Exemplo n.º 1
AST_Graph::nodePartOfGraph::operator()(pair<SgNode*,std::string>& x)
     result_type functionalReturn;
     functionalReturn.addToGraph = true;
     functionalReturn.DOTOptions = "";
     functionalReturn.DOTLabel      = "";
     SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(x.first);
          Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = locatedNode->get_file_info();
          std::string filename(Rose::utility_stripPathFromFileName(fileInfo->get_filename()));

          if (filename.find("rose_edg_required_macros_and_functions.h") != std::string::npos)
               functionalReturn.addToGraph = false;

          if (fileInfo->isCompilerGenerated()==true)
            // std::cout << "Is compiler generated\n";
               functionalReturn.addToGraph = false;
     return functionalReturn;
Exemplo n.º 2
void StaticConstructorTraversal::visit(SgNode *n) {

  // Get declared variables
  SgInitializedName *vName = isSgInitializedName(n);

  if (vName && !isAcreIgnore(vName->get_declaration())) {
    Sg_File_Info *fInfo = vName->get_file_info();
    SgScopeStatement *scope = vName->get_scope();
    // Find global variables (variables in namespaces count, e.g. std)
    if (!fInfo->isCompilerGenerated() && (isSgGlobal(scope) || isSgNamespaceDefinitionStatement(scope))) {

      // Walk typedefs until reach pointer to base type  
      SgTypedefType *tdType = isSgTypedefType(vName->get_type());
      while (tdType && isSgTypedefType(tdType->get_base_type())) 
        tdType = isSgTypedefType(tdType->get_base_type());
      // Determine if type is a class (i.e. type with a constructor)
      SgClassType *cType = isSgClassType(vName->get_type());
      if (tdType)
        cType = isSgClassType(tdType->get_base_type());
      // Output location of globals with a static constructor
      if (cType) {
        *out << "Static Constructor Violation: " << fInfo->get_filename() << " @ " << fInfo->get_line() << "\n";
Exemplo n.º 3
/** Show an error message about a node. */
static void
emit_node_mesg(SgNode *node, const std::string &mesg="")
    Sg_File_Info *loc = isSgLocatedNode(node) ? isSgLocatedNode(node)->get_startOfConstruct() : NULL;
    std::string filename = loc ? loc->get_filenameString() : "__UNKNOWN_FILE__";
    int lno = loc ? loc->get_line() : 0;
    int cno = loc ? loc->get_col() : 0;
    std::cerr <<filename <<":" <<lno <<"." <<cno <<": " <<(mesg.empty() ? "error" : mesg) <<"\n";
Exemplo n.º 4
AstDOTGeneration::evaluateInheritedAttribute(SgNode* node, DOTInheritedAttribute ia)
  // I think this may no longer be required, but I will leave it in place for now

  // printf ("AstDOTGeneration::evaluateInheritedAttribute(): node = %s \n",node->class_name().c_str());

  // We might not want to increment the trace position information for
  // the IR nodes from rose_edg_required_macros_and_functions.h
  // ia.tdbuTracePos = tdbuTrace++;
  // ia.tdTracePos   = tdTrace++;

  // DQ (5/3/2006)
  // We put macros and functions required for GNU compatability in the file: 
  //    rose_edg_required_macros_and_functions.h
  // and we want to avoid generating nodes for these within visualizations of the AST.
  // Once EDG supports these functions (we have collected the onese missed by EDG here)
  // this file will not be required.  We could filter on declaration first to avoid
  // lots of string comparision.  Or use a static pointer to save the first fileInfo
  // from "rose_edg_required_macros_and_functions.h" and then use the 
  // Sg_File_Info::sameFile() function (this reduces to an integer comparision internally).
     Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = node->get_file_info();
     if (fileInfo != NULL)
       // Build factored versions of the rather numerous tests (we are now not 
       // able to rely on short-circuit evaluation which makes the code easier 
       // to debug using valgrind).
          bool isCompilerGeneratedOrPartOfTransformation = fileInfo->isCompilerGenerated();

       // DQ (5/3/2006): All constructs from the rose_edg_required_macros_and_functions.h 
       // file are marked as compiler generated.  These are declarations required for GNU 
       // compatability and we would like to have them be ignored because they should be
       // considered builtin and not explicitly represented.  In a sense this file is special.
       // Not that if we traverse the AST without constraint then we traverse these IR nodes.
          if (isCompilerGeneratedOrPartOfTransformation == true)
               std::string targetFileName      = "rose_edg_required_macros_and_functions.h";
               std::string rawFileName         = node->get_file_info()->get_raw_filename();
               std::string filenameWithoutPath = StringUtility::stripPathFromFileName(rawFileName);
               if (filenameWithoutPath == targetFileName)
                    ia.skipSubTree = true;

  // We might not want to increment the trace position information for
  // the IR nodes from rose_edg_required_macros_and_functions.h
     if (ia.skipSubTree == false)
          ia.tdbuTracePos = tdbuTrace++;
          ia.tdTracePos   = tdTrace++;

     return ia;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, SgNode *node)
     os << node->class_name();
     if (SgLocatedNode *ln = isSgLocatedNode(node))
          Sg_File_Info *fi = ln->get_file_info();
          os << "(" << fi->get_filename() << ":" << fi->get_line() << ":" << fi->get_col() << ") ";
     os << node->unparseToCompleteString();
     return os;
Exemplo n.º 6
// debugging function of a node location
string printPosition(SgNode *node) {
	ostringstream out;
	out << "(";
	Sg_File_Info *startinf  = node->get_startOfConstruct();
	Sg_File_Info   *endinf  = node->get_endOfConstruct();
	if(startinf) out << startinf->get_filename() << ":" << startinf->get_line();
	if(  endinf) {
		out << "- " << startinf->get_filename() << ":" << startinf->get_line();
	out << ") ";
	return out.str();
Exemplo n.º 7
returnFirstOrLastStatementFromCurrentFile ( 
     SgStatement* target,
     const SgStatementPtrList & statementList,
     bool findFirstStatement )
  // printf ("Inside of returnFirstOrLastStatement \n");
  // Find the first statement from the current file being processed
     SgStatement* statement = NULL;
     if (findFirstStatement)
          SgStatementPtrList::const_iterator statementIterator = statementList.begin();
          while (statementIterator != statementList.end())
               statement = *statementIterator;
               ROSE_ASSERT (statement != NULL);
               Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = statement->get_file_info();
               ROSE_ASSERT (fileInfo != NULL);
               string filename = fileInfo->get_filename();
               if (filename == ROSE::getFileNameByTraversalBackToFileNode(target))
                 // printf ("Found the first statement in this file = %s \n",filename.c_str());
                 // printf ("First statement = %s \n",statement->unparseToCompleteString().c_str());
          SgStatementPtrList::const_reverse_iterator statementIterator = statementList.rbegin();
          while (statementIterator != statementList.rend())
               statement = *statementIterator;
               ROSE_ASSERT (statement != NULL);
               Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = statement->get_file_info();
               ROSE_ASSERT (fileInfo != NULL);
               string filename = fileInfo->get_filename();
               if (filename == ROSE::getFileNameByTraversalBackToFileNode(target))
                 // printf ("Found the last statement in this file = %s \n",filename.c_str());
                 // printf ("First statement = %s \n",statement->unparseToCompleteString().c_str());

     ROSE_ASSERT (statement != NULL);
     return statement;
Exemplo n.º 8
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv);

    std::ofstream report_file;
    report_file.open(((*project)[0]->getFileName() + ".report").c_str());
    if (report_file.is_open()) {
        PolyhedralModelisation poly_model;


        std::set<PolyhedralElement *> collection;

        poly_model.collectPolyhedralElement(collection, true, false, true, true, false); // default arguments...

        std::set<PolyhedralElement *>::iterator it;
        for (it = collection.begin(); it != collection.end(); it++) {
            const PolyhedralControl * control = dynamic_cast<const PolyhedralControl *>(*it);
            if (control == NULL) continue;
            SgFunctionDefinition * func_def = isSgFunctionDefinition(control->associated_node);
            if (func_def == NULL) continue;
            SgFunctionDeclaration * func_decl = isSgFunctionDeclaration(func_def->get_declaration());
            if (func_decl == NULL) continue;
            if (!func_decl->get_functionModifier().isCudaKernel()) continue;
            Sg_File_Info * fi = func_def->get_startOfConstruct();
            report_file << "Found: " << func_decl->get_name() << " at " << fi->get_filenameString() << ":" << fi->get_line() << std::endl;
            report_file << "\tStructure:" << std::endl;
            (*it)->print(report_file, "\t\t");
            report_file << std::endl;
            report_file << "\tAccesses:" << std::endl;
            std::set<Access *> accesses;
            std::set<Access *>::iterator it_access;
            for (it_access = accesses.begin(); it_access != accesses.end(); it_access++) {
                (*it_access)->print(report_file, "\t\t");
            report_file << std::endl;
            report_file << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "Cannot open " << (*project)[0]->getFileName() << ".report to save the analysis report..."  << std::endl;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
//The argument to the function is 
filterOnNodes::operator()(filterOnNodes::argument_type x) const
     AST_Graph::FunctionalReturnType returnValue;
     //Determine if the node is to be added to the graph. true=yes
     returnValue.addToGraph = true;
     //set colors etc. for the graph Node
     returnValue.DOTOptions = "shape=polygon,regular=0,URL=\"\\N\",tooltip=\"more info at\\N\",sides=4,peripheries=1,color=\"Blue\",fillcolor=green,fontname=\"7x13bold\",fontcolor=black,style=filled";

     if( isSgProject(x.first) != NULL )
        returnValue.DOTOptions = "shape=ellipse,regular=0,URL=\"\\N\",tooltip=\"more info at\\N\",sides=4,peripheries=1,color=\"Blue\",fillcolor=yellow,fontname=\"7x13bold\",fontcolor=black,style=filled";

     //Filter out SgSymbols from the graph
     if ( isSgSymbol(x.first) != NULL )
          returnValue.addToGraph = false;

     if ( isSgType(x.first) != NULL )
          returnValue.addToGraph = false;

     //Filter out compiler generated nodes
     SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(x.first);
     if ( locatedNode != NULL )
          Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = locatedNode->get_file_info();
          std::string filename(Rose::utility_stripPathFromFileName(fileInfo->get_filename()));

          if (filename.find("rose_edg_macros_and_functions_required_for_gnu.h") != std::string::npos)
               returnValue.addToGraph = false;

          if (fileInfo->isCompilerGenerated()==true)
            // std::cout << "Is compiler generated\n";
               returnValue.addToGraph = false;

     return returnValue;
Exemplo n.º 10
void RoseFileComboBox::setProject(SgProject * proj)
        clear(); //delete all combobox entries



        //Add Entries to the combobox
        for(int i=0; i < project->numberOfFiles(); i++)
                Sg_File_Info * fi = (*project)[i]->get_file_info();

                QFileInfo qFi;
                QVariant fileId (fi->get_file_id());



                std::map< int, std::string > map = fi->get_fileidtoname_map();

                typedef std::map<int,std::string>::iterator MapIter;
                for( MapIter iter = map.begin(); iter != map.end(); ++iter )
                        qFi.setFile( iter->second.c_str());
                        QString dispString;

                        addItem(QString("   ")+dispString,iter->first);
Exemplo n.º 11
#ifndef USE_ROSE
  // If we are using ROSE to compile ROSE source code then the Wave support is not present.
    std::cout << "BEGIN printing node to token map" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "SIZE: " << nodeToTokenMap.size() << std::endl;
    for(map<SgNode*,std::pair<int,int> >::iterator map_it = nodeToTokenMap.begin();
        map_it != nodeToTokenMap.end(); ++map_it   ){
        Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = map_it->first->get_file_info();
        token_type currentBeginToken = tokenStream[map_it->second.first];
        token_type currentEndToken   = tokenStream[map_it->second.second];

        string nodeFilename  = fileInfo->get_filenameString();
        int nodeLine   = fileInfo->get_line();
        int nodeColumn = fileInfo->get_col();  

        std::cout << "Position       of node  is filename " << nodeFilename << " line "  
            << nodeLine << " column " << nodeColumn << std::endl; 

        string beginTokenFilename = currentBeginToken.get_position().get_file().c_str();
        int beginTokenLine   = currentBeginToken.get_position().get_line();
        int beginTokenColumn = currentBeginToken.get_position().get_column();

        std::cout << "Begin position of token is filename " << beginTokenFilename << " line "  
            << beginTokenLine << " column " << beginTokenColumn << std::endl; 

        string endTokenFilename = currentEndToken.get_position().get_file().c_str();
        int endTokenLine   = currentEndToken.get_position().get_line();
        int endTokenColumn = currentEndToken.get_position().get_column();

        std::cout << "End   position of token is filename " << endTokenFilename << " line "  
            << endTokenLine << " column " << endTokenColumn << std::endl; 

        std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "END printing node to token map" << std::endl;   
Exemplo n.º 12
void loopTraversal::visit(SgNode *node) {
    Sg_File_Info *info = NULL;
    SgNode *parent = NULL;

    info = node->get_file_info();

    /* Find code fragment for bottlenecks type 'loop' in C */
    if ((isSgForStatement(node)) &&
        (info->get_line() == globals.linenumber)) {

        /* Found a C loop on the exact line number */
        printf("found a loop on (%s:%d) looking for the parent loop\n",
               info->get_filename(), info->get_line());

        parent = node->get_parent();
        info = parent->get_file_info();

        /* It is a basic block. Who is this basic block's parent? */
        if (NULL != isSgBasicBlock(parent)) {
            parent = parent->get_parent();

        /* Is it a for/do/while? */
        if (isSgForStatement(parent)) {

            /* The parent is a loop */
            printf("parent loop found on (%s:%d)\n", info->get_filename(),

            /* Do the interchange */
            rc = loopInterchange(isSgForStatement(parent), 2, 1);
Exemplo n.º 13
FindSmallestStatements::evaluateInheritedAttribute(SgNode* n, FindSmallestStatementsInh inheritedAttribute)

  //If the node should be consired as a topmost node
  if(inheritedAttribute.inSubtreeOfStatement == false && isSgLocatedNode(n))

    Sg_File_Info*  thisNodePos = n->get_file_info();
#if 0

    std::string pos;

    std::cerr  << "************************\n";
    std::cerr << "NodePosDisp " << n->class_name() << pos <<  std::endl;
    std::cerr  << "************************\n";

    //If positions are the same add to list of statements
      case V_SgExprStatement:
        std::cout << "Skipping this node" << std::endl;
          if( macroCallInfo->get_file_id() == thisNodePos->get_file_id() &&
              macroCallInfo->get_line()    == thisNodePos->get_line()    &&
              macroCallInfo->get_col()     == thisNodePos->get_col()
            if( find_all == false )
              inheritedAttribute.inSubtreeOfStatement = true;



  return inheritedAttribute;
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: traceCPU.C Projeto: 8l/rose
static void RegisterItem(SgFunctionDeclaration *funcDecl, SgBasicBlock *funcBody,
                         SgStatement *stmt, const char *registerFuncName, 
                         SgType *varType, SgVariableDeclaration *var,
                         bool beforeStmt)
   Sg_File_Info *fileInfo ;

   if (!isSgForStatement(stmt))
     fileInfo = stmt->get_file_info() ;
     fileInfo = (beforeStmt ?
                 stmt->get_startOfConstruct() : stmt->get_endOfConstruct()) ;

   SgFunctionCallExp *registerCall = buildFunctionCallExp(
   ) ;
   SgExprStatement *varAssign =
      buildExprStatement(buildAssignOp(buildVarRefExp(var), registerCall)) ;

   SgExpression *varEqualZero =
      buildEqualityOp(buildVarRefExp(var), buildIntVal(0)) ;
   SgIfStmt *statement = buildIfStmt( varEqualZero, varAssign, NULL ) ;
   stmt->get_scope()->insert_statement(stmt, statement, beforeStmt) ;

   return ;
Exemplo n.º 15
AstPDFGeneration_private::get_bookmark_name(SgNode* node)
     string nodefilename="--not initialized--";
     string bookmarktext;
          ostringstream ss;
          ss << node->sage_class_name() << " ";
          SgLocatedNode* sgLocNode = dynamic_cast<SgLocatedNode*> (node);
               Sg_File_Info* fi = sgLocNode->get_file_info();
                 // ss << "(" << fi->get_line() << "," << fi->get_col() << ") in \"" << fi->get_filename() << "\"";
                 // nodefilename=string(fi->get_filename());
#if 1      
                //  if (fi->isCompilerGenerated())
                //    ss << " compilerGenerated "; 
                  if (fi->isTransformation())
                      ss << " transformation " ;
                  if (fi->isOutputInCodeGeneration())   
                       ss<< " unparsable ";
                    ss << "(" << fi->get_line() << "," << fi->get_col() << ") in \"" << fi->get_filename() << "\"";
                    ss << "(BUG)";
               ss << ""; // provide no explicit info about the lack of file_info

      return bookmarktext;
Exemplo n.º 16
/* recommenderTraversal::visit */
void recommenderTraversal::visit(SgNode *node) {
    Sg_File_Info *info = NULL;
    SgFunctionDefinition *function = NULL;
    SgForStatement *c_loop = NULL;
    SgNode *grandparent = NULL;
    SgNode *parent = NULL;
    int node_found = 0;

    info = node->get_file_info();

    /* Find code fragment for bottlenecks type 'loop' in C */
    if ((isSgForStatement(node)) && (info->get_line() == fragment->line)
        && (PERFEXPERT_HOTSPOT_LOOP == fragment->type)) {

        /* Found a C loop on the exact line number */
        OUTPUT_VERBOSE((8, "         [loop] %s (line %d)",
            _GREEN((char *)"found"), info->get_line()));

        /* Extract the loop fragment */
        if (PERFEXPERT_SUCCESS != output_fragment(node, info, fragment)) {
            OUTPUT(("%s", _ERROR((char *)"extracting fragment")));
            rc = PERFEXPERT_ERROR;

        /* Save the fragment path and filename */
        PERFEXPERT_ALLOC(char, fragment->fragment_file, (strlen(globals.workdir)
            + strlen(FRAGMENTS_DIR) + strlen(fragment->file) + 15));
        sprintf(fragment->fragment_file, "%s/%s/%s_%d", globals.workdir,
            FRAGMENTS_DIR, fragment->file, fragment->line);

        /* What is the loop detph and who is parent node */
        if (2 <= fragment->depth) {
            parent = node->get_parent();

            /* It is a basic block. Who is this basic block's parent? */
            if (NULL != isSgBasicBlock(parent)) {
                parent = parent->get_parent();

            /* Is it a for/do/while? */
            if (isSgForStatement(parent)) {
                info = parent->get_file_info();
                fragment->outer_loop_line = info->get_line();

                /* The parent is a loop */
                OUTPUT_VERBOSE((8, "         [parent loop] %s (line %d)",
                    _GREEN((char *)"found"), fragment->outer_loop_line));

                /* Extract the parent loop fragment */
                if (PERFEXPERT_SUCCESS != output_fragment(parent, info,
                    fragment)) {
                    OUTPUT(("%s", _ERROR((char *)"extracting fragment")));
                    rc = PERFEXPERT_ERROR;

                /* Save the fragment path and filename */
                PERFEXPERT_ALLOC(char, fragment->outer_loop_fragment_file,
                    (strlen(globals.workdir) + strlen(FRAGMENTS_DIR)
                    + strlen(fragment->file) + 15));
                sprintf(fragment->outer_loop_fragment_file, "%s/%s/%s_%d",
                    globals.workdir, FRAGMENTS_DIR, fragment->file,

                /* What is the loop detph and who is the grandparent node */
                if (3 <= fragment->depth) {
                    grandparent = parent->get_parent();

                    /* It is a basic block. Who is this basic block's parent? */
                    if (NULL != isSgBasicBlock(grandparent)) {
                        grandparent = grandparent->get_parent();

                    /* Is it a for/do/while? */
                    if (isSgForStatement(grandparent)) {
                        info = grandparent->get_file_info();
                        fragment->outer_outer_loop_line = info->get_line();

                        /* The grandparent is a loop */
                        OUTPUT_VERBOSE((8, "   [grandparent loop] %s (line %d)",
                            _GREEN((char *)"found"),

                        /* Extract the parent loop fragment */
                        if (PERFEXPERT_SUCCESS != output_fragment(grandparent,
                            info, fragment)) {
                                _ERROR((char *)"extracting fragment")));
                            rc = PERFEXPERT_ERROR;

                        /* Save the fragment path and filename */
                            (strlen(globals.workdir) + strlen(FRAGMENTS_DIR) +
                            strlen(fragment->file) + 15));
                            "%s/%s/%s_%d", globals.workdir, FRAGMENTS_DIR,
                            fragment->file, fragment->outer_outer_loop_line);
Exemplo n.º 17
AstPDFGeneration_private::edit_page(size_t pageNumber, SgNode* node, PDFInheritedAttribute inheritedValue)
  // JW (added by DQ 7/23/2004): Adds address of each IR node to the top of the page
  HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 1, 0, 0);
  // DQ (1/20/2006): Modified for 64 bit machines
  // ostringstream _ss; _ss << "0x" << std::hex << (int)node;
  ostringstream _ss; 
  _ss << "pointer:" << std::hex << node;
  HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, _ss.str().c_str());

  // Liao, 2/11/2009, move some essential information from bookmark into the page also
  // since some deep levels of bookmarks cannot display long lines properly by acrobat reader
  HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, node->sage_class_name());
  SgLocatedNode* sgLocNode = dynamic_cast<SgLocatedNode*> (node);
    Sg_File_Info* fi = sgLocNode->get_file_info();
    ostringstream temp;
    temp<<fi->get_filename()<<" "<<fi->get_line()<<":"<<fi->get_col();
    if (fi->isTransformation()) 

    if (fi->isOutputInCodeGeneration())   

  if (isSgDeclarationStatement(node))
    HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, ("Declaration mangled name: " + isSgDeclarationStatement(node)->get_mangled_name().getString()).c_str());
#if 0  // not necessary, p_name field gives the similar information   
    if (isSgDeclarationStatement(node)->hasAssociatedSymbol())
      SgSymbol *symbol = isSgDeclarationStatement(node)->get_symbol_from_symbol_table ();
      if (symbol)
        HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, ("Symbol name: " + symbol->get_name().getString()).c_str());

  // JW hack to show expression types
  if (isSgExpression(node))
    HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, ("Expression type: " + isSgExpression(node)->get_type()->unparseToString()).c_str());

  HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0, 1, 0);

  if (inheritedValue.parentPage==NULL)
    HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "");
    HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "      root node");
    HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "");
    HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "     ");
    create_textlink("Click here to go to the parent node", inheritedValue.parentPage, 9);
  HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "");
  HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "");

  // generate RTI information for SgNode
    RTIReturnType rti=node->roseRTI();
    for(RTIReturnType::iterator i=rti.begin(); i<rti.end(); i++)
      if (strlen(i->type) >= 7 &&
          strncmp(i->type, "static ", 7) == 0) {
        continue; // Skip static members
      HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0.5, 0, 0.1);
      HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, i->type);
      HPDF_Page_ShowText(currentPage, " ");
      HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5);
      HPDF_Page_ShowText(currentPage, i->name);
      HPDF_Page_ShowText(currentPage, " : ");
      HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

      string value=i->value;
      if (value.size() >= 80) { // HPDF doesn't like strings > 64k, and we probably shouldn't be trying to print them anyway; this trims things to a reasonable length
        value = "<too long>: " + value.substr(0, 80);
      if (value.size() >= 80) {
        value = "<too long>: " + value.substr(0, 80);
      AstNodeVisitMapping::MappingType::iterator mapit;

      // ensure that mapping value exists (otherwise it would be added to the map)
      // and decide whether to create a link to a page (representing a node) or not
      if (mapit!=addrPageMapping.end())
        size_t destPageNum = mapit->second;
        ROSE_ASSERT (destPageNum < pageDests.size());
        create_textlink(value.c_str(), pageDests[destPageNum] /* targetpage */);

  // generate AstAttribute information
    // printf ("In AstPDFGeneration_private::edit_page(): using new attribute interface \n");
    // if (node->get_attribute() != NULL)
#if 0
    if (node->getAttribute() != NULL)
      AstAttributeMechanism::AttributeIdentifiers aidents = node->attribute().getAttributeIdentifiers();
      PDF_continue_text(pdfFile, ""); // next line
      PDF_setrgbcolor(pdfFile, 0.0, 0.2, 0.7);
      PDF_continue_text(pdfFile, "AstAttributes:"); // next line
      for (AstAttributeMechanism::AttributeIdentifiers::iterator it = aidents.begin(); it != aidents.end(); it++)
        PDF_continue_text(pdfFile, ""); // next line
        PDF_setrgbcolor(pdfFile, 0.0, 0.2, 0.7);
        PDF_show(pdfFile,((*it)+": ").c_str());
        PDF_setrgbcolor(pdfFile, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        // float textxpos=PDF_get_value(pdfFile,"textx",0.0);
        // float textypos=PDF_get_value(pdfFile,"texty",0.0); 
        string attributeValue = (node->attribute()[*it])->toString();

        // split string into different substrings separated by newlines
        string substring="";
        int oldpos=0;
        int newpos;
        do {
          newpos=attributeValue.find('\n', oldpos);
            PDF_show(pdfFile, substring.append("   ").c_str());
            PDF_continue_text(pdfFile, substring.c_str());
          oldpos = newpos+1; // go to next '\n' and skip it
        // DQ (8/9/2005): Suggested fix from Rich (fixes infinite loop where AST Attributes are attached)
        // while( newpos < (int) attributeValue.size());
        while( newpos < (int) attributeValue.size() && newpos >= 0 );
        // PDF_show_boxed(pdfFile, attributeValue.c_str(), textxpos, textypos, 0, 0, "left", "");
    // DQ (4/10/2006): New AstAttribute Interface (but access the AstAttributeMechanism directly 
    // since "getAttributeIdentifiers()" is not in the interface implemented at the IR nodes).
    if (node->get_attributeMechanism() != NULL)
      AstAttributeMechanism::AttributeIdentifiers aidents = node->get_attributeMechanism()->getAttributeIdentifiers();
      HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, ""); // next line
      HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0.0, 0.2, 0.7);
      HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, "AstAttributes:"); // next line
      for (AstAttributeMechanism::AttributeIdentifiers::iterator it = aidents.begin(); it != aidents.end(); it++)
        HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, ""); // next line
        HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0.0, 0.2, 0.7);
        HPDF_Page_ShowText(currentPage,((*it)+": ").c_str());
        HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill(currentPage, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        // float textxpos=PDF_get_value(pdfFile,"textx",0.0);
        // float textypos=PDF_get_value(pdfFile,"texty",0.0); 
        // string attributeValue = (node->attribute()[*it])->toString();
        string attributeValue = node->getAttribute(*it)->toString();

        // split string into different substrings separated by newlines
        string substring="";
        int oldpos=0;
        int newpos;
        do {
          newpos=attributeValue.find('\n', oldpos);
            HPDF_Page_ShowText(currentPage, substring.append("   ").c_str());
            HPDF_Page_ShowTextNextLine(currentPage, substring.c_str());
          oldpos = newpos+1; // go to next '\n' and skip it
        // DQ (8/9/2005): Suggested fix from Rich (fixes infinite loop where AST Attributes are attached)
        // while( newpos < (int) attributeValue.size());
        while( newpos < (int) attributeValue.size() && newpos >= 0 );
        // PDF_show_boxed(pdfFile, attributeValue.c_str(), textxpos, textypos, 0, 0, "left", "");
    } // end if 

Exemplo n.º 18
static std::string
sourcePositionInformation (SgNode* node)
  // DQ (8/31/2013): Adding source position information for DOT output.
     string ss;

     SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(node);
     if (locatedNode != NULL)
          Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = locatedNode->get_file_info();
          if (fileInfo != NULL)
               bool hasSpecialMode = false;
               if (fileInfo->isCompilerGenerated() == true)
                    ss += "compiler generated\\n";
                    hasSpecialMode = true;
                    if (fileInfo->isFrontendSpecific() == true)
                         ss += "front-end specific\\n";
                         hasSpecialMode = true;
                         if (fileInfo->isTransformation() == true)
                              ss += "is part of transformation\\n";
                              hasSpecialMode = true;
                           // ss += "???\\n";

               if (hasSpecialMode == true)
                    if (fileInfo->isOutputInCodeGeneration() == true)
                         ss += "IS output in generated code\\n";
                         ss += "is NOT output in generated code\\n";
                 // DQ (9/1/2013): Name a few cases were we want to output the end of the IR node construct's source position range.
                 // bool outputEndOfConstruct = (isSgAggregateInitializer(node) != NULL || isSgScopeStatement(node) != NULL);
                    bool outputEndOfConstruct = true; // (isSgAggregateInitializer(node) != NULL || isSgStatement(node) != NULL);

                    if (outputEndOfConstruct == true)
                      // Output the end of the range represented by the IR node's source position.
                         ss += generateFileLineColumnString(locatedNode->get_startOfConstruct());
                         ss += generateFileLineColumnString(locatedNode->get_endOfConstruct());
                      // For an SgStatement this is the startOfConstruct, but for an SgExpression this is the operator position (or sometimes equal to the startOfConstruct).
                         ss += generateFileLineColumnString(fileInfo);
               ss += "no source position available\\n";
       // DQ (9/1/2013): We could handle the source position of some other IR nodes (e.g. output name of the file for SgFile).
          SgFile* file = isSgFile(node);
          if (file != NULL)
               ROSE_ASSERT(file->get_file_info() != NULL);
               ss += generateFileLineColumnString(file->get_file_info());

     return ss;
InsertFortranContainsStatement::visit ( SgNode* node )
  // DQ (10/3/2008): This bug in OFP is now fixed so no fixup is required.
     printf ("Error: fixup of contains statement no longer required. \n");

  // DQ (11/24/2007): Output the current IR node for debugging the traversal of the Fortran AST.
     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);
#if 0
     Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = node->get_file_info();

     printf ("node = %s fileInfo = %p \n",node->class_name().c_str(),fileInfo);
     if (fileInfo != NULL)
          bool isCompilerGenerated = fileInfo->isCompilerGenerated();
          std::string filename = fileInfo->get_filenameString();
          int line_number = fileInfo->get_line();
          int column_number = fileInfo->get_line();

          printf ("--- isCompilerGenerated = %s position = %d:%d filename = %s \n",isCompilerGenerated ? "true" : "false",line_number,column_number,filename.c_str());

     SgFunctionDefinition* functionDefinition = isSgFunctionDefinition(node);

  // This is for handling where CONTAINS is required in a function
     if (functionDefinition != NULL)
          SgBasicBlock* block = functionDefinition->get_body();
          SgStatementPtrList & statementList = block->get_statements();
          SgStatementPtrList::iterator i = statementList.begin();

          bool firstFunctionDeclaration = false;
          bool functionDeclarationSeen  = false;

          while (i != statementList.end() && firstFunctionDeclaration == false)
               SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration(*i);

            // DQ (1/20/2008): Note that entry statements should not cause introduction of a contains statement!
               if (isSgEntryStatement(functionDeclaration) != NULL)
                    functionDeclaration = NULL;

               if (functionDeclaration != NULL)
                    firstFunctionDeclaration = functionDeclarationSeen == false;
                    functionDeclarationSeen  = true;

                    if (firstFunctionDeclaration == true)
                      // Insert a CONTAINS statement.
                      // printf ("Building a contains statement (in function) \n");
                         SgContainsStatement* containsStatement = new SgContainsStatement();

                         ROSE_ASSERT(containsStatement->get_parent() != NULL);


#if 0
  // OFP now has better support for the CONTAINS statement so this code is not longer required.

  // The use of CONTAINS in modules appears to be handled by OFP, so no fixup is required.
     SgClassDefinition* classDefinition = isSgClassDefinition(node);

  // This is for handling where CONTAINS is required in a module
     if (classDefinition != NULL)
          SgDeclarationStatementPtrList & statementList = classDefinition->get_members();
          SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator i = statementList.begin();

          bool firstFunctionDeclaration = false;
          bool functionDeclarationSeen  = false;

          while (i != statementList.end() && firstFunctionDeclaration == false)
               printf ("InsertFortranContainsStatement: *i in statementList in module = %p = %s \n",*i,(*i)->class_name().c_str());

               SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration(*i);
               if (functionDeclaration != NULL)
                    firstFunctionDeclaration = functionDeclarationSeen == false;
                    functionDeclarationSeen  = true;

                    if (firstFunctionDeclaration == true)
                      // Insert a CONTAINS statement.
                      // printf ("Building a contains statement (in module) \n");
                         SgContainsStatement* containsStatement = new SgContainsStatement();

                      // This insert function does not set the parent (unlike for SgBasicBlock)
                         ROSE_ASSERT(containsStatement->get_parent() != NULL);

Exemplo n.º 20
AstTextAttributesHandling::visit(SgNode* node)
    ROSE_ASSERT (node != NULL);
#if 0
    printf ("In AstTextAttributesHandling::visit(%p): node = %s \n",node,node->sage_class_name());

    // DQ (2/20/2007): Don't add attributes to expliclt share IR nodes (from the AST merge).  These IR nodes are
    // explicitly marked as shared and a different from SgType IR nodes which can be shared have not Sg_File_Info
    // object and so cannot be explicitly makred when they are shared.
    bool markedAsShared = false;
    Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = node->get_file_info();
    if (fileInfo != NULL && fileInfo->isShared() == true)
        markedAsShared = true;

    // Only apply this test to IR nodes that are not marked as shared (sharedIR nodes would fail the test by design)
    // if (!dynamic_cast<SgType*>(node) || !dynamic_cast<SgTypedefSeq*>(node))
    if ( (!dynamic_cast<SgType*>(node) || !dynamic_cast<SgTypedefSeq*>(node)) && (markedAsShared == false) )
        case M_set:
            // DQ (1/2/2006): Use the new attribute interface
            // printf ("In AstTextAttributesHandling::visit() set: using new attribute interface \n");

            // DQ (4/10/2006): We only test this on statements (since not all IR nodes have the attribute mechanism defined)
            // SgStatement* statement = dynamic_cast<SgStatement*>(node);
            // if (statement != NULL)

            node->addNewAttribute("test1", new AstTextAttribute("value1") );
            node->addNewAttribute("test2", new AstTextAttribute("value2: newline follows here:\nThis is the 2nd line of value 2.\nThis is the 3rd line of value 2.") );
            node->addNewAttribute("test3", new AstTextAttribute("value3") );

            if (dynamic_cast<SgStatement*>(node))
                node->addNewAttribute("source", new AstTextAttribute( node->unparseToString() ) );
                // node->addNewAttribute("source", new AstTextAttribute( "node->unparseToString()" ) );
                node->addNewAttribute("source", new AstTextAttribute("-- undefined --") );

        case M_remove:
            // DQ (1/2/2006): Use the new attribute interface
            // printf ("In AstTextAttributesHandling::visit() remove: using new attribute interface \n");

            // DQ (4/10/2006): We only test this on statements (since not allIR nodes have the attribute mechanism defined)
            // SgStatement* statement = dynamic_cast<SgStatement*>(node);
            // if (statement != NULL)


            cerr << "error: undefined mode in AstTextAttributesHandling." << endl;

            // DQ (9/5/2006): Added assertion to make default case fail!
Exemplo n.º 21
MarkLhsValues::visit(SgNode* node)
  // DQ (1/19/2008): Fixup the get_lvalue() member function which is common on expressions.
  // printf ("In TestLValueExpressions::visit(): node = %s \n",node->class_name().c_str());

     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);
#if 0
     Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = node->get_file_info();

     printf ("In MarkLhsValues::visit(): node = %s fileInfo = %p \n",node->class_name().c_str(),fileInfo);
     if (fileInfo != NULL)
          bool isCompilerGenerated = fileInfo->isCompilerGenerated();
          std::string filename = fileInfo->get_filenameString();
          int line_number = fileInfo->get_line();
          int column_number = fileInfo->get_line();

          printf ("--- isCompilerGenerated = %s position = %d:%d filename = %s \n",isCompilerGenerated ? "true" : "false",line_number,column_number,filename.c_str());

  // This function most often sets the SgVarRefExp which appears as an lhs operand in a limited set of binary operators.

     SgExpression* expression = isSgExpression(node);
     if (expression != NULL)
#if 0
          printf ("MarkLhsValues::visit(): calling expression->get_lvalue() on expression = %p = %s \n",expression,expression->class_name().c_str());
          SgBinaryOp* binaryOperator = isSgBinaryOp(expression);

          if (binaryOperator != NULL)
               switch (expression->variantT())
                 // IR nodes that have an l-value (required by C/C++/Fortran standard)
                    case V_SgAssignOp:
                    case V_SgAndAssignOp:
                    case V_SgDivAssignOp:
                    case V_SgIorAssignOp:
                    case V_SgLshiftAssignOp:
                    case V_SgMinusAssignOp:
                    case V_SgModAssignOp:
                    case V_SgMultAssignOp:
                    case V_SgPlusAssignOp:
                    case V_SgRshiftAssignOp:
                    case V_SgXorAssignOp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = binaryOperator->get_lhs_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(lhs != NULL);
                         SgExpression* rhs = binaryOperator->get_rhs_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(rhs != NULL);

                      // This is violated by the ROSE/tests/nonsmoke/functional/roseTests/astInliningTests/pass16.C test code!
                      // ROSE_ASSERT(lhs->get_lvalue() == true);

                      // This is a value that I know has to be set, the AST generation in EDG/Sage and OFP/Sage
                      // sets this properly, but some transformations of the AST do not, so we fix it up here.

                 // These cases are less clear so don't explicitly mark it as an l-value!
                    case V_SgDotExp:
                    case V_SgArrowExp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = binaryOperator->get_lhs_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(lhs != NULL);
                         printf ("L-value test for SgBinaryOp = %s: not clear how to assert value -- lhs->get_lvalue() = %s \n",binaryOperator->class_name().c_str(),lhs->get_lvalue() ? "true" : "false");
                      // ROSE_ASSERT(lhs->get_lvalue() == true);

                 // DQ (10/9/2008): For the Fortran user defined operator, the lhs is not an L-value.
                 // This represents my understanding, because assignment is explicitly handled separately.
                    case V_SgUserDefinedBinaryOp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = binaryOperator->get_lhs_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(lhs != NULL);
                         SgExpression* rhs = binaryOperator->get_rhs_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(rhs != NULL);

                      // This is a value that I know has to be set, the AST generation in EDG/Sage and OFP/Sage
                      // sets this properly, but some transformations of the AST do not, so we fix it up here.

                      // Make sure that the lhs is not an L-value
                         SgExpression* lhs = binaryOperator->get_lhs_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(lhs != NULL);

                         if (lhs->get_lvalue() == true)
                              printf ("Error for lhs = %p = %s = %s in binary expression = %s \n",
                              binaryOperator->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error for lhs: lhs->get_lvalue() == true: debug");

                      // ROSE_ASSERT(lhs->get_lvalue() == false);

               //SgExpression* rhs = binaryOperator->get_rhs_operand();
               // Liao 3/14/2011. This function is called by builders for binary expressions. 
               // These builders can accept empty right hand operands.
               // ROSE_ASSERT(rhs != NULL);

               if (rhs != NULL)
                 if (rhs->get_lvalue() == true)
                    printf ("Error for rhs = %p = %s = %s in binary expression = %s \n",
                    binaryOperator->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error for rhs: rhs->get_lvalue() == true: debug");

            // ROSE_ASSERT(rhs->get_lvalue() == false);
          SgUnaryOp* unaryOperator = isSgUnaryOp(expression);
          if (unaryOperator != NULL)
               switch (expression->variantT())
                 // IR nodes that should have a valid lvalue
                 // What about SgAddressOfOp?
                    case V_SgAddressOfOp: break; // JJW 1/31/2008

                    case V_SgMinusMinusOp:
                    case V_SgPlusPlusOp:
                         SgExpression* operand = unaryOperator->get_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(operand != NULL);

                      // if (operand->get_lvalue() == true)
                         if (operand->get_lvalue() == false)
                              printf ("Error for operand = %p = %s = %s in unary expression (SgMinusMinusOp or SgPlusPlusOp) = %s \n",
                              unaryOperator->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error for operand: operand->get_lvalue() == true: debug");

                      // ROSE_ASSERT(operand->get_lvalue() == false);
                      // ROSE_ASSERT(operand->get_lvalue() == true);

                    case V_SgThrowOp:
                      // Note that the gnu " __throw_exception_again;" can cause a SgThrowOp to now have an operand!
                         SgExpression* operand = unaryOperator->get_operand();
                         if (operand == NULL)
                              printf ("Warning: operand == NULL in SgUnaryOp = %s (likely caused by __throw_exception_again) \n",expression->class_name().c_str());
                           // unaryOperator->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error: operand == NULL in SgUnaryOp: debug");
                      // ROSE_ASSERT(operand != NULL);

                 // DQ (10/9/2008): For the Fortran user defined operator, the operand is not an L-value.
                 // This represents my understanding, because assignment is explicitly handled separately.
                    case V_SgUserDefinedUnaryOp:
                         SgExpression* operand = unaryOperator->get_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(operand != NULL);


                 // Added to address problem on Qing's machine using g++ 4.0.2
                    case V_SgNotOp:

                 // These are where some error occur.  I want to isolate then so that I know the current status of where lvalues are not marked correctly!
                    case V_SgPointerDerefExp:
                    case V_SgCastExp:
                    case V_SgMinusOp:
                    case V_SgBitComplementOp:
                 // case V_SgPlusOp:
                         SgExpression* operand = unaryOperator->get_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(operand != NULL);

                      // Most of the time this is false, we only want to know when it is true
                         if (operand->get_lvalue() == true)
                              printf ("L-value test for SgUnaryOp = %s: not clear how to assert value -- operand->get_lvalue() = %s \n",unaryOperator->class_name().c_str(),operand->get_lvalue() ? "true" : "false");
                           // unaryOperator->get_startOfConstruct()->display("L-value test for SgUnaryOp: operand->get_lvalue() == true: debug");
                      // ROSE_ASSERT(operand->get_lvalue() == false);

                         SgExpression* operand = unaryOperator->get_operand();
                         ROSE_ASSERT(operand != NULL);

                         if (operand->get_lvalue() == true)
                              printf ("Error for operand = %p = %s = %s in unary expression = %s \n",
                              unaryOperator->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error for operand: operand->get_lvalue() == true: debug");

                      // DQ (10/9/2008): What is the date and author for this comment?  Is it fixed now? Was it made into a test code?
                      // Note that this fails for line 206 of file: include/g++_HEADERS/hdrs1/ext/mt_allocator.h
                         ROSE_ASSERT(operand->get_lvalue() == false);
Exemplo n.º 22
visitorTraversal::evaluateInheritedAttribute(SgNode* n, InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute)
    Sg_File_Info* s = n->get_startOfConstruct();
    Sg_File_Info* e = n->get_endOfConstruct();
    Sg_File_Info* f = n->get_file_info();
    for(int x=0; x < inheritedAttribute.depth; ++x) {
        printf(" ");
    if(s != NULL && e != NULL && !isSgLabelStatement(n)) { 
        printf ("%s (%d, %d, %d)->(%d, %d): %s",n->sage_class_name(),s->get_file_id()+1,s->get_raw_line(),s->get_raw_col(),e->get_raw_line(),e->get_raw_col(),  verbose ? n->unparseToString().c_str() : "" );
        if(isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(n)) {
            printf(" [DWARF construct name: %s]", isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(n)->get_name().c_str());
        SgExprStatement * exprStmt = isSgExprStatement(n);
        if(exprStmt != NULL) {
            printf(" [expr type: %s]", exprStmt->get_expression()->sage_class_name());           
            SgFunctionCallExp * fcall = isSgFunctionCallExp(exprStmt->get_expression());
            if(fcall != NULL) {
               SgExpression * funcExpr = fcall->get_function();
               if(funcExpr != NULL) {
                    printf(" [function expr: %s]", funcExpr->class_name().c_str());
               SgFunctionDeclaration * fdecl = fcall->getAssociatedFunctionDeclaration();
               if(fdecl != NULL) {
                    printf(" [called function: %s]", fdecl->get_name().str());
        if(isSgFunctionDeclaration(n)) {
            printf(" [declares function: %s]", isSgFunctionDeclaration(n)->get_name().str());
        SgStatement * sgStmt = isSgStatement(n);
        if(sgStmt != NULL) {
            printf(" [scope: %s, %p]", sgStmt->get_scope()->sage_class_name(), sgStmt->get_scope());
        //SgLabelStatement * lblStmt = isSgLabelStatement(n);
        //if(lblStmt != NULL) {
        //    SgStatement * lblStmt2 = lblStmt->get_statement();
    } else if (f != NULL) {
		SgInitializedName * iname = isSgInitializedName(n);
		if(iname != NULL) {
            SgType* inameType = iname->get_type();
			printf("%s (%d, %d, %d): %s [type: %s", n->sage_class_name(),f->get_file_id()+1,f->get_raw_line(),f->get_raw_col(),n->unparseToString().c_str(),inameType->class_name().c_str());
			SgDeclarationStatement * ds = isSgDeclarationStatement(iname->get_parent());
			if(ds != NULL) {
				if(ds->get_declarationModifier().get_storageModifier().isStatic()) {
					printf(" static");
			SgArrayType * art = isSgArrayType(iname->get_type());
			if(art != NULL) {
				printf(" %d", art->get_rank());
            if(isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(n)) {
                printf(" [DWARF construct name: %s]", isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(n)->get_name().c_str());
            } else {
        	printf("%s (%d, %d, %d): %s", n->sage_class_name(),f->get_file_id()+1,f->get_raw_line(),f->get_raw_col(), verbose ? n->unparseToString().c_str() : "");
    } else {
        printf("%s : %s", n->sage_class_name(), verbose ? n->unparseToString().c_str() : "");
        if(isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(n)) {
            printf(" [DWARF construct name: %s]", isSgAsmDwarfConstruct(n)->get_name().c_str());
    printf(" succ# %lu", n->get_numberOfTraversalSuccessors());
     return InheritedAttribute(inheritedAttribute.depth+1);
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: traceCPU.C Projeto: 8l/rose
static void CreateLoopProbe(SgFunctionDeclaration *funcDecl, SgBasicBlock *funcBody,
                            SgStatement *stmt, int *loopCount)
   SgExpression *lb ;
   SgExpression *ub ;
   SgExpression *step ;
   bool isCanonicalFor = SageInterface::isCanonicalForLoop(stmt, NULL, &lb, &ub, &step) ;

   /* generate loop segment, and iteration information if requested */
   if (countIters && !isCanonicalFor) {
      Sg_File_Info *fileInfo = stmt->get_startOfConstruct() ;
      printf("Non-canonical loop in %s:::%s at line %d\n",
             funcDecl->get_name().str(), fileInfo->get_line()) ;
      SgExpression *its = NULL ;
      if (countIters && isCanonicalFor) {
         bool isDecreasing = false ;
         bool adjustBound = false ;

         SgExpression *high ;
         SgExpression *max ;
         SgExpression *minuend ;
         SgExpression *subtrahend ;

         SgExpression *tmp ;
         SgForStatement* fs = isSgForStatement(stmt) ;
         ROSE_ASSERT(fs) ;
         SgBinaryOp* test = isSgBinaryOp(fs->get_test_expr());
         ROSE_ASSERT(test) ;
         switch (test->variantT())
           case V_SgLessOrEqualOp:
             adjustBound = true ;
           case V_SgLessThanOp:
           case V_SgGreaterOrEqualOp:
             adjustBound = true ;
           case V_SgGreaterThanOp:
//           tmp = lb ;
//           lb = ub ;
//           ub = tmp ;
             isDecreasing = true ;
//         case V_SgNotEqualOp: // Do we really want to allow this != operator ?
//           break;
             /* do nothing */ ;

         if (adjustBound)
            high = buildAddOp(SageInterface::copyExpression(ub),
                              buildIntVal(isDecreasing ? -1 : 1)) ;
            high = SageInterface::copyExpression(ub) ;

         /* if step != const 1, we need to adjust high */
         if (!(isSgIntVal(step) && (isSgIntVal(step)->get_value() == 1))) {
            max = buildAddOp(high,
                             buildSubtractOp(SageInterface::copyExpression(step), buildIntVal(1))) ;
         else {
            max = high ;

         minuend    = max ;
         subtrahend = SageInterface::copyExpression(lb) ;
#if 0
         if (isDecreasing)
            SgExpression *tmp ;
            tmp = minuend ;
            minuend = subtrahend ;
            subtrahend = tmp ;

         /* The control logic is purely to clean up the output, since */
         /* the compiler can do a fine job of folding integer constansts */

         its = buildDivideOp(buildSubtractOp(minuend, subtrahend),
                             SageInterface::copyExpression(step)) ;
#if 0
         if (!(isSgIntVal(step) && (isSgIntVal(step)->get_value() == 1))) {
            its = buildDivideOp(buildSubtractOp(minuend, subtrahend),
                                SageInterface::copyExpression(step)) ;
         else {
            if (!(isSgIntVal(subtrahend) &&
                  (isSgIntVal(subtrahend)->get_value() == 0))) {
               its = buildSubtractOp(minuend, subtrahend) ;
            else {
               its = minuend ;

       /* start loop code fragment */
       SgVariableDeclaration *loopDecl =
         ET_BuildDecl(funcBody, "ET_loop", *loopCount, ETtype, true) ;

       RegisterItem(funcDecl, funcBody, stmt,
                    "ET_RegisterLoop", ETtype, loopDecl, true) ;
       HandleItem(funcBody, stmt, "ET_PushLoopSeqId", buildVarRefExp(loopDecl), true) ;

       /* end loop code fragment */
       HandleItem(funcBody, stmt, "ET_PopLoopSeqId", its, false) ;

       ++(*loopCount) ;
Exemplo n.º 24
void PreAndPostOrderTraversal::preOrderVisit(SgNode* n) {

        SgFunctionDeclaration * dec = isSgFunctionDeclaration(n);
        if (dec != NULL) {
                cout << "Found function declaration " << dec->get_name().getString();
                Sg_File_Info * start = dec->get_startOfConstruct();
                Sg_File_Info * end = dec->get_endOfConstruct();
                if(start->isCompilerGenerated()) {
                        cout << ", which is compiler-generated" << endl;
                } else {
                        cout << " in file " << start->get_raw_filename() << ", " << start->get_file_id() << " from line " << 
                            start->get_line() << ", col " << start->get_col() << " to line " << 
                            end->get_line() << ", col " << end->get_col() << endl;
                SgFunctionType * type = dec->get_type();
                SgType * retType = type->get_return_type();
        cout << "Return type: " << retType->unparseToString() << endl;
        SgFunctionParameterList * params = dec->get_parameterList();
        SgInitializedNamePtrList & ptrList = params->get_args();
        if(!ptrList.empty()) {
            cout << "Parameter types: ";
            for(SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator j = ptrList.begin(); j != ptrList.end(); j++) {
                SgType * pType = (*j)->get_type();
                cout << pType->unparseToString() << " ";
            cout << endl;
        cout << "Linkage: " << dec->get_linkage() << endl;
               cout << endl;

        SgFunctionDefinition * def = isSgFunctionDefinition(n);
        if (def != NULL) {
                cout << "Found function definition " << def->get_declaration()->get_name().getString();
                Sg_File_Info * start = def->get_startOfConstruct();
                Sg_File_Info * end = def->get_endOfConstruct();
                if(start->isCompilerGenerated()) {
                        cout << ", which is compiler-generated" << endl;
                } else {
                        cout << " in file " << start->get_raw_filename() << " from line " << start->get_line() << ", col " << start->get_col() << " to line " << end->get_line() << ", col " << end->get_col() << endl;
                SgBasicBlock * body = def->get_body();
        Sg_File_Info * bodyStart = body->get_startOfConstruct();
        Sg_File_Info * bodyEnd =   body->get_endOfConstruct();
        cout << "Function body from line " << bodyStart->get_line() << ", col " << bodyStart->get_col() << " to line " << bodyEnd->get_line() << ", col " << bodyEnd->get_col() << endl; 
        cout << endl;
Exemplo n.º 25
mergeStaticASTFileInformation(vector<AstFileSpecificInfo*> & AstFileInfoArray)
  // Take care of merging the function type table first.
     vector<SgFunctionTypeTable*> functionTableArray;

     for (size_t i = 0; i < AstFileInfoArray.size(); ++i)

  // Merge the function tables from each AST.
     SgFunctionTypeTable* globalFunctionTypeTable = mergeFunctionTypeSymbolTables (functionTableArray);
     ROSE_ASSERT(globalFunctionTypeTable != NULL);

     map<int,std::string> mergedFileidtoname_map;
     map<std::string,int> mergedNametofileid_map;
     map<int,int> mergedFileidtoid_map;

  // Now merge the file name maps (static information in Sg_File_Info).
  // int maxFilenameIndex = 0;
  // int minFilenameIndex = 100000000;
     for (size_t index = 0; index < AstFileInfoArray.size(); index++)
          map<int,std::string> & fileidtoname_map = AstFileInfoArray[index]->fileidtoname_map;

       // Build a new map of all the possible file names
          for (std::map<int,std::string>::iterator i = fileidtoname_map.begin(); i != fileidtoname_map.end(); i++)
            // printf ("id = %d name = %s \n",i->first,i->second.c_str());

               if (mergedNametofileid_map.count(i->second) == 0)
                    int returnValue = (int)mergedNametofileid_map.size();
#if 0
                    printf ("Adding new name to merged maps id = %d name = %s will use new id = %d \n",i->first,i->second.c_str(),returnValue);
                    mergedNametofileid_map[i->second]   = returnValue;
                    mergedFileidtoname_map[returnValue] = i->second;

                 // We still need the mapping of old ids to new ids for each AST file.
                    mergedFileidtoid_map [i->first] = returnValue;

#if 0
          printf ("Resetting memory pool entries (%d,%d) \n",AstFileInfoArray[index]->baseOfASTFileInfo,AstFileInfoArray[index]->boundOfASTFileInfo);
       // Now iterate over the memory pool of Sg_File _Info objects so that we can reset the file ids.
          for (int i = AstFileInfoArray[index]->baseOfASTFileInfo; i < AstFileInfoArray[index]->boundOfASTFileInfo; i++)
            // Set each id to the new id as specified in mergedFileidtoid_map

            // printf ("Accessing the %d = %lu entry of the Sg_File_Info memory pool. \n",i,(unsigned long) i);
            // printf ("Memory pool size = %lu \n",AST_FILE_IO::getAccumulatedPoolSizeOfNewAst(V_Sg_File_Info));

            // Compute the postion of the indexed Sg_File_Info object in the memory pool.
               unsigned long localIndex = i;
               unsigned long positionInPool = localIndex % Sg_File_Info_CLASS_ALLOCATION_POOL_SIZE ;
               unsigned long memoryBlock    = (localIndex - positionInPool) / Sg_File_Info_CLASS_ALLOCATION_POOL_SIZE;

               Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = &(((Sg_File_Info*)(Sg_File_Info_Memory_Block_List[memoryBlock]))[positionInPool]);

            // $CLASSNAME* $CLASSNAME_getPointerFromGlobalIndex ( unsigned long globalIndex )
            // Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = Sg_File_Info_getPointerFromGlobalIndex((unsigned long) i + 1);
               ROSE_ASSERT(fileInfo != NULL);

               int oldFileId = fileInfo->get_file_id();
               int newFileId = mergedFileidtoid_map[oldFileId];

            // Only reset those file ids that are associated with valid file names. 
            // Values less than zero indicate file name classifications.
               if (oldFileId >= 0 && oldFileId != newFileId)
#if 0
                    printf ("Accessing the %d Exchanging old file id = %d for new file id = %d \n",i,oldFileId,newFileId);
                    fileInfo->set_file_id ( newFileId );

  // Now reset the static maps to use the new mapping.
     Sg_File_Info::get_nametofileid_map() = mergedNametofileid_map;
     Sg_File_Info::get_fileidtoname_map() = mergedFileidtoname_map;

  // DQ (6/21/2010): Fixup the support for builtin types stored as static data in the SgType derived classes.
  // FixupbuiltinTypes(AST_FILE_IO::getAst(i),AST_FILE_IO::getAst(i));
     printf ("In mergeStaticASTFileInformation: SgTypeUnsignedInt::p_builtin_type = %p \n",SgTypeUnsignedInt::createType());

  // Note that GNU g++ 4.2.x allows us to reference "index" out of scope!
  // printf ("maxFilenameIndex = %d minFilenameIndex = %d \n",maxFilenameIndex,minFilenameIndex);