFileNameWithPath();

  // On each statement node and output it's position.
     SgStatement* statement = isSgStatement(n);

     bool outputStatement = (statement != NULL) ? true : false;

  // Check for the statement to exist in the input source file
     outputStatement = outputStatement && (statement->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() == filename);

  // Skip SgGlobal IR nodes
     outputStatement = outputStatement && (isSgGlobal(statement) == NULL);

     if (outputStatement == true)
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = statement->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

          if (comments != NULL)
            // printf ("Found attached comments (to IR node at %p of type: %s): \n",statement,statement->class_name().c_str());
            // int counter = 0;
               AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
               for (i = comments->begin(); i != comments->end(); i++)
#if 0
                    printf ("          Attached Comment #%d in file %s (relativePosition=%s): classification %s :\n%s\n",
                         ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",

                 // Mark comments and CPP directives a few different colors.
                    int startingLineNumber   = (*i)->get_file_info()->get_line();
                    int startingColumnNumber = (*i)->get_file_info()->get_col();

                 // Subtract 1 from number of lines to avoid over counting the current line.
                    int endingLineNumber = startingLineNumber + ((*i)->getNumberOfLines() - 1);
                    int endingColumnNumber = (*i)->getColumnNumberOfEndOfString();

                    string color = directiveTypeColor((*i)->getTypeOfDirective());
#if 0
                    printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d\n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber);
                    dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;
            // printf ("No attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",statement,statement->sage_class_name());

          ROSE_ASSERT(statement->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int startingLineNumber   = statement->get_startOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int startingColumnNumber = statement->get_startOfConstruct()->get_col();
          if (statement->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL)
               printf ("Error: statement->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL (statement = %p = %s) \n",statement,statement->class_name().c_str());
          ROSE_ASSERT(statement->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int endingLineNumber     = statement->get_endOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int endingColumnNumber   = statement->get_endOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // Catch errors (likely compiler generate IR node or NULL file)
          if (endingLineNumber == 0)
               endingLineNumber   = startingLineNumber;
               endingColumnNumber = startingColumnNumber;
#if 0
       // Mark all statements blue
          string color = "blue";
          if (isSgScopeStatement(statement) != NULL)
             color = "red";
          string color = nodeColor(statement);
#if 0
          printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d  %s = %p \n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber,statement->class_name().c_str(),statement);
          dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;


  // On each statement node and output it's position.
     SgExpression* expression = isSgExpression(n);

     bool outputExpression = (expression != NULL) ? true : false;

  // Check for the statement to exist in the input source file
     outputExpression = outputExpression && (expression->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() == filename);

     if (outputExpression == true)
       // Currently we don't attach comments to expressions (as I recall).
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = expression->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
          ROSE_ASSERT(comments == NULL);

          ROSE_ASSERT(expression->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int startingLineNumber   = expression->get_startOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int startingColumnNumber = expression->get_startOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // For expressions I would like to be a bit more tollerant of a few mistakes.
          if (expression->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL)
               printf ("Error: expression->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL (expression = %p = %s) \n",expression,expression->class_name().c_str());
       // ROSE_ASSERT(expression->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int endingLineNumber     = startingLineNumber;
          int endingColumnNumber   = startingColumnNumber;
          if (expression->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL)
               endingLineNumber     = expression->get_endOfConstruct()->get_line();
               endingColumnNumber   = expression->get_endOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // Catch errors (likely compiler generate IR node or NULL file)
          if (endingLineNumber == 0)
               endingLineNumber   = startingLineNumber;
               endingColumnNumber = startingColumnNumber;

          string color = nodeColor(expression);
#if 0
          printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d  %s = %p \n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber,expression->class_name().c_str(),expression);
          dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;


  // On each statement node and output it's position.
     SgInitializedName* initializedName = isSgInitializedName(n);

     bool outputInitializedName = (initializedName != NULL) ? true : false;

  // Check for the statement to exist in the input source file
     outputInitializedName = outputInitializedName && (initializedName->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() == filename);

     if (outputInitializedName == true)
       // Currently we don't attach comments to SgInitializedName IR nodes (as I recall).
       // AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = initializedName->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
       // ROSE_ASSERT(comments == NULL);

          ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int startingLineNumber   = initializedName->get_startOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int startingColumnNumber = initializedName->get_startOfConstruct()->get_col();
#if 0
       // For SgInitializedName I would like to be a bit more tollerant of a few mistakes.
          if (initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL)
               printf ("Note: initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL is OK (initializedName = %p = %s) \n",initializedName,initializedName->class_name().c_str());
       // ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int endingLineNumber     = startingLineNumber;
          int endingColumnNumber   = startingColumnNumber;
          if (initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL)
               endingLineNumber     = initializedName->get_endOfConstruct()->get_line();
               endingColumnNumber   = initializedName->get_endOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // Catch errors (likely compiler generate IR node or NULL file)
          if (endingLineNumber == 0)
               endingLineNumber   = startingLineNumber;
               endingColumnNumber = startingColumnNumber;

          string color = nodeColor(initializedName);
#if 0
       // This is redundant I/O for debugging.
          printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d  %s = %p \n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber,initializedName->class_name().c_str(),initializedName);
          dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;

Exemplo n.º 5
DetectionTraversal::evaluateInheritedAttribute (SgNode* astNode, Detection_InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute )
#if 0
     printf ("In DetectionTraversal::evaluateInheritedAttribute(): astNode = %p = %s \n",astNode,astNode->class_name().c_str());

  // DQ (2/3/2016): Recognize IR nodes that are representative of target DSL abstractions.
     bool foundTargetDslAbstraction = DSL_Support::isDslAbstraction(astNode);

#if 1
     printf ("In DetectionTraversal::evaluateInheritedAttribute(): astNode = %p = %s: foundTargetDslAbstraction = %s \n",astNode,astNode->class_name().c_str(),foundTargetDslAbstraction ? "true" : "false");

#if 0
  // OLD CODE (represented by DSL_Support::isDslAbstraction() function).

  // Detection of stencil declaration and stencil operator.
  // Where the stencil specification is using std::vectors as parameters to the constructor, we have to first
  // find the stencil declaration and read the associated SgVarRefExp to get the variable names used.  
  // Then a finite state machine can be constructed for each of the input variables so that we can 
  // interpret the state when the stencil operator is constructed.
     SgVariableDeclaration* variableDeclaration = isSgVariableDeclaration(astNode);
     if (variableDeclaration != NULL)
       // Get the SgInitializedName from the SgVariableDeclaration.
          SgInitializedName* initializedName = SageInterface::getFirstInitializedName(variableDeclaration);

          SgType* base_type = initializedName->get_type()->findBaseType();
          ROSE_ASSERT(base_type != NULL);

       // SgClassType* classType = isSgClassType(initializedName->get_type());
          SgClassType* classType = isSgClassType(base_type);

          if (classType != NULL)
#if 1
               printf ("In DetectionTraversal::evaluateInheritedAttribute(): case SgClassType: class name = %s \n",classType->get_name().str());
            // Check if this is associated with a template instantiation.
               SgTemplateInstantiationDecl* templateInstantiationDecl = isSgTemplateInstantiationDecl(classType->get_declaration());
               if (templateInstantiationDecl != NULL)
#if 1
                    printf ("case SgTemplateInstaiationDecl: class name = %s \n",classType->get_name().str());
                    printf ("case SgTemplateInstaiationDecl: templateInstantiationDecl->get_templateName() = %s \n",templateInstantiationDecl->get_templateName().str());
                 // inheritedAttribute.set_StencilDeclaration(templateInstantiationDecl->get_templateName() == "Stencil");
                 // inheritedAttribute.set_StencilOperatorDeclaration(templateInstantiationDecl->get_templateName() == "StencilOperator");

                    if (templateInstantiationDecl->get_templateName() == "Stencil")
                      // DQ (2/8/2015): Ignore compiler generated IR nodes (from template instantiations, etc.).
                      // Note that simpleCNS.cpp generates one of these from it's use of the tuple template and associated template instantations.

                      // DQ: Test the DSL support.
                         ROSE_ASSERT(isMatchingClassType(classType,"Stencil",true) == true);


                         if (initializedName->isCompilerGenerated() == false)
                           // Save the SgInitializedName associated with the stencil.
                           // stencilInitializedNameList.push_back(initializedName);
                           // inheritedAttribute.set_StencilDeclaration(true);
                           // foundStencilVariable = true;
#if 1
                              printf ("Detected Stencil<> typed variable: initializedName = %p name = %s \n",initializedName,initializedName->get_name().str());
                           // printf ("   --- stencilInitializedNameList.size() = %zu \n",stencilInitializedNameList.size());
#if 1
                              initializedName->get_file_info()->display("In DetectionTraversal::evaluateInheritedAttribute(): initializedName : debug");
#if 0
                              Stencil_Attribute* dslAttribute = new Stencil_Attribute();
#if 1
                              printf ("Adding (Stencil) dslAttribute = %p \n",dslAttribute);
                              ROSE_ASSERT(dslAttribute != NULL);

                           // virtual void addNewAttribute (std::string s, AstAttribute *a);   

               SgClassDeclaration* classDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(classType->get_declaration());
               if (classDeclaration != NULL)
                    if (classDeclaration->get_name() == "Point")
                      // Save the SgInitializedName associated with the Point type.
#if 0
                         printf ("Detected Point<> typed variable: initializedName = %p name = %s \n",initializedName,initializedName->get_name().str());

                         if (initializedName->isCompilerGenerated() == false)
                           // pointInitializedNameList.push_back(initializedName);
#if 0
                              Point_Attribute* dslAttribute = new Point_Attribute();
                              printf ("Adding (Point) dslAttribute = %p \n",dslAttribute);
                              ROSE_ASSERT(dslAttribute != NULL);

                           // virtual void addNewAttribute (std::string s, AstAttribute *a);   

#if 1
     printf ("Leaving DetectionTraversal::evaluateInheritedAttribute(): astNode = %p = %s \n",astNode,astNode->class_name().c_str());

  // Construct the return attribute from the modified input attribute.
     return Detection_InheritedAttribute(inheritedAttribute);